近年来,贵州省政府将阳明洞古建筑群扩建成中国阳明文化园。园区占地3 500余亩,包括“王阳明纪念馆”与“阳明广场”等。矗立在广场正中的王阳明铜像高15.08米,寓意王阳明来到阳明洞的时间是公元1508年。虽然时间已经过去了500多年,阳明心学的影响却从未中断。当地政府每年都举办“阳明学术文化活动”,越来越多的世界友人来此参访游学,阳明洞也成为中国阳明心学的文化地标。
The Yangming Cave in Xiuwen County
Located in the Longgang Mountain in XiuwenCounty, Guizhou Province, the Yangming Cave isnamed a er the renowned Ming-dynasty philosopher,educator, statesman and military leader Wang Shouren(art name Yangming, also known as Master Yangming).Having gained his epiphany in this cave a er being demoted,Wang Yangming has given the cave perpetualfame.
In the spring of the third year of Zhengde (1508),Wang was demoted for opposing the hegemony of theeunuch Liu Jin in court. After months of wearying travel,Wang finally arrivedat the place he was demotedto, Longchang(now Xiuwen County)in Guizhou Province,which didn’t even havean official residence atthe time. So Wang hadto build a makeshiftthatched cottage as atemporary dwelling.Soon, he found a naturalcave halfway up theLonggang Mountainwith a spacious area ofabout 90 square meters.With naturally formedstone stools and stonebeds inside the caveand drinking water resources nearby, the cave proveda far better shelter than the cottage. Wang moved intothe cave and named it “Yangming Xiaodongtian” (theMiniature Cave-Heaven of Yangming). Later generationscalled the cave “Yangming Cave” to commemorateWang.
Wang endured an exceptionally dreary life in thecave, and it was here that he overcame his mental crisiscaused by extreme suppression and isolation. Moreover,it was here that Wang reconceptualized Confucianphilosophy, claiming that moral principles originatefrom the mind of the subject instead of from externalobjects. This was a rebel against the traditional Schoolof Principle in Neo-Confucianism. Wang also cameto the conclusion that one’s moral knowledge is insep-arable from one’s moral actions, hence the maxim “the unity of knowledgeand action”. These two philosophical breakthroughs constitute thefamous “epiphany of Longchang”, which has changed the direction ofChinese traditional philosophy and in uenced Japan and Korea, eventuallyleaving its mark in world philosophy. The Yangming Cave has sincebecome an important cultural site, attracting visitors across history andcultures. An Guoheng, the Ming-dynasty Aboriginal Chief of Guizhouhad it inscribed above the entrance of the cave “Witness to the enduringgrace of Master Yangming” to pay homage to the philosopher. LuoRufang, a scholar of the Ming Dynasty, and Kimimichi Takayama, ascholar of the Meiji Period in Japan, visited this cave and le stone inscriptions.There are two cypress trees at the entrance of the cave whichare said to have been planted by Wang himself. As Wang was canonizedwith the posthumous name Duke Wang of Wencheng in the Wanli periodof the Ming Dynasty, the trees are also called “Duke Wencheng’sCypress”.
To the upper le side of the cave is the Helou Pavilion. Wang’s noble character had won heartfelt support of the Longchang people, so they volunteered to build a dwelling place for him after discoveringthat the Yangming Cave was too damp for living.This became the Helou Pavilion. The name “Helou”comes from the chapter “Zihan” in The Analects: “Wherethe gentleman abides, what shabbiness there is?”
If you come out of the cave and urn le , ascend the winding steps along themountain path and you will nd the Temple of Duke Wang of Wencheng, whoseformer incarnation was the Longgang Academy. Longgang Academy was builtby local people for Wang as a venue for teaching. As the first academy whereWang promoted his School of Mind, Longgang Academy was the birthplace ofthe school and the founding place of Wang’s systematic educational theories.After wang passed away, Zhao Jin, the Investigating Censor of Guizhou turnedthe academy into the temple of Duke Wang of Wangcheng in the thirtieth yearof Jiajing (1551). The temple was a Siheyuan-style courtyard house consisting ofthe main hall in the center, le and right chambers anking it and the Yuanqi Pavilion.The main hall enshrines a statue of Wang in his court dress, and worshipservices to Wang have o en been held here over the ages. It’s worth mentioningthat the western chambers of the temple had once been used by Chiang Kai-shekto put the patriotic general Zhang Xueliang under house arrest. During the threeyears that General Zhang and his wife Zhao Yidi had been con ned in this residence,Zhang read many of Wang’s writings and developed his interest in Wang’s School of Mind and the history of the Ming Dynasty.
Facing the temple is the Junzi Pavilion surrounded bybamboos. Wang believes that bamboos partake of many ofthe noble qualities of the junzi, or the gentleman, consideredto be the embodiment of Confucian ideal, so the pavilion isnamed after Junzi. Below the pavilion is the Binyang GuestHall, which was part of the building complex of the formerLonggang Academy and was used by the academy as a guestreception venue.
In recent years, the Guizhou provincial government hasexpanded the Yangming Cave historic building complex intothe Yangming Cultural Park which covers an area of over3,500 mu (approximately 2,333 square meters). The parkincludes the Wang Yangming Memorial and the YangmingSquare. The bronze statue of Wang standing at the centerof the square reaches a height of 15.08 meters, symbolizingthe year 1508 when Wang rst came to the Yangming Cave.Although five hundred years have passed, the YangmingSchool of Mind continues to influence today’s world. Eachyear, the local government hold academic and cultural eventsfocusing on the Yangming School and more and more visitorsfrom across the world are coming here to learn somethingabout Wang, making the Yangming Cave a cultural landmarkfor the Yangming School of Mind in China.