
2023-09-01 14:27:23美国史聪一
国际人才交流 2023年5期

文/庞 琳(美国) 译/史聪一


“Put the people first.” Since my return to China 19 years after residing in the United States,I have frequently heard this sentiment.It indicates that in China,people’s interests are the first priority for the Party and the state.My doctoral advisor,Professor Chen Xia,also remembered to carry out her duties for the people’s interest in the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).She is also a researcher at the Institute of Philosophy,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.In addition to teaching and research,she occupies multiple positions,including editorial director ofPhilosophical TrendsandChinese Philosophical Almanack.Moreover,she is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Council of Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH) (2020-2023),co-chair of the Scientific Advisory Group of the UNESCO Silk Road Youth Research Grant,and a Berggruen Fellow at the Berggruen Institute,China Centre (BICC) (2022-2023).In the field of philosophy and the humanities,she never ceases learning.


The Chinese celebrate the arrival of spring with a variety of spectacular activities,including opulent celebrations and lively dragon and lion dances.During this time,Beijing hosted the National Two Sessions.My advisor stated,“Members of the CPPCC take it seriously to adhere to fulfilling their responsibilities for the people,provide advice and suggestions,gather consensus,identify realistic issues that affect the vital interests of the people,and serve as bridges and ties.” Members of the CPPCC submitting proposals are their significant duties.Once selected,a proposal that reflects public opinion will progressively become a reference for decision-making and a governance measure,reflecting the importance of consultative democracy.The researcher continued,“China’s political system contains two significant forms of electoral democracy and consultative democracy.As a significant channel and special consultative body of socialist consultative democracy,the CPPCC plays a crucial role in the development of socialist democracy,which has the characteristics of consultative democracy with the principles of everything being subject to consultation for the people,everything being open to consultation by the people,and consultation occurring prior to and during the implementation of decisions.Through dialogue,consultation,inclusiveness,assimilation,and coordination of diverse public opinions and pursuits,consultative democracy aims to achieve widespread and orderly participation of the people in public affairs.Its ultimate objective is for government decisions to better reflect public opinion and to fulfil more reasonable public desires.”



According to CNTV’s data,more than 8,000 suggestions from the Chinese People’s Congress (CPC) and more than 5,000 proposals from the CPPCC have been submitted to the Two Sessions this year alone.The data demonstrates conclusively that they are eager to participate in and discuss politics.In addition to a high level of participation in pertinent political affairs,they also actively fulfil their responsibilities.During this conversation with Researcher Chen Xia,I tracked and categorized her proposals from 2018 and discovered that I have gained a great deal of knowledge from them,which has greatly enhanced my understanding of China.

Since being a member of CPPCC in 2018,Chen has cont i nuously pondered how to bet ter car r y out her responsibilities.As a representative of the social science community,she has a particular interest in the evolution of the philosophy and social science disciplines.She submitted a follow-up proposal in 2018 titled “Developing Critical Thinking and Enhancing National Innovation Capacity”.She submitted the “Proposal for Establishing National Awards and Honors for Philosophy and Social Sciences in China”in 2019 which she argues that the fundamental principle of natural sciences and human sciences should be reflected in the balanced emphasis placed on the development of humanity and technology.We must not only need scientists,engineers,and entrepreneurs for the new era,but also philosophers and intellectuals who contribute to the great rejuvenation in the new era.In the new era,philosophers and social scientists who investigate the construction of China,reforming and opening up,and the construction and design of socialism with Chinese characteristics should be accorded the same respect as natural scientists.



She stated that in Confucianism,it is known for “cultivating one’s character,regulating the family,governing the nation,and levelling the world”.In Daoist culture,it advocates “Cultivate it in your person,and the character you develop will be genuine…Cultivate it in the world,and its character will be allpervading.” Therefore,both Confucianism and Daoism seek to establish a society that is both harmonious and orderly,and which fosters innovation.Nevertheless,traditional culture demands creative transformation and innovative development in the present day.We need both domestic and international resources,just as why the rivers and seas can be king over the valeys is that they are good at staying lower than the valeys,and possessing a dynamic and expansive intellect,he drew upon all of the outstanding achievements of human civilizations.

This year,Chen contributed a proposal titled“Promoting Education on Modern Logics,Enhancing Scientific and Technological Innovation Capacity,and Constructing an Independent Knowledge System”.She informed me that the report of the 20th National Congress of the CPC proposes enhancing fundamental research.With systems of scientific measures of analyzing and demonstrating,logic is the basis of the knowledge system and a tool and metric for establishing enhanced scientific knowledge systems.As long as they engage in the act of thinking,humans cannot escape logic.Moreover,logic is the standard for critical thinking.In light of this,UNESCO has designated logic as one of the seven core academic disciplines.In addition,since 2019,UNESCO has designated January 14th as “World Logic Day” in an effort to promote the position of logic in every day and academic activities.Chen continues,by stating that high technology plays a crucial role,which is supported by logical reasoning and innovation at its foundation.Fostering innovation and creativity requires a large number of teachers and students well-versed in critical thinking skills that incorporate logic.Eventually,critical thinking skills will be the basic force that propels society forward,given the challenges facing our nation and the human species as a whole.

在履职过程中,陈霞研究员也非常关注与每个人息息相关的“生老病死”方面的民生问题。在这方面建言献策体现了道家先贤老子在2500多年前所提出的观点:“贵以身为天下,若可寄天下;爱以身为天下,若可托天下。”因此,陈霞研究员2021年提交了《构建生育支持体系 促进经济社会持续发展的建议》,提出制定合理的以家庭为单位的家庭生育假,包括女性的产假、男性的陪产假以及“生产”和“抚育”阶段夫妻共享的育儿假,举全社会之力,共同降低生育成本,构建“生育友好型社会”。中国已经进入并将长期处于老龄社会。2020年她提交了《加强政府主导、培育社会力量——应对老龄社会的几点建议》的提案,建议建立集中统一、职责清晰的老龄事务部,整合各类资源,激发、培育、引导各类社会力量,共同参与承担养老服务的社会责任,缓解养老问题对社会造成的压力,并建议将九九重阳节定为法定的敬老节,全国放假一天。2022年,她的提案是《关于殡葬改革与制定〈离世法〉的建议》,希望实现对人生所有重要环节的关心。陈霞研究员平静而坚定,其诉说方式别具一格,她说人是“向死而生”的存在,死生事大,关系到每个人。我们不仅要把“生”的事情安排好,让人有尊严地活,也要把“死”的后事办好,让人有尊严地离世,这就需要基本公共服务体系涵盖人的整个生命周期。她本人时刻牢记那句古老的至理名言:道不远人。她关注到了社会的种种需求,而这些需求不仅存在于老年人之中,还涉及年轻群体。她发现,对于很多新市民、青年人来说,租房是开启城市生活的“第一站”。安居才能乐业,如何让更多奉献在大城市的人实现“万家灯火,终有一盏是归处”,推动美好租住,她提出满足新市民便捷租房、安心租住的需求,塑造更加清朗的住房租赁市场环境,构建更加和谐稳定的租赁关系。


During the course of her duties,Chen observed that the most fundamental livelihood issues known to the Chinese as birth,aging,illness,death issues that are intertwined with every individual’s existence.In this regard,she offered advice as the Daoist sage Laozi did over 2500 years ago: “Those who value the care of their own persons more than the running of the world can be put in charge of the world.And those who begrugde the persons as though they were the world can be entrusted with the world.” Therefore,in 2021,Researcher Chen Xia,submitted the “Proposal for Building a Maternity Support System to Promote Sustainable Economic and Social Development” with the following recommendations: It is imperative to develop childbirth-friendly Maternity Leave policies,including maternity leave for women,paternity leave for men,and parental leave shared by couples during “childbirth”and various “nurturing-childrearing” stages.To reduce the cost of childrearing and establish a “childbearingfriendly society,” the collective efforts of all members of society must be coordinated.China has entered an ageing society that will persist for decades.In 2020,she submitted a proposal titled “Strengthening Government Leadership and Cultivating Social Forces—Several Suggestions for Responding to an Ageing Society”,proposing the establishment of a centralized,unified,and clearly defined Ministry of Ageing Affairs,integrating various resources,stimulating,nurturing,and guiding various social forces,jointly participating in the social responsibility of providing elderly care services,and relieving the pressure on the healthcare system.In addition,she suggested that Double Ninth Festival be designated as a national holiday for the elderly,with one day off for the entire nation.“Suggestions on Funeral System Reform and the Law for the Dead” was the title of her 2022 proposal.Fostering the realization of a concern for all significant periods of life.Chen Xia,a researcher,is composed and resolute;she speaks in a distinctive manner,asserting that death and life are important issues that affect everyone.We must not only help people live decently as well as people can die with dignity.This necessitates that the fundamental public service system covers the entire life cycle of individuals.She is constantly reminded of the ancient Daoist proverb,“The Dao is never far from people”.She has also paid attention to various social requirements that not only affect the elderly but also the younger generation as a whole.For many newly migrated city-dwellers and young people,renting a home is the “first step” in settling into urban life,according to her research.We all hope to live and work in peace and contentment.How can we let more city-dwellers to enjoy a nice home and promote better rental experiences and policies? She proposed meeting the requirements of new city-dwellers for convenient and secure rental housing,creating a more transparent housing environment for the rental market,and establishing more stable and harmonious rental relationships.

I felt profound gratitude towards my adviser.What a shining example! Her participation in the Two Sessions has provided us with a vivid portrait of a hard-working,community-minded individual who is always searching for a case-specific solution.She is a shining example of someone who enjoys reading and thinking,is constantly learning,and works for the benefit of others.There is so much to learn,and I will continue to do so.

执着创新 坚毅豁达——追忆我的导师郭景坤先生
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