Two Sessions and China’s Democracy

2023-09-01 14:27萨米阿布阿西SamiAbuAssi叙利亚张佳艺
国际人才交流 2023年5期

文/萨米·阿布·阿西(Sami Abu Assi,叙利亚) 译/张佳艺

Whenever I talk about China,the first thing that comes to mind is the famous quote by French philosopher Pierre Teilhardde Chardin (1881-1955),“If you write about China before visiting there,you must be anxious to break your pen after being there.”Pierre is right.All those who wrote about China are not so much introducing it but expressing their feelings after experiencing life in China.The most we can ask of any individual or team that wants to make such an attempt is to express their feelings truthfully.Also,I am often reminded of the words of former U.S.President Richard Milhous Nixon (1913-1994).After his three visits to China in the 1970s,he wanted to write something about China,“It would take us a lifetime to understand China.We should be content to see the tip of the iceberg of this legendary country.The more we delve into its mysteries,the more we feel its wonders.”

Therefore,if researcher wants to comment on the Two Sessions,he must understand the foundations of China’s democracy.Otherwise,he will not be able to recognize the importance of the Two Sessions for the Chinese people.

Socialismsy stem with Chinese characteristics is the organic unity of the fundamental political system,basic political system,economic systems and specific systems of reg imes and mechan isms in variousfields.The system of People’s Congresses is the fundamental political system of China.The system of People’s Congress is the organizational form of political power in China.The people elect the deputies by democratic election to form the National People’s Congress and local People’s Congresses at different levels,which are the people’s organs to exercise state power.The National People’s Congress is the highest organ of state power in China and can amend the Constitution,enact laws,and make resolutions on major national issues.Local People’s Congresses at different levels are the local organs of state power.They make resolutions on critical regional issues following the powers granted by the Constitution,relevant laws and regulations.

During the Two Sessions,deputies to NPC and members of CPPCC put forward suggestions and proposals based on the people’s opinions.Once adopted,the suggestions and proposals are forwarded to the State Council of China,the Chinese government.In this way,the Chinese people formulate the government work plan through their elected deputies.

According to the datereleased recently by the State Council of China,the departments of the State Council of China handled 8,721 suggestions from deputies to NPC and 5,865 proposals from members of CPPCC in 2022,accounting for 94.8%and 95% of the total number,respectively.The date noted that in the past five years,relevant departments of the State Council of China adopted more than 18,000 pieces of suggestions and proposals.

We can get a clear picture of how China’s democracy is achieved from these statistics.The government’s handling of many people’s suggestions and proposals fully indicates that the people are exercising state power.As the Chairman Mao Zedong said,“Once the fate of China is in the hands of the people themselves,China will shine on the earth with its brilliant flame as the sun rises in the East.”

The masses decide the direction of China’s development.After being adopted and implemented by the government,it will benefit the people who put forward these proposals.The practice of people’s democracy in China proves that this democracy is in line with the characteristics and nature of Chinese society.It is the democracy that originates in the homeland,not the one that is copied from other countries.

In addition,the CPPCC’s sector also deserves our attention.All social groups,regardless of their gender,occupation,religious beliefs,educational background,and property status,can participate in the CPPCC,which is very different from the Western democratic paradigm.Western democracy is based on partisan competition,where the sole purpose of each party is to hold political power and then subsequently achieve partisan goals and expand partisan interests at the expense of the people’s interests.This Western model is rife with electoral corruption,where candidates are controlled by capital and use capital to conduct the massive election.It wastes a lot of money and even leads to bribery in parliamentary seats.No such bribery exists in China’s election at all.There are also ordinary farmers among the members of CPPCC.Their election is attributed to their efforts,such as their achievements in agricultural farming,which have helped other farmers.

In an important speech on the 70th founding anniversary of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference,President Xi Jinping pointed out that “Under China’s Socialist system,it is the essence of people’s democracy to discuss the public’s affairs by the public and find the greatest common wishes and demands of the whole society.”President Xi also expressed,“The CPPCC should create conditions for democratic parties and people without party affiliation to play a better role in the CPPCC.”

Although the Two Sessions are China’s internal affairs,considering its irreplaceable position in the international community,Two Sessions receive much attention from people in many countries.This Two Sessions made clear what policies China would adopt in various areas.For example,as the world’s second-largest economy,China will continue to open up and promote economic development,emitting positive signals about China’s economic recovery,which is conducive to the economic development of countries around the world and injecting confidence and strength into the world’s economic recovery.

In the past six years,I have been paying attention to Two Sessions through the relevant reports,trying to get more in formation and understand China’s diversified practical experience and great achievements.As a result,when I return to my motherland,Syria,every year,I can answer many questions others raise with confidence.(中文翻译见卷首)

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