
2023-04-16 10:16
医学与法学 2023年1期


刑事司法中精神病辩护案实证研究 ………………………………………………………… 冯姣(2022-1)

论精神医学专家有效参与刑事司法的进路 ………………………………………………… 陶然(2022-1)


医疗AI侵权责任的法解释学分析………………………………………………………… 王海容(2022-1)

医疗美容行为的正当化依据 ……………………………………………………………… 杨光耀(2022-1)

论基因信息隐私权及其保护………………………………………………………… 王星泽 肇旭(2022-5)

智慧医疗下患者个人信息保护的权益冲突及其规制 …………………………………… 赵梦真(2022-5)

我国公民个人医疗数据信息的法律保护 ………………………………………………… 洪欣琳(2022-5)

论互联网时代卫生法学的科研和教学——以网络卫生法之勃兴为视角……………………………… 李润生 赵丹 冉晔 霍增辉(2022-6)

互联网医疗监管制度的变迁与发展完善………………………………………… 陈绍辉 廖安泽(2022-6)


医事纠纷因果关系类型化与证明责任平衡之研究——以224份民事判决书为分析样本 ……………………………………… 刘学在 肖家墉(2022-1)

错误出生侵权责任分析 ……………………………………………………………………… 梁晨(2022-1)

医务社工介入医患纠纷的路径分析 ………………………………………………………… 徐斌(2022-2)

医师外出会诊之医疗损害责任的类型化分析 …………………………………………… 王启辉(2022-2)

论“医疗纠纷调解程序的再启动”——基于社会治理的视角 …………………………………………………………… 陈加乙(2022-3)

试探医患纠纷司法调解制度之完善——基于31省市28151例司法案件的实证分析 …………………………… 吴政宇 冯杰(2022-3)

刑法视角下的“医闹”行为 ……………………………………………………… 王雯琪 李晓欧(2022-3)

医务人员与公众对知情同意制度的认知和态度的对比研究 …………………………………………………… 王玲 郑沛瑶 马文文 顾加栋(2022-3)

对医疗损害责任纠纷案件中专家辅助人制度之运用的实证考察——以60例案为观察对象……………………………………………………………… 李秦(2022-4)

我国医疗损害责任纠纷审判实践分析——兼论纠纷产生原因及防范对策…………………………………………… 何涛 徐毓婕(2022-4)

暴力伤医犯罪的情境预防对策研究 ………………………………………………………… 杨涵(2022-5)

规范刑法学视域下医疗事故调查报告适用研究……………………………………… 万力 章桦(2022-5)

我国刑法语境下“医疗行为”概念的再解释 ………………………………………………… 方悦(2022-6)

护理安全中的法律风险因素与防范路径探析——以急性白血病合并脑卒中的护理安全为例…………… 王馨 沈妙哲 于平平 孟令伶(2022-6)

患方知情同意权与医疗紧急救治行为之冲突的平衡探究 …………………………………………………………… 汪晓杰 何狄洲龙柯宇(2022-6)


对故意传播HIV的罪名认定争议与相关防范 …………………………………………… 林宇虹(2022-1)

非商业性有限代孕的制度构建探析……………………………………………… 刘志先 先德奇(2022-1)

国内外安乐死立法进展研究……………………………………… 张娇 孙延宁 方立亿 舒德峰(2022-4)

我国人体器官捐献与移植的法律思考——以“器官假捐献”案为切入点…………………………………………… 丁菁雯 孙大明(2022-4)

代孕行为的类型分析与其中的刑事治理…………………………………………… 李茜 付玉明(2022-4)

论人类体外早期胚胎的法律地位………………………………………………… 汪丽青 赵岩杰(2022-5)

体外胚胎的法律定性及权利行使问题研究 ……………………………………………… 田岱月(2022-5)

刑法中基于生命法益考量的死亡判定标准之选择………………………………… 曹兴华 张浩(2022-5)

冷冻胚胎移植之规范与政策及伦理——基于类案判决的解读 …………………………………………………………… 王晓燕(2022-6)

论我国生前预嘱的民法权源 ……………………………………………………………… 蔡耀燊(2022-6)

论“缓和医疗”的人格权理论基础和制度构建——兼析“缓和医疗”中的患者权利和医生义务……………………………… 王勇林 张舫(2022-6)


新冠疫情期间情势变更的适用——兼评《民法典》第五百三十三条…………………………………………… 曹舒然 徐静(2022-1)

我国传染病风险预警制度所面临的风险挑战与因应建议…………………………… 杨雯 崔冬(2022-1)

疫苗供给及其风险分配的经济法分析…………………………………………… 袁梦玲 羊海燕(2022-1)

突发公共卫生事件下港口从业人员权益保障的困境与路径 …………… 刘楠 王增允 廖女男(2022-2)

国际重大疫情下涉外民商事合同中不可抗力的司法认定研究 ………………………… 姜智夫(2022-2)

战“疫”中的法治观意蕴及其践行与启示 ………………………………………………… 龚红卫(2022-2)

妨害传染病防治罪之“严重危险”的认定…………………………………………… 吴超莹 周凌(2022-6)

公共卫生事件之刑法应对所面临的风险及其教义学反思——以新冠肺炎疫情为例 …………………………………………………………… 郭耀天(2022-6)

隔离酒店的设置致周围商户经营损失之救济路径 ……………………………………… 黄中杰(2022-6)


美国欧盟的“同情用药”制度及其对我国的启示…………………………………… 韩桑莹 姚军(2022-1)

我国“同情用药”法律制度之完善的研究——以《拓展性同情使用临床试验用药物管理办法(征求意见稿)》为对象……………………………………………………………………… 谢泓怡 刘佳举 罗刚(2022-1)

药物临床试验中女性平等参与权的问题研究 …………………………………………… 崔新群(2022-2)

药品专利反向支付协议之基础与类型及规制方略……………………………… 郭传凯 胡广文(2022-2)

儿童抗生素合理用药的对策研究 ………………………………………………………… 李文睿(2022-2)

知识产权视角下药品之公共利益与研发保护所涉问题研究 …………………………… 任安麒(2022-2)

浅析中医药技术秘密的移转……………………………………………… 王艳翚 华东 姚峥嵘(2022-3)

民族地区农村中医药服务发展研究………………………………… 曾雪琴 于伟 孙雪 黄宵(2022-3)

美国社区药物成瘾矫治策略研究 ………………………………………………………… 曹兴华(2022-4)

普通消费品、药品抑或烟草制品:电子烟产品的规制路径 ……………………………… 蒋佳艺(2022-4)


健康视域下我国医疗卫生领域的法治宣教研究 ………………………… 颜杨 舒梓剑 彭鎏佳(2022-1)

我国长期护理保险制度之完善的思考……………………………………………… 李臻蓉 刘毅(2022-1)

可撤销婚姻之诉中重大疾病的认定 …………………………………………… 罗欢平 覃丽霞(2022-3)

意思能力缺损患者医疗自决的法哲学基础 ……………………………………………… 吴叶乾(2022-3)


腰椎间盘突出症与工伤的因果关系之鉴定探析 ………………………… 龙梁婷 王强 孙大明(2022-1)

外伤后出现运动神经元疾病的因果关系鉴定 …………………………………………… 邹彩霞(2022-1)

人体损伤程度鉴定之“三论”研究——以北京市石景山区为例 ………………………………………………………… 张秋芬(2022-2)

80例颅脑损伤后吞咽功能障碍法医学鉴定分析 …………………………………… 王雷 侯青(2022-2)

1例疑髌骨骨质增生漏诊医疗损害鉴定 ………………………………………………… 宋桂文(2022-3)

亲子鉴定中STR基因座的等位基因丢失分析与解决对策 …………………… 何丽仪 车志文(2022-3)

3例扩张性心肌病死亡分析 …………………………………………… 时亚辉 李国良 郑吉龙(2022-3)

山东医疗损害责任纠纷中司法鉴定之争议焦点研究……………… 李亮亮 孟浩 房强 李学博(2022-4)

鉴定人之实务视角下影响精神病刑事责任能力鉴定质量的因素及思考 …………………………………………………………… 杨禹龙 王靖 付培鑫(2022-4)

伤残鉴定标准中肢体缺失的相关问题探讨 ……………………………………………… 费成平(2022-5)

主动脉夹层因果关系及原因力鉴定分析一例 …………………………… 张延斌 张小艳 张通(2022-5)

急性甲醇中毒死亡法医学鉴定一例 ………………………………………… 刘勇 张忠庆 谭力(2022-6)

甲氨蝶呤联合米非司酮保守治疗异位妊娠后死亡的医疗损害鉴定一例…………………………………………… 虢洪松 李长征 韩笑 韦红红(2022-6)


如何完善针对卫生行政机关不作为的法律救济机制 ……………………… 张玉鹏 冉晔 邓勇(2022-1)

医院开展药师门诊服务的法律法规分析……………………………… 田塬 魏洋 徐勇 李亚玲(2022-1)

有关我国农村公共卫生应急治理体系中的问题与对策之研究的综述捋析 ………………………………………… 冯懿 何仕敏袁明月赵敏(2022-1)

对脐血库“双重身份”的法律探析 ……………………………………… 边宛初 周小雯 左玉迪(2022-2)

艾滋病感染者的隐私权与特定主体的知情权之冲突与破解研究……………… 王琳博 许中缘(2022-2)

公共卫生危机中医疗防护用品专利的强制许可研究 …………………………………… 袁勤玮(2022-3)

安宁缓和医疗中患者的权利及其保障研究 ……………………………………… 刘慧 羊海燕(2022-3)

知情同意制度的不足与完善——兼论《民法典》第一千二百一十九条 ………………………………… 黄越胜 李志强(2022-3)

对以法治思维方式深化省级公立医院综合改革实践的调查及其启示………………………………………………… 李岩静 倪玥 黄敏珊 陈仕学(2022-4)

新冠疫情中国家紧急权力行使的正当性分析 …………………………… 张浩泽 张尤佳 沈红(2022-4)

疫情防控视域下犯罪嫌疑人的权利保障…………………………………………… 刘鑫 先德奇(2022-5)

精神障碍妇女妊娠期权益受损现象分析………………………… 赵麒然 郭鹏鹏 王志强 赵华(2022-5)

食品、药品监管渎职罪的法理诠释 ……………………………………………………… 郭世源(2022-6)

“不当出生”案中医疗机构担责问题对策研究 ……………………………… 刘慧 赵蕾 刘世彧(2022-6)


新加坡突发公共卫生事件应急治理体系及其评价 ……………………… 张乐乐 徐兆涵 王知(2022-2)

党领导卫生健康工作法治化的百年探索与实践——以党在不同时期的卫生健康治理实践为研究对象 ……………… 黎桦 王环 万红慧(2022-2)

成渝地区双城经济圈公共卫生政策之协同及其路径研究 …………………… 龙柯宇 王兰馨(2022-3)

随意殴打型寻衅滋事罪的扩张及其限制——基于殴打防疫工作人员案件的思考 ………………………………… 王振华 刘燕莎(2022-3)

疫情防控期间医护人员职业风险及其防范路径研究 ………………………… 向志意 唐义红(2022-3)

公共卫生事件行政规制研究——基于改进霍尔模型的探索………………………………………………… 董妍 王纪尧(2022-4)

新冠疫情防控中公众知情权与患者隐私权的平衡………………………………… 李憣 王丹蕊(2022-4)

疫情背景下以危险方法危害公共安全罪的适用 ………………………………………… 王家伦(2022-5)

我国对外医疗援助主体的相关法律问题思考………………………………………… 刘楠 易灵(2022-5)


“互联网+”视域下对医学研究生法律素养培育机制的反思与重构…………… 荣振华 唐义红(2022-2)

新文科背景下卓越卫生健康法治人才培养路径研究……………… 王林智 向歆 石东风 罗刚(2022-2)

《普通高等院校医事(卫生)法学本科教学质量标准》专家共识……………………………………………………………… 刘毅 罗刚 赵琼 赵敏 王萍 等(2022-4)

在输血医学专业教育中融入卫生法学教育的探究 ……………………………………… 衡敬之(2022-5)

医事法学专业“立德树人”根本任务的内涵解析与实践进路研究 …………… 羊海燕 屈坤燕(2022-6)


论《个人信息保护法》视角下医疗卫生机构的数据合规义务 ……………………………… 邵华(2022-2)

医师多点执业中的法律问题及其对策完善之研究 ……………………………… 李晓堰 廖娟(2022-2)


后疫情时代示范法在我国公共卫生立法中运用的构想 ………………………………… 孟珺逸(2022-3)

“社会共治”原则下食品安全标准制度的缺陷与完善 …………………………………… 王黎黎(2022-3)

妨害传染病防治罪适用范围之立法反思………………………………… 罗恒 古靖炜 王丽兰(2022-3)


有关“检察机关鉴定意见专门审查指引”的研究 …………………………………………… 邢庭(2022-3)

基于“挫折攻击理论”的医疗暴力治理研究 ……………………………………… 李燕飞 韦伟(2022-3)


健康权法律属性研究 …………………………………………………… 孙永祥 肖文清 王林智(2022-4)

健康促进视角下过劳问题的法律规制 …………………………………………………… 张玉鹏(2022-4)


美国医疗保障欺诈的内部规制及其启示 …………………………………………………… 杨华(2022-4)

基于患者权益保护的俄罗斯保险代表制度评析 ………………………………………… 陈晓棠(2022-4)


个税大病医疗专项附加扣除的功能与问题对策…………………………………… 闫海 徐晨凯(2022-5)

职业病患者权益保障初探…………………………………………………………… 毕明宇 储虎(2022-5)


中医师处方权之法律属性与规制重构——兼论《医师法》第十四条第四款………………………………………… 吴颖雄 季宝轶(2022-6)

衔接与协调:《医疗事故处理条例》须作若干修订………………………… 高燕 徐道波 顾加栋(2022-6)


《医学与法学》2021年总目录 ………………………………………………………………………(2022-1)

General Contents of Medicine&Jurisprudence,2022

(2022 vol.14 No.1~2022 vol.14 No.6)

Mental Health and the Law

Empirical Study of Insanity Defense in Criminal Justice…………………………………… Feng Jiao(2022-1)

On the Approach of Psychiatrists'Effective Participation in Criminal Justice……………… Tao Ran(2022-1)

Modern Medicine and Law

Legal Hermeneutics Analysis of Medical AI Tort Liability…………………………… Wang Hairong(2022-1)

Justification Basis for Medical Cosmetology………………………………………… Yang Guangyao(2022-1)

On the Privacy Right of Genetic Information and Its Protection……………… Wang Xingze Zhao Xu(2022-5)

Rights and Interests Conflict of Patients'Personal Information under Smart Medical Care and Its Regulation ………………………………… Zhao Mengzhen(2022-5)

Legal Protection of Citizens'Personal Medical Data in China…………………………… Hong Xinlin(2022-5)

On the Scientific Research and Education of Health Law in the Era of Internet——From the Perspective of the Prosperity of Cyber Health Law…………………………Li Runsheng Zhao Dan Ran Ye Huo Zenghui(2022-6)

The Change,Development and Improvement of Internet Medical Supervision System…………………………………………………… Chen Shaohui Liao Anze(2022-6)

Prevention and Handling of Medical Disputes

Research on the Categorization of Causality and Balance of Burden of Proof in Medical Disputes——Taking 224 Civil Judgments as Analysis Sample………………… Liu Xuezai Xiao Jiayong(2022-1)

Analysis of Tort Liability for Wrongful Birth …………………………………………… Liang Chen(2022-1)

Path Analysis of Medical Social Workers'Intervening in Medical Disputes………………… Xu Bin(2022-2)

Typification Analysis of Medical Damage Liability Caused by Docrors'Going out for Consultation…………………………………………………………………Wang Qihui(2022-2)

On the "Restart of Medical Dispute Mediation Procedure"——From the Perspective of Social Governance………………………………………Chen Jiayi(2022-3)

Exploration on the Perfection of Judicial Mediation System for Doctor-patient Disputes——Based on the Empirical Analysis of 28151 Judicial Cases in 31 Provinces……………………………………………… Wu Zhengyu Feng Jie(2022-3)

"Medical Disturbance" from the Perspective of Criminal Law …………… Wang Wenqi Li Xiao'ou(2022-3)

Comparative Study of the Cognition and Attitude of Medical Staff and the Public on Informed Consent System………………… Wang Ling Zheng Peiyao Ma Wenwen Gu Jiadong(2022-3)

Empirical Investigation on the Application of the Expert Assistant System in Medical Damage Liability Disputes——Taking 60 Cases as Observation Objects…………………………………………… Li Qin(2022-4)

Analysis on the Trial Practice of Medical Damage Liability Disputes in China——Also on the Causes of Medical Disputes and Preventive Countermeasures… He Tao Xu Yujie(2022-4)

Research on Situational Prevention of Violent Crimes against Healthcare Professionals … Yang Han(2022-5)

Study on the Application of Medical Malpractice Investigation Report from the Perspective of Normative Criminal Law…………………………… Wan Li Zhang Hua(2022-5)

Reinterpretation of "Medical Behavior" in the Context of Chinese Criminal Law ………… Fang Yue(2022-6)

Legal Risks and Prevention in Nursing Safety——Taking the Nursing Safety of Patients with Acute Leukemia Complicated with Stroke as an Example …………… Wang Xin Shen Miaozhe Yu Pingping Meng Lingling(2022-6)

Research on the Balance between Patients'Informed Consent Right and Emergent Medical Treatment……………………………………… Wang Xiaojie He Dizhou Long Keyu(2022-6)

Bioethics and Law

Disputes on the Determination of the Charge of Intentional Transmission of HIV and Relevant Prevention………………………………………………………………… Lin Yuhong(2022-1)

On Institution Construction of Non-commercial Limited Surrogacy…………Liu Zhixian Xian Deqi(2022-1)

Research on Euthanasia Legislation Progress at Home and Abroad…………………………… Zhang Jiao Sun Yanning Fang Liyi Shu Defeng(2022-4)

Legal Considerations on Human Organ Donation and Transplantation in China——Taking "Fake Organ Donation" as Breakthrough Point……… Ding Jingwen Sun Daming(2022-4)

Type Analysis of Surrogacy and Its Criminal Governance……………………… Li Qian Fu Yuming(2022-4)

On the Legal Status of Human in Vitro Early Embryos…………………… Wang Liqing Zhao Yanjie(2022-5)

Study on Legal Characterization and Right Exercise of in Vitro Embryos ……………… Tian Daiyue(2022-5)

The Choice of Death Criterion Based on Legal Interests of Life in Criminal Law ……………………………………………… Cao Xinghua Zhang Hao(2022-5)

Regulations,Policies and Ethics of Frozen Embryo Transplant——Interpretation Based on Similar Case Judgments…………………………… Wang Xiaoyan(2022-6)

On the Power Source of Civil Law of Living Wills in China …………………………… Cai Yaoshen(2022-6)

On the Theoretical Basis of Personality Right and System Construction of Palliative Care——Also on Patients'Rights and Doctors'Obligations in Palliative Care………………………………………………… Wang Yonglin Zhang Fang(2022-6)

Panidemil Rule of Law

On the Application of Circumstance Change during COVID-19——Comment on Article 533 of the Civil Code…………………………… Cao Shuran Xu Jing(2022-1)

Risks and Challenges of Infectious Diseases Early Warning System in China and Corresponding Suggestions…………………………………………… Yang Wen Cui Dong(2022-1)

Economic Analysis of Vaccine Supply and Risk Allocatio…………… Yuan Mengling Yang Haiyan(2022-1)

The Dilemma of Protecting the Rights and Interests of Port Employees under Public Health Emergencies and Its Solution…………………………… Liu Nan Wang Zengyun Liao Nvnan(2022-2)

Study on Judicial Determination of Force Majeure in Foreign Civil and Commercial Contracts under Major International Pandemic……………………………………………………… Jiang Zhifu(2022-2)

The Implication,Practice and Enlightenment of Rule of Law View in the Fight against the Pandemic…………………………………………………Gong Hongwei(2022-2)

Identification of "Serious Danger" for the Crime of Hindering the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases…………………………………………………… Wu Chaoying Zhou Ling(2022-6)

Risks and Doctrinal Reflection on Criminal Law Response to Public Health Events——Taking COVID-19 as an Example…………………………………………… Guo Yaotian(2022-6)

The Relief of Surrounding Business Loss Caused by the Setting of Isolation Hotels………………………………………………………………… Huang Zhongjie(2022-6)

Legal Field of Medicine

Compassionate Use System in the United States and the European Union and Its Enlightenment to China………………………………………………………………… Han Sangying Yao Jun(2022-1)

Research on the Improvement of the Legal System of Compassionate Use in China——Taking Expanded Compassionate Use Management for Clinical Trials(Draft for Comments)as Research Object……………………………………… Xie Hongyi Liu Jiaju Luo Gang(2022-1)

Research on Women's Equal Rights in Drug Clinical Trials …………………………… Cui Xinqun(2022-2)

Basis,Type and Regulation Strategy of Reverse Payment Agreement of Drug Patent……………………………………… Guo Chuankai Hu Guangwen(2022-2)

Study of Countermeasures of Rational Antibiotic Use in Children…………………………Li Wenrui(2022-2)

Study on the Public Interest and R&D Protection of Pharmaceuticals from the Perspective of Intellectual Property Rights……………………………………………………………Ren Anqi(2022-2)

On the Transfer of Technical Secrets of Traditional Chinese Medicine…………………………………… Wang Yanhui Hua Dong Yao Zhengrong(2022-3)

Research on the Development of Rural Traditional Chinese Medicine Service in Ethnic Areas………………………… Zeng Xueqin Yu Wei Sun Xue Huang Xiao(2022-3)

Community-based Drug Addiction Treatment Strategies in the United States ………… Cao Xinghua(2022-4)

Regulatory Ways of E-cigarettes:Common Consumer Products,Pharmaceuticals or Tobacco Products……………………………………………………………………Jiang Jiayi(2022-4)

New Perspective on Medical Law

Research on the Publicity and Education of Rule of Law in the Field of Medicine and Health in China from the Perspective of Health……………………………… Yan Yang Shu Zijian Peng Liujia(2022-1)

Reflection on the Improvement of Long Term Care Insurance System in China…Li Zhenrong Liu Yi(2022-1)

The Determination of Major Disease in the Revocable Marriage Proceeding… Luo Huanping Qin Lixia(2022-3)

Legal Philosophical Basis for Medical Self-determination of Patients with Impaired Capacity ………………………………………………………………… Wu Yeqian(2022-3)

Verfication World

Discussion on Causality Identification between Lumbar Disc Herniation and Occupational Injury………………………………… Long Liangting Wang Qiang Sun Daming(2022-1)

Causality Identification of Motor Neuron Disease after Trauma…………………………… Zou Caixia(2022-1)

Research on the "Three Theories" of the Identification of Human Injury Degree——A Case Study of Shijingshan District in Beijing……………………………… Zhang Qiufen(2022-2)

Forensic Analysis of Swallowing Dysfunction in 80 Cases of Craniocerebral Injury……………………………………………………… Wang Lei Hou Qing(2022-2)

One Case of Medical Damage Identification of Suspected Missed Diagnosis of Patellar Hyperosteogeny………………………………………………………… Song Guiwen(2022-3)

Analysis of Allele Loss of STR Loci in Paternity Testing and Its Countermeasures………………………………………………………… He Liyi Che Zhiwen(2022-3)

Death Analysis of 3 Cases of Dilated Cardiomyopathy ………………………………………… Shi Yahui Li Guoliang Zheng Jilong(2022-3)

Study on the Dispute Focus of Forensic Appraisal in Medical Damage Liability Disputes in Shandong Province…………………………… Li Liangliang Meng Hao Fang Qiang Li Xuebo(2022-4)

Influencing Factors and Reflections on the Appraisal Quality of Mental Competence for Criminal Responsibility from the Perspective of Expert Practice …… Yang Yulong Wang Jing Fu Peixin(2022-4)

Discussions on the Problems Related to Limb Loss in Disability Identification Standard …………………………………………… Fei Chengping(2022-5)

Case Report of Causality and Causative Force Identification of Aortic Dissection ……………………………… Zhang Yanbin Zhang Xiaoyan Zhang Tong(2022-5)

Case Report of Forensic Identification of Death from Acute Methanol Poisoning………………………………………Liu Yong Zhang Zhongqing Tan Li(2022-6)

Case Report of Medical Damage Identification in Death after Conservative Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy with Methotrexate and Mifepristone … Guo Hongsong Li Changzheng Han Xiao Wei Honghong(2022-6)

Forum for New Nornthings

On the Improvement of Legal Remedy Mechanism of Health Administrative Organs'Omission ………………………………………… Zhang Yupeng Ran Ye Deng Yong(2022-1)

Analysis on the Laws and Regulations of Pharmacist Outpatient Service in Hospitals………………………………………… Tian Yuan Wei Yang Xu Yong Li Yaling(2022-1)

Summary and Analysis of the Problems and Countermeasures in the Rural Public Health Emergency Management System in China ………………… Feng Yi He Shimin Yuan Mingyue Zhao Min(2022-1)

Legal Analysis on the "Dual Identity" of Cord Blood Bank…Bian Wanchu Zhou Xiaowen Zuo Yudi(2022-2)

On the Conflict of the Privacy of HIV-infected Persons and Specific Subjects'Right to Know and Its Solution…………………………………………………… Wang Linbo Xu Zhongyuan(2022-2)

Research on the Compulsory Licensing System of Medical Protective Equipment Patents in Public Health Crisis………………………………………………………………Yuan Qinwei(2022-3)

Study on Patients Rights Protection in Hospice and Palliative Care…………………………………………………………… Liu Hui Yang Haiyan(2022-3)

Deficiency of Informed Consent Rule and Its Improvement——Also on Article 1219 in the Civil Code…………………… Huang Yuesheng Li Zhiqiang(2022-3)

Investigation and Enlightenment on Promoting Comprehensive Reform of Provincial Public Hospitals by Rule of Law Thinking Mode………………… Li Yanjing Ni Yue Huang Minshan Chen Shixue(2022-4)

Analysis on the Legitimacy of State Emergency Power Exercise under COVID-19…………………………………………… Zhang Haoze Zhang Youjia Shen Hong(2022-4)

On Suspect's Rights Protection from the Perspective of Pandemic Prevention and Control…………………………………………………………………Liu Xin Xian Deqi(2022-5)

Analysis of Rights and Interests Impairments of Pregnant Women with Mental Disorders ………… Zhao Qiran Guo Pengpeng Wang Zhiqiang Zhao Hua(2022-5)

Legal Interpretation of Dereliction of Duty in Food and Drug Supervision……………… Guo Shiyuan(2022-6)

Research on the Responsibility of Medical Institutions in Cases of "Improper Birth"………………………………………………… Liu Hui Zhao Lei Liu Shiyu(2022-6)

Public Health and Law

Evaluation on the Emergency Governance System of Public Health Emergencies in Singapore………………………………………………Zhang Lele Xu Zhaohan Wang Zhi(2022-2)

Centennial Exploration and Practice of the Legalization of Health Work Led by the Party——Taking the Party's Health Governance Practice in Different Periods as The Research Object………………………………Li Hua Wang Huan Wan Honghui(2022-2)

Study on the Coordination and Path of Public Health Policies in Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle……………………………… Long Keyu Wang Lanxin(2022-3)

The Expansion and Limitation of the Crime of Random Assault Affray——Reflections on the Cases of Beating Pandemic Prevention Staff… Wang Zhenhua Liu Yansha(2022-3)

Study on Occupational Risks and Prevention Paths of Medical Staff during Pandemic Prevention and Control……………………………………………… Xiang Zhiyi Tang Yihong(2022-3)

Study on Administrative Regulation of Public Health Events——Exploration Based on Improved Hall Model………………………… Dong Yan Wang Jiyao(2022-4)

On the Balance between Public Right to Know and Patients'Privacy Right in COVID-19 Prevention and Control……………………………………………………Li Fan Wang Danrui(2022-4)

The Application of the Crime of Endangering Public Safety by Dangerous Means in the Context of Pandemic ………………………………… Wang Jialun(2022-5)

Reflection on the Relevant Legal Problems of Foreign Medical Aid Subjects in China……………………………………………… Liu Nan Yi Ling(2022-5)

Medical and Health Law Education and Personnel Training

Reflection and Reconstruction of Legal Literacy Cultivation Mechanism for Medical Postgraduates under the "Internet+" Perspective ……………… Rong Zhenhua Tang Yihong(2022-2)

Research on Outstanding Health and Legal Talents Training under the Background of New Liberal Arts Construction …………… Wang Linzhi Xiang Xin Shi Dongfeng Luo Gang(2022-2)

Expert Consensus of Teaching Quality Standard for Medical(Health)Law Undergraduates in General Colleges and Universities…………Liu Yi Luo Gang Zhao Qiong Zhao Min Wang Ping et al.(2022-4)

Research on Integrating Health Law Education into Transfusion Medicine Specialty Education……………………………………………………Heng Jingzhi(2022-5)

Connotation Analysis and Practice Approach Research of the Basic Task of "Fostering Virtue and Cultivating People" of Medical Law……………………… Yang Haiyan Qu Kunyan(2022-6)

Hospital Management

On the Data Compliance Obligations of Medical and Health Institutions from the Perspective of Personal Information Protection Law………………………………………………… Shao Hua(2022-2)

Research on Legal Problems in Doctors'Multi-sited License and Countermeasures for Its Improvement……………………………………………………… Li Xiaoyan Liao Juan(2022-2)

Research on Medical Health Legislation

The Conception of Applying Model Law in Chinese Public Health Legislation in the Post-pandemic Era…………………………………………………………………Meng Junyi(2022-3)

Defects and Improvement of Food Safety Standard System Under Social Co-governance System…………………………………………………Wang Lili(2022-3)

Legislative Reflection on the Applicable Scope of the Crime of Hindering the Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases…………………………… Luo Heng Gu Jingwei Wang Lilan(2022-3)

Criminal Practice

Research on the "Guidelines for Special Examination of Procuratorial Organs'Appraisal Opinions"………………………………………………………………… Xing Ting(2022-3)

Research on the Governance of Medical Violence Based on "Frustration Aggression Theory"……………………………………………Li Yanfei Wei Wei(2022-3)

Healthy Rule of Law

Research on Legal Attributes of the Right to Health…Sun Yongxiang Xiao Wenqing Wang Linzhi(2022-4)

Legal Regulation on Overwork from the Perspective of Health Promotion…………… Zhang Yupeng(2022-4)

Overseas Medicine and Law

Internal Regulations on American Medical Security Fraud and Its Enlightenment ……… Yang Hua(2022-4)

Evaluation and Analysis of Russian Insurance Representative Insituts Based on the Protection of Patients'Rights…………………………………………………… Chen Xiaotang(2022-4)

Health Care and Health Law

Functions,Problems and Countermeasures of Special Additional Deduction for Serious Diseases Medical Treatment in Individual Income Tax………Yan Hai Xu Chenkai(2022-5)

Rights and Interests Protection of Patients with Occupational Diseases ………… Bi Mingyu Chu Hu(2022-5)

Interpretaion of Laws and Rugulations

Legal Attributes and Reconstruction of TCM Physicians'Prescribing Right——Also on Article 14 of the Fourth Section in the Physician Act……Wu Yingxiong Ji Baoyi(2022-6)

Connection and Coordination:the Revision of the Regulations on the Handling of Medical Malpractice…………………………………………… Gao Yan Xu Daobo Gu Jiadong(2022-6)


General Contents of Medicine&Jurisprudence,2021…………………………………………………(2022-1)
