(1) The earth seemed to be covered by the sky which looked like a dome.
(2) Here it refers to some feature of the night.
(3) It lies in the vagueness of perception.
(4) It implies a balanced combination of contrastive existence.
(1) heavens / heaven (2) precipitate (3) retard
(4) rim (5) twilight (6) watchful(eds.). Continuum companion to discourse analysis[C]. London:Continuum.
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李陆婷, 高彬. 2021. 口译员角色研究科学知识图谱分析(1999-2019)[J]. 东方翻译, (2): 50—55朱珠,国际关系学院外语学院英语系讲师,研究方向为口译教学与测试。
Activity 2 accepted / given
Activity 3
(1) The earth seemed to be covered by the sky which looked like a dome.(2) Here it refers to some feature of the night.
(3) It lies in the vagueness of perception.
(4) It implies a balanced combination of contrastive existence.
Activity 4
(1) heavens / heaven (2) precipitate (3) retard
(4) rim (5) twilight (6) watchful
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