卷首语From Editor
3 变速器之轻 张晓英
Transmission lightweight
特别策划Special Plan
6 基于变速器壳体加工的生产线设计 朱仕海 等
Production line design based on transmission
housing processing
10 汽车变速器生产制造过程中废品优化方法探索 宋涛
A scrap optimization method in automobile
gearbox manufacturing process
14 电驱动桥减速器润滑油道布置 黄志武 等
Lubricating oil channel layout in the electric
drive axle reducer
17 汽车变速器自动合箱设备旋转拨叉疲劳寿命
提升研究 滕海渤 等
Research on improving fatigue life of the rotary
fork in the transmission automatic closing equipment
21 某法兰盘紧固结构的优化设计研究 杨小龙 等
Research on optimal design of the flange fastening structure
数字化工厂Digitalized Factory
25 基于MOM系统的商用车电气功能智能检测 巩若澍 等
Intelligent detection of the commercial vehicle
electrical function based on MOM system
28 机械设计中有限元分析的关键技术研究 苏铭杰
Key technology of the finite element analysis in
mechanical design
汽车制造Auto Manufacturing
32 自动智能装配技术在汽车焊装车间的
研究与应用 谢明达 等
Research and application of automatic intelligent
assembly technology in automobile welding workshop
37 某轴类锥齿轮车削工艺优化 刘井泽 等
Optimization of the turning process in the axel bevel gear
43 自动化蓝光三维扫描系统在汽车RPS质量
体系中的应用研究 刘颖鹏 等
Application of automatic blue light 3D scanning
system in automotive RPS quality system
48 精密端面磨削的CBN砂轮试验研究 文勤
Experiments of CBN grinding wheels for
precision face grinding
51 乘用车后螺旋弹簧总成压缩装配工艺研究 唐小亮
Research on compression assembly technology
of rear helical spring assembly
汽车技术Auto Technology
55 检测驱动桥轮边锁死半轴承扭的方法 何其猛 等
Method for detecting the torque borne by the
lock of drive axle wheel side half shaft
58 平行轴式直接挂挡机构过冲问题研究 李昕昕 等
Research on the overshoot problem of parallel
axle direct hanging gear
汽車轻量化Auto Lightweight
61 浅谈仪表板阴模真空成型制造工艺 唐林通 等
Vacuum forming process of the instrument panel
64 汽车工艺师2023年第9期广告目次
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