PEP《英语》四(上)U1~U6 I can spell表现性评价设计

2022-09-02 03:33:28陆姝婷郭美阳
小学教学设计(英语) 2022年7期

文|陆姝婷 郭美阳


【任务话题】Vowel sounds

【任务单元】PEP《英语》四(上)U1~U6 综合

【任务内容】Let’s spell

【任务类型】I can spell

【任务名称】设计主题式趣味识词海报——words about vowel sounds

一、基于文本解读的I can spell 的表现性任务与动态评价标准

经过三年级的语音学习,学生已经具备了初步的音素意识,掌握了辅音字母的发音规则和五个元音字母短音的发音规则。四年级上册教材Let’s spell 板块学生重点学习五个元音字母的长音发音规律。各单元的教材中设计了各种听音、辨音、拼词活动,重点启发学生通过听音、朗读总结出长元音的发音规律。可见教材编排还是偏重知识性语音规则的输入和操练,主题语用性偏弱。因此,语音拓展性学习任务可以进一步拔高到指向语义和语用定位。本册各课时语音规则具有类通性,所以语音表现性任务可以设置全册综合性的主题式趣味语音作品设计任务,以此帮助学生建立多渠道获取和运用语音知识的机会,拥有尝试使用拼读规律自主阅读和表达的充分空间,在强化语音知识点的同时,促进对主题相关词汇和语篇的深层思考。

在“人与自我”的主题语境下,本册书六个单元分别围绕校园生活中的教室设施、学习用品以及朋友和家庭生活中的家与家人、用餐等话题展开,话题之间粘连度高,且贴近学生日常生活。但教材语音板块在例词的提供和语音歌谣的选择上大多独立于单元主题以外,在设计阶段性综合语音表现性任务时教师可以把本册校园生活或家庭生活的主题整合纳入,以此保持各板块学习的主题统整性,以主题意义的探究来带动语言和思维能力的提升。基于此,笔者将I can spell 的表现性任务设置为设计一份主题式趣味识词海报,学生将自选校园生活或家庭生活主题,设计一份综合全册元音发音规则的主题语音词海报,学生需要在海报中体现同一主题下语音词库的扩容,并对语音规则进行梳理归类。该任务符合学生的认知特点和学习需求,紧紧贴合“双减”背景下“减量、提质、增趣”的作业改革方向,更因其海报的功能特征,能够在推广宣传下实现更多同伴的关注和共同学习。

由此,本任务在四个基础评价标准上,二度补充了动态评价标准:Thematic significance of content(内容主题意义性),The richness of vocabulary(语音词汇丰富性)和Attractiveness of the designing(海报设计吸引性)。这些动态评价维度可以通过海报的呈现和展示表现行为进行综合考量,其评价导向强调了英语学科和艺术创作的学科融合。在素养型的语音表现性任务中,学生对于自然拼读的应用也不再是简单的拼读单词辅助工具,而是通往英语阅读、表达等关键能力全面提升的桥梁,符合个性需求和审美情趣的学思空间能够使学生充分体验建构式学习的乐趣和意义,获得学习英语的自信心和成就感。

二、I can spell 的表现性任务实施案例与剖析


【任务名称】设计主题式趣味识词海报——words about vowel sounds

【任务说明】2~4 人一组,通过课外阅读、网络搜索等方式拓展学习,搜索积累更多长、短元音发音的单词,制作本册书内任选话题的主题式识词海报。(要求至少包含8 个以上元音发音的单词)



Design a poster with long vowel sound words.


Design a poster with both long and short vowel sound words.








1.Accuracy of pronunciation——语音拼读准确性,共3 星。

2.Accuracy of spelling——单词拼写正确性,共3 星。

3.Natural intonation——语音语调自然性,共3星。

4.Flexibility of application——语音运用灵活性,共3 星。

5.Thematic significance of content——内容主题意义性,共3 星。

6.The richness of vocabulary——语音词汇丰富性,共3 星。

7.Attractiveness of the designing——海报设计吸引性,共3 星。


本册书六个单元的语音课内容是学习a-e,i-e,o-e,u-e,-e 的发音规律以及巩固区分长、短元音发音规律。学生通过三(下)学习已经积累了对元音字母在闭音节中的发音规律的运用经验,因此任务设计在知能层面上应体现对元音字母语音规则的内化梳理。基于主题的识词海报对于语音词汇量的需求决定了学生需要进行大量的自主阅读和搜集,海报内容的主题意义性又需要学生进行深度学习,探究全册各单元的主题内容和内涵意义。综上,设计主题式识词海报的表现性任务,让学生既可以以兴趣驱动内化语音知识,又可以在主题建构表达中真正实现语音学习服务于语言学习和运用的目标。



T:Hello, everyone! You have a colorful life at school.You study and play in the classroom.You have so many great books and toys.Also you have good friends.After school, you have meals with your family.You have a good time with them at home,too!

Today we’re going to make a poster about school or family life with many vowel words on it.Could you please find more words about these topics? We want to learn more from your poster!Who’d like to have a try?





T:Boys and girls, do you like it? What do you think of the poster? How many words did you learn from it?

Look at the tips.

Tip 1:Accuracy of pronunciation.Can they read the words correctly? Great! All of them can read these words correctly, especially the long sound of i-e.So, they can get 3 stars!

Tip 2:Accuracy of spelling.Are there any mistakes in spelling? Let’s check!Excellent! No mistakes! Of course, 3 stars!

Tip 3:Natural intonation.Do you enjoy their reading? I really like their voices! They can read the words and talk to us fluently with natural intonation.So, 3 stars for them.

Tip 4:Flexibility of application.They can classify the words with different vowel sounds correctly! They can get 3 stars.

Tip 5:Thematic significance of content.The poster shows many items that students are easy to lose in their daily life.And they leave some warm tips on the poster that show the thematic significance of the poster.They can get 3 stars, too!

Tip 6:The richness of vocabulary.How many words do you see in the poster? Seventeen! We really learned a lot of new words from this poster!So I think it’s rich enough! 3 stars for them.

Tip 7:Attractiveness of the designing.How do you like the designing of the poster? It’s pretty nice and has a good layout.Isn’t it? How about 3 stars for them?

So, in total,they get 21 stars.Wonderful!


任务示范的主题海报延续了Unit 2 Part B Let’s talk 中Zhang Peng 去失物招领处寻找丢失的物品的情境,巧妙地对教材的场景图进行创意设计加工。该海报呈现了与a-e, i-e, o-e, u-e 相关的物品类语音词的整理归类,包含学生已知的bike, Coke, notebook等词的复现,以及新增的词汇pencil case, tape,watch,telephone 等生词。在小组进行任务交流展示过程中,学生能够正确拼读单词并进行真实情境的交际,这为其他学生提供了一个在有意义的语境中实现语用有机结合的优秀示范,同时也为学生的表现性任务设计提供了一种适当降低难度的路径——在模仿的基础上创造发挥。在评价示范环节,教师逐条评价与举证,能有针对性地强化学生对目标中各项内容的理解,尤其是对语音规律准确度的把握和指向生活实际的主题意义的传达两个维度的评价,为学生提供清晰具象的示范引领作用。


【任务布置】T:What about you? Do you want to find more words with long vowel sounds or short vowel sounds? You can make a poster with more words on it! Find your partners.We should be fully prepared! Discuss your poster and the way to show it with your partners.Here is your worksheet!It may help you to know how to do it well.Are you ready?Go!

【导航讨论】Students discuss together according to the items on the worksheet.The worksheet should involve comprehensive aspects of the task as much as possible.So it can guide students to organize the discussion orderly and efficiently.

(5 minutes later, students finish the worksheet and form their own project about the poster.)



【任务准备】(After class, students work for their production.)

T:How’s it going?/Do you need any help?/...


本任务的作品形式为主题式识词海报,教师需要对该海报的两大主要功能“识词”和“海报”进行说明,导向学生关注主题下语音词汇的搜集整理和分类,以及对海报的知识传播和宣传教育定位进行说明。教师需要清晰地告知任务设计主题范围和目标语音字母或字母组合,并在课堂内给予学生选定主题、预设作品内容的时间。中低段学生语音词汇积累量不大,可以围绕任务主题提供一些words bank 作为创作语料,也可以推荐学生通过课外阅读和网上搜索等方式获取想要的资源。学生在讨论的过程中,教师要尽可能参与和提供帮助,对作品提出指导意见,使学生在此过程中形成积极的情感体验,驱动该任务更有效地开展进行。



作品一:A poster of the restaurant


(学生扮演Mike 和Zoom,用Grandpa 的餐厅宣传菜单海报演绎点餐对话)

(After the sharing.)

T:Now, let’s warmly welcome our little judges.What do you think of their performance? What do you think of the poster? Tip 1:Accuracy of pronunciation.

S1:All of them can read these words correctly.I love their pronunciation! You can get 3 stars!

T:Yeah, that’s nice!Next one, Tip 2:Accuracy of spelling.Are there any mistakes in spelling?

S2:I think there are no mistakes! I will give you 3 stars!

T:That’s right! Practice makes perfect! How about Tip 3:Natural intonation?

S3:So fluent and beautiful! So, 3 stars for you.

T:You can talk so well, especially the liaison.Tip 4:Flexibility of application.

S4:你们不仅补充了很多生词,还按照发音规则对他们进行长元音和短元音的分类,很巧妙的是这个分类正好又是根据食物种类归类的套餐!You can get 4 stars!

T:Oh, you have golden eyes! I agree with you!Tip 5:Thematic significance of content.

S5:From the poster, I see the notice:Don’t eat too much! Keep a healthy diet! It’s very meaningful.You can get 3 stars!

T:Tip 6:The richness of vocabulary.How many words?

S6:I see fourteen! I learned nine new words about food from it.这些食物类生词比较难读,我觉得很有挑战性!3 stars for you.

T:That’s right! Now all of us can read them! Tip 7:Attractiveness of the designing.How do you like the designing of the poster?

S7:I like it! 海报的食物画得很精致,今日推荐板块的设计很有意思!I think you can get 3 stars.

T:So, you get 22 stars.Congratulations! I’m so proud of you!

作品二:A poster of making friends


(学生扮演征友主人公Jones, Jane 和Mike 并读主题歌谣,台下观众可根据三位主人公的特点选择交友对象并简单说出原因)

(After the sharing.)

T:Judges, your opinions about this group? Tip 1:Accuracy of pronunciation.

S1:I like your chant about making friends.It is so cool! I love your voice! You can get 3 stars!

T:The chant is pretty good.Tip 2:Accuracy of spelling.

S2:Not any mistakes in your chant! 3 stars for you!

T:It’s not easy to make a new chant with these words.And you can do it so well! Tip 3:Natural intonation.

S3:You can read the chant so fluently, Good job! Of course, I will give you 3 stars!

T:I really enjoy your beautiful reading! Tip 4:Flexibility of application.

S4:你们不仅搜集了一些课外的语音词,还把他们创编串联成了三首朗朗上口的个人介绍歌谣,太有创意了!You can get 4 stars!!

T:Yeah, it surprised me, too! Tip 5:Thematic significance of content.

S5:海报上的三个人物都各有特色,形象很符合小学生的特点,兴趣爱好也和我们中的很多人一样,很能体现交友主题!You can get 3 stars!

T:Tip 6:The richness of vocabulary.How many words do you see?

S6:Sixteen words! And in the word bank,there are 3 new words for us to learn!这个生词库的设置很醒目,能帮助我们更快发现并学习新词!这个方法我们可以借鉴到平时的学习中去!3 stars for you.

T:That’s a good way to accumulate vocabulary.Tip 7:Attractiveness of the designing.How do you like the designing of the poster?

S7:这张海报的色彩搭配好看,人物绘画风格很高级!从排版上来看让人一目了然,又很大气!很有设计感!会让人想主动阅读和学习它!I think you can get 4 stars.

T:So, you get 23 stars.It is really a terrific poster, more than perfect!


在本案例I can spell 表现性优秀作品的展评中,我们可以看到组一同学的词语积累量较大,在根据意义和语音规则进行归纳分类方面体现了很强的逻辑性,最后呈现的海报作品内容丰富,找准了“主题识词”的定位;同时组二能够真正从语言意义入手,灵活运用各类语音词创编主题交友歌谣,用海报来解决真实生活中的交友问题。可见,表现性任务本身是具有分层性的,充分给予了不同学习层级的学生在各自的最近发展区实现发挥与创造的可能。在师生协商共评的过程中,教师要有意识地引导学生关注被评价者的个体差异,学会根据各因素的动态变化调整评价,注重对学生的过程性和成长性评价,以发展的眼光来评价学生的综合素养表现,才能真正体现评价的增值性和育人性。

I’m a Little Teapot
国画家(2021年4期)2021-10-13 07:32:04
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