Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Deformation Analysis on Shear-Bending of Ring-Shaped Piezoelectric Actuator
- Unicast Network Topology Inference Algorithm Based on Hierarchical Clustering
- Fault Detection Based on Incremental Locally Linear Embedding for Satellite TX-I
- Mechanical Behavior of Bistable Bump Surface for Morphing Inlet
- Effect of Tip-Blade Cutting on the Performance of Large Scale Axial Fan
- Infrared Heating Technology for Automated Fiber Placement
- Three-Dimensional Reconstructed Finite Element Model for C/C Composites by Micro-CT
- Prediction of Compressive and Shear Moduli of X-cor Sandwich Structures for Aeronautic Engineering
- Three-Dimensional Planning of Arrival and Departure Route Network Based on Improved Ant-Colony Algorithm
- Modeling and Identification Approach for Tripod Machine Tools
- Structure Design of Shaped Charge for Requirements of Concrete Crater Diameter