
2022-05-25 17:14叶晶裘玉英陈亭羽凡欣
丝绸 2022年5期

叶晶 裘玉英 陈亭羽 凡欣

摘要: 智能服装作为服装前沿技术,受到越来越多的企业和消费者的关注。了解消费者对智能服装购买意愿,有助于智能服装产业的发展。本文基于实证研究,构建消费者智能服装购买意愿的结构方程模型,通过调研问卷收集数据,并采用偏最小二乘法对模型进行假设验证。研究结果表明:感知有用性和态度正向显著影响消费者智能服装的购买意愿;消费者态度受感知有用性和易用性的影响;感知有用性受感知易用性、智能服装表达性的影响;智能服装的功能性和表达性均显著影响感知易用性。最后为智能服装的发展提出了相关建议。

关键词: 技术接受模型;智能服装;购买意愿;偏最小二乘法;结构方程模型;FEA模型

中图分类号: TS941.1文献标志码: A文章编号: 10017003(2022)05007708

引用页码: 051111DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2022.05.011


目前,国内学者对智能服装的研发已进行较为深入的研究,但研究智能服装商业化的文献数量较技术研究少,而且大多是综述性研究,实证性的研究相对较少。国内大多数学者采用调研问卷的形式研究消费者的智能服装购买行为,但大多侧重在消费者需求[5-6]。另一方面,国外学者从创新性[7-8]、价格[9]、信任[10]、社会接受度和产品属性[11]等不同的角度,研究了智能服装消费者购买行为。技术接受模型(Technology acceptance model,TAM)被认为是解释用户对新技术接受和使用意愿的最有效模型[12],国内部分学者已采用TAM来研究服装领域内的消费者行为,如虚拟试衣的使用意愿[13]和网购服装意愿[14],而采用TAM研究用户智能服装购买意愿的却寥寥无几。

因此,本研究以技术接受模型为理论基础,以功能性-表达性-美学性(Function-expressive-aesthetic,FEA)模型为外部变量,提出了一个扩展的技术接受模型。在已有文献的基础上提出若干研究假设,运用调研问卷对消费者智能服装购买意愿进行调研,运用SPSS软件对调研数据进行数据,并采用偏最小二乘结构方程模型(Partial least squares structural equation model,PLS-SEM)对研究假设进行检验,旨在揭示消费者对智能服装购买意愿的影响机理和路径。最后,针对智能服装的研发提出相应建议。





























调研问卷主要由三部分构成:一是智能服装的视频介绍,视频选取了国内外三款典型的智能服装进行介绍,包括智能监测、智能交互和智能调节等功能;二是调研对象的基本情况;三是测量模型。为了保证问卷的信效度,本研究参照国内外相关研究文献中已通过实证检验的成熟量表,设计了初始问卷。问卷从7个变量出发,每个变量由4~5个题目构成,共设计出31道测量项。然后邀请30名在校本科生进行小规模的预调研,对问卷中表述模糊的题项进行调整,形成最终问卷。所有变量均采用Likert 5级量表进行测量,1分表示“非常不同意”,5分表示“非常同意”。本研究依托网络平台“问卷星”投放并收集调研问卷,调研时间为2021年5月至10月,删除答题时间过短问卷后,共收集到212份有效问卷。量表具体内容如表1所示。


本研究采用SPSS24对样本统计分析(表2)。此次调研对象中,女性调研样本占82.1%,83.5%的调研对象为18~25岁,本科以上学历比例高达97.2%,月均可支配收入在1 000~3 000元占75.5%。近47%的用户对智能服装不太了解,42%的用户对智能服装有不同程度的了解。






信度(Reliability)检验主要用于检验问卷的内部稳定性和一致性,通常要求Cronbach’s α值和组合信度(Composite reliability,CR)均大于0.700[39]。本研究的信度检验结果如表3所示,所有潜变量的Cronbach’s α和CR值均大于0.700,说明所有变量具有较高的信度。

效度(Validity)主要用于检验测量结果能准确反映问卷所要解释构念的程度,包括聚合效度和区别效度。由表3可知,各变量的因子载荷大于0.700,且平均方差萃取(Average variance extracted,AVE)值大于0.500时,表示具有良好的聚合效度。由表4可以看出,所有变量AVE的平方根大于各潜变量间的相关系数,表示潜变量间具有良好的区别效度。


本研究采用PLS-SEM来检验研究模型中各路径假设,使用Bootstrapping反复抽样法抽取5 000次进行参数计算与评价模型系数的显著性,具体结果如表5所示。







1) 在未来的智能服装设计中,要充分重视智能服装的表达性和功能性,既要满足消费者的需求、期望和感知,又要符合消费者的生活方式。研发智能服装时需要考虑到舒适性、保护性等功能,降低消费者的穿戴负担,突出产品的实用性,如随意折叠、洗涤和易于护理,同时智能服装的开发应该迎合用户的不同功能需求。

2) 未来智能服装的设计和使用应考虑有用性与易用性。智能服装使用交互方面,目前智能服装大多是单方面的信息收集和呈现,缺乏与用户的交流。在未来的智能服装交互中,可以加入语音识别交互、手势交互、生物反馈交互或情景感知。通过简单的交互,让消费者更加熟练穿着,提高工作效率与生活质量。

3) 虽然美学性对消费者购买意愿的影响不大,但也不容忽视。现阶段的智能服装多是服装和电子元器件的简单相加,设计感较差。若使智能服装被年轻消费者接受,智能服装的面料、款式、色彩等应与当前的时尚风格相兼容,增强智能服装的科技感和美感,使其更容易进入服装消费领域。



此外,本研究还存在一定的局限性:1) 没有将智能服装的价格因素纳入考虑范围。2) 智能服装的类别较多,没有具体研究某种类别的智能服装的购买意愿,后期的研究可以考虑选择某一类别的智能服装进行深入。3) 调研样本量偏少,且调研对象集中在18~25岁,可能会对样本的代表性和结论产生一定的影响,未来研究需增加调研数量和范围。


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An empirical study on the influence mechanism of smart clothing purchase intentions

YE Jing QIU Yuying CHEN Tingyu FAN Xin

(1a.College of Design; 1b.College of Materials and Textile Engineering, Jiaxing University, Jiaxing 314001, China;

2.Graduate Institute of Management, Chang Gung University, Taoyuan 33302, China)

Abstract: With the improvement of people’s living standards and the growth demand for personalization and intelligence, smart clothing, as a combination of clothing and cutting-edge technology, has attracted attention from an increasing number of clothing technology enterprises and ordinary consumers. Many organizations predict that smart clothing will develop rapidly in the future and occupy a certain share of the clothing market. As an ideal wearable device, smart clothing is gradually shifting its target consumers from professional fields such as sports and healthcare to ordinary consumers. While meeting the basic wearable functions,smart clothing also uses science and technology to add special functions related to daily life. As a result, smart clothing is no longer unattainable and is becoming more and more relevant to the lives of ordinary consumers. At present, there are many studies on smart clothing technology, while there is relatively little research on consumers’ willingness to purchase smart clothing in China. Researching consumers’ purchase intentions for smart clothing is conducive to the development of the smart clothing industry.

Based on the technology acceptance model and the characteristics of smart clothing, the FEA (functionality, expressiveness, and aesthetics) model was introduced as an external variable to construct the structural equation model (SEM) of consumers’ purchase intentions of smart clothing, and we put forward 11 research hypotheses. Based on the scale proposed and verified by many scholars at home and abroad, and combined with the characteristics of smart clothing,six independent variables of functionality, expressiveness, aesthetics, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and attitudes were extracted to design the research questionnaire, which were measured with 5-point Likert scale. Then, the research questionnaire was employed to collect data, and the SPSS 24.0 software was used to conduct descriptive statistical analysis of the basic individual information. Next, in order to assess the model using the PLS-SEM, the SmartPLS 3.2.9 software was applied to test the reliability and validity, and the results indicated that the reliability and validity of the variables greatly exceeded the recommended threshold, which was of statistical significance. Finally, the bootstrapping method was used to empirically verify the hypotheses of the model, and a total of nine hypotheses were supported.

The results of the empirical analysis show that: ⅰ) From the perspective of the FEA model, expressiveness has a significantly positive impact on perceived usefulness and ease of use; functionality positively and significantly affects the perceived ease of use, while the effect on perceived usefulness is not significant. Aesthetics positively and significantly affects consumer attitudes, while it has no impact on purchase intentions. ⅱ) From the perspective of the TAM model, it indicates that the hypotheses between the variables have positive and significant effects on each other, which can well explain consumers’ willingness to purchase smart clothes. ⅲ) Among all the hypotheses, consumers’ attitudes have the greatest influence on purchase intentions.

Based on the above results, we propose some suggestions for the smart clothing: ⅰ) From the perspective of the functionality of smart clothing, it is necessary to meet the needs of comfort, protection, and practicality when consumers wear smart clothing, and satisfy their different functional needs, so as to improve the perceived usefulness of smart clothing. ⅱ) From the perspective of expressiveness, smart clothing should conform to consumers’ lifestyles. ⅲ) From the perspective of aesthetic performance, the design of smart clothing should follow the current fashion trends in order to make smart clothing be better integrated into daily life. ⅳ) From the perspective of ease of use, the future design of smart clothing can improve consumers’ wearing proficiency, work efficiency, and quality of life by enhancing the interaction between consumers and smart clothing, and then make consumers form the willingness to purchase by influencing their attitudes. Through this study, a certain theoretical foundation is laid for the subsequent research on the purchase intentions of different kinds of smart clothing.

Key words: technology acceptance model; smart clothing; purchase intentions; partial least squares; structural equation model; FEA model
