
2023-09-27 02:25:15李永固金鉴梅高素芸张国伟刘剑赵丰
丝绸 2023年9期

李永固 金鉴梅 高素芸 张国伟 刘剑 赵丰

Dye identification and color analysis of azurite satin with a crane roundel pattern in the Qing Dynasty



中图分类号:TS101.913; TQ611    文献标志码:A   文章编号: 10017003(2023)090035

引用页码:091105       DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2023.09.005(篇序)




1 實 验

1.1 化学试剂

HPLC级乙腈和甲醇(德国默克公司),LC-MS级甲酸(美国赛默飞世尔科技公司),HPLC级吡啶(上海安谱实验科技股份有限公司),98%草酸(美国阿克洛斯有机试剂公司)。18.2 MΩ超纯水由Millipore reference纯水仪(法国密理博公司)系统制备,高纯级苏木素、姜黄素(≥90%)、异荭草素(≥98%)、木犀草素(≥98%)、盐酸小檗碱(≥98%)、盐酸巴马汀(≥98%)、靛蓝(>95%)、靛玉红(≥95%)(上海阿拉丁生化科技股份有限公司),苏木、黄檗(水色染坊),靛青(温州采成蓝夹缬博物馆),黄荆、姜黄(中国丝绸博物馆染草园)。

1.2 样品制备

取文物纱线0.1~0.5 mg放入离心管,使用V吡啶︰V水︰V草酸=95︰95︰10混合溶液萃取纱线中的染料,于85 ℃恒温萃取30 min。使用氮气干燥后,将V甲醇︰V水=1︰1混合溶液加入离心管,溶解萃取物,离心,取上清液30 μL至进样瓶,进样。

1.3 仪器设备

本实验采用HPLC-MS法分析清代丝织品上的染料。其中液相色谱系统由二元高压梯度泵、二极管阵列检测器和自动进样器组成LC20AD(日本岛津公司),质谱检测器为线性离子阱质谱仪LTQ-XL(美国赛默飞世尔科技公司),采用C18反相色谱柱Luna C18(美国菲罗门公司)进行染料色素分离。高效液相色谱洗脱液A为0.1%甲酸水溶液,B为01%甲酸乙腈溶液,流速为0.25 mL/min。质谱数据采集和处理由Xcalibur 2.1软件完成,质荷比范围m/z 100~1 000。质谱参数如下:离子喷雾电压分别为3 kV(正离子模式)和25 kV(负离子模式);毛细管温度350 ℃;氮气用作鞘气和辅气,压力分别为241.32 kPa和103.42 kPa;毛细管电压分别为35 V(正离子模式)和-40 V(负离子模式)。多级谱图MSn采集利用DDA程序进行碰撞诱导解离,相关参数见文献[12]。

2 结果与分析

2.1 红色染料

图2是鹤顶橘色绣线在检测波长350 nm下的高效液相色谱图,在保留时间10.64 min时检测出一个明显的色谱峰2,色谱峰2的紫外—可见光谱如图3所示,最大吸收波长分别为258、307 nm和338 nm。色谱峰2对应的质谱如图4所示,负离子模式下的准分子离子峰[M-H]-m/z 243。色谱峰2的二级质谱的碎片离子主要有m/z 171、215、199和225等,因此该物质为苏木素的降解产物尿石素C[13],分子结构如图5所示。图6是450 nm检测波长下橘色纱线染料样品的高效液相色谱图,该图中未发现苏木素,但存在一个微弱的色谱峰1,对应的质谱如图7所示,负离子模式下的准分子离子峰[M-H]-m/z 283,推测为氧化苏木素。这是因为苏木素在空气中极易被氧化,甚至在制成染料时就已经变成了氧化苏木素[14],苏木素的氧化过程如图8所示。以上两种化合物是苏木的特征成分,因此证明该橘色纱线中存在苏木染料。


2.2 黄色染料

图9为鹤顶橘色纱线染料萃取液在检测波长450 nm下的高效液相色谱。橘色纱线的染料在450 nm下的高效液相色谱图中存在区别于苏木素和Type C的三个色谱峰,在负离子模式下的准分子离子峰分别为[M-H]- m/z 307、337和367,如图10、图11和图12所示;它们的紫外—可见吸收光谱的最大吸收波长如表1所示。推测三种化合物分别为双去甲氧基姜黄素、去甲氧基姜黄素和姜黄素[17],分子结构如图13所示,因此该橘色纱线中存在姜黄。


图14为浅绿色纱线的染料萃取液在检测波长350 nm下的高效液相色谱图,存在一个明显的色谱峰6,其紫外—可见光谱的最大吸收波长分别为226、264、346 nm和426 nm(图15)。另有一个微弱的色谱峰7,其紫外—可见光谱的最大吸收波长为265、346 nm和426 nm(图16)。由图17、图18可见,二者的准分子离子峰[M+H]+分别为m/z 336、352,结合保留时间推测为小檗碱和巴马汀[19],其分子结构如图19所示。此外,根据色谱峰的信号强度可知小檗碱的相对含量多于巴马汀,确定该染料来源于川黄檗[20]。


如图20所示,深绿色纱线的染料萃取液在350 nm下的色谱图中有3个信号较强的色谱峰,色谱峰8、9、10分别与[M-H]- m/z 447、475和461的EIC图相对应(图21—图23)。三种化合物紫外—可见吸收光谱的最大吸收波长和二级质谱如表2所示,推测色谱峰8和10对应的化合物分别是异荭草素和木犀草素—O—葡萄糖苷,是黄荆的特征色素成分[21],其结构如图24所示。峰9代表一种未知化合物,根据紫外光谱的最大吸收波长推测该成分也是黄酮类化合物。


2.3 蓝色染料

图25为蓝色、浅绿色和深绿色三种纱线在检测波长600 nm下的高效液相色谱,三者具有相同的保留时间,说明三个色谱峰代表的物质相同。图26为色谱峰11的紫外—可见吸收光谱,该物质的最大吸收波长为290、362 nm和546 nm。由于靛蓝和靛玉红互为同分异构,二者的质谱数据相同,其质谱如图27所示,因此仅通过质谱图无法对二者区分,可根据紫外—可见光谱的最大吸收波长推测色谱峰11、12和13表示的化合物均为靛玉红[19],靛玉红与靛蓝的分子结构如




3 结 论



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Dye identification and color analysis of azurite satin with a crane roundel pattern in the Qing Dynasty

LI Yonggu1, JIN Jianmei2, GAO Suyun1, ZHANG Guowei3, LIU Jian1,3, ZHAO Feng1,2,3

(1a.College of Textile Science and Engineering; 1b.International Institute of Silk, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University,Hangzhou 310018, China; 2.College of Fashion and Design, Donghua University, Shanghai 200051, China;3.China National Silk Museum, Hangzhou 310002, China)

Abstract:Textile cultural relics are the precious heritage of human history and culture, colors are an important expression of textile cultural relics, and dyes are the basic core of color expression. Dye archaeology is an important branch in the study of textile relics. By testing the colors and dyes of cultural relics and combining with ancient literature records, important historical information such as dye source, dyeing process, internal aesthetics, commodity circulation, age and origin of cultural relics can be obtained. The azurite satin with a crane roundel pattern in the Qing Dynasty is well preserved and rich in color, which to some extent represents the dyeing technology level of the Qing Dynasty, so it is of great value to study the history and culture of this silk cultural relic and the dyeing technology of China in the Qing Dynasty.

To learn about the historical information contained in silk textile cultural relics of the Qing Dynasty and excavate the artistic value, the natural dyes used in the azurite satin with a crane roundel pattern collected in China National Silk Museum were detected by using HPLC-MS technology. The retention time of chromatography, the maximum absorption wavelength of the ultraviolet-visible spectrum, and primary and secondary mass spectrometry of the dye pigments were combined to identify the dye raw materials used in the cultural relics. In addition, the use of textile colors in the Qing Dynasty was analyzed by combining the identification results with relevant historical documents in the Qing Dynasty, such as Book of Cloth and Settlement Archives of Dyeing Workshops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The results showed that urolithin C, brazilien, curcumin and its two derivatives were detected in the orange embroidery thread of the azurite satin with a crane roundel pattern of the Qing Dynasty. Berberine, palmatine and indirubin were detected in the light green embroidery thread. Isoorientin, luteolin-O-glucoside, and indirubin were detected in the dark green embroidery thread. Indirubin was detected in the blue embroidery thread. It can be concluded that the orange yarn was dyed with sappanwood and turmeric, consistent with the color and dyes used to dye “apricot yellow” recorded in Book of Cloth; the light green yarn was dyed with barberry and indigo, which was similar to the dyeing process of sand green and bean green recorded in the ancient books of Settlement Archives of Dyeing Workshops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Qing Dynasty and The Exploitation of the Works of Nature of the Ming Dynasty. The dark green yarn was dyed with Vitex negundo and indigo; the blue yarn was dyed with indigo. The above colors and dyes correspond to the records in ancient literature, indicating that the process of dyeing secondary colors with multiple dyes in the Ming and Qing dyes was very mature, and people knew about the use of different dyes to obtain different shades of the same color.

In this research, natural dyes used on the azurite satin with a crane roundel pattern of the Qing Dynasty collected by China National Silk Museum were detected and successfully identified, and this cultural relic is also the first case of Vitex negundo to be identified among Qing Dynasty silk fabric artifacts. Based on the dye records in ancient documents, this research speculates the dyeing process corresponding to the color of the cultural relics, and analyzes other information such as the production area of the cultural relics through the corresponding process characteristics and dye distribution in ancient books. The results can provide reference for the color restoration of the Qing Dynasty silk fabrics, and provide a scientific basis for the research on the dyeing history, the protection and display of the silk cultural relics.

Key words:HPLC-MS; azurite satin with crane roundel pattern of the Qing Dynasty; dye identification; dyeing process; indigo; Vitex negundo

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