Appreciating Shenzhen’s landmark, inheriting its spirit赏析深圳地标,传承深圳精神

2023-08-15 17:54吴翔
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年4期





When it comes to the most representativestatue in Shenzhen, the Pioneering Ox, locatedin the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of theCPC, is commonly acknowledged as a symbolof Shenzhen, revealing the spirits of innovation and perseverance.

Shaped in a tough and mighty appearance, the Pioneering Ox hunches forward as ifto  open up a brand new field. With all his strength gathered, even the tree roots are pulled out. In Chinese culture, the spirits of oxen include serving selflessly, working tirelessly forthe people, and driving innovative development and so does the Pioneering Ox.

In order to accelerate economic development, Shenzhen was chosen to be the specialeconomic zone as a pioneer. To commemorate the efforts these pioneers had made duringthe process of reform and opening up, the Pioneering Ox was constructed and soon becamethe icon of Shenzhen. It symbolizes the strength and passion of the first generation of entre?preneurs who have transformed Shenzhen dramatically from a small, impoverished fishingvillage into an international and vibrant city.

Whenever I catch sight of the Pioneering Ox, I am reminded of my father, who came toShenzhen after graduation. Unfortunately, the only 100 yuan he brought was robbed. How?ever, he started his business from scratch, earned his fortune and settled down in Shenzheneventually. As a matter of fact, countless people like my father have realized their dreamshere, seeking their personal well?being while contributing to promoting this citys develop?ment.

Living in such an innovative city, we young people are supposed to learn from the Pio?neering Ox, moving forward with a determined mind and an enterprising spirit.


A roc flying in the heart of Shenzhen市民中心,大鹏腾飞



See a giant roc landing in the center of the city? What is the impressive creature? Ac?tually, it is Shenzhen Civil Center, the largest administration department here.

Sitting in the center of Shenzhen, the architecture is now surrounded by numerousmodern buildings. With its amazing light show, it provides a fascinating view for all the citi?zens and tourists present.

Designed by American architect Lee Timchula, Shenzhen Civil Center contains various zones for both officials and residents. Except for the main area for government con?ferences, there is also a museum, an industrial exhibition hall and comprehensive archives,attracting tourists and locals to pay a visit and gain better knowledge of Shenzhen.

On the top of this architecture lies a broad road connecting Shenzhen Civil Center andLianhua Mountain, from whose highest hills you can catch a full sight of the whole down?town. Shenzhen Civil Center has a vast bentroof painted in light blue, symbolizing thebroad sky. The two pillars, the yellow and thered supporting it, took inspiration from thecolor of our national flag, representing thepeoples political rights. Moreover, resemblinga roc spreading its wings, the architecture shows the innovative and aggressive spirits of lo?cal people and expresses the greatest blessings for the bright future of Shenzhen.

Since its first landing in 2003, Shenzhen Civil Center, two years older than me, has al?ways been a part of my daily life and gives me a sense of belonging. So far, it has witnessedboth the growth of a generation of youth and the prosperity of a young city. It is a symbol ofhome in all citizenshearts and keeps providing them with permanent motivation to ad?vance forward.


Heritage of pioneers—the Spring Bamboo破土而出,向阳而生

广东 丁昊坤

指导老师 吴翔

As a fascinating scenery in Shenzhen, the Spring Bamboo architecture, originallycalled“China Resources Tower”, has caught countless visitors eyes.

Located in Nanshan District, the Spring Bamboo is 67,000 square meters wide as well as 392.5 meters high with 66 floors above groundand 5 floors underground. It has gained the award ofthe“13th China Steel Structure Gold Award Proj?ect”and“CTBUH 2019 Award of  Best Tall Build?ing 300?399 meters”.

Under the guidance of“Time is money. Effi?ciency is life.”by Yuan Geng since 1978 whenShenzhen became a special economic zone, numerousambitious workers have worked hand?in?hand to con?struct the forest ? like buildings miraculously inless than 40 years, including the Spring Bamboo. Not only does this fantastic buildingdemonstrate a new height of Chinese architecture, but it also implies the vitality and cre?ativity Shenzhen citizens hold just  like real spring bamboo in nature.

To memorize this unforgettable period of time, the Spring Bamboo is set up as a sym?bol of vitality and perseverance, which boosts citizens confidence in a promising future.Currently, it has become a landmark of Shenzhen.

Two years ago, I photographed the fabulous scenery of the splendid building. When Iput the lens towards it, it seemed to film all the difficulties the pioneers have experiencedand a sense of honor naturally occurred to me. The pioneers left the heritage of vitality andcreativity to its citizens and they inherit the spirit. Now, its time for us to spread the spiritto make more people benefit from it.

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