庄梦园 龙超
白很力(Berhanetsegyohannes) 2016年经厄立特里亚孔子学院介绍来到贵州留学,就读于贵州师范大学的美术学专业,获得本科学位,目前是该校一名研究生二年级学生。来华之前,他已是厄立特里亚小有名气的画家,他放弃在本国的荣誉来到中国重新开始,这一选择令人敬佩。他是中厄文化的友好使者。
Q1 记者:你是通过什么契机来贵州留学深造的?
Q2 记者:你对贵州的第一印象是怎样的?
Q3 记者:你喜欢和中国人交朋友吗?在交朋友的过程中,除了语言障碍,还有其他障碍吗?
Q4 记者:从网上获悉,你在中国还举办过个人画展,而且办得很成功,能和我们分享一下当时的感受吗?
Q5 记者:“三下乡”是中国独具特色的志愿者活动,作为国际学生参加“三下乡”活动,你的感受是什么?
Q6 记者:来贵州已经七年了,贵州留学给你带来的最大收获是什么?
Bai Henli (Berhanetsegyohannes) came toGuizhou in 2016 with the help of the Confucius Institutein Eritrea to study at the Arts Institute at GuizhouNormal University. After obtaining his bachelor’sdegree, he continued on with his postgraduate studyat the same school, now two years into the program.Before coming to China, he was already an establishedpainter back in his home country. To leave all that behindand start anew in a foreign country is impressiveenough. He is truly the friendship ambassador betweenthe two cultures.
The author, a postgraduate student from the Facultyof Arts, Guizhou University of Finance and Economics(GUFE), has the honor to interview Bai Henli for adeep dive into his educational experience in China.
Reporter: Under which circumstance did you come to Guizhou?
Bai Henli:I first came to China in the year of 2015for the Beijing International Art Biennale. I was socharmed by the depth and diversity of Chinese arts. Byway of recommendation from the Confucius Institutein Eritrea, I came here again the next year and thistime I came to Guizhou Normal University to beginmy arts education. I have been living in Guiyang forover seven years now and it has become my secondhome. I have two Chinese “parents” with whom I havebuilt a solid and intimate relationship. I even spent theChinese New Year over at their place and reallyenjoyed the festive mood of family reunions.
Reporter: What was your firstimpression of Guizhou?
Bai Henli:I think Guizhou has a pleasant climate, withmild winters and cool summers, which is more enjoyablethan the temperatures in Beijing or Shanghai. Ilike the rain in Guiyang, strolling in the rain, creatingarts in rainy weather, and appreciating the beauty ofnature. I want to depict everything created by nature.In terms of food, both Guizhou and Eritrean cuisineshave a spicy taste, which is easy to adapt to and feelswelcoming. Especially there are dishes like “Siwawa”,a famous Guizhou snack, which wraps various ingredientstogether, embodying the Chinese concept of“moderation and harmony”. In terms of the environment,Guizhou has beautiful mountains and rivers,which provide me with a lot of inspiration for creation.I have visited almost all the famous scenic spots inGuizhou, such as Qianhu Miao Village, HuangguoshuWaterfall, and Jiaxiu Tower. I believe that each attractionis a unique existence, and every place has its owndistinctive beauty, just like artworks, each with its ownstory behind it.
Reporter: Do you like making friends with Chinese people?Besides language barriers, are there any other obstacles in making friends?
Bai Henli:I really enjoy making friends with Chinesepeople, and most of my friends are locals fromGuizhou. Making friends allows us to learn from eachother, and it is through them that I have developed anoutgoing personality and uent spoken Chinese. At thesame time, they are also my teachers in life, teachingme how to shop, order food, and making my life moreconvenient. Of course, I also teach my friends English,and we can progress together. I find that there arehardly any difficulties or obstacles in getting alongwith Chinese friends; they are very friendly to me.
Reporter: I learned from the Internet that you have held a personal art exhibition in China, and it was very successful. Could you share your feelings at that time?
Bai Henli:I am very proud to have held a personal art exhibitionwhile still an undergraduate student. In May 2021, I held a personalart exhibition at Guizhou Normal University, featuring 39 worksmainly focusing on portraits. The exhibition was lively, with manypeople coming to see it. I was incredibly excited and speechlesswhen I heard the continuous praises. Apart from this, my artworkshave also been exhibited in Zunyi, Guizhou. Whenever someoneasked about the stories behind my works, I was happy to sharethem. Currently, I am studying the relationship between text andnature, and my dream is to incorporate elements of both Eritreanand Chinese characters into my paintings. One of my works hasalready been collected by the National Art Museum of China(NAMOC). This particular piece incorporates Eritrean elements,with a necklace-shaped symbol resembling the unique Eritreansymbol “U”, meaning “beginning” or “start”, representing that amother is the first person who gives life and teaches. The necklacealso symbolizes “perfect”, expressing praise for maternal love.through creating artworks, I hope to promote cultural exchangesbetween the two countries.
Reporter: “San Xia Xiang” (aninitiative that aims to advancescientific, cultural and sanitaryeducation in rural areas) isa unique volunteer projectin China. As an internationalstudent, how did you feelparticipating in this activity?
Bai Henli:During the summer vacation in2021, I participated in the “San Xia Xiang”volunteer activity, where I provided freeguidance to elementary school students in painting. The biggest realization I had fromthis activity was the concept of “learning fromteaching”. By analyzing the children’s drawings,it brought me different perspectives onpainting and inspired me with new creativeideas. Children have a different perspectiveon the world, and they may be more adept atcapturing the main features of each object andmagnifying them in nitely. therefore, this activitywas a process of mutual learning as well.
Reporter: It has been sevenyears since you came toGuizhou. What has beenthe greatest achievement ofstudying in Guizhou for you?
Bai Henli:Studying in Guizhou is a highly rewardingexperience. I have learned a lot about Chinese cultureand incorporated more Chinese cultural elements intomy artwork. Additionally, I have met many like-mindedclassmates and artist friends in China with whom Ican regularly exchange creative experiences. they arelike family to me. If given the opportunity, I would liketo continue to pursue a doctoral degree in China.
As a young Eritrean painterwho came to China for education,Bai Henli has developed amulticultural mindset throughhis studies and life experiences.He is more inclusive and respectfultowards di erent racesand cultures from various countries.His artistic creations playa positive role in enhancingcross-cultural communicationand promoting the disseminationof Chinese culture to theworld.