
2022-04-21 14:13:36郑路陈舒婷张明霞韩曙光赵丽妍
丝绸 2022年4期

郑路 陈舒婷 张明霞 韩曙光 赵丽妍

摘要: 在O2O模式下,借助集合店渠道采用线上下单线下取货的方式开展服装零售,是近年来的行业热点。本文通过构建一个集合店与两个独立品牌商组成的二级服装供应链博弈模型,探究不同决策模式下佣金率和线下服务水平的差异化影响。模型求解和数值模拟结果表明:独立决策时,品牌商佣金率随竞争品牌定价增加而降低,消费者对于定价差异越敏感,高价服装品牌商佣金率越高;合作决策时,品牌商佣金率随任一方定价及定价差异敏感系数增加而增加;服装品牌价格越高及消费者对价格越敏感,集合店线下服务水平及利润越高;BOPS需求的上升会降低服装品牌商利润的同时增加集合店的利润。

关键词: 集合店;佣金率;线下服务;BOPS;服装零售;博弈模型

中图分类号: TS941.1文献标志码: A文章编号: 10017003(2022)04007410

引用页码: 041111DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2022.04.011(篇序)


目前,国内外针对O2O的研究现状中比较成熟的研究有赵纹硕等[5]利用层次分析法构建了服装品牌O2O零售决策体系,证明了品牌的利润与O2O的运营能力正相关;任力等[6]使用问卷调查收集了1 210名消费者,了解客户真实需求,将O2O市场细化,避免服装品牌同质化竞争;任晓雪等[7]构建由实体和网络渠道组成的双渠道O2O供应链,运用消费者效用函数模型和需求函数模型,得到电商成熟时,线上定价会高于线下定价;管荣伟[8]研究表明,向O2O模型转型需要考虑从深度整合供应链、提高实体店体验、调整企业组织架构等方面。而相对较少的研究是对线上订单线下取货(buy-online-and-pick-up-in-store,BOPS)[9]服务的研究,BOPS服务是指服装消费者在品牌线上店铺挑选款式,选择去实体店线下取货,在店内根据服务水平及产品实物决定是否购买的过程。Gallino等[10]发现全渠道实施BOPS服务会减少线上销量、增加线下销量;Gao等[11]发现BOPS服务能使零售商挖掘出新的消费者,BOPS收益可以实现线上线下跨渠道共享;刘金荣等[12]发现消费者退货率和各渠道购物成本将会决定品牌商是否增设BOPS服务。线下服务水平方面,金亮等[13]提出线上零售与线下门店融合成线下服务体验的供应链O2O模式,并借助调整佣金契约激励实体门店。刘振等[14]对比分析仅网上销售和BOPS模式下的电商定价,发现增设BOPS服务能使电商企业获利更多。胡启帆等[15]考虑需求受线下服务影响,研究线上线下同价与否对产品定价、线下服务决策和利润的影响。







Tab.1Symbols and their definitions



























参考文献[22]并考虑BOPS需求比例及BOPS服务便利程度对决策及利润的影响,设定两种不同的BOPS需求比例及BOPS服务便利程度,m=0.350 0及m=0.650 0,k=0.200 0及k=0.300 0,模型中其他参数设置如表2所示。
















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The retail decision-making game model of clothing collection stores under O2O modeZHENG Lu CHEN Shuting ZHANG Mingxia HAN Shuguang ZHAO Liyan(1.High Fashion (China) Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 311200, China; 2a.School of Fashion Design & Engineering; 2b.School of Science;

2c.Zhejiang International Institute of Fashion Technology, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China)

Abstract: In recent years, the online clothing market has become saturated, and the competition of similar clothing brands has become increasingly fierce, while the profits of the clothing industry have declined. The sales model of traditional clothing enterprises urgently needs to be broken through and transformed. The O2O mode, which takes the consumer experience as the core, combines with the convenience advantages of online shopping with unlimited space and time and the service experience advantages of offline brick-and-mortar stores, is highly compatible with the needs of clothing consumers. In the future, it will be an industry hot spot to use the collection store channel to carry out clothing retailing through online ordering and offline pickup. A secondary clothing supply chain game model is set up, which is composed of a collection store and two independent brand owners. Considering the clothing brands’ operating in the O2O collection store model, the article quantitatively describes the demand model of clothing consumers and profit function of clothing retailers from the perspective of offline services. Besides, the article adopts game theory to solve the optimal decision of the model with the help of Matlab R2016a numerical simulation, exploring the influence of the optimal decision of brand commission rate and offline service level of collection stores and related factors on the profit of supply chain members under independent and cooperative decision modes respectively.

The results show that the respective commission rates of apparel brands decrease with the increase of competitive brand pricing, and the unified commission rate increases with the increase of either party’s pricing. The offline services of collective stores increase with the increase of brand pricing; the greater the market price sensitivity coefficient, the higher the commission rate of clothing brand owners and the higher the offline service level of collection stores. As for independent decision making, the more sensitive consumers are to pricing differences, the higher commission rate of high-priced clothing brands, and the lower the commission rate of low-priced clothing brands. The offline service level of collection stores is not affected. When the clothing brand owners make cooperation decisions, the uniform commission rate of clothing brand owners and the offline service level of collection stores increase with the increase of the sensitivity coefficient of market pricing differences. Only under certain conditions, the commission rate of clothing brands increases with the increase of the proportion of online demand. There is a certain threshold, when the proportion of BOPS service demand is lower than the threshold, the higher the proportion of online demand, the lower the offline service level of the new collection store. The commission rate of clothing brand owners and the offline service level of collection stores both decrease with the increase of BOPS demand ratio, while the commission rate of clothing brand owners decreases with the increase of commodity cost. The offline service level of collection stores increases with the increase of the cross profit. When the price of the clothing brands is fixed, the higher the price of competing brands, the greater the difference between the unified commission rate for cooperative decision-making and the commission rate for independent decision-making. The more sensitive consumers are to the offline services, the higher the profits of each member of the clothing supply chain, and the convenience of BOPS services, the cost coefficient of offline services and BOPS services are not conducive to members of the clothing supply chain. The increase in BOPS demand will reduce the profit of clothing brands and increase the that of the collection store. While in the collection store, the sum of the profits of clothing brands under cooperative decision-making, and the profit of the collection store and the total profit of the clothing supply chain are the primary, the clothing brands with lower pricing are more beneficial for independent decision-making, while the clothing brands with higher prices are more willing to choose cooperative decisions.

How to optimize the service level of clothing brands will be the focus for the future research. This paper only assumes that there are only two clothing brands in the collection store, which has some certain limitations. Future research can consider the O2O collection store model with more clothing brands, or extend to the competing new retail O2O clothing brands’ respective offline direct store services and BOPS service competition optimization issues.

Key words: collective store; commission rate; offline service; BOPS; clothing retail; game model

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