De-influencing: The Trend Putting Authenticity First“反种草”浪潮:真实至上

2024-01-23 08:09杰斯·比奇/文王香格/译
英语世界 2024年1期

杰斯·比奇/文 王香格/译

Be honest: how often does your social media scrolling lead to shopping? And how many of those things that TikTok made you buy did you actually need? Enter de-influencing, the TikTok trend flipping1 influencing on its head—and aiming to save our bank balances in the process.


There’s been an influx of TikTok beauty mishaps of late that have fueled a growing frustration at creators promoting products online that are misleading or, to put it bluntly, inconsiderate in light of the ongoing cost of living crisis. Take, for example, the “mascara gate” debacle2. US-based influencer Mikayla Nogueira posted a TikTok using the L’Oréal Telescopic Lash Lift Mascara but was accused of using false eyelashes in her review as part of a paid partnership. Neither Nogueira nor L’Oréal has commented on the post. Tarte Cosmetics was also criticized for treating influencers to a lavish, all-expenses-paid trip to Dubai, which sparked debate among fans as the sponsored posts felt unrelatable to many.


As a result, social media users have taken it upon themselves3 to rebel against the wave of mass consumption in a bid to reclaim control over their feeds. This has spread outside of the app, too, with Reddit threads4 popping up where users share the products they don’t think are worth the hype. But what actually is de-influencing, how is it different from influencing, and will it last? We ask a content creator and marketing expert to break it down.


What is de-influencing?


De-influencing is the TikTok trend with hundreds of millions of views that’s challenging the hype around so-called cult products by telling you what you shouldn’t buy, instead of what you should. It’s a response to a few different things, including a general feeling of overconsumption (you don’t need more stuff just because TikTok says you do) and the cost of living crisis.


“People are experiencing a general social media fatigue at the moment,” says makeup artist and beauty content creator Rose Gallagher. “Originally, user-generated content was so popular because people tended to share thoughts on things that they had purchased themselves with no real connection to the brand. Now, with so much to be gained from giving a rave review, it has become harder to tell the genuine reviews from those influenced by the potential for earning.”


This isn’t the first time there’s been a backlash against promotional content. “I think de-influencing is in some ways similar to when ’90s magazine editors started to editorialize content and not always write about their advertisers,” says CEO of the British Beauty Council and cofounder of PR agency Brandstand Communications, Millie Kendall. “Content creators with integrity, whether that’s magazine editors or influencers, will always try to set their content apart from what they deem to be lacking in honesty. I think it’s important because it sets a level playing field for brands that can’t afford to convince someone to feature their content without paying for the privilege.”

這已经不是推广内容第一次受到强烈抵制了。英国美容协会首席执行官、公关公司Brandstand Communications联合创始人米莉·肯德尔说:“我觉得‘反种草’在某些方面类似于20世纪90年代杂志编辑开始发表评论,而非总写有关广告商的内容。无论是杂志编辑,还是网红,只要是以诚信为准则的内容创作者,总会尽力将自己的创作与他们认为不够诚实的内容划清界限。我认为这一点很重要,因为如此便为品牌提供了一个公平竞争的环境,让花不起特约费用请人专门为自己推广的品牌也可参与其中。”

How is de-influencing different from influencing?


It sounds progressive, but once you scratch the surface5, there isn’t a huge difference between influencing and de-influencing. “De-influencing is a bit of a false commodity,” says Kendall. “It’s still influence but it’s telling people what not to buy.” While TikTokers may be warning consumers away from expensive or well-known products, some continue to influence by telling consumers what they should buy instead. For example, buying a heated roller set on Amazon over the Dyson Airwrap—this is still suggesting products with sweeping6 promises.


Cynically speaking, de-influencing is a good strategy for influencers and brands. Rising living costs mean consumers are less likely to splurge7 on big-ticket8 items, which means the influencers promoting them are less likely to generate affiliate revenue. Pivoting to promoting cheaper products plays into the so-called “Lipstick Effect9,” where people treat themselves to little luxuries, instead of indulgences, during times of economic uncertainty.


Being honest and authentic has the potential to pay off, too. While criticizing big brands may reduce an influencer’s chances of landing a new deal in the short term, it also may increase their long-term reach as they gain a reputation for being trustworthy. Sparking debates over whether a product works or not can also drive sales for brands, as consumers respond by wanting to try it for themselves. It is also important to remember that not all influencers are financially stable enough to be immune to rocketing bills, and all the influencers will need to adapt their content to these changing and challenging times.


What is different about de-influencing is encouraging consumers to take a moment to think about whether they need a product and whether it’s right for them versus whether they’re simply being influenced because it’s new, popular, or exciting. This is part of a bigger movement in beauty. “There is also the paring back10 of regimens, the ingredient diet, the skin minimalism, and the stripping back11 of excess linked to sustainability and overconsumption,” says Kendall. “This is a positive approach to marketing.”



1 flip翻转,此处指颠覆。  2 debacle大败;垮台;灾祸。

3 take upon oneself主动承担某项任务或责任。  4 thread(互联网留言板上的)系列相关信息,主题帖。

5 scratch the surface of sth作肤浅的探讨;浅尝辄止;触及表面。

6 sweeping笼统的;一概而论的。  7 splurge挥霍。  8 big-ticket昂贵的。  9 lipstick effect口红效应,指因经济萧条而导致口红热卖的一种有趣的经济现象,也叫“低价产品偏爱趋势”。

10 pare back逐步减小(数量或体积);使缩小。  11 strip back(特指音乐等)回归本质,只保留最简单的形式。

Cut off my Hands!