蒋沁纱 陈浩
关键词:变系数反应扩散方程; 改进道格拉斯分裂方法; 双参数; 交替分裂迭代方法; 预处理子
中图分类号:O241.82; O241.6 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-8395(2023)05-0638-08
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A Class of Alternating Splitting Preconditioning Method with Two Parameters
for Reaction-Diffusion Equations with Variable Coefficients in SpaceJIANG Qinsha,CHEN Hao(School of Mathematical Sciences, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing 401331)
Abstract:This paper consider fast algorithms for solving a class of reaction-diffusion equations with variable coefficients. We propose an alternating splitting iterative method with two parameters for solving the linear algebraic systems resulting from the modified Douglas splitting discretization of the reaction-diffusion equations. We show that the proposed scheme is convergent and the optimal parameters are given. A splitting preconditioner is also derived for the linear system. Numerical results show that the proposed methods is effective and superior to the splitting iterative scheme with a single parameter.
Keywords:reaction-diffusion equation with variable coefficients; modified Douglas splitting method; two parameters; alternating splitting iteration method; preconditioner
2020 MSC:65F10; 65L06; 65N22
(編辑 余毅)