The Father父亲

2023-09-19 12:31赫伯特·欧内斯特·贝茨朱建迅/译
英语世界 2023年9期

赫伯特·欧内斯特·贝茨 朱建迅/译

He was a piano-tuner. Snow was falling as he went from house to house, his little blue hands tucked up his sleeves. Already during that morning he had tuned three instruments in rooms where no fires burned and now through bleak streets was making his way to another, walking solemnly, staring with screwed-up eyes at the passing hats, letting the snow cover his fat face as it would.


Sometimes, hating the snow, the wet soles of his feet, the cold rooms and the icy keys of the pianos, he wished for night to come. Sometimes something like a lump of frozen stone seemed to lie oppressively across his chest. Now and then drops of moisture shivered in his eyes and on the end of his nose, falling on his moustache and the frayed edges of his black bow.


The knocker of the next house he lifted slowly, as if worn out. It too fell like a stone. In the room where he was admitted there was, as he had expected, no fire and he remembered that for a long time now he had no money from the people who lived there.


‘Ah! Well! he thought simply. ‘Thatll have to be looked into, and sighed.


Sitting down he opened the instrument, and shivering as he touched the keys, began his work.


‘Da!—da!—da!—da!—da!—da!—dadaaaa! he tested mournfully.

“哒!——哒!——哒! ——哒!——哒!——哒!——哒哒——!”他弹出凄惨的测试音。

Suddenly he paused, and then tremblingly from his pocket produced a newspaper of that morning, spread it out on the keys and read slowly and methodically, his lips moving a little:


‘An inquest was yesterday held on Selina Bridges, twenty-seven, professional singer, whose body was taken in a decomposed2 condition from the Thames near Waterloo Bridge, on Tuesday afternoon. Medical evidence was given to show that there were signs of alcohol. Suicide while of unsound mind.


The notice became blurred and as if the printing were to blame he brushed his hand once or twice across the page, but misjudging the distance, striking a discord on the piano instead. He tried to smile, but suddenly tears began to run over his face. His fat shoulders danced sadly in their grief. Gradually, softly, the snow on his hair began to melt in pure blobs on his temples and on his legs and boots changed to streams that curled under the piano like dark snakes.


In his misery he noticed nothing. At last the woman of the house put in her head and asked:


‘Whats the matter, Mr. Bridges? I dont hear you tunin!


‘Im only cold. Its all right, he whispered. He brought a pair of blue hands together in a feeble, demonstrative smack.


‘Youve no business3 out, this woman told him.


‘Thats all right! Thats all right, he croaked. ‘Thats all—


He began to cough, his eyes swelled and became an ugly grey. Suddenly he trembled and wept again.


‘You ought to have something, the woman suggested.


While she had gone out his fit of coughing ceased and he fell into a morose4 state of reflection, shuddering at the thought of the freezing winds, bringing the snow.


‘You dont look well, said the woman on returning. ‘Not half you dont. Youve no business out. Ive brought a glass of wine.


He drank some wine.


‘Id be well enough, he replied. ‘I used to be strong. I never had an illness. But its my daughter, Selina, whos a singer. Thats whats the matter.


He pointed out the notice. As the woman read it he drank more wine and whimpered5 quietly. Hearing him, the woman in consolation sniffed and then whimpered too. They wept together. By and by there seemed to come over the woman, the cold piano, and the cheerless room a change and in the place of the great stone across his chest came something soothing and warm. He felt suddenly that he must pour out a long stream of confidences and woes into her soft, kind face.


‘Shes my only child, he whimpered. ‘When she was young I used to say shed be a singer. A prima donna6, I fancied. Its nice now to think that I was right. I taught her to read and play—and then after all that—




‘After all that she went away, he told her and then was silent.


Because of the pain of all this he did not speak again but sat rubbing his blue hands together, thinking of his daughter, of the poverty of her death, and lastly of what every one knew—that once, years ago, he had quarrelled with her and had not seen her since. On his shaky fingers a tear fell and, looking like a bluish pearl, would not roll off. The woman, observing this, left him and fetched a second glass of wine.


As he drank it a soft sensation went through his flesh. He suddenly found it an unimaginable pleasure to do nothing but murmur to the woman between his tears, miserable with a warm, comforting misery, softer and easier to bear than the deadly thoughts which had moved leadenly across his brain in the snow.


He murmured: ‘My only child. I remember I taught her to play. I always said shed be a singer. I always said so.


Now, though he was aware of the poverty and misery of her death, it seemed easy to think of her as successful, artistic and clever, even that she had never despised and left him. In a little while growing warmer and less conscience-stricken, he turned again to work on the piano, permitting himself occasionally the thin luxury of a scale or two, forgetting the snow, the endless list of houses before him, and seeing the death of his daughter as if screened from it by a pleasant rosy cloud. At last he got up, called thanks to the woman of the house and, tucking his hands into his sleeves, stepped into the snow again.


Then gradually as the dreamy sensation of the wine wore off he began to shiver again. The heavy stone dropped back across his chest and bent his ribs inward in great, painful arcs. There were no longer hallucinations7 and comfortable miseries as in the house. Each piano he tuned grew colder. Between his visits the snow was venomous8 and froze him into an aching heap.


He turned in, ordered whisky, and drinking it very quickly went on. Now at the houses the people seemed to know of his grief and pitied him.


‘Yes, its my daughter, he would tell them, ‘Selina. She went away to be a singer in London. Its a long time ago. I remember I used to say shed be a prima donna. Its nice to think that. Yes, it helps.


And they would shake commiserating9 heads, give him tender ‘Goodmornings and thanks, yet all the time think: ‘Thats all right. But hes been drinking again. And they say he used to beat Selina before she left him.


The snow shot down its white bullets faster than ever. His face began to look no more than a wrinkled blue pea tucked between his hat and shoulders. His feet seemed to die, frozen, beneath him. The desire to drink again was strong.


In the warm bar he became enveloped in reminiscence and there seemed to come back the soothing air that had shrouded the woman who had been generous with wine. From the bright face of the barmaid seemed to shine kindness. His thoughts were glowing, immense in reach. He felt that he must confide in her too.


‘My daughter Slina. You knew my daughter Slina? he muttered.


She looked sharply up. ‘Selina?


‘She used—used to sing. Shes a singer.


‘Yes, I know. Whats the matter?


He muttered two words in a low voice, then closed his eyes. The barmaid stretched out her warm, soft hands and put them on his. ‘So its true? she whispered. ‘Id heard something.


‘Yes, its true.


The girls hand crept upwards and touched his bowed head. ‘Dont carry on, she said. The sound of her voice, the softness of her hands, the warm smell of the room comforted him. It seemed to him suddenly that Selina was no more than a child in a pink cotton dress, standing on his chest and pulling his hair. And his heart was heavy.


‘I used to say how beautifully shed sing, he said.


Tears ran down his cheeks in a soft, unchecked flow. The heavy misery of his heart made him say: ‘I did everything. I made her what she was.


And though she too knew that he had ill-treated her, quarrelled and parted with her and had not seen her since, and that in misery she had drowned herself at last, the girl went on softly stroking his hair, comforting him. And sometimes, as if in response, tears fell on her hands, sighs would shake his breast, and she would hear him murmur softly, half to himself:


‘I used to say how beautifully shed sing. I had faith in her. I made her what she was.


She listened with sadness. Outside the snow kept on falling in soft white flakes, sadly too.


1赫伯特·欧内斯特·贝茨(1905—1974),英国著名作家,主要以短篇小说的成就驰誉文坛。他擅长用散文诗的笔触描绘景色和抒写胸怀,文笔生动、真切、传神,自然景物与人物心理的描写熨贴入微,富有诗的意蕴和韵律。本文选自《日暮及其他故事集》(Days End and Other Stories)。

2 decomposed腐败的。

3 have no business无权,没有理由。  4 morose阴郁的,情绪低落的。

5 whimper抽搭,抽泣。  6 prima donna(歌劇中的)女主角演员。

7 hallucination幻觉。  8 venomous恶毒的,剧烈的。  9 commiserating同情的。
