
2022-08-05 07:37:46唐俊一王逸凡夏晓荣胡鹏飞谢长君
电力系统保护与控制 2022年14期

侯 慧,唐俊一,王逸凡,夏晓荣,王 飞,胡鹏飞,谢长君


侯 慧1,2,唐俊一1,2,王逸凡1,2,夏晓荣3,王 飞3,胡鹏飞3,谢长君1,2

(1.武汉理工大学自动化学院,湖北 武汉 430070;2.武汉理工大学深圳研究院,广东 深圳 518000;3.国网湖北省电力有限公司荆门供电公司,湖北 荆门 448000)



0 引言

随着当前环境的持续恶化及化石燃料的日益短缺,电动汽车(Electric Vehicle, EV)正面临广阔的应用空间[1-3]。在“碳达峰”、“碳中和”背景下,我国EV数量保持着快速上升的趋势[4-6]。截至2021年6月,我国EV保有量达到493万辆[7]。充电站作为EV的基础配套设施,影响着EV的应用水平,对其进行科学合理规划,不仅能够减少投资建设费用,减轻EV大量接入对配电网造成的冲击,还能让EV用户享受便捷的充电服务[8],对EV产业发展有着积极促进作用,具有重要的现实意义。


1 EV快充需求分布预测

2 EV充电站选址定容数学模型


2.1 EV充电站选址模型


2.2 EV充电站定容模型


3 EV充电站选址定容模型求解


3.1 改进粒子群算法

3.2 求解流程







图1 Voronoi图与改进粒子群算法联合求解流程图

4 算例分析

4.1 算例描述

图2 规划区域

表1 各功能区电力负荷

表2 各功能区有快充需求的EV数量

参考文献[27-28],本文取基础投资为200万元,充电机为5万元/台,充电机辅助投资系数为1.5万元/台。充电站折旧年限为20年,贴现率为0.08。年运行维护成本取投资建设成本的15%。EV行驶耗电量为0.3 kWh/km,EV充电电价为1元/kWh,城市道路曲折系数取1.2。充电站购电电价为0.7元/kWh,每天运营时间为20 h,折算至单台配电变压器的铜损及铁损为0.04元/kWh,折算至单台充电机的线路损耗及充电损耗为0.05元/kWh。EV同时到站率为0.6,用户能忍受的单台充电机前方排队车辆数为3辆。充电站内配备的充电机最少为10台,最多为20台。充电站与快充需求点间最大距离为1.5 km,充电站间最小距离为0.5 km。

4.2 仿真分析



表3 各规划方案的社会年总成本

图3 充电站站址及其服务区域(改进粒子群算法)

表4 充电站最优规划结果




图4 充电站站址及其服务区域(粒子群算法)

表5 仿真结果对比

图5 迭代过程

5 结论


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Layout planning of electric vehicle charging stations in urban areas

HOU Hui1, 2, TANG Junyi1, 2, WANG Yifan1, 2, XIA Xiaorong3, WANG Fei3, HU Pengfei3, XIE Changjun1, 2

(1. School of Automation, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China; 2. Shenzhen Research Institute, Wuhan University of Technology, Shenzhen 518000, China; 3. Jingmen Power Supply Company, State Grid Hubei Electric Power Co., Ltd., Jingmen 448000, China)

The large-scale promotion of electric vehicles must be based on scientific planning of charging facilities. A layout planning method for electric vehicle charging stations in urban areas is proposed. First, taking the number of chargers in a charging station, the distance between the charging station and fast charging demand point, and the distance between charging stations as constraints, a siting and sizing model with the goal of minimizing the social annual cost of the charging stations is established. This is based on the prediction of electric vehicle fast charging demand distribution in urban areas. This model considers the interests of charging station, electric vehicle users and the power grid. Then, the model is analyzed by a Voronoi diagram combined with an improved particle swarm optimization algorithm. The service area of the charging station is divided by the Voronoi diagram, and the optimal solution is found by improved particle swarm optimization algorithm. In this way, the optimal siting and sizing plan of charging stations in the planning area is obtained. Finally, an urban area is taken as an example to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

electric vehicle charging station; siting and sizing planning; Voronoi diagram; improved particle swarm optimization algorithm



This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 52177110).



侯 慧(1981—),女,博士,副教授,研究方向为电力系统风险评估、能源互联网、电动汽车与电网互动等;E-mail: husthou@126.com

唐俊一(1997—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为电动汽车充电设施规划与电网灾后恢复;E-mail: tangjunyi@ whut.edu.cn

王逸凡(1997—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向为电动汽车优化调度。E-mail: wangyifan197106@163.com

(编辑 许 威)

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