
2023-12-19 07:53:28招月金高周胜
高师理科学刊 2023年11期




(1. 哈尔滨师范大学 物理与电子工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150025;2. 广州航海学院 基础教学部,广东 广州 510725)

六方氮化硼(hBN)是一种天然的范德瓦尔斯双曲材料,在两个红外波长范围内表现出双曲色散关系,可用于加强光与物质的相互作用.在目前的工作中,设计了矩形层状光栅hBN(RLG)结构,通过数值模拟发现能够增大Goos-Hänchen(GH)位移的同时具有较高的反射率.利用电场分布直接揭示了GH位移增强归因于RLG结构中的高局域的电场.值得注意的是,GH峰值的频率和宽度也可以由入射光偏振,hBN层各向异性轴方向的高度和厚度等参数来调控.基于GH位移的RLG结构传感特性,灵敏度高达1.401 μm/ RIU.这些结果可以为高灵敏光学传感器、光学开关和光电子探测器的设计提供有益参考.





1 理论模型

图1 矩形hBN层状光栅结构示意图

图2 不同频率情况下hBN的介电常数


2 结果与讨论

图3 矩形hBN层状光栅结构GH位移和反射率随频率的变化

图4 矩形hBN层状光栅结构在不同频率下电场分布

图5 横电(TE)波和横磁(TM)波分别入射及各项异轴平行于轴时的GH位移和反射率


图6 不同参数下GH位移和反射率随频率的变化

式中:定义为峰值波长;在的条件下,;为光在空气中的速度;,为入射波频率;,为上方空间的介电常数,折射率与介电常数的关系为.在从左侧入射的情况下,对介电常数很敏感(见图7).本文分析了RLG结构在GH位移中的作用,以探讨其在传感器中的潜在应用.利用灵敏度因子对该传感器的性能进行了表征.当介电常数从1.001到1.01,扫描间隔为0.00 1时,寻找GH位移最大最高的灵敏性,其灵敏度可达到.值得注意的是,空气的介电常数为1,温度可以改变其介电常数.

3 结语

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Goos-Hanchen shift in rectangular hBN layered gratings

ZHAO Yue1,JIN Gao1,ZHOU Sheng1,2

(1. School of Physics and Electronic Engineering,Harbin Normal University,Harbin 150025,China;2. Department of Basic Teaching,Guangzhou Navigation University,Guangzhou 510725,China)

hBN is a van der Waals material which is expected to a naturally occurring hyperbolic material,exhibits natural hyperbolic dispersion relations in tworangesofinfrared wavelengths that can strengthen light-matter interactions.In the present work,a rectangular laminar grating hBN(RLG)structure is designed,which is found to be able to increase the Goos-Hänchen(GH)shift with high reflectivity through numerical simulations.The electromagnetic field distribution in this structure directly reveals that enhanced GH shift can be attributed to electric field of the high localization in the RLG structure.It is worth noting that the frequency and width of the GH peak can also be regulated by parameters such as incident light polarization,height and thickness of the direction of the anisotropic axis of the hBN layer.In addition,the structure-sensing properties based on the GH shift was evaluated with a sensitivity of up to 1.401 μm/ RIU.The increased and controlled GH shift in the RLG structure shows promise for the applications,such as,optical sensors,optical switches and optoelectronic detectors.

Goos-Hänchen shift;hBN gratings;optical sensors









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