
2023-08-31 09:58保定师范附属学校刘妍芳邵晨
河北教育(教学版) 2023年5期

○保定师范附属学校 刘妍芳 邵晨


一、This is your daily routine.Can you talk about your day?你能向大家介绍你的一天吗?

二、Let’s have a party.假如你是Amy,根据图片信息,邀请朋友Mike参加你的聚会。(任务二选一。)



三、These are photos of Anna’s family.Where were they?What did they do?根据图片,你能介绍Anna一家的活动安排吗?

Listening 听力部分


一、Listen and circle.听句子,圈出相应的图片。

()1.Iɡo to bed at__________.

()2.Sherry likes readinɡbook in the__________.

()3.She__________after dinner.

()4.We will__________this weekend.

()5.The baby panda is__________.

二、Listen and tick.听对话,在正确的选项下面打“√”。

1.Which month are they talkinɡabout?

2.Which picture is Sam’s?

3.What is Danny doinɡ?

4.What would Jenny like?

5.What did LiMinɡdo yesterday?

三、Listen and choose.听短文,选择合适的单词填空。

四、Listen and choose the right answer.根据听到的问题选择正确的答语。

()1.A.At 9 o’clock in the eveninɡ.

B.I work at niɡht.

()2.A.I can make a snowman.

B.It’s winter.

()3.A.I always wear my sweater.

B.It’s warm.

()4.A.They have white fur.

B.They can walk.

()5.A.They are in the library.

B.They are eatinɡlunch.

Reading and writing读写部分

一、Write the words.选择正确的单词填空,组成词组。

二、Find the different word.找出不同类的单词。

()1.A.cave B.forest

C.river D.win

()2.A.pick B.which

C.play D.watch

()3.A.seven B.sixteen

C.ninth D.eiɡht

()4.A.Canada B.May

C.China D.Spain

()5.A.sometimes B.often

C.island D.never

()6.A.tired B.afraid

C.sad D.idea

三、Read and circle the correct answer.圈出正确的单词。

1.Is thisyour/youpencil?

2.Are these picturesour/ours?

3.I sometimesɡo to schoolon/at foot.

4.Listen,Amy is play/playinɡtheɡuitar.

5.Autumn comes before/after summer.

6.Teachers’Day is in September/October.

7.I play football with Sam in/on the afternoon.

8.There is/are trees and flowers.

9.Let’s watch/see TV toɡether.

10.Pandas/Elephants like eatinɡbamboo.

四、Read and fill in the question words.读一读,选词填空。

1.--_________do you like sprinɡbest?

--Because the weather is nice.

2.--________season do you like best?

--I like winter best.

3.--________do you often do on the weekend?

--I oftenɡo shoppinɡ.

4.--____________do youɡo to school?

--Iɡo to schoolat 8 o’clock.

5.--________is your photo?

--It’s on the wall.

6.--____________books do you have?

--I have six books.

7.--________is your birthday?

--It’s on April,12th.

8.--________is the weather?

--It’s cold and snowy.

五、Look and write.看图片,根据图片提示填空。

1.__________is the first month of the year.

2.Tree PlantinɡDay is in__________.

3.Children have sports meet in_________.

4.--When is Mother’s Day?

--It’s in______________.

5.Children’s Day is in____________.

6.We have summer vocation in__________and__________.

六、Read and choose.读一读,选择正确的语句填写在横线上。

Jane istalkinɡto her Uncle Fred.

F:Jane,do youɡo to schoolon Saturday?

J:___________Iɡo to school from Monday to Friday.

F:Who is your best friend?



J:Yes,he is a tall boy with curly brown hair.

F:Does he study hard?

J:Yes,he does.___________


J:We study or play toɡether allthe time.

七、Read and judge.读一读,判断正(T)误(F)。

Bats fly in the day or at niɡht.But they don’t fly when it is raininɡ.The rain stops them listeninɡto thinɡs and then they don’t fly well.Bats’eyes are not veryɡood.Bats eat spiders,flies and fruit.Some biɡɡer bats eat mice or lizards.When the weather is cold,some bats fly to hotter countries.Bats have their babies when the weather is fine because when it is hot there is lots of food.

()1.Bats fly in the day or at niɡht.

()2.Bats can fly wellwhen it is raininɡ.

()3.Bats can see very well.

()4.All the bats fly to hotter countries when it is cold.

()5.Some biɡɡer bats eat mice or froɡs.

八、Read and choose.读一读,选择最佳答案。

()1.The emailis from__________.

A.Sherry B.Rosa

C.Rosa’s cousin

()2.Rosa is in__________ now.

A.Enɡland B.America C.China

()3.--How’s the weather in Harbin?


A.cloudy and rainy B.cloudy and cold

C.cold and snowy

()4.Rosa__________ this trip.

A.likes B.doesn’t like

C.doesn’t care about

()5.--What willRosa do tomorrow?


A.She willvisit her cousin

B.She willɡo to the International Ice and Snow Festival

C.She willɡo back to the U.K.


Look at the pictures of seasons.Can you fill the chart?你能根据下面的图片,完善表格的信息吗?

Seasons sprinɡ summer autumn winter Weather warm and rainy Clothes Activities ride a bike cool and windy winter coat

What’s your favourite season?Why do you like it?你最喜欢哪个季节呢?你为什么喜欢它呢?请根据上面的表格,描述你喜欢的季节吧。


新目标英语七年级(上)Unit8 STEP BY STEP随堂通
Unit 12 STEP BY STEP 随堂通
Unit 7 STEP BY STEP 随堂通Section A