樊友富 胡威 杨莉 张王妮 刘德春 宋杰 刘勇 匡柳青
摘 要:【目的】明確江西省特色品种马家柚果实贮藏期间有机酸含量的变化规律及柠檬酸积累调控相关基因的表达特征,为筛选出调控贮藏早期柠檬酸含量显著增加的关键基因以及提高贮藏品质提供理论依据。【方法】以贮藏0~150 d的马家柚果实为试材,采用高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定果实内有机酸的含量,利用实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)技术测定柠檬酸合成、转运和降解相关基因的相对表达量。【结果】马家柚果实有机酸含量在贮藏初期(0~40 d)显著上升,并在贮藏40 d时达到最大值,贮藏40~70 d时下降,贮藏70~80 d短暂上升后直至贮藏结束没有明显变化。柠檬酸为果实中最主要的有机酸,且其变化趋势与有机酸变化动态基本一致,而苹果酸、奎宁酸、酒石酸含量极低,并在整个贮藏期变化不明显。对柠檬酸含量显著变化的贮藏期(0~70 d)进行柠檬酸积累调控相关基因的表达分析,发现合成基因CmPEPC1和CmCS1/2表达量在贮藏0~40 d增加,CmPEPC1/2和CmCS2在贮藏40~70 d减少;转运基因CmVHA-c4表达量呈先上升(贮藏0~40 d)后下降(贮藏40~70 d)的趋势,而CmVHP2只在贮藏40~70 d显著下降,CmDIC的变化趋势与二者相反,在贮藏0~40 d逐渐下降。降解基因CmGS2和CmGAD5在贮藏0~40 d期间表达量逐渐减少。【结论】马家柚果实有机酸含量在贮藏期间主要受柠檬酸含量变化的影响,贮藏早期柠檬酸含量显著变化可能受其合成(CmPEPC1/2、CmCS1/2)、转运(CmDIC、CmVHP2、CmVHA-c4)和降解(CmGS2、CmGAD5)相关基因的共同调控。
中图分类号:S666.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1009-9980(2024)03-0448-11
Changes of citrate acid contents and expression of related genes in Majiayou pomelo fruit during room temperature storage
FAN Youfu, HU Wei#, YANG Li, ZHANG Wangni, LIU Dechun, SONG Jie, LIU Yong, KUANG Liuqing*
(School of Agricultural Sciences, Jiangxi Agricultural University, Nanchang 330045, Jiangxi, China)
Abstract: 【Objective】 Majiayou pomelo [Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck] is a local characteristic variety in Guangfeng district, Shangrao City, Jiangxi province. Majiayou pomelo is popular among consumers because of its large fruit size, high nutritional value, unique favor and easy storability. Organic acid is an important component to determine the intrinsic quality of citrus fruit. Excessive or low acid contents will affect the favor and storage performance of citrus fruit. At present, the research on organic acids of Majiayou pomelo fruit mainly focuses on the development process, but the changes of its organic acid and molecular regulation mechanism during postharvest storage are less studied. In this experiment, the contents of organic acid components in Majiayou pomelo pulp during a long storage period (150 d) were determined, and the expression levels of genes regulating citrate acid that was dramatically accumulated at early storage period (0-70 d) were analyzed. The purpose of this study was to clarify the changes of the content and molecular regulation mechanism of citrate acid accumulation at early storage period, so as to provide theoretical basis for identifying key genes regulating citrate acid accumulation and improving storage quality of Majiayou pomelo. 【Methods】 The experiment material was Majiayou pomelo fruit harvested from 12 years old trees. Fruits with the same maturity and size, and without diseases and pests as well as mechanical surface damage were selected for storage at room temperature for 150 days. Samples were taken every 10 days during storage period, and three biological replicates were set for each sample. Three fruits were taken from each replicate for pulp separation, and then quickly frozen in liquid nitrogen. The contents of citric acid, malic acid, quinic acid and tartaric acid in pulp were determined by the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The HPLC test was performed on Shimadzu SPD-M20A with a C18 column (4.6 mm×250 mm, 5 μm) at 30 ℃, the mobile phase was 0.01 mol·L-1 H2SO4 and flow rate was 0.5 mL·min-1. The diode array detector was used for detection at wavelength of 210 nm. Malic acid, citric acid, quinic acid and tartaric acid standards were chromatographically pure. Real-time quantitative fluorescent PCR (qRT-PCR) was used to analyze the relative expression levels of genes related to citric acid synthesis, transport and degradation in Majiayou pomelo pulp after the sample fruits were stored for 0, 20, 40 and 70 days. RNA was extracted with the kit, and the integrity of RNA was detected by the agarose gel electrophoresis. The first cDNA strand was synthesized using the reverse transcription test kit (Cat.#RR047A). RT-qPCR gene expression level was analyzed using SYBR?Preminx Ex TaqTM kit. Three biological replicates were set up for each sample, and the data were analyzed by 2-??Ct method. Finally, the relationship between the change pattern of citric acid content and the expression levels of related genes was analyzed. 【Results】 The organic acids in the pulp of Majiayou pomelo mainly included citric acid, malic acid, tartaric acid and quinic acid, among which citric acid was the most important component, accounting for 73.4% of the total organic acids. With the increase of storage time, the content of total organic acids showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing, that is, it gradually increased to a peak value (7.0 mg·g-1) at 0-40 d, then showed a significant downward trend at 40-70 d, reached a minimum value (3.8 mg·g-1) at 70 d, and then recovered to a stable level at 80 d. The change pattern of citric acid contents was basically consistent with that of the total organic acid contents, which decreased to the lowest value of 2.7 mg·g-1 at 70 d, and did not change significantly until the end of storage (150 d) after a short increase from 70 d to 80 d. The contents of malic acid, quinic acid and tartaric acid changed steadily throughout the storage period. The expression of genes related to citric acid metabolism in the pulp of Majiayou pomelo fruits stored for 0 d, 20 d, 40 d and 70 d was analyzed. The results showed that the expressions of citric acid synthetic genes CmPEPC1 and CmCS1/2 increased at 0 d to 40 d, while CmPEPC1/2 and CmCS2 decreased at 40 d to 70 d. The relative expression of proton pump gene CmVHA-c4 first increased (0 d to 40 d) and then decreased (40 d to 70 d). However, the relative expression of CmVHP2 decreased significantly only from 40 d to 70 d. The relative expression of mitochondrial dicarboxylic acid carrier gene CmDIC decreased gradually from 0 d to 40 d after storage, and there was no significant difference between 40 d and 70 d. The relative expression levels of CmGS2 and CmGAD5 decreased gradually during 0-40 d storage, which was opposite to that of citric acid content, and the difference was not significant at 40 d to 70 d. The expression levels of other genes related to citric acid degradation, such as CmACL1, CmACL3, CmACO3, CmNAD-IDH2, CmNAD-IDH3 and CmGABA-T, were inconsistent with the trend of citric acid degradation. 【Conclusion】 The content of organic acid in Majiayou pomelo pulp was mainly affected by the change of citric acid content during storage, and the significant change of citrate acid content in early storage period may be co-regulated by genes related to its synthesis (CmPEPC1/2 and CmCS1/2), transport (CmDIC, CmVHP2 and CmVHA-c4) and degradation (CmGS2 and CmGAD5).
Key words: Majiayou pomelo; Fruit storage; Citric acid; Gene expression
马家柚[Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck]是江西省上饶市广丰区的地方特色品种,因其果大、营养价值高、独特的香味和耐贮性而广受消费者欢迎,它也是中国首个通过临床验证治疗糖尿病的保健食品[1]。有机酸是决定柑橘类水果内在品质的重要成分。其含量过高或过低都会影响水果的正常风味。柠檬酸是柑橘类水果中的主要有机酸,不同种类的柑橘类水果的柠檬酸含量及其积累模式在贮藏期间存在很大差异[2]。杨岚琪等[3]研究发现湖南新引进的4个宽皮柑橘品种(春见、早蜜椪柑、金秋砂糖橘、春香)和4个甜橙品种(锦红、橘湘珑、锦秀、橘湘元)果实的有机酸含量在整个贮藏过程中均呈下降趋势;李永杰等[4]也发现红美人杂柑果实的有机酸含量在贮藏过程中下降;但汪妮娜等[5]发现三红蜜柚、红肉蜜柚和桂红柚1号在贮藏过程中有机酸含量逐渐上升。
1 材料和方法
1.1 试验材料
马家柚果实采自江西省上饶市广丰区芦林镇果园。选取6株生长势相当、树龄为12年生的枳砧成年结果树,2株为1个生物重复。果实采收时,选择成熟度和大小一致、无病虫害、表面无机械损伤的果实在室温(20±2 ℃)下贮藏,每10 d每个重复取3个果实,果肉用液氮速冻后贮藏于-80 ℃的超低温冰箱中进行后续研究。
1.2 测定指标及方法
1.2.1 有机酸的提取与含量测定 果实中的有机酸的提取参考赵淼等[6]的方法,略作改动。称取4 g左右的果肉样品,加入5.0 mL的80%乙醇,35 ℃水浴20 min,室温下10 000 r·min-1离心15 min,取上清液至25 mL容量瓶,重复提取3次后定容。取1 mL提取液,旋转蒸干后加入1 mL抽滤排气的超纯水溶解,使用一次性注射器吸取后用直径13 mm、孔径0.44 ?m的水系滤头过滤,滤液用于HPLC测定酸组分及含量。
色谱条件为Shim-pack VP-ODS 反相色谱柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm),柱温为30 ℃,流动相为0.01 mol·L-1 H2SO4(0.543 mL浓硫酸定容至1 L,用氢氧化钾调节pH=2.6,抽滤排气后使用),流速为0.5 mL·min-1;进样体积为20 μL。用二极管阵列检器检测PDA(岛津SPD-M20A)(只需氘灯,需要把钨灯关闭);检测波长为210 nm。
1.2.2 RNA的提取和逆转录 采用华越洋试剂盒提取马家柚果肉的RNA,采用琼脂糖凝胶电泳法检测RNA完整性;采用TaKaRa公司的反转录试剂盒(Cat.#RR047A)合成cDNA第一链用于荧光定量分析。反转录体系为5 × PrimeScript Buffer 4 ?L,PrimeScript RT Enzyme MIX Ⅰ 1 ?L,Oligo dT Primer(50 ?mol·L-1)1 ?L,Random 6 mers(100 ?mol·L-1)2 ?L,Total RNA(1 ?g·?L-1)1 ?L,RNase Free ddH2O补齐至20 ?L。cDNA储存于-20 ℃冰箱用于后续试验。
1.2.3 实时荧光定量PCR 相关基因表达水平分析在Bio-Rad CFX 96-PCR仪上进行,试剂来自TaKaRa公司的SYBR?Preminx Ex TaqTM试剂盒,体系为:ddH2O(灭菌蒸馏水)8.0 ?L,SYBR?Preminx Ex Taq 10.0 ?L,PCR Forward Primer(10 ?mol·L-1)0.5 ?L,PCR Reverse Primer(10 ?mol·L-1)0.5 ?L,cDNA 1.0 ?L,总体积20 ?L。内参基因与柠檬酸合成、转运和降解相关基因序列来自马家柚基因组数据库(http://citrus.hzau.edu.cn)[16],引物用Primer 5设计,引物序列见表1。每个样品设置3次生物学重复,利用2-??Ct方法进行数据分析。
1.3 数据统计与分析
使用Microsoft Excel 2010和SPSS Statistic 17.0软件对数据进行整理,显著性分析采用ANOVA式方差分析和Duncan差异显著性检验(p<0.05),使用Origin2018进行图表绘制。
2 结果与分析
2.1 马家柚果实贮藏期间有机酸含量的变化
马家柚果实中有机酸包括柠檬酸、苹果酸、酒石酸和奎宁酸等,其中柠檬酸为最主要的有机酸组分,采收时占总有机酸的73.4%。总有机酸含量(w,后同)随贮藏时间的增加呈现先上升后下降,最后趋于平稳的变化趋势(图1),在贮藏0~40 d(贮藏初期)逐渐上升至峰值(7.0 mg·g-1),随后在贮藏40~70 d时呈明显下降趋势,并在贮藏70 d时为最低值(3.8 mg·g-1),在贮藏80 d时回升至平稳;柠檬酸含量变化趋势与总有机酸含量变化基本保持一致,在贮藏70 d时下降至最低值2.7 mg·g-1,贮藏70~80 d短暂上升后直至贮藏结束(150 d)没有明显变化;而苹果酸、奎宁酸、酒石酸的含量在整个贮藏期变化较为平稳。
2.2 马家柚果实贮藏期柠檬酸合成相关基因表达分析
选择柠檬酸含量显著变化的贮藏0、20、40、70 d马家柚果实进行柠檬酸代谢相关基因的表达分析(图2)。在马家柚果实贮藏过程中,CmPEPC1基因相对表达量在贮藏0~40 d基本呈上升趋势,在贮藏40~70 d时显著降低;CmPEPC2基因相对表达量在贮藏0~40 d 时变化不明显,但在贮藏40~70 d时显著降低;CmCS1基因相对表达量在贮藏开始20 d基本保持不变,在贮藏40 d时显著上升,贮藏40~70 d时没有显著变化;CmCS1在整个贮藏过程中呈现先上升后下降趋势:CmCS2在贮藏第40天时上升至峰值,在贮藏40~70 d时显著下降。以上结果可推测,CmPEPC1和CmCS1/2与贮藏0~40 d柠檬酸含量增加有关,而CmPEPC1/2和CmCS2可能调控了贮藏40~70 d期间柠檬酸和含量的减少。
2.3 马家柚果实贮藏期柠檬酸转运相关基因表达分析
柠檬酸通过多种转运体和质子泵协同作用向液泡中转运。对贮藏0、20、40、70 d马家柚果实进行柠檬酸转运相关基因的表达分析(图3),阳离子质子转运体基因CmCHX的相对表达量在贮藏0~40 d时显著上升,并在贮藏第40天时显著上升至最大值,贮藏40~70 d没有显著差异;线粒体二羧酸载体基因CmDIC相对表达量在贮藏0~40 d逐渐下降,贮藏40~70 d没有显著差异;质子泵基因CmVHA-c4相对表达量呈先上升(贮藏0~40 d)后下降(贮藏40~70 d)的趋势;而CmVHP2基因相对表达量在贮藏0~40 d没有显著差异,贮藏40~70 d显著下降。由以上结果可知,CmCHX、CmVHA-c4和CmVHP2基因表達量与此期间柠檬酸含量变化趋势相似,而CmDIC基因表达量则与之相反。
2.4 马家柚果实贮藏期间柠檬酸降解相关基因表达分析
对贮藏0、20、40、70 d马家柚果实进行柠檬酸降解相关基因的表达分析(图4)。在马家柚贮藏前期,CmACL1基因相对表达量持续显著上升,CmACL3基因在贮藏40 d时显著上升至最大值,贮藏40~70 d时显著下降;CmAco3基因表达量在贮藏20 d时达到最大值,随后趋于平稳;CmNAD-IDH2基因在贮藏0~40 d时没有显著差异,贮藏40~70 d时显著下降;CmNAD-IDH3基因呈先下降后上升再下降的波动趋势;CmGS2和CmGAD5基因相对表达量在贮藏40 d之前均呈现下降趋势,贮藏40~70 d时差异不显著。γ-氨基丁酸转氨酶基因CmGABA-T的相对表达量在贮藏0~40 d的时候没有显著的变化,在贮藏40~70 d显著上升,贮藏70 d时柠檬酸含量最低。由以上结果可知,只有柠檬酸降解基因CmGS2和CmGAD5在贮藏0~40 d期间与柠檬酸含量呈现相反情况,推测与此期间果实柠檬酸含量上升有关。
3 讨 论
柠檬酸是柑橘类水果中的主要有机酸,占有机酸总量的63.7%~96.7%。不同柑橘品种在贮藏期间果实中有机酸的组成和含量变化趋势各不相同。一般来说,贮藏期间柑橘类果实中的有机酸含量总体呈下降趋势[17-19];但也有部分品种呈现先上升,再下降,所谓“返酸”的现象,如泰国柚在贮藏过程中总酸及柠檬酸含量逐渐增加[20],六月早柚果实在贮藏20 d出现低程度的“返酸”现象[21];水晶蜜柚以及琯溪蜜柚果实在贮藏过程中有机酸含量在贮藏45~60 d时出现高峰之后逐渐减少[22];李宏祥等[23]研究发现三个不同采收期的桃溪蜜柚果实在贮藏0~60 d有机酸含量都出现了增加;徐世荣等[24]研究发现,琯溪蜜柚果实在贮藏过程中柠檬酸含量逐渐增加。笔者在本研究中发现马家柚果实在贮藏40 d前也会出现“返酸”现象,柠檬酸含量在贮藏初期(0~40 d)显著增加,且在贮藏40 d时达到最大值,在贮藏70 d下降至最低值。因此,为了解马家柚果实贮藏前期柠檬酸显著积累的原因,笔者在本研究中对此期间柠檬酸代谢相关基因的相对表达量进行了分析。
柑橘果实内柠檬酸的含量是其合成、转运和降解相关基因协同调控的结果。柠檬酸的合成主要与PEPC和CS基因相关,有大量研究表明,PEPC和CS基因表达量或者酶活性的增加与琯溪蜜柚[25]、脐橙[26]、砂梨[27]、菠萝[28]、蜂糖李[29]、柠檬[30]等果实发育前期或贮藏期柠檬酸或苹果酸积累增加呈显著正相关。笔者在本研究中通过对马家柚果实贮藏早期柠檬酸合成相关基因表达分析,发现PEPC1/2和CS1/2基因相对表达量变化趋势与柠檬酸含量基本动态一致,均在贮藏后40 d时达到最大值,与前人研究结果相符,因此PEPC1/2和CS1/2可能参与马家柚果实内柠檬酸在贮藏前期的合成。
在植物细胞中,有机酸在线粒体中合成,主要储存在液泡中,并在细胞质中进行降解,其在细胞内膜系统中的运输主要通过转运蛋白或通道实现,而质子泵蛋白为有机酸相关次级转运蛋白提供必需的电化学势梯度和能量,因此,质子泵蛋白在有机酸的转运过程中发挥着重要作用。液泡膜上的质子泵有3种类型:V-ATPase,V-PPase和P-type ATPase。拟南芥中AtVHA-a2和AtVHA-a3基因突变,会导致植物中有机酸含量降低[31];而柠檬果实VHA蛋白C亚基的激活会导致柠檬酸的积累增加[32];同样VHP的活性与葡萄[33]、番茄[34]、柠檬[35-36]果实中有机酸含量呈正相关。笔者在本研究中发现,CmVHA-c4和CmVHP2基因的表达量变化趋势与马家柚果实内柠檬酸含量变化的趋势一致,由此推测CmVHA-c4和CmVHP2在调控果实中柠檬酸在液泡中的积累方面可能发挥了重要作用,后期可对二者的生物功能进行进一步的研究。线粒体二羧酸转运蛋白DIC能促进线粒体与细胞质中三羧酸盐阴离子与二羧酸盐阴离子的交换,并负责拟南芥叶片液泡内柠檬酸以及苹果酸选择性地转运[37-38];在柑橘上,CHX和DIC转运蛋白可能参与果实液泡中的柠檬酸向细胞质的转运[39]。笔者在本研究中发现马家柚果实在贮藏前期,即柠檬酸含量持续增加时,CmDIC基因表达显著下调,推测可能是CmDIC的下调表达,抑制了有机酸向线粒体的转运和代谢,从而增加了液泡和细胞质中柠檬酸的含量。
柠檬酸运输到细胞质后,主要通过GABA和谷氨酰胺途径降解。在谷氨酰胺途径中,谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)起主导作用。有研究表明在果实发育后期,CsGS1基因的高表达,导致奉节72-1[40]、红橘砧脐橙果实[41]、赣州脐橙果实[42]柠檬酸含量降低。在GABA途径中,谷氨酸在GAD的催化下生成GABA。易明亮等[14]、Liu等[43]和宋江涛等[44]的研究表明,CsGAD1、CsGAD2和GAD5基因表达上调会导致果实柠檬酸含量显著下降;Sheng等[45]通过外源喷施GABA抑制果实中GAD基因表达,从而导致果实中柠檬酸含量显著增加;笔者在本研究中发现,CmGS2和CmGAD5基因表达都是在贮藏40 d前显著下调,延缓了柠檬酸的降解速率,从而使得该贮藏阶段马家柚果实柠檬酸含量上升。因此推测,马家柚果实中柠檬酸可能主要通过谷氨酰胺和GABA途径进行降解。
4 结 论
笔者在本研究中通过对马家柚贮藏过程中的有机酸含量变化以及贮藏早期柠檬酸积累调控相关基因表达分析,明确了在马家柚整个贮藏阶段有机酸的组成以及含量变化规律,并得出马家柚果实在贮藏期间的主要有机酸为柠檬酸,在贮藏40 d时出现明显返酸现象;这种变化可能主要由柠檬酸合成基因PEPC1/2和CS1/2、有机酸转运相关基因CmDIC、VHA-c4和VHP2以及降解基因GS2、GAD5表达调控;为进一步研究柑橘果实贮藏期间柠檬酸积累调控机制奠定了理论基础。
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