斯温(Swain)的输出假设理论是基于克拉申(Krashen 1985)的输入假设(The Input Hypothesis)理论提出的。克拉申认为,实现第二语言习得的必要和充分条件是可理解的语言输入。假设语言学习者现有的水平是i,那么当学习者能理解“i+1”的语言输入时,其语言水平可达到“i+1”。但是,斯温观察、研究加拿大的基于输入假设理论的语法教学发现,学习者的听、读水平得到了提高,说与写的能力还有所欠缺。斯温(1985)认为,在基于输入假设理论的教学过程中,学习者欠缺说的机会,且教师并不要求他们关注语言准确和恰当。实际上,语言学习是输入和输出同时作用的双向过程,输出可用于验证输入。因此,斯温提出了“可理解输出假设”,它不只是思维转储,还是理解和重塑经验的过程,是学习的组成部分(Swain 2005)。
斯温(1995)提出,学习者能够通过输出使目标语更准确和流利,归纳了可理解性输出在二语习得中的三大功能,即注意/ 触发功能(the noticing /triggering function)、假设检验功能(the hypothesis testing function)和元语言反思功能(the metalinguistic reflective function)。
注意/触发功能指语言输出活动能够使学习者注意到自身语言缺陷,在发现自己与目标语的差距后,有意识地注意语言输入中的相关信息,然后在学习过程中触发“认知加工”,生成新的语言知识或巩固原有的语言知识(Swain&Lapkin 1995)。假设检验功能指学习者在语言学习过程中对目标语作出假设,根据所得到的反馈调整自己的语言输出。针对反馈而产生的输出调整是二语习得过程的重要组成部分。元语言反思功能即学习者运用已掌握的语言知识反思、分析自己和他人的语言形式和结构,加深对语言的形式、功能、意义相互关系的理解。这种元语言活动能够促进学习者进一步理解和掌握语言知识。
Step 1:学生根据教师所给出的新闻内容进行探讨;教师引导学生聚焦目标的学习。
每年5 月的第三个星期日为全国助残日,为了弘扬中华民族扶弱助残的传统美德,加强学生的社会责任感和人文关怀的情感,教师播放了一则新闻——《多举措加强无障碍城市建设》,让学生讨论这则新闻的内容。以下是教师与学生的对话:
T:In this piece of news,what impresses you most?
S1:The life is very difficult for the disabled and it is great for the governments to make policies for them.
S2:Many disabled people still achieve their fulfillment with the help of governments.
S3:When architects are designing the buildings,they are considering the need of the disabled.
T:Great! I am also impressed by the ambitions of the disabled and the considerations of the government. Now,let’s focus on the sentence we use to express our idea.
The life is very difficult for the disabled but they are determined and take advantage of their disability and become mentally stronger.
→It is difficult __________________ and they still decide to______________________.
The disabled people are ambitious and they want to achiever a fulfilling life.
→The ambition of the disabled people are______________________________________.
Governments passed laws which protect the rights of the disabled and they required that architects design adequate access for wheelchairs so that their needs are met.
→Governments passed laws _______________and architects were required______________.
Step 2:学生利用目的语完成谚语的补充,并通过观察和归纳,聚焦不定式的名词性功能,通过练习巩固。
(1)_________________ makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.
(2)It is easy___________but hard_________.
(3)Not to advance is_____________________.
(4)To prevent is better than_______________.
(5)Learn_______________before you run.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise.
It is easy to open a shop but hard to keep it always open.
It is+adj.+do sth.
(Sb.)find / consider / think / suppose / make /feel it+adj./n.+to do sth.
Not to advance is to go back.(=going back?)
To prevent is better than to cure(=curing?).
Learn to walk(=walking?)before you run.
to do sth. refers to some specific action to happen.
doing sth.refers to abstract and general action.
My ambition is________________(finish)the job today.
My job is_______________(look)the children in the kindergarten.
(1)ambition,shoot a ball,Paralympics.
(2)warm-hearted,volunteer,body check.
(3)considerate,designer,access for wheelchair.
(1)Her ambition is to shoot a ball in the Paralympics.
(2)The volunteers are warm-hearted enough to give the elderly regular body-check.
(3)It is considerate for the designers to consider building access for wheelchair.
(4)Educators find it beneficial for students to explore museums.
(5)Technological development makes it possible for human to talk with robots.
【评析】在这个环节,教师使用补全谚语和利用图画写句子这两个半结构化、半开放式的输出模式帮助学生观察和掌握目的语。根据输出假设理论进行教学设计时,教师要针对不同能力的学生设计不同难度的任务(卢仁顺 2002)。教师用不完整的谚语和图片作为中介工具引导学生运用非谓语动词,使其根据自己的能力选择不同难度的句子结构,激发语言潜能。斯温和拉普金(Swain&Lapkin 1995)强调:“当学习者反思他们自己的目标语用法时,输出就起着元语言功能。输出能使他们控制和内化语言知识。”因此,在半结构化、半开放式的语言练习中,学生高度关注目标语的形式,并把语言形式与试图表达的意义连接起来,从以语义为基础的处理转向以句法为基础的处理。
Step 3:短文阅读,分组讨论,发现不定式作定语、状语、补语的语法功能。
Since I was an innocent child,I have had the ambition to be a doctor in the future. When I knew from the news report that many people died of disease,I was too shocked to utter a word. Even some people had a lot of medical tests,only to find that no one could give their diseases a name. Therefore,a dream to be a doctor came into my mind.I wanted to be the person who could save people’s life. I determined to study hard,and chose medical science as my college major. My tutor made me join a club to develop my interest in medicine.What is more,my mother encouraged me to work in hospital as a volunteer to accumulate practical experience. Now I am confident that I can make preparations for it well.
Group 1:Infinitive as an adverbial(状语)
My mother encouraged me to work in hospital as a volunteer to accumulate practical experience.( )
When I knew from the news report that many people died of disease,I was too shocked to utter a word.( )
Even some people had a lot of medical tests,only to find that no one could give their diseases a name.( )
What do the adverbials in this sentence try to tell us?Purpose?Result?or Reason?
Can you figure out some sentence patterns according to sentence 2 and 3?
Do you know any other sentence pattern?
Group 2:Infinitive as an attribute(定语)
I have had the ambition to be a doctor in the future.
Therefore,a dream to be a doctor came into my mind.
On what condition is infinitive used as an attributive:
It is used after such nouns as ______,_____,_____.
It is used after the words which are modified by_________________.
Group 3:Infinitive as object complement(补语)
My mother encouraged me to work in hospital as a volunteer to accumulate practical experience.
My tutor made me join a club to develop my interest.
What is the similarity and difference between these two sentences?
If the second sentence is transformed to passive voice(被动语态),what should it be?
【评析】在语法学习过程中,教师不仅帮助学生构建语法结构,还帮助他们提升自学能力。在发现和思考的过程中掌握语言知识,可以使学生在实际情境中正确运用。最早开始外语自主学习研究的霍尔克(Holec 1981)将 LA(Learner Autonomy)定义为对自己学习负责的能力。他认为,LA 不是一种行为,而是一种可以通过后天培养的能力。因此,在之前的教学过程中,教师已经带领学生认识了不定式作为动名词的用法。在这里,教师完全可以把自主权还给学生,充当旁观者,在他们需要时及时给予适当帮助,以此促进其探索和自主学习能力的提升。
Step 4:教师给出思维导图(见下页图),让学生以小组合作方式共同完成一篇关于儿童慈善家的写作(词数约100),并提醒其在写作中关注不定式的运用。
Zach Bonner,an American child philanthropist,is always willing to help children in poverty and raise awareness of homeless children. He feels it his duty to help all the time.When he was seven years old,he decided to set up a non-profit charity organization,Little Red Wagon Foundation,with its mission to help the poor kids and the victims of natural disasters. At the age of 13,he walked from Florida to Washington,persuading others to donate money to the homeless children.I am impressed by his good deed and resolves to devote myself to voluntary jobs so that people in need can be helped.
【评析】斯温(1995)认为,成功的二语学习者既需要接触大量的可理解性输入,又需要产出可理解性输出。学习者只有通过有意义的语言运用,才能使自己目的语的准确性达到本族语者的水平。思维导图让学生尝试使用不定式写作,对输出内容加以控制,在输出过程中尽量使用目的语的语言形式。这样,在学生互评和教师点评的过程中,学生才能比较自己的语言输出和目的语,实现输出的注意功能(冯纪元、黄姣 2004)。学生在同学和教师的评价和反馈下,判断自己的句型假设是否正确。“输出假设”的假设检验功能积极促进学习者调整语言输出,更好地促进其语言内化。