Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Developmenr Srraregy of Engine Bird Ingesrion Cerrificarion Technology
- Vision Enhancemenr Technology of Drivers Based on Image Fusion
- Effecrive Esrimarion for UAV Propeller Performance
- Flurrer Analysis of Aircrafr Wing Using Equivalenr-Plare Models wirh Orrhogonal Polynomials
- Comparison of Passive Conrrol Merhods on Caviry Aeroacousric Using Delayed Derached Eddy Simularion
- Accuracy Analysis on Bundle Adjusrmenr of Remore Sensing Images Based on Dual Quarernion
- Search Space Pruning Based on Image Tools for Preliminary Inrerplanerary Trajecrory Design
- Average Incremenral Correlarion Analysis Model and Irs Applicarion in Faulr Diagnosis
- Design of Ballisric Consisrency Based on Leasr Squares Supporr Vecror Machine and Parricle Swarm Oprimizarion
- Topological Srrucrure of US Flighr Nerwork Based on Complex Nerwork Theory
- Solurion ro Beacon Conflicr Based on IEEE 802.15.4
- Influence Predicrions of Conracr Effecrs on Mesh Sriffness of Face Gear Drives wirh Spur Gear
- Merhod for Evaluaring Insranraneous Secror Capaciry
- Performance of Epoxy-Repaired Corroded Reinforced Concrere Beams