An 8?year?old boy saved his classmate八岁男孩救同学

2023-08-15 17:54孙启禄
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年4期


主题语境:急救 篇幅:335词 关键词:8?year?old, save, choke

1 In seconds, lunchtime in a school cafeteriacould have turned into tragedy if it werent the quickaction of an 8?year?old child.

2 Garrett Brown is a third?grader at LakeviewElementary School in Norman, Oklahoma. He andhis friends were eating chicken nuggets (块) forlunch when his classmate Cashton York started to choke. When Cashton couldntbreathe, his classmates jumped up to alert a teacher.

3 Music teacher Jordan Nguyen was on lunch duty that day. She recalled hearing acommotion (騷动) and seeing the kids running towards her, but by the time she reachedCashtons side, the emergency was over. Instead of panicking, Garrett had leaped to his feetto help his friend.

4“Instead of shouting, he jumped to the other side of the table, went behind Cash?ton and gave him first aid, and it only took about two thrusts(猛推)and he was ableto dislodge the food,”Jordan recalled.“By the time I reached Cashton, the food had al?ready been out and he was breathing again.”

5 Then Cashton was taken to the school nurse and to everyones excitement, he was

fine. After arriving, his parents began to take care of Cashton, and Garrett returned to thecafeteria to get a new plate of nuggets! Meanwhile, Jordan and the other staff members wereleft in a state of shock.

6“When it was done, we all took a breath and thought,‘Did that just happen? Was thatfor real?”said Jordan.“And we had to go back and watch the security footage just to besure that‘Oh, that is what happened. Oh, my goodness.”

7 Garrett later revealed that hed once been choking and his dad saved him. His fatherthen taught him how to save someone else if they needed help.

8 The school thanked Garrett for his lifesaving action with a special ceremony and“Hero Award”certificate. The Normans fire and police departments came to honor a fellowhero, and Garrett was filled with pride.

Reading Check

1. How did the other students react when they found Cashton choked?

A. They got into a panic.

B. They all remained calm.

C. They gave Garrett first aid.

D. They leaped to their feet to help Cashton.

2. What does the underlined word“dislodge”in the fourth paragraph mean?

A. Pick up. B. Force out.

C. Push in. D. Take away.

3. How did Jordan and the other staff members feel?

A. Excited. B. Frightened.

C. Shocked. D. Embarrassed.

4. What can we learn about Garrett from the text?

A. He learned first?aid skills at school.

B. His father must have been a doctor.

C. He was a generous and diligent student.

D. He remained calm in time of emergency.




Ⅰ. 语料荟萃

Ⅱ. 语句分析

1. He and his friends were eating chicken nuggets for lunch when his classmate Cash?ton York started to choke. 他和他的朋友午餐正在吃鸡块,这时他的同学凯什顿·约克开始呛咳。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。He and his friends were eating chicken nug?gets for lunch是主句,本句使用的是be doing...when...句式,意为“正在做……,突然……”。

2.“Instead of shouting, he jumped to the other side of the table, went behind Cashtonand gave him first aid, and it only took about two thrusts and he was able to dislodge thefood,”Jordan recalled. 乔丹回忆道:“他没有喊叫,而是跳到桌子的另一边,走到凯什顿身后,对他进行急救,只猛推了两次,就把食物逼出来了。”

【点石成金】本句中,Jordan recalled是主句,引号里面是直接引语。该直接引语是一个并列句,jumped、went和gave是第一个分句的并列谓语,第二个分句也是一个由and连接的并列句。


Ⅰ. 例句仿写


1. 他正在实验室里面做实验,这时物理老师进来了。

____________________________________________the physics teacher came in.

2. 那时,水手们探索南极需要极大的勇气和决心。

____________________________________________for the sailors to explore the Antarctic at that time.

Ⅱ. 写作实践


1. 时间和地点;

2. 培训过程;

3. 收获。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。






锲而不舍 点石成金
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