
2022-04-19 12:02趣城工作室趣城上海规划建筑设计有限公司
世界建筑 2022年4期









Client:Shajing Sub-district Office,China Resources Land Group

Principal Architects:ZHANG Yuxing,HAN Jing

Project Team:QIU Jiayue,ZHANG Jiale

Floor Area:500 m2

Design Time:2019.09

Completion Time:2019.12

Photos:BAI Yu

1 沙井古墟的日常 Daily life in Shajing Ancient Fair


沙井古墟新生是一个包含了河流整治、景观设计、建筑改造等在内的遗产保护与再生计划,主要的微更新位于龙津河沿线一段约70m 的范围内。改造项目包括:龙津河、戏台、废墟花园、老屋展馆、山墙之家等。建筑师作为策展人,同时策划了一个现场展——“时光漂流:沙井古墟新生”。

该项目采用了3 种微更新策略:(1)如无必要,勿增实体;(2)从旧生长出新,犹如老树发新芽;(3)微改造、低成本、软介入。上述策略类似于一种“针灸疗法”,建筑师选择最关键的经脉、穴位,对其进行非常轻的干预,让遗产地区重新产生活力,这些遗产已经普遍处于衰败状态。同时,也避免因为突兀的设计介入而造成社区结构和空间纹理的断裂。该项目是在遗产地区和日常的生活空间中的一次实验,建筑师希望通过巧妙的设计和艺术展览,把遗产转化为具有吸引力的公共空间,从而促进社区重建与社会公平。



Shajing Ancient Fair is located in Shajing Street,Bao'an District,Shenzhen,covering an area of about 230,000 square metres.It is the largest existing mixed heritage area in Shenzhen,including the ancient Longjin River and Longjin Stone Pagoda,as well as many old houses,ancestral halls,ancient wells,archways,and ruins.Today,it is a mixture of urban villages and informal communities,showing a multidimensional symbiosis of the old and the new.

The project is a heritage protection and regeneration plan including river remediation,landscape design,building renovation,etc.The main micro-renewal is located along a section of the Longjin River for about 70 metres.The renovation projects include the Longjin River,the Stage,the Ruin Garden,the Old House Exhibition Hall,the Gable House,etc.The architect,also as the curator,curated an on-site exhibition–"Time Drift:Rejuvenation of Shajing Ancient Fair".

The project adopts three micro-renewal strategies:(1) No introduction of new entity unless very necessary;(2) Growing new from the old,like a new shoot from an old tree;(3) Microrenovation,low cost,and soft intervention.The above strategies are similar to a kind of "acupuncture therapy",where the architects select the most critical meridians and acupuncture points and intervene very lightly on them to rejuvenate the heritage areas that were generally in a state of decay.At the same time,it also avoids the rupture of community structure and spatial texture due to abrupt design intervention.The project is an experiment in heritage areas and everyday living spaces,where the architect hopes to transform heritage into attractive public spaces through clever design and art exhibitions,promoting community regeneration and social justice.

2 鸟瞰全景 Overall aerial view

3 龙津河河岸景观 Landscape of Longjin Riverbank

4 总体轴侧 General axonometric

5 龙津河雨污分流改造-河道剖面示意 Longjin River stormwater diversion-river section

6.7 龙津河河岸景观 Landscape of Longjin Riverbank

8 戏台轴测 Public Stage axonometric

9 戏台透视 Public Stage perspective

10 戏台 Public Stage

11 废墟花园 Ruin Garden

Jury Statement

Shajing Ancient Fair is an intact,grand and authentic historical district,where the traditional cultural fabric is well preserved.The project team followed the principles of "light intervention","micro-renovation" and "restorability" and adopted an "urban acupuncture" approach,making full use of the existing building structure and public space while keeping a low-cost strategy.The design respects the old urban fabric,strengthens community interaction,increases the spatial attractiveness of the whole area,and uses design practice to build public consensus on the conservation of historical heritage.Being a fusion of architecture and art,based on the preservation of historical heritage while oriented towards everyday life,this project has shown the public the resilience and infinite possibilities of architecture,and the positive relevance and exemplary effect of this light-intervention approach to the transformation and management of the old city environment.□(Translated by WANG Xinxin)

12 老屋影像馆轴测 Old House Image Gallery axonometric

13 山墙之家轴测 Gable House axonometric

14 山墙之家 Gable House

15 老屋影像馆 Old House Image Gallery

16.17 废墟花园 Ruin Garden

18 时光漂流城市现场展 Live Urban Exhibition "Time Drift"
