
2022-06-10 08:39河南刘同功
疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年6期

河南 刘同功



1British artist Sacha Jafri has prepared the first ever painting to be placed on the lunar surface when it blasts off with NASA later this year.

2The painting, called We Rise Together with the Light of the Moon, is engraved into a specially-designed aluminum-gold plate to survive the massive temperature changes on the Moon.

3The small work depicts stick figures inside a heart, surrounded by other hearts and sweet messages. A second fully-colored work will be sold at a charity auction around the same time.

4Jafri's work will arrive aboard NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS)initiative,which contracts private companies to operate freight (货运)lines to and from the Moon so that private and non-profit organizations can conduct research there.

5The aerospace firms Spacebit and Astrobotic will be running the mission. Astrobotic has pioneered a line of express delivery services to the Moon that will begin its virgin delivery route with Peregrine-1, a landing mission that will be carrying science instruments including rovers and spectrometers from various firms and governments.

6We Rise Together with the Light of the Moonis not actually the first piece of art on the Moon,but rather it's the first painting,since NASA astronauts already placed an aluminum sculpture up there commemorating (纪 念) all those—both American and Soviet—lost in the course of manned space exploration.

7“The placement of my moon-landed heart artwork,entitledWe Rise Together with the Light of the Moon,aims to reconnect humanity to ourselves,each other,the Creator,and ultimately to‘The Soul of the Earth’. With figures, entwined (缠绕) in love, reaching for a newly-found understanding of unity and consequential hope, as they embark on their journey of exploration from our inhabited planet to our uninhabited Moon,we rise together,with a like-minded goal of creating a new vision for our world, which focuses on the five pillars that will allow humanity to thrive once again: universality, consciousness,connection,empathy,and equality,”said Jafri.

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1.The painting,calledWe Rise Together with the Light of the Moon,is engraved into a specially-designed aluminum-gold plate to survive the massive temperature changes on the Moon.为了应对月球上剧烈的温度变化,这件名为《我们在月光下一起站起来》的绘画作品被雕刻在一种特制的镀金铝板上。

【点石成金】本句是一个简单句。calledWe Rise Together with the Light of the Moon为过去分词短语作后置定语,to survive 为动词不定式作目的状语。

2. We rise together, with a like-minded goal of creating a new vision for our world,which focuses on the five pillars that will allow humanity to thrive once again:universality,consciousness, connection, empathy, and equality. 我们共同崛起,拥有一个共同的目标——为我们的世界创造一个新的愿景,这聚焦于使人类再次繁荣的五个核心:普遍性、意识、联系、同理心和平等。

【点石成金】本句是一个复合句。We rise together 是主句,with短语在句中作伴随状语;which 引导的是一个定语从句;that 引导的也是一个定语从句,修饰词先行词the five pillars。

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