Xi’an Drum Music 西安鼓乐

2023-09-07 05:27
时代英语·高一 2023年7期

Men with round collar robes and futou on their heads and ladies with Tang-style dresses and high hair buns are playing Xian Drum Music with traditional drum, flute and other instruments. Watched afar, its like a wall painting from the Tang dynasty; if you listen closely, its like heavenly music that brings people back to Tangs capital, Changan.

Xian Drum Music originated in the Tang dynasty. Initially, it was played only for royal gatherings, but later on became popular among common people. Xian Drum Music is a typical representative of traditional Chinese instrumental music; in 2009, it was added to the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List.

What kind of instruments can produce such graceful and heavenly music? Xian Drum Music is a grand ensemble integrating traditional Chinese wind, percussion and string instruments, and it has been acclaimed as “symphony from ancient China”. Its history is even longer than western symphony which was formed and developed in the 18th century.

Different from the music notation used by western symphony, now Xian Drum Music adopts a Song dynasty music notation method. Meanwhile, it inherits over 1,000 qupai, or labeled melodies of various forms, from the Tang and Song dynasties. In the performance of Xian Drum Music, there is neither the score nor the conductor. All performers must keep all the tunes in mind.





Xian Drum Music has been played for over a thousand years, which wont be possible without inheritance and innovation by generations of inheritors. For example, besides performing the traditional art, the Ancient Chinese Music Orchestra of Xian International University has been innovating. War Song of Kings, a theme song for an online game, is a masterpiece of their innovation. In it, musicians include not only representative instruments used in Xian Drum Music, but also other modern music instruments. In such a way, the orchestra has brought to the audience a vivid mixture of ancient and modern music with the Tang dynasty features.

Also in Dongcang Drum Music Society of Xians theme park Tang Paradise, musicians have chosen live-streaming. Their live videos have attracted more and more audiences from China and abroad, enabling them to know more about Xian Drum Music. As more and more people fall in love with the “symphony from ancient China”, this ancient art form is now injected with new vitality.



Word Bank

initially /?'n???li/ adv. 开始;最初

royal /'r???l/ adj. 皇家的;王室的

integrate /'?nt?ɡre?t/ v. (使)合并,成为一体

acclaim /?'kle?m/ v. 称誉某人 / 事物(为……)

The work was acclaimed as a masterpiece.

inherit /?n'her?t/ v. 继承(金钱、财产等)

She inherited a fortune from her father.

inject /?n'd?ekt/ v. (给……)添加,增加(某品质)
