Bombardier Beetle 气步甲

2024-01-23 08:09:30张一恺/文张建军/译
英语世界 2024年1期

张一恺/文 张建军/译

I will never forget the thrill of discovering that place. A huge clearing unfolded before my eyes, so vast that it revealed the undulating forms of the mountain beneath; a row of trees stretched into the distance forming a neat fence around its perimeter, which suggested that this was the work of professional loggers rather than locals. There was a steady drizzle out here, which was completely unnoticeable earlier in the forest; moon shimmered with a blue radiance, casting down the shadows of dark clouds as they passed over the crescent.


I scanned my searchlight across the ground, and instantly picked up the metallic reflections from several ground beetles. As Max had predicted, the muggy atmosphere triggered the activity of thousands of slugs and snails, which in turn lured out the nocturnal predators that preyed upon them. The sight of this swarm was a real confidence boost—Carabus was a predatory ground beetle, albeit of a giant kind, and there should be no reason why it wouldn’t be here to capitalise on the banquet as well. In the space of an hour I collected at least ten different species of ground beetles. Most were about half an inch long and had shiny black shells, which occasionally glowed with a metallic lustre of greens and purples. One kind, however, was garishly dressed in a combination of black and yellow so that it stood out from all the rest. I had never seen such a beautifully coloured ground beetle before, and in the heat of the moment I neglected nature’s most obvious warning sign as I reached my hand towards it—after all, it’s not a wasp, so it can’t sting. Right?


‘Ouch!’ I gave a yelp of surprise as my fingers burned with a scorching sensation. Leaving behind a high-pitched ‘pop’ and a plume of smoke from its rear end, the beetle had disappeared into the depths of a tussock nearby. A brown stain was left on my fingertips along with an awful lingering smell, but there was no stinger or mark to suggest that I had been stung. Alarm soon turned into elation, as I realised that I had just chanced upon my first bombardier beetle, along with one of nature’s most remarkable events.


What had happened was a series of extremely complex chemical reactions: the beetle first secreted a fuel and an oxidant into a reservoir chamber, which formed an inert mixture for ease of storage. When I picked it up, a small amount of this mixture was released into a sturdy reaction chamber, which was capable of tolerating high temperatures. The walls of this chamber were lined with enzymes, which triggered a violent reaction within the mixture to form a boiling solution close to 100 degrees Celsius. The massive pressure generated from the heat forced shut the valves leading into the reaction chamber, thus protecting the beetle’s internal organs from the ‘backfire’, and exited through the rear as a controlled explosion. The tip of the abdomen could be rotated freely and the explosion aimed at any angle, since the shortened wing cases had left the tip exposed. As if one explosion wasn’t impressive enough, this cycle was repeated at an astonishing rate of 500 pulses per second—yes, that squeaky ‘pop’ was in fact the sound of over seventy individual explosions! Even with modern technology, the firing speed of our weapons truly pales in comparison to this biological machine gun.



* 昆虫学家,画家。曾于剑桥大学获自然科学学士学位,于英国帝国理工大学获分子分类学硕士学位,其间曾赴德国马克斯·普朗克研究所参与生态学项目研究。本文节选自《丛林瑰宝——一个自然学家的探险笔记》,该书表达了作者自幼以来对昆虫和自然的挚爱。

** 曾于中国人民大学法学院获法学学士、法学硕士学位,于英国伦敦大学卡斯商学院获理学硕士学位。曾在美国、新西兰、英国及中国香港等地工作多年,现就职于国内某金融机构。

千年灵渠 世遗瑰宝
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