
2023-06-20 18:26:32齐庆欢廖焕如张庆师晓含周玉嫚
现代纺织技术 2023年2期

齐庆欢 廖焕如 张庆 师晓含 周玉嫚

摘要:针对现有抗菌纺织品加工方法存在问题,利用静电纺喷技术,将接枝有机硅季铵盐的氧化石墨烯(GO-QAS)均匀喷射在棉网表面,经后序集聚加捻,构建GO-QAS/棉复合纱线。结果表明:当纺丝电压为35 kV、棉网厚度为3 mm、GO-QAS质量浓度为4 mg/mL时,GO-QAS在静电力作用下能够稳定喷射在棉网表面,同时GO-QAS包裹卷绕在棉纤维表面;进一步集聚加捻获得的GO-QAS/棉复合纱线也显示了优异的力学性能,并对大肠杆菌和金黄葡萄球菌具有大于99.99%的抗菌性。基于静电纺喷工艺路线,通过对氧化石墨烯不同的功能改性,还可制备多重功能因子组合的复合纱线,从而实现纱线的多功能改性。











氧化石墨烯分散液(GO,2 mg/mL,溶剂乙醇),苏州碳丰科技有限公司;有机硅季铵盐(二甲基十八烷基[3-三甲氧基硅丙基]氯化铵,简称QAS,液体,纯度60%)、无水乙醇(分析纯),上海阿拉丁化学试剂有限公司;金黄色葡萄球菌(S.aureus)和大肠杆菌(E.coli),由河南汇博医疗股份有限公司免费提供。


首先将QAS加入GO分散液中(GO和QAS质量比1∶1),在75℃下磁力搅拌4 h;然后离心洗涤3次(转速4000 r/min);最后将无水乙醇加入洗涤后的GO-QAS抗菌剂中,超声分散5 min,得到浓度为4 mg/mL的GO-QAS分散液。


利用自制静电纺喷装置制备负载GO-QAS抗菌剂的复合棉网,如图1所示。首先,退绕的棉网经过接收电极板下方卷绕在卷绕装置上;然后,GO-QAS分散液在电场力的作用下喷覆在棉网表面;最后,卷绕成卷,形成负载GO-QAS抗菌剂的复合棉网。静电纺喷工艺参数为:纺丝电压35 kV,纺丝间距20 cm,纺丝线运动速度20 cm/min,棉网卷绕速度20 cm/min,棉网厚度3 mm。


负载GO-QAS抗菌剂的复合棉网经喇叭集束器集聚成束,进而卷绕加捻成GO-QAS/棉复合纱线,如图2所示。其中,卷绕装置的旋转速度为50 r/min,棉卷退绕速度与纱线卷绕速度相同。


利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM,复纳科学仪器(上海)有限公司)观察样品的形貌结构。利用傅里叶红外光谱(FT-IR,美国Thermo Fisher Scientific公司)和X射线光电子能谱(XPS,岛津kratos公司)表征GO、QAS和GO-QAS的化学结构组成。利用强度测试仪(INSTRON,美国英斯特朗公司)表征纱线的力学性能,样品长度50 mm,测试速度20 mm/min。采用金黄色葡萄球菌(S.aureus)和大肠杆菌(E.coli)作为指示菌,进行抗菌性能测试[17];通过固体培养基中的菌落数计算抑菌率。



片状GO表面含有大量羟基,能够为功能化修饰材料提供活性位点。本文选用有机硅季铵盐(QAS)作为发挥抗菌性能的主要物质,通过QAS的硅氧烷与GO表面羟基之间发生偶联反应[18],将QAS共价接枝在GO表面,形成GO-QAS抗菌剂,其化学反应过程如图3(a)所示。接枝改性后的GO-QAS依然维持了GO较好的分散性和褶皱形态结构,如图3(b)―(c)所示,为后续均匀地静电喷覆在棉网表面奠定基础。与GO相比,GO-QAS在2800~3000 cm-1之间出现了明显的QAS的CH3和CH2的伸缩振动峰,且在1100~900 cm-1处出现了Si—O的伸缩振动峰;同时,GO-QAS的XPS谱图上也出现了除283.08 eV处的C1s和533.08 eV处的O1s之外的N1s、Si2p和Cl2p;GO-QAS的红外光谱和XPS谱图综合表明QAS成功接枝在GO表面,如图3(d)—(e)所示。


负载GO-QAS抗菌剂之前,单纯的棉网呈白色,单根棉纤维沿纤维长度方向呈不规则天然转曲,纤维与纤维之间独立存在,如图4(a)所示。当通过自制静电防喷装置将GO-QAS抗菌剂自下而上喷覆在纯棉网表面时,棉网表面由白色转变成褐黑色。由于纺丝电压、棉网厚度和GO-QAS抗菌剂浓度会影响电场强度分布和溶液性质,因此上述3个参数对GO-QAS抗菌剂喷射过程影响较大。当纺丝电压为35 kV、棉网厚度为3 mm、GO-QAS抗菌剂浓度为4 mg/mL时,GO-QAS抗菌剂在棉网表面覆盖均匀,没有出现块状团聚的GO-QAS抗菌剂。进一步通过扫描电子显微镜观察负载GO-QAS的复合棉网可以发现,大片GO-QAS抗菌剂较好地包裹在棉纤维表面,从而形成了核壳纤维结构,如图4(b)所示。由于GO-QAS抗菌剂尺寸较大,少部分GO-QAS抗菌剂在包裹完纤维后还连接或嵌入在棉纤维中间。GO-QAS抗菌剂能够卷曲包裹在棉纤维表面的原因主要是:棉纤维属于纤维素纤维,表面含有较多羟基,能够与GO-QAS抗菌剂产生氢键作用[19]。当GO-QAS抗菌剂在电场力作用下喷覆到棉网表面时,GO-QAS抗菌剂首先静电力的作用直接吸附到棉纤维表面,然后受GO-QAS抗菌剂与棉纤维之间的氢键作用,诱导GO-QAS抗菌剂发生卷曲,随着溶剂的逐渐挥发最终牢固包裹在棉纤维表面。






图7为对照组(Control)、GO/棉复合纱线、QAS/棉复合纱线和GO-QAS/棉复合纱线对S.aureus和E.coli的抗菌效果和抗菌率。其中,GO/棉复合纱线和QAS/棉复合纱线采用与GO-QAS/棉复合纱线相同的制备工艺,GO分散液和QAS分散液的浓度均为2 mg/mL,溶剂为无水乙醇。结果表明,GO/棉复合纱线对S.aureus和E.coli不具有抑制作用,QAS/棉复合纱线对S.aureus和E. col具有一定的抗菌性,但明显低于GO-QAS/棉复合纱对S.aureus和E.coli的抑制作用,如图7所示;GO-QAS/棉复合纱对S.aureus和E.coli的抑菌率高达99.99%以上,如图8所示。GO-QAS/棉复合纱线优异的抗菌性主要来自纱中均匀分布的GO-QAS对细菌的抑制作用。由于片状GO比表面积大,且一片GO同时可以接枝多个QAS分子,使得QAS与细菌均匀接触的概率增加;当GO-QAS与细菌接触后,QAS能够破坏细菌的细胞壁,造成菌体内酶、代谢物等溢出,进而导致细菌死亡,实现杀菌、抑菌作用[20]。而QAS/棉复合纱线对S.aureus和E. col的抗菌性低于GO-QAS/棉复合纱的原因主要是:本文的抗菌纱线是采用由下而上静电纺喷技术实现的,当没有GO作为载体时,在喷射过程中小分子QAS可能会沉积在纤维之间的空隙,导致无法完全附着在棉纤维表面;或者QAS液滴直接喷射在纤维表面,导致干燥后QAS团聚在纤维表面,无法均匀分布在棉纱中,不利于QAS均匀发挥抗菌性能,最终导致较低的抗菌性能。




b)当纺丝电压为35 kV、棉网厚度在3 mm、GO-QAS抗菌剂浓度为4 mg/mL时,GO-QAS抗菌剂能够均匀地喷覆在棉网表面;进一步集聚加捻获得的GO-QAS/棉复合纱线显示规整的纱线结构,且GO-QAS抗菌剂包裹卷绕在棉纤维表面或嵌入在纤维中间;同时,GO-QAS/棉复合纱线的力学性能显著优于纯棉纱。




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Construction and performance of GO-QAS/cotton blended yarn

QI Qinghuan, LIAO Huanru, ZHANG Qing, SHI Xiaohan, ZHOU Yuman

(Research Institute of Textile and Clothing Industries, Zhongyuan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450007, China)


Antibacterial textiles are the first barrier for human body to resist external bacteria and play an important role in improving personal hygiene environment and ensuring human health. Especially after the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, antibacterial textiles are favored by more and more people because they can inhibit the propagation of microorganisms, avoid cross infection of bacteria, and prevent the spread of diseases, thus resulting in a substantial increase in demand. As the yarn is the basic component of textiles, it is a simple and effective way to directly construct antibacterial textiles through antibacterial yarns. However, the processing methods of antibacterial yarns widely used in industry have many problems, such as heavy pollution, high energy consumption and unstable antibacterial performance. Therefore, it is of great research value to further develop the green processing method of antibacterial yarns and improve the yarns' antibacterial property.

In view of the existing problems of antibacterial yarns and their processing methods, a new method for fabricating antibacterial blended yarns embedded in graphene is proposed in this paper from the perspective of physical modification based on the principle of electro-spraying. Namely, an organic silicon quaternary ammonium salt (QAS) is first grafted onto graphene oxide by coupling reaction to synthesize nano-composite antimicrobial agents (GO-QAS), in which QAS and GO are respectively used as main antibacterial substance and functional modification carrier. Then, GO-QASs are uniformly sprayed onto the cotton web by electrostatic action to form a GO-QAS/cotton hybrid web. Finally, the GO-QAS/cotton hybrid web is aggregated and twisted into a GO-QAS/cotton blended yarn with antibacterial function. The morphology and chemical structure of GO-QAS antibacterial agent are characterized by scanning electron microscope, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The distribution rule and existing form of GO-QAS antibacterial agent in yarn are analyzed by morphology observation. The mechanical property of GO-QAS/cotton blended yarn is tested through a strength tester. The antibacterial properties of GO-QAS/cotton blended yarns are researched by antibacterial experiments. The results show that the GO-QAS antibacterial agent has good dispersibility and can be sprayed evenly on the surface of the cotton web. Moreover, the GO-QAS/cotton blended yarn obtained by further agglomerating and twisting the composite web shows excellent yarn structure and mechanical property. In the GO-QAS/cotton blended yarn, the GO-QAS antibacterial agent is wrapped on the surface of cotton fibers or embedded in the middle of the fibers. In addition, the GO-QAS antibacterial agent is evenly distributed from the inside to the outside of the yarn. Benefited by the distribution of GO-QAS antibacterial agents in the yarn, the GO-QAS/cotton blended yarn shows high antibacterial activity against E.coli and S.aureus, which is greater than 99.99%.

Compared with the reported processing methods of antibacterial yarns, using electrostatically spraying functional graphene to prepare antibacterial yarn is a physical modification method. This method is simple in process, less pollution and low energy consumption. In addition, through the different functional modification of graphene oxide, the blended yarn with multiple functions can be prepared in one step, which can easily realize the multi-functional modification of yarns. The research results have important guiding significance for the innovation and upgrading of functional textiles and their green processing technologies.


functional yarn; electro-spraying; graphene oxide; organic silicon quaternary ammonium salt; blended yarn; antibacterial property





通信作者:周玉嫚, E-mail: ymzhou@zut.edu.cn

纺织导报(2016年12期)2017-01-06 12:11:11
科技视界(2016年12期)2016-05-25 20:00:06