国际中文教师教育专家谈International Education Experts’Discussion on How to Improve International Chinese Language Teachers’ Education and Training

2024-04-30 17:25:22丁安琪宋艳杰DingAnqiSongYanjie
孔子学院 2024年2期

丁安琪 宋艳杰Ding Anqi  Song Yanjie


“Chinese is the language of China and alsothe language of the world.” Chinese is one of themost widely spoken languages in the world, andinternational Chinese education is an importantpublic product that China offers to the world. Theflourishing development of international Chineseeducation has brought unprecedented opportunitiesfor the training of international Chinese teachers.However, along with these opportunities comenumerous challenges. How to seize the opportunitiesand address the challenges has become a crucialissue in promoting the continuous advancement ofinternational Chinese teacher education.

全球范围内,对国际中文教师“量”与“质”的需求与日俱增。加强国际中文教师教育,尤其是紧贴海外需求,培养培训高水平的本土中文教师势在必行。在这一背景下,2023年12月15日~ 17日,全球中文教师教育联盟成立大会暨中文教师教育论坛在华东师范大学召开。来自阿塞拜疆、埃及、澳大利亚、韩国、加拿大、美国、南非、泰国、新加坡、匈牙利、意大利、印度尼西亚、英国、越南、中国(按照中文拼音排序)等15个国家的国际中文教师教育领域专家学者与一线工作者齐聚华东师范大学,以主旨报告、圆桌讨论、专题研讨等形式,围绕大会主题开展深入研讨,群策群力,凝聚共识。

Globally, there is an increasing demand for boththe “quantity” and “quality” of international Chineselanguage teachers. Strengthening internationalChinese teacher education, especially in responseto overseas demand, and training high-quality localChinese teachers has become imperative. Againstthis background, the Global Chinese LanguageTeacher Education Association (GCLTEA) InauguralConference and Chinese Teacher Education Forumwere held at East China Normal University fromDecember 15th to 17th, 2023. Experts and scholars inthe field of international Chinese teacher education, aswell as frontline workers, from 15 countries includingAzerbaijan, Egypt, Australia, South Korea, Canada,the United States, South Africa, Thailand, Singapore,Hungary, Italy, Indonesia, the United Kingdom,Vietnam, and China (listed in alphabetical orderby Chinese pinyin) gathered at East China NormalUniversity. Through keynote speeches, roundtablediscussions, and specialized seminars, they conductedin-depth discussions around the conference theme,pooling their wisdom and reaching consensus.

澳门城市大学校长刘骏、中国人民大学教授李泉、华东师范大学开放教育学院院长闫寒冰分别以“从英语教师教育到汉语教师教育:国际传播的哲学思考”“中国对外汉语教学:教师教育70 年”“教育数字化转型与教师发展创新” 为题作主旨报告。报告分别从英语教师教育、汉语教师教育、教育技术三个角度出发,探讨了国际中文教师教育问题。与会专家对主旨报告反响热烈,在圆桌讨论与专题研讨中,对报告内容作出了回应。

Liu Jun, President of Macau City University;Li Quan, Professor at Renmin University ofChina; and Yan Hanbing, Dean of the School ofOpen Education at East China Normal University,respectively delivered keynote speeches “FromEnglish Teacher Education to Chinese TeacherEducation: Philosophical Reflections on InternationalCommunication,” “Teaching Chinese as the SecondLanguage: 70 Years of Chinese Language TeachersEducation” and “Educational Digital Transformationand Innovative Teacher Development.” The speechesexplored issues in international Chinese teachereducation from the three perspectives of Englishteacher education, Chinese teacher education, andeducational technology. The experts in attendanceresponded enthusiastically to the keynote speechesand provided feedback during the roundtablediscussions and specialized seminars.


The experts at the conference carried onpractical and comprehensive exchanges focusing oninternational Chinese language teachers education.They unanimously agreed that the issue of theteacher is at the core of the “three teaching-relatedaspects” and that the training and development ofChinese teaching staff have a significant impact onthe development of international Chinese education.The experts discussed opportunities, challenges, andthe future sustainable development of internationalChinese teacher education, brainstorming andproposing practical suggestions. Four major topicswere distilled from the discussions: the building andsustainable development of local Chinese teachingstaff, demand orientation and diversified development,the competence and certification of internationalChinese teachers, and the exploration of theories andpractices in international Chinese teacher education.

1本土中文师资队伍建设与可持续发展Building and Sustainable Development of Local Chinese Teaching Staff


Experts at the conference generally believe thatbuilding a local Chinese teaching staff, transitioningfrom relying on foreign teachers to self-sufficiency, isof great importance for the sustainable developmentof local Chinese education. Experts discussedthe essence, targets, significance of local Chineseteachers, as well as the challenges and developmentalpaths they face.

①擴大本土化范围,探究本土化对象Expand the Scope of Localization and Explore the Targets of Localization


In his keynote speech, Liu Jun pointed outthat without good teachers, there are no goodstudents. From the experience of English teachereducation, 90% of English teachers worldwide arenot from English-speaking countries, and trainingnon-native English speakers to become Englishteachers is crucial. Looking at Chinese education,many countries still rely on China for teaching staff.Therefore, only when local Chinese teachers becomethe mainstay of a countrys Chinese education caninternational Chinese education sustainably develop.


In response, Liu Lening raised two questions:1) What is a local teacher? 2) Who exactly doesteacher localization “localize”? He proposed thatlocal Chinese teachers should not be narrowly andsimplistically defined as teachers native to the region.Those who grew up and were educated in China butlater received further education in Western countries,obtained tenured positions, and stayed to teachlocally are also localized Chinese teachers.


Regarding the shortage of Chinese teachersin the US and Europe, Liu Lening encouraged finedomestic graduate students in China to pursuesecond degrees in the US and Europe and strive tostay and become local teachers. These individuals canbe targets for teacher localization.

②剖析“无人化”困境,推动可持续发展Analyze the Dilemma of“ No One to Localize” and Promote Sustainable Development


Regarding the localization of Chinese teachers, YeQiuyue pointed out that countries like Hungary mayface a future dilemma of having “no one to localize.”Although Hungary currently conducts regular trainingfor local Chinese teachers, it still faces a situation wherethere is a lack of young local Chinese teachers. SeniorChinese teachers are devoted and have enthusiasmfor teaching, but the number of younger generationChinese teachers is declining. Many graduates fromuniversities Chinese departments do not go in forChinese teaching for various reasons, leading to a largeloss of local Chinese teachers. Hu Yuebao describedthe situation of Chinese teaching and teacher resourcesin Singapore, noting that Singapore also faces theproblem of losing local Chinese teachers. This issueposes challenges to the local Chinese teaching staff andthe sustainable development of international Chineseeducation in countries like Hungary and Singapore.Wang Weiqun pointed out that in building the Chineseteaching staff, consideration should be given to boththe training of existing teachers and ensuring thereserve of future teaching staff.


From the perspective of integrating Chineseinto the national education system of the hostcountry, Zhang Xinsheng explained the importanceof training local Chinese teachers for the sustainabledevelopment of international Chinese education. Hebelieves that “integration” involves various levels. Animportant indicator of whether Chinese is integratedinto the national education system is whether thehost country has a relatively complete system fortraining Chinese teachers. If the country does nothave an independent mechanism for training Chineseteachers, such integration cannot last. Therefore,training local Chinese teachers in the host country iscrucial.


Ma Yue pointed out that the most critical issue inSouth African Chinese education in terms of teacherresources is how to develop the most basic Chineseteaching team. He believes that we need to adopt a“multiple pronged-approach”: in addition to relyingon Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classroomteachers, efforts should also be made to stabilize andlocalize Chinese teaching resources in South Africa.Especially, we should encourage volunteer teacherssent from China to join the local Chinese teachingteam to promote the sustainable development ofChinese education in South Africa.

2需求導向与多元化发展Demand Orientation and Diversified Development


Experts pointed out that international Chineseteacher training should clearly define its targetaudience, be demand-oriented, and promote thediversified development of global Chinese teachereducation based on the reality of local internationalChinese education.


Define the Teaching Target andConduct Needs Analysis


Zhang Xinsheng emphasized that the trainingand development of teachers should first clarifythe target of international Chinese education. Hecategorized current international Chinese educationinto four main areas: domestic Chinese teachingfor foreigners in China, Chinese teaching involvingChinese teachers, local degreed or non-degreedChinese education, and Chinese education in overseasChinese communities. He stressed that understandingwhere the target of international Chinese educationis located is crucial for addressing teacher issues andanalyzing their needs. Referring to relevant statistics andconsidering realistic situations, he pointed out that most learners in international Chinese education arein local and overseas Chinese communities. Therefore,he emphasized that international Chinese teachereducation must recognize the main battleground andunderstand where the primary audience is located.


Wang Renzhong suggested that, teacher trainingprograms should be based on the analysis of teacherneeds, should design and provide targeted trainingprograms; only in this way can we help frontline teachersto solve practical problems. He believes that needscan be analyzed from several aspects: first, the level ofinstruction. Taking Canada as an example, there areformal Chinese courses in universities, bilingual coursesin primary and secondary schools, and weekend Chineseschools established by the Chinese community. Theneeds of Chinese teachers at different instructional levelsvary. Secondly, the background of Chinese teachers. FewChinese teachers in community schools and weekendschools have received formal training in foreign languageacquisition. Their needs obviously differ significantlyfrom those of professionally trained foreign languageteachers. Additionally, the training needs of professionalChinese teachers also vary. Therefore, he believes thatthe content and program design for training should bedifferent for different teacher groups.

2立足当地实际,促进多元发展Grounded in Local Reality to PromoteDiversified Development


Experts at the conference described the situationof Chinese education in their respective countriesor regions and, based on the diverse demands ofinternational Chinese teacher education, proposed that,on the one hand, efforts should be grounded in localrealities and needs to promote concrete accomplishmentin building teacher resources and, on the other hand,strengthen collaboration and platform-building andthe sharing of resources at the international leveland together advance the diversified development ofinternational Chinese teacher education.


Li Fuxin described the history and currentsituation of Chinese education in Australia andexplored cooperation models for internationalChinese teacher education under new circumstances,hoping that cooperation could proceed based on“grassroot demand, industry promotion, governmentacknowledgment, and national support.”


Cai Changjie believed that the training ofChinese teachers in Indonesia shows a differentiatedtrend, with urban and remote areas being at differentstages of development. Training should be conductedbased on their respective needs. He also proposed theneed to strengthen training in the management ofinternational Chinese teachers.


Shi Yu pointed out that Chinese education inThailand is gradually transitioning from singularChinese language education to “Chinese +,” suchas “Chinese + business,” “Chinese + medicine,”etc., leading to a shortage of teachers in other non-Chinese language subjects. He hoped to strengthenrelevant teacher training. Additionally, addressingthe issue of quick turnover among Chinese volunteerteachers in Thailand, he proposed establishing atracking system for trained teachers to longitudinallyinvestigate their career development.


Ruan Huangying suggested strengthening theexchange of Chinese teaching resources betweenChina and Vietnam and enhancing the researchcapabilities of Vietnamese Chinese teachers throughproject collaboration. Moreover, she proposedtargeted training for Vietnamese Chinese teachers,especially newcomers, who face challenges in earlychildhood education and non-degree education.From the perspective of the accessibility of teachingresources, Ruan Guosi suggested sending VietnameseChinese teachers to China for short-term trainingwhenever possible.


Zhu Li believed that the development of nondegreeChinese education overseas is crucial andcalled for enhanced domestic and internationalexchanges to promote the implementation ofexchange programs in China. Guo Zhiyan describedthe situation of Chinese teaching at the Universityof Warwick in UK, pointing out the current demandfor teaching staff, especially graduate teachingassistants (GTAs), and challenges in teaching andtesting resources. He hoped that through domesticand international cooperation, teacher resources andresource sharing could be improved.

3国际中文教师素养与认证International Chinese Teacher Competency and Certification


Regarding the issue of international Chineseteacher competency, the experts at the conferenceproposed conducting research on the componentsof teacher competency and delving into teachercertification issues, promoting multifaceted teachercertification.

①关注教师素养,探清构成要素Focus on Teacher Competency andIdentify Constituent Elements

甘瑞瑗建议对职前、职中中文教师进行性向测验(Aptitude Test),从而探清教师是否适合从事国际中文教学工作,或者查明其存在的问题,助力国际中文教师培养培训。

Gan Ruiyuan suggested conducting aptitude testsfor pre-service and in-service Chinese teachers todetermine whether they are suitable for internationalChinese teaching or to identify existing issues,thereby aiding in the training of internationalChinese teachers.


Bai Jianhua agreed with the developmentstrategy proposed by Dean Zhu Guohua duringthe conference, emphasizing the importance ofidentifying what is lacking in teachers through closelyrelated evaluations. Drawing from empirical studiesat the Chinese University of Hong Kong and HarvardUniversity, he held that understanding the elementsan excellent teacher should possess and conductingdetailed evaluations can help pinpoint what teacherslack. Based on this, curriculum design can addressthese gaps. Furthermore, Bai Jianhua pointed out thatthe ability of teachers to solve real-world problems iscrucial.


Li Quan pointed out in his keynote speech thatthe competency of international Chinese teachersis especially important in the selection process.Besides evaluating a teachers professional abilities,attention should also be given to their personalitytraits and other factors. The importance of a teacherseducational philosophy should not be overlooked.He advocated fostering intelligent, strategic, andstrategic-thinking international Chinese teachers, inorder to adapt to the diverse and internationalizededucational environments.


Regarding the competency of internationalChinese teachers, Zhang Xinsheng held that teachersshould first clarify their teaching objectives andphilosophies, that is: Why teach? How have their ownforeign language learning experiences been? Theyneed to be language learners themselves and knowhow to learn and frequently reflect on what it meansto learn before they can effectively teach others.Secondly, teachers should emphasize reflection toavoid mental rigidity. Thirdly, they need to be able toconduct action research. Based on practical actionresearch, which emphasizes empirical evidence andproblem-solving, teachers ability to be grounded inreality and to solve problems through reflection andresearch is vital.


Hao Qingxin pointed out that in this digital age,teachers should be adept at using modern technologyto explore new educational models like online,digital, and virtual education to meet studentsdiverse learning needs.

②认证研究深入化,教师认证多维化In-Depth Certification Research andMultifaceted Teacher Certification


Ye Jun described the IB teacher certificationsituation at East China Normal University.Xuan Li stated that it is necessary to conduct indepthresearch on international Chinese teachercertification, such as understanding the certificationrequirements of different countries. Wu Yongyi heldthat the certification of international Chinese teachertraining is both necessary and feasible.


Yan Hanbing cited discussions from the“Horizon Report” and based on teacher trainingpractice, suggested using “micro-certification” toevaluate teachers competencies.


Ma Yue pointed out that, on the one hand,Chinese language volunteers from China oftenchange careers upon returning home due to a lackof relevant jobs, which is a waste of resources. Onthe other hand, different countries have varyingrequirements for teacher training. Consideringthese two factors, he hoped that Chinese languagevolunteers can obtain local teacher certification intheir host countries to strengthen the local Chineseteaching workforce.

4國际中文教师教育理论与实践探索Exploration of International Chinese Teacher Education Theory and Practice


Experts exploration of theory and practice ininternational Chinese teacher education primarily focuseson recognizing the importance of experience, clarifyingtheories, and promoting the mutual transformation oftheory and practice; emphasizing “feedback guidance”in training models and focusing on “best practices” intraining methods; leveraging technological innovationsto support teacher education and advancing teachersprofessional development through resource building; andgrasping new trends in international Chinese educationto promote interdisciplinary innovative practices.

①经验借鉴与理论廓清,理论与实践相互转化Experience Borrowing and TheoryClarification, Mutual Transformation ofTheory and Practice


Liu Lening contrasted the differences betweenTESOL and TCSOL in terms of teacher, teachingenvironments, language status, and student motivation.He emphasized the importance of recognizing theuniqueness of TCSOL and the applicability of TESOLsexperience while borrowing from it.

刘乐宁认为,教师教育者的语言观、对二语习得理论的理解和教师培训的指导思想都会对教师培训产生直接影响,如果教师教育者没有廓清相关理论,那么具体实践就会出现偏差。以语法为例, 刘乐宁指出,如果仍停留在介绍语法是“抽象的脱离语境的规则”,忽视语法理论体系,是不适宜、不公平的。而未将最新、最好的语言学本体研究成果转化成教师需要的教学语法,仍是目前国际中文教师教育中存在的重要问题。

Liu Lening held that the language views ofteacher educators, their understanding of secondlanguage acquisition theory, and the guidingprinciples of teacher training will directly influenceteacher training. If teacher educators do not clarifyrelevant theories, mistakes may occur in practice.Taking grammar as an example, Liu Lening pointedout that adhering to the view that grammar is“abstract rules detached from context” and neglectingtheoretical frameworks of grammar is inappropriateand unfair. The failure to transform the latest andbest linguistic research into pedagogical grammarneeded by teachers remains a significant issue ininternational Chinese teacher education.


Liang Xia explored the relationship betweenpedagogical theory and practice, suggesting howone should view the possible guidance of foreignlanguage teaching theories for international Chineseteaching and to what extent the uniqueness ofinternational Chinese teaching and its commonalitywith foreign language teaching should be emphasizedare questions worth pondering again and again. Theeventual goal is to elevate the practice of internationalChinese teaching into a theory that guides all foreignlanguage teaching. This is a lengthy but worthwhileprocess.

②培训模式关注“反馈指导”,培训方法聚焦“最佳实践”Training Model Emphasizes“ FeedbackGuidance,” Training Methods Focus on“Best Practices”


Yan Hanbing described an adult learningassessment model in her keynote presentation,pointing out that many teacher training programsonly achieve low-level learning outcomes withoutachieving higher-level transfer effects. This meansthat learners fail to apply what they have learned inreal work scenarios. The current direction of teachertraining reform aims to transition from learningto transfer. She pointed out that many teachersfeel that their abilities have not transferred after completing training. Why does this transfer fail? YanHanbing cited as an example an empirical study bytwo American experts. The study explored changesin knowledge and skill transfer through differentcombinations of training elements under the sametraining theme and proposed that learners can onlyachieve more transfer and better results when theelements of “theory + demonstration + practice +feedback guidance” are combined.


Liang Xia responded posit ively to YanHanbings sharing of the training model, notingthat her own practical experience aligns withProfessor Yans report. In her view, after severalcycles of observations of lectures, collective lessonpreparation, demonstration lessons, and guidedteacher evaluations, with revisions made over fiveor more times, most participating teachers can meetthe basic requirements of classroom teaching inform. Therefore, Liang Xia believes this is a concreteoperationalized approach that can be considered ininternational Chinese teacher training.

关于教师培训的方法,吴勇毅指出,身处一个“后方法”的时代,其实我们不是去考虑最佳方法(bestmethod) 的问题, 而是更多考虑最佳实践(bestpractice)的问题。教师教育者真正应该做的,是思考怎样通过更好的教学法的组合去实践、去培养培训我们的教师,使我们的教学效果变得更好。

Regarding teacher training methods, WuYongyi pointed out that we are in a “post-method”era. Instead of considering the “best method,” weshould focus more on “best practices.” What teachereducators should truly consider is how to combinebetter teaching methods in practice and train ourteachers, thereby improving our instructionaloutcomes.

③技术创新实践助力教师教育,资源构建推动教师专业发展Technological Innovation PracticeSupports Teacher Education, ResourceBuilding Promotes ProfessionalDevelopment of Teachers


Based on the results of empirical research onteacher training, Yan Hanbing pointed out thatthe mode of teacher training has changed. Thereis a need for personalized, applied, and incidentaltraining. Previously, what was often referred toas the “impossible triangle” of high quality, largescale, and sustainable teacher training can now beaddressed with digital system educational technology.She comprehensively interpreted the concepts oftechnological innovation and change for pursuingcompetency-oriented, capability-based large-scaleprecision research and training.


Furthermore, experts at the meeting held thatthere is a close relationship between pedagogicalresources and teacher development. Pedagogicalresources are the crucial foundation for teacherdevelopment, able to assist teachers in better fulfillingtheir instructional tasks and enhancing instructionalquality. At the same time, teaching resources can alsopromote teachers professional growth, improvingtheir professional competence and teaching abilities.In the era of digital intelligence, the combinationof technological change and the development of teaching resources further supports the professionaldevelopment of international Chinese teachers.


Xuan Li pointed out that in todays digital age,with textbooks as the basis for design, well-designedteaching materials can compensate for youngteachers shortcomings in teaching methods. At thesame time, well-designed interactive courseware candirectly and quickly convey the latest pedagogicalconcepts, boosting teachers enthusiasm for teaching.


Zhu Li emphasized the importance of classroomteaching. Reflecting on her 20-year experience inCET novice teacher training, she pointed out thatnovice teachers still face challenges in translatingknowledge into practical teaching and they needguidance and the continuous refinement of teachingresources in order to enhance their teaching skills.Therefore, she called for collaborative construction ofexcellent top-tier teaching resources, such as qualityonline courseware, for novice teacher training.

④把握国际中文教育新趋势,推进跨学科创新实践Grasp the New Trends in InternationalChinese Education, PromoteInterdisciplinary Innovative Practices


Liang Xia proposed that the practice ofinterdisciplinary research in American humanitiesdeserves attention. She pointed out that in therecent two to three decades, the Americanacademic community has particularly emphasizedinterdisciplinary research. For example, the theory offeminism research has been an important model inAmerican sinologists research on Chinese womensliterature. Through the different perspectives ofinterdisciplinary research, they have not onlybeen fruitful in their research on Chinese womensliterature, but they have also been unique in Westernfeminist research. Such interdisciplinary research isalso instructive for international Chinese educationand the training of international Chinese teachers.In addition, Liang Xia held that professors fromdifferent humanities fields collaborating, negotiating,and teaching the same course is a pedagogicalpractice worth emulating.


Xuan Li also pointed out that interdisciplinarypractice is mainstream in contemporary Westerneducation. She held that not only at the universitylevel but also at the secondary school level, there is anincreasing emphasis on cross-disciplinary integration,with a demand for teaching other subjects in Chinese.Especially now that overseas Chinese education hasbeen incorporated into international Chinese education,interdisciplinary practice does exist. Ding Anqisuggested that in the future, leveraging the advantageousposition of East China Normal University in the fieldof teacher education can promote interdisciplinaryexchanges and provide support for the training ofinternational Chinese teachers.



The discussions and reflections of the experts atthe conference have clarified thinking, showed thepath ahead and provided methods for the developmentof international Chinese teacher education. It isworth noting that the experts unanimously heldthat the development of international Chineseteacher education cannot be separated frominternational exchanges, platform construction, andresource sharing. The establishment of the GlobalChinese Teacher Education Alliance provides justsuch a platform for mutual learning, mutual help,collaborative construction, and shared resources. It ishoped that in the future, through the Global ChineseTeacher Education Alliance, complementary strengthsand resource sharing can be achieved, fully leveragingthe cluster effect, and promoting internationalexchanges and cooperation in Chinese education.

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