宋银花 李永洲 贺亮亮 章鹏 刘三军
摘 要:中葡萄18号是以无核紫、玫瑰香杂交育种结合无核胚挽救技术选育出的无核晚熟新品种。该品种自然坐果平均单穗质量600 g,平均单粒质量7.3 g,果粒长椭圆形,紫色或紫红色,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)18.0%,总糖含量16.2%,总酸含量3.06 g·kg-1,糖酸比达到54∶1,单宁含量686 mg·kg-1,风味甜香,品质上等。在河南郑州露地栽培成熟期为9月初。该品种树势中庸,适宜避雨栽培。
中图分类号:S663.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2024)06-1243-04
A new seedless late-maturing table grape cultivar Zhongputao No. 18
SONG Yinhua, LI Yongzhou, HE Liangliang, ZHANG Peng, LIU Sanjun*
(Zhengzhou Fruit Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450009, Henan, China)
Abstract: Seedless grape is convenient to eat and easy to make raisins. Because of these characteristics, seedless breeding becomes more and more important. According to this tendency, we have cultivated a new table grape variety Zhongputao No. 18, which is a new seedless and late-ripening table grape cultivar with excellent quality. It was derived from the cross between Wuhezi as the female parent and Muscat Hamburg as the pollen. The cross was made in spring of 2003. By embryo rescue technology, tissue culture seedlings were obtained. Next year the seedlings were cultivated in a greenhouse, and then planted in the nursery. It was initially selected in 2006 for its good quality. After observation for several years, it was characterized by seedless, high quality, good appearance and storage, and mid-resistance. After regional adaptability trial in different sites, it was finally selected in 2018. We applied for the registration as a new cultivar, and it was put on records by the Henan Province Committee for Forest Variety Validation in 2020. Zhongputao No. 18 belongs to Vitis vinifera. The vine vigor is medium, young canes are green with red stripe, mature canes are reddish-brown, canes are round, and the surface of canes has pinstripe. The length of internode is middle, ordinarily 6-11 cm long. Young sprout of growth potential is medium. The young leaves are aubergine, glossy and less villi, mature leaves are heart-shaped, leaf color is green, and leaves are flat and medium thickness. The cultivar has hermaphrodite flower and the first inflorescence is usually borne on the 4th or 5th node. The shape of cluster is conicalness, there is no pair of ear, and the natural fruit bunch weight is 600 g averagely with the length and width being 20 cm and 12 cm, respectively. The bunch is loose and tidy. The berry is purple red and long ellipse, average weight is 7.3 g, and the longitudinal diameter and transverse diameter are 2.1 cm and 1.5 cm, respectively. The berry is crisp with middle juice and pleasant sweetness and sourness. The soluble solids content is 18.0%, total sugar content is 16.2%, and titration acid content is 3.06 g·kg-1. The content of tannin is 686 mg·kg-1, and the content of vitamin C is 5.76 mg·kg-1. The flavor is sweet, and the quality is good. In Zhengzhou area, the time of budbreak is at the beginning of April, and flowering at mid May, and the berries mature at the beginning of September. The yield is about 22.5 tons per hectare. The grapevine has strong pathogen resistance, but has weak resistance to downy mildew. This grape variety has good yield, good storage capacity and high adaptability. In order to produce high quality grape berries, the cultivar can use the Y shape frame and spur pruning technique. This grape behaves well on the sandy soil, clay and alluvium of the Yellow River. Balanced application of both organic and chemical fertilizers is based on every vine germination and development stage. Zhongputao No. 18 has a wide adaptability, which can be cultivated in the most areas of Henan province, and similar climate and geographical areas.
Key words: Seedless grape; New cultivar; Zhongputao No. 18; Late-maturing
1 选育经过
2 主要性状
2.1 植物学特征
中葡萄18号树势中庸偏强,枝条表面有细条纹,节间长度6~11 cm,粗度0.4~0.6 cm。新梢生长势中庸,副梢萌发力、生长力中等偏强。成龄叶平展心形。两性花,自交结实,每个新梢有1~2个花序,第一花序在枝条的第4~5节[5]。
2.2 果实经济性状
中葡萄18号果穗形状圆柱形,果穗无岐肩,无副穗,果穗长度20 cm,宽度12 cm,自然坐果平均单穗质量600 g,果穗疏散,不紧凑。果粒大小均匀,长椭圆形,果皮紫色或紫红色。果粒纵横径2.1 cm×1.5 cm,果粒平均质量7.3 g。果实皮薄,不易剥离,果粉厚。果肉质地脆,无肉囊。果汁无色,汁液较多。果皮没有涩味。果刷较长,抗拉力强。果实无核或残核。果实风味甜香,品质优良。中葡萄18号可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)18.0%(表1),可溶性总糖含量16.2%,每100 g果肉中维生素C含量为5.76 mg,总酸含量3.06 g·kg-1,单宁含量686 mg·kg-1。
2.3 生长结果习性
中葡萄18号幼苗定植在肥沃的土壤中,2~3 a(年)即可进入结果盛期,第3年每666.7 m2产量可以达到2000 kg,形成有效的经济产量。
2.4 主要物候期
2.5 适应性及抗病性
3 栽培技术要点
3.1 建园及种植密度
苗木定植前,采用挖掘机开深、宽60~80 cm的定植沟,表土和心土分开两边放置,晾晒一段时间,沟底先回填小麦、玉米秸秆等有机物、腐熟的猪牛羊粪等,然后放入表土,心土最后填入,浇水下沉。
苗木栽植密度,需要根据当地气候条件,因地制宜选择适宜的架式。冬季寒冷,需要下架埋土防寒的地区,采用篱架和棚架,篱架栽培密度每666.7 m2为150~333株,行株距为(2.0~3.0)m×(1.0~1.5)m;棚架栽培密度每666.7 m2为67~150株,株行距为(1.5~2.1)m×(3.0~5.1)m;冬季葡萄栽培,不需要下架防寒也能安全越冬的地方,采用T形架栽培,栽培密度每666.7 m2为150株,行株距3 m×(1.0~1.5)m。
3.2 整形修剪与花果管理
冬季修剪主要采用2~3芽短梢修剪,及时回缩,更新结果枝蔓,疏除病弱残枝。夏季修剪及时疏除夏芽副梢,除去郁闭枝条,疏除主蔓萌蘖。中葡萄18号芽眼易萌发,枝条容易着生果穗,每一结果枝条平均有1.6穗果,极易丰产。春季风和日丽,大风天气少的地方,可以在开花前对花序进行整理,每个结果枝保留1穗果,初步整成10~15 cm的圆柱形。环境条件相对恶劣的地方,需要结合当地自然条件,适当推迟花穗整理时间。果实膨大后,对果粒进行整理,去除病残畸形果,果实套袋前均匀浸蘸或喷洒抑霉唑、苯醚甲环唑、氟硅唑等药剂,待药剂彻底风干后,即可套袋。转色后及时去袋,铺设反光膜,以便果实充分着色。
3.3 肥水管理
中葡萄18号成花容易,极易丰产,对肥水要求较高。每年10月开沟施入腐熟的有机肥作为基肥,每666.7 m2施3.5~5.0 t;葡萄萌芽前,施入尿素或复合肥;花前花后,施磷酸二铵;果粒转色期间,施入磷酸二氢钾或硫酸钾。果实采收后,根据树相诊断,合理施用叶面肥,可以施用尿素、磷酸二氢钾、微量元素肥料等。
根据葡萄需水明显的阶段特异性,从萌芽到开花需水日渐增加,花后至开始成熟是需水最多的时期,幼果第一次迅速膨大期对水分胁迫最为敏感,进入成熟期后,对水分需求变少、变缓。密切监视土壤墒情,合理浇水,特别是在水分敏感期要保证水分的充足供应。采收前10 d内不宜浇水,以防风味变淡。
3.4 病虫害防治
4 综合评价
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收稿日期:2024-01-04 接受日期:2024-03-25
*通信作者 Author for correspondence. Tel:0371-55906976,E-mail:liusanjun@caas.cn