
2022-07-01 08:49:06安格斯J麦克唐纳
建筑技艺 2022年4期


1 令人兴奋的数字技术


2 参数化、拓扑设计与仿生学

来自扎哈x 哈迪德建筑事务所的帕特里克x 舒马赫描述了一种全新的建筑设计方法:基于数字计算的发展,建筑形式被认为是由微小的元素构成,这在宏观尺度上将赋予建筑连续流动的特性,而不是大尺度建筑构件的组合。他将这种设计过程称为拓扑设计(Topological),而将基于梁柱等较大构件组合的设计过程定义为类型学设计(Typological)。



在另一项新研究中,内里x 奥克斯曼和麻省理工学院媒体实验室(Media Lab)的媒介物质研究小组,重新研究了自然界的有机物中那些高效且无浪费的存在形式,并探索了如何将这种形式运用到先进的设计和制造技术中,来创造一种新的建筑。正如迈克尔x 鲍林在《建筑中的仿生学》中所总结的那样,近些年来,仿生学作为一种建筑设计概念来源正逐渐兴起(图2)。

仿生学的方法往往由一些观点来推动,例如朱利安x 文森特认为“在自然界中,材料是昂贵的,而形状是廉价的”,这表明了自然界总是能有效地使用材料。但是,这一说法过度简化了自然界有机体中实际发生的一切。


3 气候变化和无例外的定律




从“装饰就是犯罪”(阿道夫x 路斯)、“玻璃摧毁仇恨”(布鲁诺x 陶特)、“少即是多”(密斯x 凡x 德罗)、“少即是无聊”(罗伯特x 文丘里)等格言,到20世纪末的建筑理论中以法国哲学为基础的一系列建造,现代建筑理论更多探讨观念层面的问题,而与物理事实无关。这些理论没有陈述事实,并且导致了形式主义的设计方法,带来了物理性能差、材料浪费,以及功能不合理等一系列问题。


4 形式和效率


在前数字时代对结构效率的形式探索中,例如高迪设计的巴塞罗那圣家族教堂,以及弗雷x 奥托和泰德x 哈波德在曼海姆多功能厅中使用的木网壳结构,其结构选型都是基于物理模型,在重力作用指导下研究形成。基于计算机的结构计算软件,可以得到和物理模型类似的结构形式,而决定这些结果的物理定律是没有例外的,正如我所强调的,形式的生成并不是自由选择(图5-8)。


5 基本真理

那么,要设计出高效、低碳的建筑,什么是需要被接受的基本真理呢?第一点是,一些决定世界基本物理学的原理是不能被新的设计方法或制造方法所改变的;第二点是,为了实现高效的技术性能,形式必须与物理功能和物理事实相匹配(而不是像路易斯x 沙利文的著名观点“形式永远追随功能”所阐述的那样,强调形式只是对建筑理论的表达或具体功能的体现)。



结构效率的跨度范围可以非常之大,这一点可以通过以下几个非常著名的建筑来阐释。在勒x 柯布西耶的萨伏伊别墅中,为达到约5m的跨度,梁厚约为300mm;在悉尼歌剧院中,为达到70m的跨度,壳体/框架厚度约为2m;位于巴黎的法国国家工业与技术中心(CNIT),壳体结构跨度达200m,但总厚度仅为120mm。

用公认的相对简单的结构跨度和厚度的比值来衡量这些结构的效率,其差别显而易见。效率最低的是萨伏伊别墅,比值为17;悉尼歌剧院排在第二,比值为35;CNIT壳体结构的比值为1 666。悉尼歌剧院的结构效率是萨伏伊别墅的将近两倍,这两个项目差距非常显著。而CNIT的结构更高效,比另外两个结构的效率高了两个数量级(相当于近100倍)。结构效率之间的差距几乎完全取决于形式的选择(图9,10)。

1 海达尔x 阿利耶夫中心

2 内里x 奥克斯曼雕塑作品灵魂2 号

3 东方车站

4 剖切的鹦鹉螺

5 圣家族大教堂内部6 圣家族大教堂静力学模型

7 曼海姆多功能厅木格栅形式的外壳8 曼海姆多功能厅拉力形式模型






位于巴库的海达尔x 阿利耶夫中心作为一座严重依赖数字技术的建筑,使用了大量钢材,这进一步说明当物理定律在自由的建筑形式创造中被无视时,会发生怎样的情况。复杂的造型产生了巨大的弯曲内力,以至于需要使用钢结构空间桁架这种高碳足迹的物理结构来加以实现。跨度是不断变化的,因为屋顶由底层的钢筋混凝土和钢筋交替支撑,最大跨度达30m,平均总管截面厚度约为60mm,使得结构跨度与厚度的比值约为500,其结构效率仅为CNIT壳体结构的三分之一。然而,它是由钢材制成的——材料强度约为钢筋混凝土的7倍。如果将建筑材料更换为钢筋混凝土,相对应的结构厚度将为420mm,比值约为71,那么结构效率将与悉尼歌剧院相近。


9 萨伏伊别墅

10 悉尼歌剧院

6 可施工性

要实现低碳结构的构想,另一个必须要解决的基本难题便是整个施工过程,而这显然会受到结构形式复杂程度的影响。然而,那些将结构材料最小化的形式都是复杂且难以实现的。例如,空间桁架比实心板材效率更高,工字形横截面比实心矩形横截面效率更高,锥形轮廓通常比平行轮廓更高效,曲线造型比直线造型更高效。最先进的制造方法,例如3D 打印,只能从某种程度上降低制造复杂形式的难度,但无法彻底解决所有困难,并且所使用的机器和建造全过程必将产生大量碳足迹。


7 低碳设计


11 CNIT 展厅12 CNIT 展厅施工过程

在水平向大跨结构中,跨度是影响这一权衡结果并关系到整体经济性的最重要因素——跨度越大,结构的复杂度越高,这对于整体经济性的追求是合理的。CNIT 壳体的抛物线形式对于200m 跨度来说是完全合理的。对于规模较小的建筑来说,通常使用相对简单的结构形式,即使有可能会导致材料的低效利用,但会更容易得到折衷方案,从而带来最低的碳足迹。萨伏伊别墅的低效结构与其跨度完全匹配,因为建筑本身就很简单。相反的,基于有机或自由曲线的参数化或仿生学设计大多合理性较差,这种吸引人的形式就其尺度来说过于复杂,并且无法与建筑的物理功能产生联系。



13 海达尔x 阿利耶夫中心大型钢结构施工过程

8 道德设计

作为一种设计哲学,实现整体经济性的概念并不新鲜。在20世纪中叶,两位杰出的工程师皮埃尔x 鲁易吉x 奈尔维和爱德华x 托罗佳就已经对此进行了很好的描述,并且在各自的实践中展示了这一理念的应用。它涉及到人们对相关设计知识的不断掌握,包括形式与结构性能之间的关系、材料属性、可实现的施工技术等所有纯粹的技术问题。我们可以在建筑师坂茂近期的设计中看到类似的设计方法(图14,15)。

14 由奈尔维设计的都灵展览馆抛物线拱顶15 由坂茂设计的游牧博物馆





①2020 年,保拉x 安东内利和安娜x 伯克哈特在纽约现代艺术博物馆(简称MOMA)策划了收录内里x 奥克斯曼材料生物学一系列作品的展览

1 Interface 提供

2 伦敦科学博物馆提供

3 Kent Wang 摄影

4 Chris 73 摄影

5 Jiuguang Wang 摄影

6 Rüdiger Marmulla 摄影

7 Immanuel Giel 摄影

8 来源于Creative Commons

9 来源于が.inexhibit.com

10 Roybb95 摄影

11 David Monniaux 摄影

12-14 来源于网络

15 Michael Moran 摄影

The introduction of digital technology to architectural design has opened up new and exciting prospects for the development of architectural form.The free exploration of form has,of course,always been possible,by the application of the humble pencil to paper,but the detailed specification of form by digital media allows architects to freely explore form in a controlled way;it also enables engineers to calculate the stresses that will occur within free-form structures so as to specify safe dimensions for elements;it makes builders aware of their exact shapes,which facilitates construction;and digitally controlled fabrication technology,such as 3D printing,can enable the economic realization of complex form (photo 1).

Patrik Schumacher,of Zaha Hadid Architects,has identified what he considers to be a new approach to form making,based on the power of digital computing,in which architectural form is considered to be built up from tiny discrete elements which,at the macro scale,give buildings the character of continuous flowing surfaces rather than of assemblies of larger scale elements.He has termed this process aapproach to design and previous methodologies,based on assemblies of larger elements such as beams and columns,as being.

Schumacher argues that a new design freedom has been facilitated by exploiting the power of digital computing and that this enables shapes to be manipulated and controlled by sophisticated soたware.He describes this as a 'new engineering intelligence'made possible by the 'digital revolution' and refers to this 'new' architectural style as para;architecture that '...can harness the structural efficiency of an interconnected network' ...'an era of structural fluidity' and'structural optimization',in which digital technology '...re-tool[s] [the] engineer and allow[s]the structural forces to flow freely through the surfaces provided by the architect'.

Schumacher's statements are misleading,however,because although ittrue that the architect may be free to invent new and interesting forms,which digital technology allows engineers to analyze and builders to fabricate,the methodology is not in fact capable ofthe resulting internal forces,as Schumacher suggests.Only the basic physics of the situation -the effect of gravity on mass -can do that.So it iscorrect to assume that these freely imagined forms "...can harness the structural effi-ciency of interconnected networks" or that they can be made efficient by clever digital manipulation.

In another new development,Neri Oxman,and the Mediated Matter Research Group at the MIT Media Lab,considered afresh the ways in which efficient and non-wasteful forms evolved in natural organisms and explored how these might be allied to advanced techniques of design and fabrication to create a new kind of architecture.This has been part of a more general revival of interest,in recent years,in the use of biomimicry as a source of architectural ideas,as summarized,for example,in Michael Pawlyn's book(photo 2).

The biomimicry approach is oたen promoted through statements such as Julian Vincent's 'In nature,materials are expensive and shape is cheap'-an engaging aphorism that implies that nature always uses material efficiently.This statement is,however,highly simplistic in its description of what actually occurs in natural organisms.

The latter grow organically,rather than by being fabricated artificially,into shapes that have evolved through natural selection to accommodate complex (and very specific) multiple functionalities,which,on the one hand,are very different from those which humans require of buildings,and on the other,areof the highest efficiency,because other properties may be more significant.It is important to bear in mind that Nature may be characterized,depending on the specific circumstances,by great parsimony and great profligacy.The forms produced in nature are related to the performance of creatures as organisms in relation to their environment,and may not actually be relevant to an application in humans' building projects.Their visual excitement,which may be what principally interests architects,is a matter of culturally determined perception.The imitation of the purely visual qualities of natural forms without a proper understanding of why these forms have originated and of their multiple functions,is an unreliable procedure for the creation of buildings with the types of physical properties required for sustainable architecture (photo 3,4).

The opportunities offered by digital technology for the development of new types of architectural form are very exciting,but there are,nevertheless,certain realities that intrude into any attempt to make a physical object such as a building,that have to be recognized by designers who wish to act responsibly. Recognition of these realities will be especially relevant to design in a world in which the mitigation of climate change is emerging as the highest priority.

Let me illustrate this with a story that begins with the question:? This was a rhetorical question that was asked of a physicist expert witness by a frustrated defense lawyer in court proceedings that followed a vehicle accident.

The expert witness had demonstrated that by considering the mass of the vehicles,and their final locations following the accident,it could be demonstrated,using Newton's laws,that the individuals involved had been driving at excessive speed.Repeated questioning by the lawyer had failed to reveal any inconsistencies in the expert witness's testimony.Hence the defence lawyer's annoyance.

The exchange between the lawyer and the physicist highlighted an essential difference between human-made law and the principles that govern the behaviour of physical systems,which is that the performance of the latter is determined by agencies that are fundamental and unalterable.Our human understanding of these laws and their complexity continues to deepen as science advances,but the laws themselves are part of the workings of the Universe that we inhabit and are not affected by human desires or constructs.

That there areto the laws that govern physical behaviour is an axiom that has great relevance in the field of architectural design which,throughout the Modern period,has been informed by many ideas and theories that are largely unconnected to physical reality.

From aphorisms such as 'Ornament is crime' (Adolf Loos),'Glass destroys hatred'(Bruno Taut),'Less is more' (Mies van der Rohe),'Less is a bore' (Robert Venturi),to the sophisticated French-philosophy-based constructs of much of the architectural theory of the late twentieth century,the ideas that have informed new architecture in the Modern period have been largely matters of opinion,unrelated to physical realities.They are not statements of fact and they have resulted in formalistic approaches to design that have produced buildings that have poor physical properties,that make wasteful and extravagant use of materials,and that perform poorly in respect of all aspects of function.

Such theories make unreliable guides for designers wishing to produce buildings that have particular physical properties,such as a low carbon footprint,because the latter is determined by the laws of physics rather than by polemically expressed views.There is a danger that the present excitement with the possibilities offered by digital applications in design,may cause architects to repeat the environmental mistakes of the Modern era.If architectural design is to contribute to the mitigation of the climate emergency,such mistakes must be avoided.

A building's structure accounts for between 40% and 90% of its fabric.Structural design for low consumption of material,and therefore for low embodied carbon,is closely related to form because the internal forces that loads generate within structures,and that determine the amount of material that they must contain,are almost entirely dependent on all aspects of their shapes -both their overall forms and the detailed geometries of their constituent elements.The act of designing a building -that is of determining its form -is therefore also an act of structural design that will have a significant effect on its carbon footprint.

In the quest for structural efficiency,the form-searching techniques of the pre-digital age,that found expression in buildings such as Gaudí's Sagrada Família in Barcelona or Frei Otto and Ted Happold's timber lattice shell at the Mannheim Multihalle,were based on physical models that enabled the effects of gravity on mass to act directly.Computer-based form-generating soたware that is programmed to search for efficient forms produces similar results.In the physical laws that govern these exercises,there are no exceptions.And as I have already emphasized,the form generated is not a free choice (photo 5-8).

There is therefore a danger that the'new' approaches to design being promoted at the beginning of the twenty-first century,by opinion-formers such as Schumacher and Oxman -be they biometric,parametric or topological -will simply perpetuate the design methodologies generated by the polemical statements of previous Modern architectures,and produce forms that are equally inappropriate for buildings in an age of climate emergency because they are not related to the physical realities of buildings.

So what are the essential truths,based on the laws of physics,that have to be accepted if an efficient low-carbon architecture is to be produced? The first of these is a realization that some things cannot be changed by new design methodologies or methods of manufacture because they are fundamental -determined by the basic physics of the world.A second is that,to achieve high technical performance,forms must be matched tofunction andreality (not to polemically expressed theory and not even,necessarily,to programmatic function which is what Louis Sullivan was referring to in his famous aphorism'form shall ever follow function').

The efficiency of a structure (as measured by the amount of material required to give it adequate strength) is predominantly determined by the types of internal force that loads generate within it.The most important distinction is between loads that cause elements to bend (transverse loads)and those that produce internal forces that are-as is discussed in my book.

This is a crucial difference because axial forces can be resisted with elements that are an order of magnitude smaller than those that are required to resist bending,and the type of internal force that occurs is entirely dependent on the overall form of the structure in relation to the pattern of load that it carries.

The range of efficiencies that can occur is very large as may be demonstrated by the following examples of very well-known buildings.In Le Corbusier's Villa Savoye a beam depth of around 300 mm was required for a span of approximately 5.0 m.At the Sydney Opera House,a shell/frame thickness of around 2.0 m was required to achieve a span of 70 m;the CNIT shell in Paris spans 200 m with a total shell thickness of only 120 mm.

Using the admittedly rather crude device of the ratio of span to thickness as the measure of the efficiency of these structures,the differences are remarkable.The least efficient is the Villa Savoye with a ratio of 17.Next comes the Sydney Opera House at 35.That of the CNIT shell is 1 666.The differences in efficiency between the first two structures are significant,with the Sydney Opera House being approximately twice as efficient as the Villa Savoye.The CNIT shell is two orders of magnitude (i.e.approximately 100) more efficient than the other two.The differences in efficiency are almost entirely due to form (photo 9,10).The very high efficiency of the CNIT shell is the result of the combination of an overall form which is a parabolic curve,and the geometric configuration of its cross-section.I have heard people describe the CNIT shell as having a natural form.This is not accurate.It is a form that responds to the laws of physics -which Nature must also do.The parabolic form generates internal forces which are pure axial compression.

The shape of the shell's cross-section is a hollow box,consisting of two 60 mm thick skins forming the outer surfaces separated by 60 mm.thick diaphragms to give an overall depth of 1.5 m.This is a highly efficient shape of cross-section for the resistance of compression,where the possibility of buckling -a bending phenomenon -has to be allowed for.The slight corrugation of the shell surfaces provides efficient resistance to any tendency for local bending or buckling to occur (photo 11,12).

The inefficiency of the other two structures described here is also due to a combination of their overall forms and the cross-sections of their elements.The very low efficiency of the Villa Savoye's structure is due to an overall form that produces only bending in the horizontal elements.The better performance of the Sydney Opera House shell is due principally to its overall form producing internal forces that are combinations of bending and axial force,which reduces the amount of bending that is present.Both of these structures have elements with solid cross-sections,which is an inefficient configuration for the resistance of the bending type of internal force that dominates their responses to load.

The comparison of these three structures demonstrates the essential features of the effect of form on structural efficiency.The key question is the amount of bending that is produced and this is dependent on overall form.The shapes of the individual elements at a detailed level -cross-section and longitudinal profile -are also crucial.The important issue is again the efficient resistance of such bending as may be present.Cross-sections that resist bending efficiently have the material dispersed from their centres -hollow tubes,I-sections and,so far as longitudinal profile is concerned,features such as triangulated geometries.

The comparison of the three structures demonstrates that if the shape of a building is freely determined and not related to the basic physics of the situation,the resulting structure is likely to be inefficient in the use of material;and that the degree of wastefulness will probably be very large.There are no exceptions to this rule.If structural mass is to be minimized the form adopted is not a free choice.

The use of digital technology to experiment freely with form,as proposed by designers such as Schumacher and Oxman,risks repetition of the wasteful practices of the Modern era if not tempered by recognition of the physical realities of the relationship between form and physical performance.

The large quantities of steel that were required to realize the Heydar Aliyev Centre in Baku,a building that relied heavily on digital processes,provide a further recent example of what occurs when the laws of physics are disregarded in the exercising of a free choice of form.The complex overall form generates high levels of bending that require the use of a steel space-frame structure,of very high carbon footprint,for its realization.Spans are variable,because the roof canopy is supported intermittently on an underlying reinforced concrete and steel armature,with maximum spans of around 30 m:which,with an average total tube section thickness of around 60 mm.,gives the structure a span to thickness ratio of 500,which makes its efficiency a third that of the CNIT shell.It is,however,made from steel -a material that is around 7 times stronger than reinforced concrete.If it had been made in reinforced concrete,the equivalent thickness would have been 420 mm and the ratio would be more like 71,which would put it in the same efficiency category as the Sydney Opera House.

In view of the variety of structural components involved the structure is also typological rather than topological and involved high inputs of energy for design,manufacture and construction,that overall,contributed to a high level of total embodied energy(photo 13).

Another essential reality that must be addressed before any proposal for a low-carbon structure can be taken seriously is the effort required to build it,which is obviously affected by the level of complexity of its form.It is an unfortunate fact -yet another intrusion of inconvenient reality -that the forms that minimize the amount of material required for a structure are complex and therefore difficult to make.Space frameworks are more efficient than solid slabs;I-shaped cross-sections are more efficient than solid rectangles;tapered profiles are usually more efficient than parallel sides,and curvilinear forms are more efficient than rectilinear ones.State-of-the-art methods of fabrication,such as 3D printing,can mitigate the difficulties of making complex forms to some extent,but do not eliminate them,and the machines and processes involved produce high carbon footprints.

This is yet another reality that will have to be taken seriously by designers of buildings.In future,it will be the total carbon footprint of buildings that matters and this will not necessarily be minimized by adopting efficient forms that reduce material consumption or the flowing forms derived parametrically.The energy involved in design,fabrication,construction and subsequent maintenance will be important additional considerations.

All design involves compromise and in structural design,a balance has to be struck between the complexity that will minimize material consumption and the simplicity that will reduce the resources required to design,build and maintain a structure.For responsible design in a low-carbon economy,the goal must berather than the minimization of any particular input.

In the context of the horizontally spanning structures required for architecture the most significant factor that influences the best compromise,and that will deliver overall economy of means,is-the longer the span the greater is the level of complexity that is justified in the pursuit of overall economy of means.The parabolic form of the CNIT shell was fully justified for a span of 200 m.For buildings of more modest scale a much simpler structure normally provides the best compromise,and lowest carbon footprint,even if it is less efficient in its use of material.The inefficient structure of the Villa Savoye was entirely appropriate for the spans involved,due to its simplicity.In contrast,the organically based or free-flowing forms of parametricism or biomimicry are mostly inappropriate.Their engaging forms are overly complex for their scale and not related to their physical function.

If low overall carbon footprint is to become a high priority in architecture,or any other branch of design,the achievement of economy of means with structure -normally the largest contributor to embodied carbon-will have to be given greater importance in the design agenda.The realities outlined above will then have to be taken seriously and,in the case of buildings,this will place considerable restrictions on the choices of form that are available to architects.

The implications of form,in all its aspects,and the question of buildability with available technologies,albeit the most advanced,will be essential considerations in relation to design for low carbon.Architects will have to understand the true implications of any form that they propose and these will have to be based on an understanding of the physical realities of the situation -to which there are no exceptions -rather than culturally derived theory.

As a philosophy of design,the idea of achieving overall economy of means is not new and was well described by two prominent engineers of the mid-twentieth century,Pier Luigi Nerviand Eduardo Torroja,who also demonstrated its application in their respective practices.It involved the development of a design from knowledge of the relationship between form and structural performance,of the properties of materials,and of available construction techniques-all purely technical matters.We see examples of a similar approach being adopted nearer the present day by the architect Shigeru Ban(photo 14,15).

Central to the thinking of Nervi,Torroja and Ban was the idea that the designers of infrastructure should be under a moral obligation not to waste society's resources(or the planet's,one might now add).The adoption of such an ethical position wasgenerally lacking in the Modern period in which architects were oたen congratulated for excess rather than for economy.It has assumed much greater importance in the present day of climate emergency.

The greatest challenge that architecture must now face is to amalgamate design methodologies that recognize unalterable physical realities with the cultural aspirations that elevate architecture from an exercise in mere building to that of an art-form.A reconsideration of what is regarded as beautiful or interesting visually and spatially may be required,and this may be just one aspect of a much greater adjustment of the mind that will have to occur if buildings that are environmentally sustainable are to be produced.In future,architects will certainly have to work with nature rather than against it,but not through the simplistic imitation of natural forms -as in much of biomimicry-or in the freely determined forms of parametricism,and certainly not with the idea of exercising domination over the natural world-as in the spirit of much of Modernism.

In future,architecture will have to be seen as part of its wider environment.The rules to which there are no exceptions will have to be understood and respected with humility.As Sullivan suggested:'Nature is our friend not our implacable enemy' ...'It is my belief that it is of the very essence of every problem that it contains and suggests its own solution.This I believe to be a natural law.'

What Sullivan was suggesting is that we should look to the essence of the problem to find our solutions,and not to externally imposed,culturally derived theory.It is an idea that has great relevance in the present day.Its implementation will require a fundamental change in the culture of architecture.

井冈教育(2022年2期)2022-10-14 03:11:44
发现“形式” 践行“形式”