
2023-08-15 17:54彭明芳
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年4期











On the weekend, the Thomas family gathered for a meal at their home. They were sohappy because the family time was deserved to be cherished. However, because of Tomsperformance in school, his father blamed him. Tom was so angry that he ran down to thebasement to be alone after dinner. His mother took the three?month?old sister to play in theliving room. And Toms father, John, was in the garage to fix his car.

Around 8 pm, Tom was so disappointed as his father hadnt come to find him yet, sohe decided to check on his dad. He walked through the kitchen. When he opened the doorto the garage, black smoke rose up into the kitchen. He could barely make out his fatherlying on the floor, trapped under the car. Seeing this, he was so scared that he couldntmove an inch. But just in a few seconds, he knew that he needed to remove his father fromthe car. Hed removed the front passenger?side tyre and raised the car on a jack (千斤顶).

However, his father couldnt be removed. Immediately, Tom ran to the front of the carand struggled to lift it. But he failed. Tom was so regretful and nervous with tears rollingdown his face. His father was conscious and knew exactly what Tom thought, so he en?couraged Tom.“You got it! One more try!”He tried again and was able to lift the car justenough for him to pull his dad by the shirt with both hands from under the car.

Toms father tried to stand up, but in vain. Seeing this, Tom dragged him across the ga?rage and 15 feet down the driveway. His father said anxiously,“Go to check the garage.”Then he ran back to the garage, which had burst into flames.“I was afraid the car wasgoing to explode,”thought Tom. So he dashed into the car, which faced forward, turned thekey, and pressed the gas pedal (油门). The car solely rolled out, the metal wheel scratchingloudly against the concrete.


Paragraph 1:

Safely on the driveway, Tom stopped the car and quickly ran back to the house.__________




Paragraph 2

A few minutes later, firefighters and an ambulance arrived.___________________________________









1. Immediately, Tom ran to the front of the car and struggled to lift it. 汤姆马上跑到车的前面,拼命把它抬起来。


2. The car solely rolled out, the metal wheel scratching loudly against the concrete. 汽车开走了,金属车轮在混凝土上发出响亮的摩擦声。

这个句子细致地刻画了汽车开走的场景。rolled out和scratching传神地表现了汽车迅速开走的情形,也间接地表现了汤姆想让家人远离危险的义无反顾。



1. Around 8 pm, Tom was so disappointed as his father didnt come to find him yet. 晚上8点左右,汤姆非常失望,因为他的父亲还没有来找他。


2. Seeing this, he was so scared that he couldnt move an inch. 看到这些,他非常害怕,以至于不敢移动一步。


3. Tom was so regretful and nervous with tears rolling down his face. 湯姆既后悔又紧张,眼泪从脸上滚落下来。


4. His father said anxiously,“Go to check the garage.”他的父亲焦虑地说:“去检查一下车库。”


5. So he dashed into the car, which faced forward, turned the key, and pressed the  gaspedal. 于是他冲进车里,车朝前,转动车钥匙,踩下油门。



续写第一段段首句中出现了quickly和ran back,据此,我们可以推测本段要重点描写汤姆在回家之后做了什么、与家人的对话,以及他们的心理活动,在情节发展和语言风格上都应与原文保持一致。因此,结合原文故事情节发展和两个段首句,汤姆回家做的事情是told the family—saved the family—called 911,动作描写为yelled—saved—called。与家人的对话内容肯定是简短、迅速的表达,以及家人如何回应。因此,汤姆的心理状态肯定是焦虑、紧张的,同时他也很果敢;而妈妈的反应一开始肯定是害怕,接着应该是勇敢地逃出家门,所以续写第一段的结尾部分在情节和情感上可以设置为“Though feeling so nervous, Tom picked up a water pipe and sprayed the fire whilecalling 911.”,以自然流畅地衔接续写第二段段首句“A few minutes later, firefightersand an ambulance arrived.”。

根据续写第二段段首句和文章的整个基调,我们可以推测这个故事应该是happy ending。那么,消防员来了肯定迅速扑灭了大火。根据前文,父亲受伤了,所以肯定要送父亲去医院。整个过程中,汤姆表现得如此果敢,大家是怎么评价的呢?房子烧毁了一部分,接下来他们住在什么地方呢?基于以上信息和问题,续写情节可设计为The fire was put out—Toms father was sent to the hospital—The family was helped—Tom was praised,同时紧扣原文主题:青少年应该爱家人、果敢、有担当。


Paragraph 1:

Safely on the driveway, Tom stopped the car and quickly ran back to the house.“Theresa fire! Mom, where are you?”he yelled. His mother responded loudly,“We are in the livingroom.”Tom quickly ran to the living room, picked up his three?month?old sister and ranout. His mother followed him anxiously. Finally, they rushed out of the house, feeling re?lieved. Outside, Tom handed the baby to his mom, looking at the burning garage. Thoughfeeling so nervous, Tom picked up a water pipe and sprayed the fire while calling 911.Paragraph 2:

A few minutes later, firefighters and an ambulance arrived. The fire was put out. Theywere checked by the doctor. They had no injuries except that his dad had injuries on hislegs, and he was sent to the hospital immediately. But the garage and the house weredamaged. Luckily, the neighbors came to help them, inviting them to live in their house.Tom was praised by them because of his bravery and calmness. They said,“ Tom is aremarkable kid.”Tom, however, simply said,“I was saving my family and my house. It ismy responsibility. I love them!”



My fathers T?shirt

As a teenager, I am not mature enough. I got angry quite easily and was not good atcommunicating with others. I had quarrels with my friends, and I was not polite to elders.Because of my bad behavior, I was sometimes punished by my father. However, it took me along time to learn to control my temper and take the responsibility to make up for my mis?takes.

I still remember it was an early autumn. Some leaves started to turn yellow and theweather became cool. One day, as I was getting ready for school, my mother carelesslyhanded me my fathers T?shirt instead of mine. At that time, I was getting to have a largersize than my father, so when I put on the T?shirt, I felt as if I wasnt able to breathe! Soon, Irealized that it was a small mistake which was made by my mother, but somehow(不知怎么地)the breathless feeling was so strong that it made me very angry. I could feel my an?ger growing, bubbling up inside myself. I shouted at her,“Why did you give me the wrongT?shirt?”My mother said sorry with a smile, but I continued to shout at her without think?ing much. I got it off my body so wildly, making a hole in it and threw it on the floor. Then Iput on my own T?shirt and rushed out of the house before my mother could stop me.

At that time, I didnt consider what my mother was feeling. I just thought about myself.So after school, when I got home, I felt so regretful but I didnt say a word to my mom.Feeling so frustrated, my mother shared her bad feeling with my father who was just afterwork from office,“See what your son has done.”I was so scared that maybe my fatherwould punish me. But unexpectedly, instead of saying he would scold(责备)or beat me,my father quietly asked my mother to mend the T?shirt.


Paragraph 1:

Seeing my fathers response, I felt more ashamed of my bad behavior.____________________





Paragraph 2:

On that day, I decided not to let anger control me any longer.________________________________












3. 對比你的文章和范文,它们有哪些异同?



Performance of a double-layer BAF using zeolite and ceramic as media under ammonium shock load condition