
2022-06-10 08:39安徽王涛涛
疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年6期

安徽 王涛涛


文章词数 353 难度 ★★★ 建议用时 6分钟___

1Born in China, I. M. Pei (1917—2019) grew up in Suzhou and Shanghai before deciding to move to the United States to study architecture. Pei was praised for giving“this century some of its most beautiful interior (内 部 的) spaces and exterior forms”, said the jury of the Pritzker Architecture Prize, which he received in 1983.Below are four of his most iconic buildings.

●Le Grande Louvre

2In 1981, the newly elected French president, François Mitterrand, launched a campaign to renovate cultural institutions throughout France. One of the most advantageous of those projects was the renovation and remodeling of the Louvre. In 1983, after touring Europe and the United States, President Mitterrand commissioned Chinese-American architect I. M. Pei. It was the first time that a foreign architect had been enlisted to work in Le Grande Louvre.

●Bank of China Tower

3When commissioned to design the Bank of China Tower on an intricate inland site,I. M. Pei was requested to create an unavoidably tall unique headquarters in a typhoonprone region that would represent the aspirations of the Chinese people. The solution assimilates architecture and engineering simultaneously, involving an asymmetrical tower that stands against both the skyline and the street.

●Suzhou Museum

4Founded in 1960 and originally located in the Zhongwang Mansion of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom (太平天国),Suzhou Museum has been a highly-regarded museum with a number of significant Chinese cultural relics.The new Suzhou Museum designed by I.M.Pei was completed in October 2006.Not only does the museum become a monumental(意义深远的)design building in Suzhou,but also a significant construction,merging the traditional southern Chinese architecture style and modern aesthetics.

●JFK Presidential Library

5In 1963, then President John F. Kennedy viewed possible sites for a presidential library and museum to be built in his name. After several years, the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library was finally finished and dedicated on October 20,1979.Architect I.M.Pei's signature geometric shapes of concrete steel and glass created an appropriate stately monumentality. A juxtaposition(并置)of spaces and light quality along with a defined and clear circulation(循环)creates a logical story-line of its namesake.

Reading Check

Ⅰ.Choose the best answers according to the text


What other great famous Chinese architects and their designs do you know? Please search for more information about them and share it with your classmates.


Language Study

Ⅰ.Discover the useful structure in the text

not only...but(also)...意为“不仅……而且……”,用来连接两个表示并列关系的成分,also可以省略。

Not only does the museum become a monumental design building in Suzhou, but also a significant construction, merging the traditional southern Chinese architecture style and modern aesthetics.这座博物馆不仅成为苏州的一座纪念性设计建筑,而且是一座融合了中国南方传统建筑风格和现代美学的重要建筑。

Ⅱ.Complete the following phrases according to the text

1.成长 ________up 2.因……而受到赞美be ________for

3.文物cultural ________4.建筑风格architecture________

