
2024-01-09 03:59:08张新贺谭浩然吕文博
计算机应用 2023年12期




(辽宁科技大学 电子与信息工程学院,辽宁 鞍山 114051)(∗通信作者电子邮箱527075114@qq.com)



0 引言

空间调制(Spatial Modulation, SM)技术[1-6]是一种全新的多天线传输技术,它同时利用空间星座图和信号星座图传递信息,且在每一传输时隙只激活一根发送天线,解决了传统多输入多输出(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output, MIMO)系统存在的信道间干扰(Inter-Channel Interference, ICI)、天线间同步(Inter-Antenna Synchronization, IAS)和多射频(Radio Frequency, RF)链路等问题。为了进一步充分利用信道的空间资源,文献[7-9]中提出了只利用空间星座图传递信息的空移键控(Space Shift Keying, SSK)技术,有效地降低了接收端的检测复杂度。广义SM(Generalized SM, GSM)技术[10-11]和广义SSK(Generalized SSK, GSSK)技术[12-15]打破了SM和SSK技术每一传输时隙只激活一根发送天线的限制,提高了传输速率。对于GSSK技术,最大似然(Maximum Likelihood, ML)检测算法是最优检测算法,它需要遍历所有的发送天线组合[16],缺点是复杂度会随发送天线组合(Transmit Antenna Combination, TAC)数呈指数增长,在大规模传输中的计算复杂度较高甚至无法实现。


本文的主要工作如下:1)使用改进的SP算法选择最可能的发送天线序号;2)通过缩小发送天线序号集合,降低算法的计算复杂度;3)通过预设门限值和ML检测,在误比特率(Bit Error Rate, BER)性能和计算复杂度间进行折中。

1 GSSK系统模型及CS原理

1.1 GSSK系统模型

1.2 CS理论



图1 CS理论的示意图


2 GSSK检测算法


2.1 ML算法


2.2 NCS算法



算法1 NCS算法。

3) end for

10) end for

2.3 SP算法


算法2 SP算法。

3) end for

14) end for

3 基于CS理论的低复杂度检测算法




算法3 SP-ML算法。

3) end for

16) end for

22) else

24) end if

27) else

29) end if

4 实验与结果分析


4.1 误比特率性能分析

图2 SP-ML与ML、NCS算法的BER性能比较

4.2 计算复杂度分析






图3 SP-ML与ML、NCS算法的计算复杂度性能比较

5 结语


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Low-complexity generalized space shift keying signal detection algorithm based on compressed sensing

ZHANG Xinhe*, TAN Haoran, LYU Wenbo


As a simplified version of Spatial Modulation (SM), Generalized Space Shift Keying (GSSK) has been widely used in massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems. It can better solve the problems such as Inter-Channel Interference (ICI), Inter-Antenna Synchronization (IAS), and multiple Radio Frequency (RF) links in traditional MIMO technology. To solve the problem of high computational complexity of the Maximum Likelihood (ML) detection algorithm for GSSK systems, a low-complexity GSSK signal detection algorithm based on Compressed Sensing (CS) theory was proposed by combining Subspace Tracking (SP) and ML detection algorithms in CS, and presetting the threshold. First, the improved SP algorithm was used to obtain partial Transmit Antenna Combinations (TACs). Secondly, the set of search antennas was shrunk by deleting partial antenna combinations. Finally, the ML algorithm and the preset threshold were used to estimate the TACs. The results of simulation experiments show that the computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is significantly lower than that of ML detection algorithm, and the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance is almost the same as that of ML detection algorithm, which verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

Generalized Space Shift Keying (GSSK); Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO); Compressed Sensing (CS); Subspace Pursuit (SP); Maximum Likelihood (ML) detection

This work is partially supported by Higher Education Research Project of Liaoning Provincial Department (LJKZ0292).

ZHANG Xinhe, born in 1980, Ph. D., associate professor. His research interests include signal detection, compressed sensing.

TAN Haoran, born in 1997, M. S. candidate. Her research interests include wireless communication, compressed sensing.

LYU Wenbo, born in 1997, M. S. candidate. His research interests include signal detection, compressed sensing.










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