宋显华 姚全正
宋显华 姚全正
(哈尔滨理工大学理学院 哈尔滨 150080)
电池健康状态 片段数据 双扩展卡尔曼滤波 小波神经网络 小波长短时记忆神经网络
由于锂电池具有重量轻、寿命长、效率高、成本低等优点,是电动汽车的主要动力来源[1],因此对于电动汽车的锂电池进行性能评价具有重要意义。通常情况下,锂电池通过电池管理系统(Battery Management System, BMS)进行性能评价[2]。BMS的评价指标主要包括荷电状态(State of Charge, SOC)、剩余使用寿命(Remaining Useful Life, RUL)和健康状态(State of Health, SOH)[3-5]。一般来说,SOH描述电池长期的状态变化,因此获得准确的SOH估计值对于电池长期安全稳定的使用至关重要。
主要的SOH评估方法可以分为三类:直接测量法、基于经验的方法和数据驱动方法。典型的直接测量法是通过累积电流积分测量电池的SOH[6]。但在实际应用中,该方法对电流采样精度敏感,应用效果不佳。电化学阻抗谱(Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy, EIS)是另一种直接方法[7-8],通过分析电池在不同频率下的交流阻抗谱,得到电池内部的化学状态,进而评价电池的外部特征。然而电池内部参数的采集需要特殊且昂贵的设备,且参数分析过程复杂。基于经验的方法包括周期计数法、面向事件的累积法、安时法以及加权安时法等[9]。然而,在实际应用中,电池的工作条件往往与标准工作条件不一致,这将导致较大的估计误差。最后一个主流的方法是数据驱动方法,该方法通过学习隐藏于数据中的信息来估计SOH,不需要电池系统的先验知识。因此,数据驱动方法可以避免模型获取困难的问题,是一种更加实用的估计方法。
支持向量机(Support Vector Machine, SVM)是一种常用的数据驱动算法,它通过核函数将低纬度空间的非线性问题映射到高纬度空间[10]的线性问题来估计SOH,但该方法不易选择合适的核函数且对交叉训练和正则化方法依赖程度高。相关向量机(Relevance Vector Machine, RVM)的原理与支持向量机大致相同,不同的是其网络权值是用稀疏贝叶斯理论结构获得的[11]。然而,由于RVM模型的稀疏矩阵,RVM对训练数据的需求较高且预测结果的稳定性较差。高斯过程回归(Gaussian Process Regression, GPR)是另一种基于贝叶斯框架的估计方法[12-13],但该算法中超参数较多,训练中调整过程繁琐。基于神经网络的方法作为一种高效的数据驱动方法,正在成为电池性能评估的主流方法[14-18]。其中,小波神经网络(Wavelet Neural Network, WNN)结合自学习和非线性函数逼近能力,具有精度高和细节描述能力强的优点[19-20]。J. Zhang等提出了将离散小波多分辨率分解与多层感知器相结合的四层小波神经网络,与反向传播神经网络(Back Propagation Neural Networks, BPNN)相比具有较好的预测性能。但该方法局限于多分辨率分析,结构不灵活且鲁棒性不强[21]。Xia Bizhong等通过引入小波伸缩因子和小波平移因子,调整小波神经网络的结构,使网络具有较强的鲁棒性[22]。但由于它只是一个三层网络,其估计精度远远低于深度网络。与BPNN相比,循环神经网络(Recurrent Neural Network, RNN)可以保存输入数据与SOH值之间的信息,因此常被用于SOH估计[23]。但由于梯度消失和梯度爆炸的问题,RNN无法用于长期估计。为了解决这一问题,引入了长短时记忆神经网络(Long Short Term Memory, LSTM)[24-26]。LSTM具有单元状态,可以保存输入和输出之间的重要信息。然而,由于LSTM的单元特性,当测试数据与训练数据之间的相关性不高时,其估计效果不好,意味着该方法的鲁棒性不强。
因此,本文设计了一种小波神经网络和小波长短时记忆神经网络(Wavelet LSTM, WLSTM)。该网络包括输入层、两个隐藏层和输出层。双隐层由WNN层和WLSTM层组成,WLSTM层的激活函数用Morlet小波函数代替。因此,该网络同时具有WNN和LSTM的优点。
此外,为了能够更安全稳定地使用纯电力电动汽车,随时了解电池当前时刻的健康状态是十分有必要的,即实时估计电池的SOH。然而,锂电池是一个机制复杂、内部状态未测量的综合系统,SOH的在线估计通常依赖电池模型和关键参数之间的拟合关系。电池模型参数反映电池内部的动态响应,并会随着电池的退化而发生相应的变化。程泽等[27]在二阶RC网络等效电路模型的基础上,联合Sage-Husa自适应滤波思想,设计了自适应平方根无迹卡尔曼滤波(Adaptive Square Root Unscented Kalman Filter, ASRUKF)算法;通过对电池参数的实时更新,实现电池SOH的实时估计,虽然不涉及电化学分析过程,但是其电池特性变化的分析过程依旧较复杂。
周頔等[29]用扩展卡尔曼滤波和高斯过程回归(Extended Kalman Filter and Gaussian Process Regression, EKF-GPR),不需要完成整个充放电操作,仅对日常片段充电数据进行处理,通过估计片段数据的全充时间,进而得到电池在当前时刻的SOH,实现了电池的实时估计,该方法的平均绝对误差在2%以下,短期内的评估值基本满足现实要求,解决了短时间内的动力电池锂电池健康状态的实时估计问题,具有一定的应用价值,但长期的预测精度不理想。
图1 三层小波神经网络结构
Fig.1 Schematic structure of the WNN
图2 LSTM的细胞结构示意图
图3 WNN-WLSTM结构示意图
为了展示所提算法的有效性,本文选用深圳新威尔电子公司提供的三元锂电池充放电数据库进行实验,该电池首先在2 100 mA的恒流条件下充电,直到电池电压达到8.4 V;然后在恒流2 100 mA水平下放电,直到电池电压达到5.6 V,如图5和图6所示。实验首先验证了DEKF-WNN-WLSTM算法的有效性,然后和EKF-GPR算法做对比,验证本文算法准确性,最后用DEKF算法估计的全充时间评估电池的健康状态。
图5 恒流充电模式
图6 恒流放电模式
实验硬件设施采用Inter(R) Core(TM) i5-7200u CPU @ 2.50 GHz处理器,Windows7旗舰版64位操作系统和8 GB运行内存。编程软件为Matlab 2018和Python 3.8,其中Python以深度学习框架Keras为支撑,实现了基于TensorFlow的WNN-WLSTM仿真模型的构建,为Matlab构建的双卡尔曼滤波模型提供相应的测量值。
图7 估计的全充时间和真实的全充时间
图8 估计全充时间的绝对误差
图9 估计全充时间的相对误差
图10 估计全充时间的相对误差绝对值
图11 两种估计方法的结果比较
表1为两种方法的平均相对误差,DEKF-WNN-WLSTM的平均相对误差为0.010 1,低于EKF-GPR的0.017 6,进一步说明本文所提方法的准确性高。
表1 两种方法的平均相对误差
Tab.1 The average relative error of the two methods
图12 两种方法的绝对误差
图13 两种方法的相对误差
图14 两种方法的相对误差绝对值
图15 本文方法估计的SOH
图16 两种方法估计的SOH
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Real-Time State of Health Estimation for Lithium-Ion Batteries Based on Daily Segment Charging Data and Dual Extended Kalman Filters-Wavelet Neural Network-Wavelet Long Short-Term Memory Neural Network
Song Xianhua Yao Quanzheng
(School of Science Harbin University of Science and Technology Harbin 150080 China)
As a clean technology to solve carbon emissions, electric vehicles have been widely used in modern vehicles. Due to its high energy density, light weight, long life and low self discharge, lithium-ion batteries have become the main energy storage equipment of electric vehicles. Real time and accurate evaluation of the state of health (SOH) of the lithium batteries is critical to the stable driving of electric vehicles. However, most traditional SOH forecast methods are offline, which makes it difficult to obtain the SOH of the batteries in real time. Recently, some methods were presented to forecast the SOH of lithium-ion batteries, but most of them suffered from inconvenient adjustment of battery model parameters and accumulation of errors. To address these issues, this paper proposes a battery full charging time estimation model and dual extended Kalman filters-wavelet neural network-wavelet long short-term memory neural network (DEKF-WNN-WLSTM). By taking the daily segment charging data of lithium batteries as input, to predict the full time charging of the battery, and then get the SOH in real time.
Firstly, based on the strong robustness of wavelet neural network (WNN) and the ability of long short term memory (LSTM) to extract the time series features of the data, the neural network of WNN-WLSTM is designed. Secondly, two WNN-WLSTM networks are trained with one full charging data and three fragment data of lithium batteries, respectively. Thirdly, a real-time estimation algorithm named DEKF is constructed, in which the first EKF is used to estimate the full charging time corresponding to the segment data, and the second EKF is used to predict the error between the estimated and measured battery full charging time under the current cycle. Then the two trained networks are integrated into DEKF to provide corresponding output values for the cyclic recursion of EKF. Finally, a real-time SOH estimation model based on daily segment charging data is designed. The segment data from constant current charging to full charging at any time is used as the input of DEKF-WNN-WLSTM, to estimate the current full charging time of lithium batteries, then calculate the SOH of the battery at the current time. In this real-time model, the WNN-WLSTM alleviates the inconvenient adjustment of battery model parameters problem, addresses the long-term dependence problem. The DEKF uses the daily segment charging data as the input, which extends the practical application of the model.
Simulation results on the actual battery charging and discharging data show that, the mean relative error of the predictions for the entire 80 cycles is 0.010 1, the estimated error for the first 50 cycles is completely less than 2%, and less than 1% at most times. The comparison between DEKF-WNN-WLSTM and extended Kalman filter and Gaussian process regression (EKF-GPR) shows that, the mean relative error of EKF-GPR is 0.017 6, which is higher than DEKF-WNN-WLSTM, especially in the 170~180 cycles, which indicates that the model of DEKF-WNN-WLSTM can alleviate certain error growth with the increase of cycles. The proposed method has a better estimation effect under the condition that no artificial full recharge operation is performed to update the initial full charging time value.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the simulation analysis: (1)The proposed method integrates WNN-WLSTM neural network, which address the problems of long-term dependence and the inconvenient adjustment of battery model parameters. (2) Compared with EKF-GPR, the DEKF-WNN-WLSTM not only improves the prediction accuracy, but also alleviates the error accumulation. (3) The proposed model only needs the daily segment charging data. In this sense, it is practical in the real world.
State of health, segment data, dual extended Kalman filter, wavelet neural network, wavelet long short-term memory
宋显华 女,1981年生,博士,副教授,博士生导师,研究方向为机器学习和智能状态监测、图像安全和量子计算等。E-mail:songxianhua@hrbust.edu.cn(通信作者)
姚全正 男,1997年生,硕士研究生,研究方向为机器学习以及电动汽车动力电池健康状态评估。E-mail:2311884748@qq.com
(编辑 郭丽军)