
2022-03-28 22:31陈苏周伟达刘博见
文化交流 2022年3期

陈苏 周伟达 刘博见


1月16日上午,《嘉兴文献丛书》“史部 · 方志”首发。

“史部 · 方志”共百册,基本囊括嘉兴现行行政区域内的所有地方志,共114种,是嘉兴有史以来第一次全面系统的对嘉兴地方志文献的搜集与总汇。

《嘉兴文献丛书》是嘉兴迄今规模最大、学术体系最完备、文化元素最齐全的大型地方文献总集,“史部 · 方志”是其重大阶段性成果。



嘉兴历史上的各类典籍大多保存完好,却分散收藏于各地,有的已成孤本,有的至今未曾刊印,仅有稿本、抄本传世,查阅不便。《嘉兴文献丛书》主编、复旦大学教授葛剑雄在《嘉兴文献丛书》序文中说 :“《嘉兴文献丛书》的汇编出版,不仅能使这些文献典籍得到延续,而且为嘉兴的文化建设、学术传承、社会发展提供完整的历史数据和丰富的精神源泉,洵为盛世中的盛事。”

2019年,嘉兴学院联合嘉兴市图书馆、嘉兴市社科院文化研究所、浙江大学古籍研究所、南京大学人文学院和国家图书馆出版社等单位,启动嘉兴文脉整理研究工程,计划用5年左右时间,编纂出版《嘉兴文献总目》3卷和《嘉兴文献丛书》300册、《嘉兴文献丛书 · 提要》3册。《嘉兴文献丛书》主编卢新波希望借此梳理嘉兴历史文脉、保存嘉兴集体记忆、梳理嘉兴地方历史、建设嘉兴文化高地。

“史部 · 方志”是《嘉兴文献丛书》的阶段性重要成果。据即将出版的《嘉兴文献总目》统计,仅史部,历代嘉兴人著述2600余种,此次丛书选入359种,其中嘉兴历代方志占比近三分之一,因数量庞大,所以单列“史部 · 方志”。

中国传统方志修纂始于宋,基于明,盛于清,延于民国。就全国目前8000余部的存量方志看,江浙地区最多,嘉兴方志无论在数量还是质量上都可圈可点。《嘉兴文献丛书》“史部 · 方志”百册,本着“应收尽收”的原则,不仅对民国以前嘉兴各种地方志,基本做到资料翔实、搜罗无遗,在范围上覆盖府、县、镇三级行政区划(共有114种,数量可观),而且全书以影印刊行,再现历史文献原貌,完整保存文献价值与版本价值,客观呈现其历史文献的真实性与原始性。



















A Prime Example of Chorographies in China

By Chen Su  Zhou Weida  Liu Bojian

Who compiled The Chorography of Ganshui (Ganpu township in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province), and what events and stories were recorded in The Chorography of Jiahe during the Reign of Zhiyuan (1264-1294) (hereinafter The Chorography of Jiahe), the earliest existing chorographies of towns and the prefecture-level cities respectively? On January 16, 2022, The Series of Jiaxing’s Historical Documents: Annals and Chorographies (hereinafter Annals and Chorographies) made its debut.

Consisting of 100 titles in 114 volumes, the Annals and Chorographies covers the chorographies of almost all the places currently within the administrative area of Jiaxing. It is the first time that chorographies have been ever collected and compiled in the history of the city.

With a history of 7,000 years of human civilization, 2,500 years of written record and nearly 1,800 years of city construction, Jiaxing has been home to great masters and precious historical literature.

Jiaxing’s ancient books and documents have been mostly well-preserved, but they have been scattered in different places in the area. Some are now the only existing copies, and some have been never printed, with only the original or handwritten copies left, thus inconvenient for people to access. Professor Ge Jianxiong from Fudan University, editor of the Annals and Chorographies, said in its prologue, “The compilation and publication will help the dissemination of these ancient books and classics and serve as the historical evidence and spiritual source for cultural, academic and social development of Jiaxing city.”

In 2019, Jiaxing University launched a project, working with Jiaxing Library, Cultural Institute of Jiaxing Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Ancient Books of Zhejiang University, School of Liberal Arts of Nanjing University and National Library of China Publishing House, to compile and publish three volumes of The General Catalog of Jiaxing’s Historical Documents, 300 volumes of The Series of Jiaxing’s Historical Documents, and three volumes of Synopsis of the Series of Jiaxing’s Historical Documents. Lu Xinbo, a professor from Jiaxing University and editor-in-chief of The Series, hopes that the efforts will sort out historical progress, preserve collective memory and highlight the local history to make Jiaxing culturally significant.

The publishing of the 100 titles of the Annals and Chorographies is a milestone of The Series. According to the upcoming The General Catalog of Jiaxing’s Historical Documents, there are more than 2,600 kinds of historical records by generations of Jiaxing people, among which 359 kinds are selected in The Series. The local chorographies account for about one third among these, so the Annals and Chorographies has been singled out for publications.

The practice of compiling and revising local chorographies in China started from the Song dynasty (960-1279), matured in the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), flourished in the Qing dynasty (1616-1911) and continued to grow in the Republican period. Among the 8,000 local chorographies across China, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces enjoy the biggest proportion and Jiaxing has a prominent position both in quantity and quality. The 100 titles in 114 volumes have included almost all the local chorographies of Jiaxing before the Republican period, covering such administrative regions as cities, counties and townships. Photocopies of The Series are provided, both retaining its historic and edition values and presenting its authenticity and originality.

Due to the different editions of many chorographies during the process of their copying and revision, the compiling team made efforts to identify and select those with the highest value. For example, the first block-print edition (in the year of 1557) of The Chorography of Haining County During the Reign of Emperor Jiajing (1522-1566) were chosen instead of the transcripts in the Qing dynasty from the Bibliotheca of China’s Ancient Books.

One thing worth mentioning is that altogether 12 editions of The Chorography of Jiahe during the Reign of Zhiyuan (1264-1294), the earliest extant chorography on Jiaxing, have been discovered, and among them, the meticulous handwriting copy by Ni Yugong (1911-1964), a scholar in Jiaxing, is selected.

In the early 1950s, Wang Datie, then head of Jiaxing Library, was devoted to collecting existing chorographies of the city and commissioned Ni Yugong to explore Shanghai for such a mission. Most of the existing editions of The Chorography of Jiahe were its copies, one of which was owned by Jin Jiansun from Jiaxing living in Shanghai. Ni tried to get in touch with Jin in the 1930s, but unfortunately the latter had passed away before he reached him. Then he had to turn to Jin Wenyuan, Mr. Jin’s son, and volunteered to copy the book for free, which eventually took him five months to complete.

The story is a vivid example of those scholars and intellectuals in their endeavor to preserve the local chorographies.

The Series was made possible, thanks to the compilation committee of academicians both in Jiaxing and across the country, made up by experts from the intellectual circles and institutions of higher learning, as well as research staff from publishing houses.

It has taken the committee two years to examine the ancient documents and records on Jiaxing and have them registered. Jiaxing Library accessed 8,392 books, and libraries at Jiaxing’s three county-level cities and two counties have checked about 10,000 books. At the same time, the team led by Professor Fang Jianxin from the Institute of Ancient Books of Zhejiang University has been entrusted with the project of The Catalog of Ancient Books of Jiaxing and of compiling The General Catalog of Jiaxing’s Historical Documents. By doing so, a broad picture of ancient records on Jiaxing has taken shape.

The earliest existing chorographies of Jiaxing city are The Chorography of Jiahe (published in the year of 1288 during the Yuan dynasty), later popularly known as The Chorography of Jiahe during the Reign of Zhiyuan (1264-1294). According to Ge Jianxiong, of the no more than 100 extant titles of chorographies dated to the Song and Yuan dynasties, The Chorography of Jiahe accounts for 32 volumes.

The compiling of chorographies of Jiaxing as a prefecture-level city started in the Song dynasty and thrived in the Yuan dynasty. According to The Catalog of the Complete Collection of the Four Treasures, during the reign of Chunxi (1174-1189) in the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279), a provincial official by the name of Zhang Yuancheng asked Wenren Jixiu to compile The Chorographies of Jiaxing and later Zhang’s successor Yue Ke commissioned Guan Shi to continue the job, but he did not finish, with only five volumes left. It was not until the Zhiyuan period in the Yuan dynasty that the entire project was completed.

Made up of 32 volumes and 43 categories, The Chorography of Jiahe includes such section as “cities”, “streets”, “villages” and “towns”. It shows Jiaxing’s geography, hydrology, and their relationships with agriculture and transportation, so that later generations can have a better understanding of its geographical conditions. The “stone tablet” part preserves a large number of stone inscriptions before the Southern Song dynasty, highly significant for understanding the history of the city.

The Chorography of Jiahe has laid a foundation for successive dynasties to compile and revise chorographies based on previous records. Since then, emperors such as Hongzhi (1470-1505), Zhengde (1506-1521), Jiajing (1522-1566), Wanli (1573-1620) in the Ming dynasty, as well as Kangxi (1654-1722), Jiaqing (1796-1820), Daoguang (1821-1850) and Guangxu (1871-1908) in the Qing dynasty were devoted to the endeavor, thus the “clusters of local records” were formed in Jiaxing.

The chorographies of Jiaxing have their local features. Since the Song and Yuan dynasties, the compiling work has continued and there have been chorographies for the prefecture-level and county-level cities as well as for townships and villages. Those chorographies serve as a window to examine the Jiangnan (south of the Yangtze River) area from a broader perspective and to observe the local documents and records system. In this sense, the chorographies of Jiaxing have set a good example for other areas.

The Chorography of Ganshui (Ganshui, also known as Ganpu township in Jiaxing’s Haiyan county) is the earliest extant township chorography in China. In 1230, under the support of the officials of Haiyan, the compilation started and lasted over 20 years till 1256 when it was printed for publication. Eight volumes in total, it was classified into 15 categories, including geography, schools, temples, places of historical interest, among others.

“The preservation of local academic progress cannot do without the collection, compilation and publication of historical records. Fortunately, Jiaxing cultivated scholars and intellectuals to make relentless efforts to do such a job,” said Ge Jianxiong.

In Jiaxing, besides the well-preserved county-level chorographies, there are also town-and-village-level ones that have been voluntarily compiled and passed down from generation to generation. In the area of chorography, Jiaxing undoubtedly holds an important position in history and has made outstanding contributions to the Chinese civilization. On the launch ceremony of The Series, Ge Jianxiong spoke highly of Jiaxing for their dedication to the compilation, revision and publishing of The Series, and for their continued devotion to spreading fine traditional Chinese culture.

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