
2022-06-10 08:39安徽王涛涛
疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年6期

安徽 王涛涛


文章词数 270 难度 ★★★ 建议用时 6分钟____

1Su Qingwu, a post-90s girl from Wenzhou, has recently amazed netizens by building a replica(仿制品)of a wood pavilion(亭子)found at the world-renowned Forbidden City in the courtyard of her own home, without relying on glue or nails. Su spent five months and roughly 10,000 yuan completing the construction of the pavilion.

2Su's story is an extraordinary one because the young lady,who is now an independent photographer,has never attended a class on architecture or carpentry before but completed all the construction work by herself throughout the whole process. Nobody helped her except that her parents helped her carry wooden pillars for the pavilion.

3Out of her love for the architecture of the Forbidden City,Su decided to build a pavilion in imitation of the techniques used in constructing the treasured masterpiece of ancient Chinese architecture.

4To make this happen,the young woman,who previously lacked even the most basic knowledge about architecture, began from then on to learn woodworking skills by examining academic papers, such as learning an ancient Chinese mortise and tenon technique(榫卯技术),and by watching related instructional videos.

5Su even visited the Forbidden City herself to inspect the specific pavilion she intended to copy and examine its unique mortise and tenon joint structure. Back home, she applied the same mortise and tenon joints found in the Forbidden City.

6Su's amazing achievement has won high praise from her parents,who initially did not support their daughter in building the pavilion. Whenever the family has guests at home,Su's father always guides them to the pavilion and tells them that the pavilion is his daughter's masterpiece.

Reading Check

Ⅰ.Choose the best answers according to the text


What made Su successful in completing the construction of the pavilion? Summarize her good qualities and find evidence from the text.


Language Study

Ⅰ.Analyze the difficult sentence in the text

To make this happen, the young woman, who previously lacked even the most basic knowledge about architecture, began from then on to learn woodworking skills by examining academic papers, such as learning an ancient Chinese mortise and tenon technique,and by watching related instructional videos.为了实现这一目标,这位之前连最基本的建筑知识都缺乏的年轻女子从那时开始通过查阅学术论文来学习木工技能,比如学习中国古代的榫卯技术,以及观看相关的教学视频。

【点石成金】本句中,To make this happen 为动词不定式作目的状语,主语为the young woman,而who previously lacked even the most basic knowledge about architecture为定语从句,修饰the young woman。by examining academic papers 和by watching related instructional videos 是方式状语。

Ⅱ.Complete the following phrases according to the text


2.独自 ________oneself


榫 卯
Master carpenter becomes a YouTube sensation 阿木爷爷成“油管”网红