刘文帅 郑建国 张翀岳 等(1)
左常圣 黄清泽 林春霏 等(9)
黄 超 李醒飞 谢子铭 等(16)
李敏华 程灵巧 范锦晓 等(22)
邓泽贵 李醒飞 杨少波(31)
段闪华 姜明波 薄文波 等(42)
陈 振 周 阳 黄志强 等(50)
毕玉明 马方方 江田田 等(60)
唐俊逸 刘晋涛 蒋婧媛 等(67)
张建铭 黄雅贞 张家海 等(75)
魏 联 陈新军(82)
王永刚 黄 雯 吴志强 等(91)
刘 旭 黄 雯 俞小鹏 等(99)
吴 鹏 刘 永 李纯厚 等(106)
李紫薇 杨丽原 刘友春 等(115)
尹 方 宋智博 秦伯语 等(123)
李强华 席 欢(132)
陈 晨 赵丽玲 陈新军(142)
潘静云 章柳立 李挚萍 等(152)
沈秋豪 陈真亮(160)
翁怡婵 秦晓光 周 刚 等(167)
奚恒辉 崔旺来 陈骏玲(171)
王艺之 韩新宇 董 胜(1)
刘 涛 陈学恩 陈子健(8)
顾一凡 王彬谕 倪云林 等(17)
朱金龙 朱淑香 张翠敏 等(27)
欧志超 高增文 程 晨(35)
苏贵森 肖国强 蔡景波 等(41)
王 潇, 刘福利, 梁洲瑞 等(49)
王祎哲, 韩朝婕,卜世勋 等(57)
胡 俊,池仕运,胡菊香(64)
孙 琰 刘大召 许源兴 等(73)
纪 茜 沈 蔚 饶亚丽 等(84)
韩 意 解东升 张 伟 等(90)
席林通 李醒飞 仲 伟 等(97)
骆丽珍 朱志雄 陈石泉 等(103)
袁红春 高子玥 张天蛟(112)
王全颖 杜雨蒙 刘 龙 等(121)
谢静怡 张饮江 陈雪初 等(128)
章 志 陈 鹏 冒士凤 等(136)
成 圆 陈新军 赵奇蕾(143)
闫正余, 田 华, 康 文 等(150)
陈骏玲 崔旺来 奚恒辉(157)
龚紫娟 张青田(166)
王艺之 韩新宇 董 胜(1)
刘逸凡 刘红军 刘 灿 等(7)
EC细网格2 m气温产品在山东地区预报性能检验
万夫敬 赵传湖 梅婵娟 等(22)
李 珊 卢 霞 郑 薇 等(31)
马 超 贾 磊 陈春秀 等(41)
李 杰 陆家昌 王佳乐 等(49)
章 峰 臧晓南 徐晓婷(57)
于美波 朱文博 王君霞 等(65)
毕 萌 宫相忠 庄英瑞 等(71)
王飞飞 程方平 王 琼(78)
王子文 高书连 孙振水 等(87)
唐俊逸 秦 民 刘晋涛 等(93)
么秀颖 闫丹丹 李静泰 等(101)
刘 宁 刘晓波 王 丹 等(109)
贺加贝 孙俊荣 赵 强 等(117)
刘云龙 娄 琦 潘玉龙(123)
张 剑 徐步欣 郞尚昆 等(129)
李亚男 庞富广 臧 瑜 等(139)
田士政 武 文 董 杰 等(149)
王丹阳 苏 涵 张春玲(158)
彭乐威 闫周府 杨正勇(166)
袁辰璐 王 娟(176)
张建辉 张学峰 肖 利 等(1)
袁红春 管 琦 张天蛟(10)
李冠宇 邱文博 胡轶群 等(17)
卢 霞 赵 倩 叶 慧 等(23)
何 玉 朱彦博 田相利 等(33)
任加云 尚 帅 夏江宝(42)
梁飞龙 邓岳文(50)
刘连为 隋宥珍 徐开达 等(57)
许国晶 王志忠 巩俊霞 等(63)
岳英洁 朱玉玲 毕永坤 等(73)
陈海南 杨丽中 付玉成 等(82)
温利红 张 衡 方 舟 等(89)
赵振方 胡贯宇 陈新军 等(98)
王玲玲 苏 萌 田相辉(106)
王尽文 纪莹璐 蔡 帅 等(115)
詹冬梅 刘 玮 辛美丽 等(123)
辛美丽 吴海一 刘 玮 等(128)
于西达 丛晓红 高 枫 等(136)
流式细胞仪在水环境中的研究热点和应用——基于Cite Space知识图谱的分析
安志强 王永刚 王 旭 等(145)
侯路路 李 蕾(154)
李学峰 吴姗姗 岳 奇 等(160)
李强华 王 祎(166)
赵奇蕾 陈桂莹 祁思琼 等(176)
李 尧 李启况 李佳昊 等(1)
孙敏敏 宋伟豪 吴 鹏 等(9)
靳博文 李海东 田相利 等(18)
王振东 臧晓南 丛晓梅 等(27)
熊莹槐 罗晓春 钱雪桥 等(33)
孙诗阳 张忠义 刘 航 等(40)
张翠萍 杨 毅 王金华 等(48)
刘庆东 宋 鹏(55)
贝京阳 陈 杲 俞晓天(60)
申友利 边启明 劳齐斌 等(67)
李文丹 李孟国 许 婷 等(73)
郑晓伟 李培良 邓 熙 等(83)
侯查伟 王 芹 李少文 等(96)
郭 婷 宋 娜 高天翔 等(103)
崔国辰 朱文斌 戴 乾 等(110)
刘晓鲁 孙景春 高焕鑫 等(117)
石 萍 严淑青 吴玲玲(123)
刘林哲 朱庆林 岳 奇 等(128)
吕志峰 张建平 刘 鹏 等(136)
祁思琼 赵奇蕾 陈桂莹 等(143)
雷光英 刘欣然 陈绵润(153)
许秀娥 毛誉洁 宋吉尧 等(162)
张 瑞 类淑河(1)
李旭阳 陈静雯 姜增浩 等(6)
黄妙芬 骆蔚健 邢旭峰 等(14)
基于Landsat 8卫星的江苏北部近岸海域水深遥感反演研究
李经纬 杨 红 王春峰 等(23)
李少朗 崔力维 马 欣(33)
熊莹槐 罗晓春 钱雪桥 等(41)
丛晓梅 臧晓南 王振东 等(49)
孙琰晴 徐 东 李 斌 等(57)
彭友贵 邹慧儒 王本洋(64)
胡金成 管 磊 杨铭伦(73)
张逸驰 彭 辉 徐卫红 等(80)
张曼义 丁国香 华梦飞 等(89)
付 萍 何健龙 赵玉庭 等(97)
李 程 刘玉龙 李 响 等(104)
刘 佳 李 静 安珂珂(111)
刘艳芬 左 明 王晓璇 等(121)
张 畅 鲁红月 陈新军(130)
崔 凤 刘荆州(140)
赵 玲 潘 涛 王 妍 等(149)
邹美常 鄢 波 黄子建(157)
唐 棣 高元竞 陈明和 等(164)
陈文玥 余 静 姜 璐(173)
桑新春 梁湘波 刘书锦 等(183)
庞 敏,马 新,吴忠迅 等(192)
Analysis of turbulent energy and energy loss caused by wave breaking on different beach shapes
LIU Wenshuai et al(1)
A brief characterization of water level fluctuation caused by storm surge around Sijiao Islands: Typhoon "Chan-Hom" as an example
ZUO Changsheng et al(9)
Study on the influence of electromagnetic coupler on power transmission efficiency in buoy system
HUANG Chao et al(16)
Evolution and structural analysis of a typical strong mesoscale cold eddy in the Kuroshio extension area based on in-situ observation data and satellite remote sensing data
LI Minhua et al(22)
The study of significant wave height forecasting based on six classical machine learning models
DENG Zegui et al(31)
Analysis of temporal and spatial characteristics of wave energy of maritime silk road
DUAN Shanhua et al(42)
Safety analysis and experimental study on key structure of FPSO pressure vessel under complex sea conditions in the South China Sea
CHEN Zhen et al(50)
Changes of water quality parameters of buoys in Qinhuangdao sea area after a rainstorm in 2019
BI Yuming et al(60)
Distribution characteristics and risk assessment of heavy metals in sediments of Shenzhen nearshore
TANG Junyi et al(67)
Effect of integrated biofilm fence and aquatic plant floating bed on repairing water environment of grass carp coculturing pond
ZHANG Jianming et al(75)
Researching status and development of Antarctic toothfish (Dissostichusmawsoni) based on bibliometric analysis: A review
WEI Lian et al(82)
Relationship between the growth of three scleractinian coral fragments and their symbiotic algae
WANG Yonggang et al(91)
Studies on the effect of moderate heat stress on the heat tolerance of scleractinian coral
LIU Xu et al(99)
Effects of heavy metals and oil in sediments of pearl river estuary on microbial community
WU Peng et al(106)
Spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and water quality evaluation of Dongyu River, a tributary of Nansihu Lake
LI Ziwei et al(115)
Research progress on nitrogen removal of aquatic vascular plants in water
YIN Fang et al(123)
A review of China's sea power research in the past 30 years based on bibliometric analysis
LI Qianghua et al(132)
An empirical analysis of risk assessment of China's distant-water fisheries in west African
CHEN Chen et al(142)
Study on the establishment of marine ecological restoration system in China
PAN Jingyun et al(152)
Implementation dilemma of bay chief system in Yangtze River Delta and optimization in associating rule of law
SHEN Qiuhao et al(160)
Analysis sea supervision based on Complete Information State Game
WENG Yichan et al(167)
Studies on the island ecological compensation mechanism from the perspective of natural resources property rights
XI Henghui et al(171)
Numerical simulation of wave breaking over a submerged breakwater based on lattice Boltzmann method
WANG Yizhi et al(1)
A study on the applicability of different models to typical typhoons in the South Yellow Sea
LIU Tao et al(8)
Study on Numerical simulation of oil spill diffusion risk in the lvhua island
GU Yifan et al(17)
Numerical study on impact of coastline changes of Laizhou Bay on tidal wave system in Bohai Sea
ZHU Jinlong et al(27)
Discussions on the relationship betweenexchangeable phosphorus in sediments and the concentration of particulate matter
OU Zhichao et al(35)
Effects of different diets on growth performance, enzyme activities and biochemical indexes ofScyllaparamamosain
SU Guisen et al(41)
Effects of environmental factors on the sexual reproduction process ofLaminariadigitata
WANG Xiao et al(49)
Effects of immobilized culture on growth, pigment contents and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters ofChlorellasp.
WANG Yizhe et al(57)
Studies on stress response of phytoplankton community in Nanwan Reservoir based on ABC curves
HU Jun et al(64)
Numerical simulation of oil spilling drift and diffusion in Zhanjiang Bay
SUN Yan et al(73)
Contrastive study on remote sensing retrieval of water depth and machine learning model
JI Qian et al(84)
Durability design of concrete materials in chloride environment based on Life-365 software
HAN Yi et al(90)
Risk assessment of wave disaster in Sri Lankan waters
XI Lintong et al(97)
Spatial distribution and contamination evaluation of surface sediment in Xiaohai,Wanjing
LUO Lizhen et al(103)
Prediction of albacore tuna abundance insouth Pacific based on improved XGBoost model
YUAN Hongchun et al(112)
Distribution of hlorophyllaand its relationship with environmental factors in summer 2013
WANG Quanying et al(121)
Calculation of ecological compensation standards for the Yangtze River island wetland: An example of planning project of Tongzhousha Ait
XIE Jingyi et al(128)
Analysis of coastline changes andthe influencing factors in Yancheng in the last 20 years
ZHANG Zhi et al(136)
Green development of marine fisheries in offshore area of China: From Perspective of resource economics
CHENG Yuan et al(143)
Review on erosion protection of underwater building foundations
YAN Zhengyu et al(150)
A methodological studyon use gee of non-residential islands: Fron perspective of ecosystem damage cost
CHEN Junling et al(157)
Influence of macrobenthic bioturbation on the Physic-Chemical characteristics of sediment: a Review
GONG Zijuan et al(166)
Numerical simulation of interaction between regular waves and vertical breakwater
WANG Yizhi et al(1)
Analysis of transient pore pressure response of the soil around mono-pile under extreme sea condition
LIU Yifan et al(7)
Effects of feeding level on growth, body composition and digestive enzymes activity ofHaliotisdiscushannaiIno
LV Yunyun(16)
Verification of 2 m temperature prediction ability of EC fine grid model in shandong
WAN Fujing et al(22)
Responses of growth and physiological indicators and canopy spectra ofsuaedasalsato water-salt Stresses
LI Shan et al(31)
Diversity and putative function of bacteria in biofilter ofCynoglossussemilaevisrecirculating aquaculture system
MA Chao et al(41)
Effect ofPhaeocystisglobosaon the growth and reproduction ofParvocalanuscrassirostris
EffectsofphycocyaninonphotosynthesisandgrowthofChlamydomonasreinhardtiiunder different nutritional conditions
ZHANG Feng et al(57)
Generation and elimination characteristics ofNoctilucascientillansinhabiting Rizhao near coast and their associations with seawater temperature and nutrients
YU Meibo et al(65)
A comparative study on effects of temperature on spore attachment, germination and young gametophyte early development ofScytosiphonlomentariaamong different geographical populations
BI Meng et al(71)
Analysis of Red Tide algae in ballast water of foreign ships in Yangshan Port
WANG Feifei et al(78)
Study on the effects of rainfall and ecological water supplement on the pollutant transport in Licun River
WANG Ziwen et al(87)
Distribution characteristics of nutrients and eutrophication assessment in Hailing Bay
TANG Junyi et al(93)
Distribution characteristics of soil organic carbon in the coastal wetland of Dafeng-Milu nature reserve,Yancheng
YAO Xiuying et al(101)
Characterization of spring plankton community structure in the coastal area of Rizhao Lanshan and its environment-driving force
LIU Ning et al(109)
Contribution and ability assessments of carbon sink by marine bivalves and seaweeds in Yantai coastal water
HE Jiabei et al(117)
Relationship between phytoplankton community and environmental factors in the sea area near Liao River Estuary
LIU Yunlong et al(123)
Resource changes of macroalgae and analysis of their influencing factors in Wenchang coast of Hainan province
ZHANG Jian et al(129)
Spatial-temporal heterogeneity of meiofauna in Sanya Bay beach and its influencing factors
LI Yanan et al(139)
A study on the evaluation of the sustainable utilization of marine resources in Qingdao based on the DPSIR framework
TIAN Shizheng et al(149)
Research progress of Argo data assimilation methods and grid products
WANG Danyang et al(158)
Research on the evaluation and obstacle factors of china’s fishery modernization development level from the perspective of new development concept
PENG Lewei et al(166)
Influence of island authenticity perception on tourists′ value co-creation behavior: Place attachment as mediation
YUAN Chenlu et al(176)
Research on equidistant maritime delimitation model
ZHANG Jianhui et al(1)
South Pacific current forecast based on LSTM-BP neural network
YUAN Hongchun et al(10)
Analysis of annual wave characteristics in the sea area near the Yangtze Estuary
LI Guanyu et al(17)
Analysis of landscape change and driving factors of coastal wetlands in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province
LU Xia et al(23)
Effects ofRhodotorulamucilaginosasupplements in feed on growth performance, serum non-specific immunity and disease resistance ofLitopenaeusvannamei
HE Yu et al(33)
Effects of cadmium exposure on behavior and biotransformation functions of clamsMeretrixmeretrixandMactraveneriformis
REN Jiayun et al(42)
Influences of antibiotics and season on nucleus retention, pearl formation and pearl oyster survival inPinctadamartensiiaquaculture
LIANG Feilong et al(50)
A comparative study onreproductive biology of Sepiella maindroni in two geographical populations
LIU Lianwei et al(57)
Characterization ofpIgRand four cytokines immune response inCtenopharyngodonidellusafterFlavobacteriumcolumnarebathing
XU Guojing et al(63)
Study on the distribution characteristics ofSpartinaalterniflorabroken patchs based on UAV remote sensing monitoring
YUE Yingjie et al(73)
Influence of typhoon “Bavi” on the chudao beach erosion in Weihai
CHEN Hainan et al(82)
Preliminary standardization ofSthenoteuthisoualaniensisin northern Indian Ocean
WEN Lihong et al(89)
Studies on monthly difference of fatty acid composition and dietary indicator ofDosidicusgigasin offshore waters of Peru
ZHAO Zhenfang et al(98)
Dynamic response of marine green total factor productivity to influencing factors
WANG Lingling et al(106)
Fish community structure in the coastal waters of Rizhao City in spring
WANG Jinwen et al(115)
A preliminary study on origin of draftingSargassumhorneriin North Yellow Sea
ZHAN Dongmei et al(123)
Effects of intertidal zone substrate on growth and distribution of seaweeds
XIN Mei-li et al(128)
Review on the investigations of free-span mechanism and dynamic adjustment method for submarine horizontal pipelines
YU Xida et al(136)
Research hotspot and application of flow cytometry in water environment—analysis based on Cite Space knowledge graph
AN Zhiqiang et al(145)
Advancements in biodiversity and interaction of microalgal phycosphere microbes
HOU Lulu et al(154)
Brief discussion on the background, progress and enlightenment of systematic conservation plan for the Antarctic peninsula
LI Xuefeng et al(160)
Intergovernmental cooperation in marine environmental governance in shanghai, Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions: A quantitative analysis based on policy texts
LI Qianghua et al(166)
Research progresses of recreational fishery economy
ZHAO Qilei et al(176)
Studies on wave force of the breakwater with inclined perforated slots against regular wave
LI Yao et al(1)
Identification and transcriptome analysis of black rockfish DAZ gene family (Sebastesschlegelii)
SUN Minmin et al(9)
Effects of different addition forms ofRhodotorulamucilaginosaon growth, digestive enzyme activity and immune indexes ofLitopenaeusvannamei
JIN Bowen et al(18)
Cloning and activity analysis ofpksgene promoter ofAurantiochytriumlimacinum
WANG Zhendong et al(27)
Effects of dietary compound enzyme preparation and compound probiotics preparation on growth, immunology, Intestinal and Liver health ofLitopenaeusvannamei
XIONG Yinghuai et al(33)
Mixed-Species RNA-Seq revealed physiological response ofNannochloropsisoceanicato Co-Culture withPhaeodactylumtricornutum
SUN Shiyang et al(40)
Studies on restoration of local hydrodynamic environment after cofferdam removal
ZHANG Cuiping et al(48)
Characterization of surface current in Pearl River Estuary based on HYCOM
LIU Qingdong et al(55)
Characterization of tidal current near Nantian Island, Zhejiang Province
BEI Jingyang et al(60)
Appraisal of wetland ecosystem service function loss caused by sea reclamation project in coastal Tieshangang industrial zone of Guangxi
SHEN Youli et al(67)
Effect of artificial island project on hydrodynamic and sediment environment of Taozi Bay, Yantai
LI Wendan et al(73)
Designing online monitoring system of cage culture basing on 5G communication technology
ZHENG Xiaowei et al(83)
Cumulative influence of cascade power station operation on water temperature in Wujiangdu Reservoir on Wujiang River Basin
JIA Hongtao(89)
Distribution and ecological risk assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls in surface sediment of Laizhou Bay
HOU Chawei et al(96)
Comparison of genetic diversity between the breeders, hatchery-released population and recaptured population ofHexagrammosotakii
GUO Ting et al(103)
Temporal and spatial distribution ofSardinopssagaxfishing ground in the Northwest pacific and its relationship with environmental Factors
CUI Guochen et al(110)
Screening and expression analysis of circadian rhythm genes inApostichopusjaponicus
LIU Xiaolu et al(117)
Gradual deepening analysis of ecological sea use philosophy in sea area utilization demonstration
SHI Ping et al(123)
Studies on index system of coastal zone spatial planning of China based on land and sea coordination
LIU Linzhe et al(128)
Research progresses of arid area groundwater based on bibliometrics analysis
LV Zhifeng et al(136)
Research on recreational fishery industry at home and abroad——analysis of visual knowledge graph based on CiteSpace
QI Siqiong et al(143)
Present situation of Chinese marine ecological civilization and its fostering methodology
LEI Guangying et al(153)
Present situation investigation and countermeasures analysis of wetland ecosystem in Yalu River Estuary
XU Xiue et al(162)
Correlation analysis of wave and current based on wavelet coherence
ZHANG Rui et al(1)
A laboratory study on internal tides in non-uniform stratified fluids with uniform bottom layers
LI Xuyang et al(6)
Analyses of remote sensing reflectance spectral characteristics of water body with petroleum substances, suspended sediments and algae mixture
HUANG Miaofen et al(14)
Using remote sensing to compute water depth in coastal water of North Jiangsu based on Landsat 8 satellite
LI Jingwei et al(23)
Characterization of thetidal current off Qinzhou Bay based on observation data
LI Shaolang et al(33)
Effects of feed compound enzyme preparation and compound probiotics preparation on growth, body biochemical composition and energy balance ofLitopenaeusvannamei
XIONG Yinghuai et al(41)
Prokaryotic expression ofHaematococcuspluvialisastaxanthin synthesis key enzyme genes and purification of recombinant enzymes
CONG Xiaomei et al(49)
Bioaccumulation of inorganic arsenic and its effect on oxidative stress inSaccharinajaponica
SUN Yanqing et al(57)
Effect of salinity on ion absorption of native mangroveSonneratiacaseolarisand introducedS.apetala
PENG Yougui et al(64)
Availability analysis of Himawari-8 SST data in the Northwest Pacific
HU Jincheng et al(73)
Oil spill risk study based on numerical model and event tree analysis in the middle reach of the Yangtze River
ZHANG Yichi et al(80)
Evaluation of climate comfort analysis on tourism resources potential in Anhui Province
ZHANG Manyi et al(89)
Ecological environment quality comprehensive evaluation of national aquatic germplasm reserve in Rongcheng Bay
FU Ping et al(97)
Research on the quantitative assessment method of storm surge disaster: take Zhoushan as an example
LI Cheng et al(104)
Evaluation of tourism environmental carrying capacity of bathing beaches based on choice experiment
LIU Jia et al(111)
Community structure and diversity of benthic shellfish in the intertidal zone of Yellow River Delta
LIU Yanfen et al(121)
Impact of environmental factors on fishery stock assessment and its research progress based on Citespace Measurement Analysis
ZHANG Chang et al(130)
Comprehensive evaluation of coastal zone and identification of obstacle factors to its sustainable development: Zhejiang as a case
CUI Feng et al(140)
Research Status and Hotspot Analysis of Marine Debris Based on Bibliometric Analysis
ZHAO Ling et al(149)
Multi-Path Analysis of Driving Marine Economy Development in 11 Coastal Provinces of China
ZOU Meichang et al(157)
Hotspots and trends of marine ecosystem services based on CiteSpace
TANG Di et al(164)
Knowledge Graph Analysis of Coastal Geological Disasters Risk Assessment Research Based on CiteSpace
CHEN Wenyue et al(173)
Study on Marine Functional Zoning Methodology of Coastal Zone Planning at City and County Levels: a Case Study of Dongtai City Jiangsu Province
SANG Xinchun et al(183)
Reviews of research progresses in biological sources, toxic effects and detection methods of yessotoxins, a group of lipophilic marine phytotoxins
PANG Min et al(192)