
2023-11-16 02:54:25
中国科技教育 2023年10期



T h i s i m a g e s h o w s t h ey o u n g e s t d a t e d s p e c i m e n sof (clockwise from top left)H a r l a n s g r o u n d s l o t h(P a r a m y l o d o n h a r l a n i ) ,w e s t e r n c a m e l (C a m e l o p sh e s t e r n u s ) , w e s t e r n h o r s e(Equus occidentalis ), dire wolf(Aenocyon dirus ), antique bison(Bison antiquus ), and sabertoothedtiger (Smilodon fatalis ).These fossils were excavated atRancho La Brea in Los Angeles,California, and are the lastknown surviving members oftheir species.



This image depicts wholec h r o m o s o m e s , s o m e w i t hstructural abnormalities that mightbe found in cancer. The idea thatcancer cells have aneuploidy—abnormal numbers of chromosomesand chromosome portions—hasbeen known for decades. Usingmodern biological tools, Girish etal . engineered cancer cells withand without specific chromosomea b n o r m a l i t i e s , s h o w i n g h o wtumors rely on them for survivaland clarifying the biological roleof aneuploidy.


封面上展示的是无人机在土耳其卡赫拉曼马拉什镇附近拍摄的照片,可以看到2023 年土耳其地震序列第一次主震产生的地表破裂,由于断层滑移使农田形成偏离。破裂的总长度超过300 千米(照片仅显示了其中的一小部分),这是由于一系列不太可能发生的事件突破了多个潜在障碍造成的。

A drone photograph, takennear the town of Kahramanmara?,of the surface rupture producedby the first mainshock of the2023 Turkey earthquake sequenceshows agricultural fields offset bythe fault slip. The total rupturel e n g t h i s mor e t h a n 3 0 0 km(only a small fraction of whichis shown), resulting from anunlikely cascade of events thatbroke through multiple potentialbarriers.



T h i s a r t w o r k d e p i c t s aperson collecting green pointswhen passing through trash pilesof single-use cutlery, eventuallyu s i n g t h e a c c u m u l a t e d p o i n t sto grow a tree. Collaboratingwith Alibaba, researchers showthat simple green nudges, whichinclude changing the default to“no c u t l e r y ” a n d a w a r d i n gn o n m o n e t a r y g r e e n p o i n t s ,markedly reduced app userssingle-use cutlery consumptionand brought about substantialenvironmental benefits.

(陶 陶 编译)

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