研究结论是科研报告类文章的必考内容,其形式主要包括研究发现的结果和最佳标题。解题的关键是找到表达研究结论性的句子。而这些句子通常会有表示研究性结论的固定句型作为提示。如,A newreport found…/according to the report's key findings…等只要学生掌握这些词语,就能在阅读中快速捕捉到表示研究结果的句子,准确定位答案的区域,快速作答。
如,2020年江苏高考试卷C篇:Then they com-pared the samples.....Most obviously,…As a result,they bumed more fat during walks on…On the otherhand,...,during the workout after breakfast than afterfasting. But it was the_ the fat cells that…,the re-searchers found Multiple genes behaved differently,…These genes were much more active _than when theyhad breakfasted.
第63题:What happened to those who ate break-fast before exercise?A They successfully lost weight.BThey consumed a bit more calories.C. They bumedmore fat on average.D. They displayed higher insulinlevels.解析:此题问的是运动前吃早餐的人发生了什么?考查的是研究发现结果。根据题干定位到原文的第五段和第六段,原文中的“As a result、the re-searchers found_”等都是表示研究结论的短语和句子,可知运动前吃早饭的人会出现血糖增高、脂肪燃烧更少、卡里路消耗略多,会产生促进蛋白质和胰岛素分泌的基因。故B项为正确选项。又如阅读练习:Studies show…than women in STEM fields.第52题:What do studies about men and women in scientific re-search show?问的是对男性与女性的研究表明的结果。原文中的Studies show提示答案的区域,指明男性比女性在STEM领域更有能力。意义与选项C(Men are believed to be better able to excel in STEMdisciplines.)是同义改写,故为答案。
除此之外,还有很多诸如此类的句式,如2019年全国I卷中第34题,原文提到了It clearly showedthat--:2019全国Ⅲ卷中34题中原文提到了the re-searchers noted that.…./indicating that_等句式,这需要学生在练习中,针对这种表示结论性的词汇、短语、句子等进行总结,以增强对该类词汇的敏感度,提高捕捉该类词语信息的速度,以提升解题准确率。
表示研究目的的答案区域在原文中比较容易定位,学生可根据表示目的性的信息词,就能快速锁定答案区域。如,in order to do,The purpose is…等。学生需要在阅读中重点关注此类提示词或者句子,以辅助快速解题。
如,阅读练习:In the first experiment,…In thesecond one, when a monkey received two pieces fromJake, it seemed like a gain....,,it seemed like a loss.The monkeys…with Jake because they'd rather take achance of seeming to win than seemiing to lose.第3题:Why did the monkeys choose to trade more with Jake inthe second experiment?A.Because theV didn't like thefeeling of losing.B.Because they get more apple piecesfrom Jake.C.Because Jake always gave them two applepieces.D.Because the apple pieces from Jake were yum-my.此题问的是第二个实验中猴子与杰克交易更多的目的。根据题干中的in the second experiment定位到原文的第三段,其中出现的In the second one之后的內容是对第二个实验发现的描述,其中rather_ than句型结构表明,猴子宁愿冒着看似赢的风险,也不愿意冒看似输的风险,即是其选择与杰克交易的原因和目的。故选项A为正确答案。又如,2018年全国I卷D篇第33题:Why did Babbitt's team conduct the re-search?题干问的是团队进行这项研究的原因。原文中出现了表示原因的句子To figure out how much…据此作答。故选D(To find out electricity consumptionof the devices.);2017年全国Ⅲ卷D篇第32题:Whatis the purpose of the Drive LAB?此题问的是实验的目的。原文中有明显的信息词in order to表明实验的目的。故答案为C.(To find out older driver's prob-lems.)。
如,2020年江苏高考试卷C篇:To find out,Brit-ish scientists conducted a study.They first found 10overwei吐t and inactive but otherwise healthv voungmen,whose lifestyles are,for better and worse,reprc-
sentative of those of most of us.
第62题:Why were the 10 people chosen for theexperiment?A. Their lifestyles were tvpical of ordinarvp业LeB.Their lack of exercise led to overweight.C.They could walk at an average speed.D. They had slowmetabolic rates.解析:此题是问选这10个人作为实验对象的原因,是考查的研究过程。根据题干定位到原文的第三段。其中overweight and inactive、healthy、representative of those of most of us等,表明选择这10个人是具有典型的代表性,故A项为答案。又如阅读练习:Curious if the left hemispheres were indeed_Dr.Sasaki re-ran the experiment_with a mix of regularlytimed beeps of the same tone and irregular beeps of adifferent tone_第3题:What did Dr. Sasaki do whenre-running her experiment?A.She analyzed the negativeeffect of irregular tones on brains.B.She recorded partic-ipants' adaptation to changed environment.C.She ex-posed herparticipants to two different stimuli.D.Shecompared the responses of different participants。此题问的是重新进行实验时做了什么?是对实验方法的考查。题干中的关键词Dr. Sasaki、re - running定位原文最后一段的第二句,其后面的内容表明Dr. Sasaki向参与者呈现了一组蜂鸣声,在夜间发出规则或者不规则的嘟嘟声,并观察得到的结果。由此推测出答案C项。2019年全国Ⅲ卷D篇第32题What did the re-searchers do to the monkeys before test-ing them?问的是在测试猴子之前对它做了什么?考查的是研究方法。定位到原文第二段,可知对猴子进行了训练,故选C (They trained them.)。第33题How did the mon-keys get their reward in the experiment?问的是猴子在实验中如何获得奖励的?考查研究过程。定位到原文的第三段,根据关键信息点,推知猴子通过触摸屏幕获得奖励,故选B项。
2020年江蘇高考试卷C篇:For those who canstomach it,working out beore breakfast maV be morebeneficial for health thian eating first,according to astudy of meal timing and physical activity.The implica-tion of these results is that to gain thLegreatest healthbenefits from exercise, it may be wise to skip eatingfirst.
第64题:What could be learned from the re-search?A.A workout after breakfast improves gene per-formances.B. Too much workout often slows metabolicrates.C. Lifestyle is not as important as moming exer-cise.D Phvsical exercise before breakfast is better forhealth。解析:此题问的是从研究中能得出什么?是针对实验研究结果的推理判断,针对实验研究的最终结果,出现在语篇的首段和尾段。首段中study与题干中的the research统一,提出早饭前运动可能比先吃早餐更利于健康。最后一段中的results提示是整个语篇实验研究的最终结果,表明从运动中获取最大的益处,最明智的可能就是不吃早餐。首尾两段在结构与内容上遥相呼应,推断答案为D项。