1.他在决赛中发挥出色。He played exceptionally well in the final.
2. 他在考试中没有充分发挥,感到很失望。He feels upset he didn’t perform to his full potential in the exam.
3. 他的表演特点是经常即兴发挥。What is special about his performance is that he improvises a lot.
4. 我們的设备都很先进,措施也很到位,可是它们的作用在这次灾害中没有完全发挥。We had the state-of-the-art equipment, and we had all the measures in place, but somehow they didn’t really work as expected when the disaster hit.
5. 演讲中不仅要表述清楚、流利,还要发挥一点幽默感。 When you speak in public, try to be articulate and smooth, with a touch of humor when appropriate.
6. 现在的形势很严峻,你需要发挥领导能力,引导团队走出困境。 Given the severity of the situation, you must be an effective leader who can steer the team out of adversity.
这两句中的“发挥幽默感”和“发挥领导能力”都是动宾结构,但意思的重点在于“幽默感”和“领导能力”,“发挥”作为一个动词,实际上起了一个功能性作用,将后面的宾语推出来,因此翻译不一定拘泥于“发挥”的字面意思,并非必须使用show或者 demonstrate。上面提供的参考译文中甚至都没有把“发挥”作为动词翻译出来。当然,也可以采用能够跟后面名词适当搭配的其他动词,例如“You can use a little humor here and there.”和“You must exercise your leadership skills.”。
7. 气候变化关系到每个国家,应该充分发挥联合国的重要作用。 It is important that the United Nations plays an important role in climate change, an issue that affects every country in the world.
8. 项目创新要取得成功,就要充分发挥员工的创造力。 For the project to succeed in its innovation, employees must have the full freedom to be creative.
9. 发挥交通先行作用,让贫困地区经济民生因路而兴。 Roads must be built first before economy and life could improve in poor regions.
这三句话虽然也用了动宾结构,但是因为前面有修饰语“联合国的”“员工的”“交通”,所以在语义上有使动的意思。针对这种情况,常常可以看到两种翻译思路:一种是将使动关系表现出来,比如“let the United Nations play an important role…”“make the employees innovate…”“make transportation the first priority…”;另外一种就比较拘泥于“发挥”的表层意思,使用“bring the role of... into play”这样的结构,将“发挥”作为动词翻译过来。中文的使动关系比较常见,实际上也是“以过程为导向”的语言的一个特点。虽然这三句里有使动关系,但句子的重点都是后面要实现的结果,真正的语义关系应该是“联合国应该发挥……”“员工应该发挥……”“交通应该发挥……”。从这个角度去理解和处理,主语选择就比较适当,表述也比较清楚了。
《现代汉语词典》第7版对“梳理”的解释,一是“用梳子整理(须、发等)”,二是“比喻把纷繁的事项、问题等进行分析归类”。英文的comb through是一个常用短语,在形式和意思上基本与“梳理”一致。
1. 为了写好论文,她梳理了近十年这个领域发表的所有文章,查找相关的研究成果。In order to produce a strong dissertation, she has combed through all the papers published in this field over the past ten years for relevant research findings.
2. 书在付印之前,编辑要对书稿反复梳理,检查语法和体例问题。Before the book is put to print, the editor needs to comb through the manuscript for any grammar or formatting issues.
在这两个例句中,“梳理”的基本意思分别是“查找”和“检查”,英文的comb through在这个意义层面上能够贴切地表达“梳理”的意思。当然,这里也不是不能用其他的方法表达,将“梳理文章”翻译为“… she has reviewed/studied all the papers…”, 将“梳理书稿”翻译为“…check/review/examine the manuscript…”应该都可以准确表述原文的意思。再看几个例句:
3. 请你把报告再梳理一遍,看看有没有错误或者遗漏的地方。 Please go through the report once again and see if there are any errors or omissions.
4. 我们需要梳理项目的进度,确保一切都按计划进行。 We need to review the progress of the project to make sure that everything is proceeding according to plan.
5. 进一步梳理管控现有疫情传播链条,高度警惕视野之外的疫情风险。We must have more detailed knowledge of existing chains of transmission and put them under tight control, with increased readiness for potential outbreak risks that may not be immediately visible.
这三句里的“梳理”也都是“检查”的意思,但例句3并没有用comb through。从讲话的口气来看,要点是再检查一遍,并没有强调一定要采用comb through的方式。例句4就是一个动词搭配的问题,对progress of the project,显然不能使用 comb through。例句5里“梳理”的意思是对疫情传播链条有一个全面的了解。
“梳理”的另外一层意思是“整理”。英文的sort out也是一个常用短语,与“梳理”在这个意义层面上一致。
6. 办公室的文件堆积如山,急需梳理一下。 There are piles of documents in the office that need to be sorted out immediately.
7. 我还有几件事情需要梳理一下,然后才能上任。 I have a few things to sort out before I can take this job.
8. 史密斯先生参加董事会之前,总是要用整整一个小时的时间梳理一下自己的思绪。Mr. Smith usually spends a full hour sorting out his thoughts before going to the board meeting.
關于sort out的用法,有一点需要注意。这个短语表达的意思常常涉及转换的过程,从混乱到有序,从搞不清状况到事理明确,但中文的“梳理”使用语境比较灵活,不能简单地套用某一个固定词组。例如:
9. 梳理上级监管部门监管职责,强化与地方监管执法的衔接。Responsibilities of high-level regulatory authorities must be clearly defined, with enhanced coordination with enforcement activities at the local level.
1. 选拔一个部门总监之前,人事部要对候选人的资历、工作能力及个人品行等进行全面的考察。 Before a departmental director is appointed, HR needs to do a comprehensive evaluation of the candidate’s qualifications, competence, character, and a number of other things.
2. 他刚上班就被派去处理一场公关危机,实际上就是老板想考察一下他的应变能力。 He was sent to handle a public relations issue right after he started on his new job, which was actually an opportunity his supervisor seized to test his ability to manage a crisis scenario.
这两句里的“考察”都有“考核”的意思。“考察”用于表示“实地观察调查”的例子很常见,翻译中出现比较多的词是inspect、 assess、investigate、research等等。例如:
3. 公司派销售部到西北地区考察市场,看看那边有没有发展的潜力。The management sent its sales representatives to the northwest region to assess the market potential for the company’s products.
4. 这位科学家五次前往南极洲考察气候变化对冰川的影响。The scientist has traveled to Antarctica five times to investigate the impact of climate change on glaciers.
5. 旅游的优点是,不仅能观光,还有机会考察一下当地的文化和历史。The best thing about travel is that you may have an opportunity to explore local cultures and histories as you go sight-seeing.
6. 他当时是我们学校环境科学系的一位教授,曾经到很多发电厂和炼钢厂考察过。He was at the time a professor with the Department of Environmental Science at my university, and he had visited quite a few power plants and steel mills.
7. 听说那个地方小家电卖得很好,我们应该去考察一下。 I heard that small appliances sell well in that place. We should go and take a look.
8. 校长这个星期不在。他到法国考察去了。The president is not in office this week. He is on a business trip to France.
从例句3—8中可以看出,即便是“实地觀察调查”这一层意思,也可以根据不同的语境采用不同的译法。我们重点看一下最后三个例句。例句6的语境赋予了一般的词以具体的含义,环境科学教授去炼钢厂考察,虽然“考察”一词简单地翻译为visit,但环境科学教授的身份就给了这个visit具体考察的含义。例句7体现了语域的调整。比较口语的表述不一定需要用investigate这样的大词,可译为“Let’s go and take a look.”。例句8中的“考察”内涵含糊,不好确定是investigate、assess,还是research,但无论是哪种意义上的考察,都应该属于公事,因此可以翻译为“He is on a business trip to France.”。
如果再仔细分析一下部分例句,可以看出语言使用方面一个比较常见的现象,即专业语言生活化。“考察”本来应该是一个比较专业的词,但是在日常的语言中也用得非常普遍,一个本来没有什么技术性或专业性的“参观”,也可以说是“考察”。这种现象在语言学中称为“语义转变”(semantic shift),指的是词汇或者表达方式从原本的专业、技术或特定领域,逐渐扩展到更广泛的日常生活中。语义转变是译者应该观察到并且能够应对的一种现象,是语言的一个认知基础。在这个认知基础上,就能够理解语境的重要性,认识到通过语境理解词义的必要性。
* 美国明德大学蒙特雷国际研究学院高级翻译学院教授,本刊顾问。