吴春花 《建筑技艺》(AT)执行主编
依托这次学术论坛,我们特别组织了本期专题,希望从“对话”这一角度强调建筑与结构的关系,重新审视结构在建筑学中的地位,评估建筑对结构创新的影响。此次的“对话”体现在多重层面,欧洲学者以更广泛的可持续视角对数字等建筑设计思潮的反思,爱丁堡大学安格斯 J.麦克唐纳教授从应对当前气候问题的低碳建筑需求角度,探讨了数字化设计和建造技术在建筑设计中的应用,是否基于物理定律而获得的建筑形式直接决定了结构的类型和受力的合理性,也直接导向低能源消耗的实现与否,为当下许许多多试图超越自然而非顺应自然的设计趋势敲响了警钟。东南大学郭屹民老师与华东建筑设计研究有限公司结构总工程师周健、东京工业大学教授竹内彻共同探讨两个专业间的对话方式,一种建筑与结构在形态层面上的全新的、从实现到表现的对话可能,以此窥见中国与日本在这种对话上的不同观点和思考。
The realization,integration and innovative presentation of architectural and structural design is a long-standing architectural topic for us.Besides the annual academic forum "Architecture and Structure:Build Beauty",we co-organized the "2021 International Academic Symposium on Archi-neering Design Research" together with Southeast University,Tokyo Institute of Technology,and East China Architectural Design and Research Institute (ECADI) in October 2021,focusing on the topic of "the Integrated Innovation of Architecture and Structure",in which scholars and designers from different countries shared their experiences and insights from teaching,research and design.
Based on the academic forum,we organize this issue to highlight the relationship between architecture and structure from the perspective of "dialogue",to re-examine the position of structure in architecture and to assess the impact of architecture on structural innovation.The "dialogue" is multi-faceted.Professor Angus J.Macdonald explores the application of digital design and fabrication technology from the aspect of low-carbon buildings,and sounds the alarm for many projects that try to surpass nature laws.The discussion between Guo Yimin,Zhou Jian and Toru Takeuchi focuses on the dialogue between architecture and structure,opening up a new possibility of dialogue between the two professions.
The "dialogue" has taken on greater significance at a practical level.Yoshiharu Kanebako summarizes the co-promotion,the architecture-led and the structure-led relationship between architectural and structural design.The Swan Science Museum built on the top of the site with a dense arrangement of unconventional thin steel columns,the Wing of Swallow supported by the innovative "shuttle column+column cap" structure,the spiral dome of Baozhu Building derived from the traditional stepped beam structure,the skew spatial grid steel structure of Zongfeng Museum translated from the traditional architecture,and the complex single-layer mesh shell of the Main Stadium of the Asian Youth Games,are all completed by the joint exploration of architects and structural engineers based on different architectural imagery.
In the context of archi-neering,the position of structure in the field of architecture and architectural design is being constantly discussed.The dialogue between architects and structural engineers in greater consensus is advancing the integration of architecture and structure in a pluralistic rationalization.