Learning about first?aid tips了解急救小常识

2023-08-15 17:54:56蒋建平
疯狂英语·读写版 2023年4期



主题语境:急救知识 篇幅:327词 建议用时:6分钟

1 First aid refers to the immediate, direct treat?ment of an injured person. Anyone with a basic under?standing of medical treatment can give aid at the firstsigns of trouble. Simple procedures may include stop?ping blood loss by applying pressure, dressing awound, treating a burn, or setting a bone. Some types,such as performing CPR, require an individual to receive specialized training from an offi?cial program.

2 Many slight injuries can be handled with simple, immediate medical attention. Asmall cut, burn, or blister(水疱), for instance, can be attended to by thoroughly clean?ing the injury, applying an antibiotic cream, and covering it with a breathable bandage.Treating bruises(瘀伤), muscle strains, swelling, and animal bites usually involves icingand pressing the injuries, as well as taking pain medication.

3 Some injuries require medical services beyond the average persons abilities. A per?son who is choking or drowning, for example, may depend on a trained professional withfirst aid. Strokes, seizures(癫痫), concussions(脑震荡), and broken bones create specialchallenges for immediate medical care providers, as they are usually required to keep vic?tims calm and conscious while temporarily relieving symptoms.

4 Individuals in most countries can get first?aid training through courses offered by community health organizations and hospitals. Training may last anywhere from a few hoursto three or four days, depending on the size of a program. Individuals in training usuallylearn how to recognize signs of choking, concussions, and blood loss, and practice themeans of treating such illnesses. People who learn how to perform CPR and other lifesavingtasks are often awarded with special certifications.

5 Successful first?aid procedures can provide relief from pain and uncomfortable symp?toms and prevent further damage from infection. When treatment is provided quickly, manyinjuries are able to heal completely without a visit to a medical professional or emergencyroom. Urgent care can even mean the difference between life and death in situationswhere professional help is unavailable or slow to arrive.

Reading Check


1. Which of the following requires specialized training?

A. Treating a burn. B. Setting a bone.

C. Dressing a wound. D. Performing CPR.


2. Which of the following can be treated with icing?

A. Burns. B. Swelling.

C. Bleeding. D. Blisters.


3. Why is it difficult to treat injuries like strokes and seizures?

A. The symptoms are hard to relieve.

B. The risk of death is high.

C. The pain is powerful.

D. The victims may be unconscious.


4. What is the last paragraph mainly about?

A. The importance of first aid.

B. The key to successful first aid.

C. The training programs of first aid.

D. The best time to give first aid.

Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

Urgent care can even mean the difference between life and death in situations where professional help is unavailable or slow to arrive. 在沒有专业救助或专业救助无法及时赶到的情况下,急救关乎生死。

【点石成金】该句包含定语从句where professional help is unavailable or slow to ar?rive,该从句的先行词是situations。

Ⅱ. Text?centered chunks

blood loss 失血

apply pressure 施压

dress a wound 包扎伤口

muscle strain 肌肉扭伤

broken bone 骨折

urgent care 急救

锲而不舍 点石成金
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