林上军 刘胜勇
淳熙四年(1177),时任提举常平茶盐公事的陆游,再次来到普陀山,住了10余日。他在普陀山题海山壁间诗《登山望旭》云 :“海上乘云满袖风,醉扪星斗蹑虚空。更知壮观非尘世,半夜鲸波浴红日。”抒发了自己壮心不已的抱负。
王鲁彦(1901~1944),现代小说家。原名王衡,又名王返我,字忘我,浙江镇海人。 长期从事教育和编辑工作。1929年7月,王鲁彦偕新婚妻子覃英,应作家郁达夫及其妻子王映霞之邀,于当月25日抵达普陀山。同行的还有著名作家楼适夷、著名诗人任钧等。
在普陀山普济寺旁,有一处摩崖石刻,上书“震旦第一佛国”,为明朝登莱总兵张大可(字观甫)所书,写出了当时普陀山香火旺盛的壮观景象。 摩崖石刻是普陀山深蕴文化内涵的人文景观之一,现普陀山上存160余条摩崖石刻,有的为元代赵孟頫所题,而大多是明清及以后的题书,有明董其昌、侯继高、何汝宾,清康熙、雍正、吴昌硕、康有为,近代郭沫若、赵朴初等。其中可考刻石有114处,其中明代25处、清代10处、近代30余处。
The Scared Putuo Mountain
By Lin Shangjun Liu Shengyong
The Putuo Mountain, one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China, is known to almost every household in the country. Sitting across the Shenjiamen Port, a famous fish port in Zhoushan city, Zhejiang province, it emerges from the sea like a crouching emerald dragon, and stands out among the Zhoushan Archipelago as a dainty island with rich Buddhist culture. Its 13 or so square kilometer stretch is usually thronged with tourists: in 2019, the Zhujiajian- Putuo Mountain Scenic Area received over 20 million visitors.
However, Putuo Mountain’s cultural reputation is not built on Buddhism alone. For thousands of years, visiting literati and celebrities have been captivated by its fascinating sea and mountain views and they wrote affectionately about this place in the form of poetry and articles, and recreated its beauty through paintings. According to historical records, such visitors include Wang Anshi, Lu You and Shi Hao from the Song dynasty (960-1279), Zhao Mengfu and Wu Lai from the Yuan dynasty (1206-1368), Wen Zhengming, Tu Long, Xu Xiake and Dong Qichang from the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), Quan Zuwang, Wan Yan, Yuan Mei, Yao Xie, Yu Yue, Liu E from the Qing dynasty (1616-1911), as well as contemporary Kang Youwei, Sun Yat-sen, Yu Dafu, Wu Changshuo, Ba Jin, Feng Zikai and Liu Haisu.
As a famous patriotic poet, writer and historian, Lu You (1125-1210) wrote nearly 10,000 poems during his lifetime. Born in Shanyin, Yuezhou (nowadays Shaoxing, Zhejiang), Lu had a career path that twisted and turned because of his outstanding talent and integrity.
Lu visited the Putuo Mountain for four times. The first time was in 1154, after he was framed by Qin Hui (1090-1155), the notorious traitor, and failed in an examination held by the Ministry of Rites. In 1177, Lu revisited here as an official and stayed for ten days. During his stay, he wrote a poem titled “Dengshan Wangxu” (“Ascending the Putuo Mountain and Watching Sunrise”), crying out his unrewarded ambition. He came back for his third visit in 1183 and stayed for only half a day. Three years before, he was removed from office and returned to Shaoxing with unfulfilled aspirations, which he weaved into the two poems composed during his half-day visit at the Putuo Mountain.
In the autumn of 1207, the then 80-year-old Lu came to Putuo for the fourth time, and he was still in a very good shape, brilliant and brisk as ever. It is said that he even climbed to the top of Foding Mountain, Putuo’s highest peak, drank tea while conversing with a Buddhist monk, and visited several temples and other scenic spots. For the fourth visit, Lu wrote another two delicate, peaceful poems on the local landscape in a plain and communicative style.
Wang Luyan (1901-1944) is a Chinese contemporary writer who became well-known by an article selected into a Chinese textbook. The article was titled “Tingchao de Gushi” (Story of Listening to Tides), and it was inspired by the Putuo Mountain.
Wang Luyan is a modern novelist. He was born in Zhenhai, Zhejiang, formerly known as Wang Heng and Wang Fanwo with the courtesy name Wangwo. Wang has been long engaged in education and editing. In July 1929, Wang and his newly married wife Tan Ying reached the Putuo Mountain at the invitation of the famous writer Yu Dafu and his wife Wang Yingxia, accompanied by the writer Lou Shiyi and the poet Ren Jun, who were also reputable. They were a romantic, laid-back crowd.
As a realistic writer, Wang was mindful of the changing society and decided to spend some summertime at the Putuo Mountain, listening to the sound of the tides. He loved the sound of the tides here, which varied at different times, and was deeply attracted to their unparalleled charm. Later, he wrote his tide-admiring experience into his famous article, where the varying sound and mood of the sea rising and falling were captured fondly.
Next to the Puji Temple on the Putuo Mountain, there is a cliff inscription carved by Zhang Dake, a Ming dynasty commander, which proclaimed Putuo as the foremost Buddhist ground in China, showing the popularity of the Putuo Mountain for Buddhist worshippers back then. On the Putuo Mountain, the cliff carvings are one of the humanistic landscapes with deep cultural connotations. More than 160 cliff carvings could be found here on the Putuo Mountain, some of which were inscribed by the Yuan dynasty painter and calligrapher Zhao Mengfu (1254-1322), while most of them were inscribed in Ming, Qing and later dynasties. Among them, 114 can be traced to their authors, of which 25 were from the Ming dynasty, 10 from the Qing dynasty and more than 30 from the modern times.
In 2011, the new “Putuo Mountain Cultural Landscape” was listed as a provincial cultural preservation unit, which includes eight cultural relics and monuments around the Puji Temple.
Throughout history, the stories between the celebrities and the holy land of Putuo are countless. The beautiful natural scenery combined with rich humanistic and Buddhist culture has made the sacred mountain even more mysterious. Now the Putuo Mountain is entering a new era, and it will keep pace with the times while renewing its humanistic landscape.