
2022-03-09 03:17孔凡靖陈玉成陈思扬熊海灵朱康文杨志敏
农业工程学报 2022年22期

滕 颖,孔凡靖,陈玉成,陈思扬,熊海灵,朱康文,杨志敏


滕 颖1,2,孔凡靖1,2,陈玉成1,2,陈思扬1,2,熊海灵3,朱康文4,杨志敏1,2※

(1. 西南大学资源环境学院,重庆 400716;2. 农村清洁工程重庆市工程研究中心,重庆市生态环境农用地土壤污染风险管控重点实验室,重庆 400716;3. 西南大学电子信息工程学院,重庆 400715;4. 重庆市生态环境科学研究院,重庆 401147)

为了探索农田氮素淋失低风险的有机无机肥配施模式,该研究收集了331个有效农田有机肥化肥配施数据对,分析了施肥总量、施肥结构(有机肥替代比)、施肥时间(基追施)、有机肥种类等因素对氮素淋失的总体影响。结果表明:与单施化肥相比,有机肥配施化肥中氮素总量较低时(N<200 kg/hm2),农田总氮(Total Nitrogen,TN)、硝态氮(NO3--N)淋失分别减少36.77%、65.05%;有机肥替代比高于70%,虽然可减少TN淋失(39.64%),但增加了溶解性有机氮(DON)淋失的风险(15.78%),尤其是动物型有机肥替代化肥使DON淋失增加26.31%;氮肥基施可显著降低TN、NO3--N淋失(43.58%、70.51%,<0.05)。碱性旱地土壤上有机肥配施化肥可有效抑制TN、NO3--N淋失,但增加了26.63%~42.95%的DON淋失。旱地氮素淋失以NO3--N为主,且淋失系数高于水田,提高有机肥替代比可以大幅降低旱地氮素淋失,但增强了DON淋失。因子重要性分析表明:有机肥替代比对TN淋失影响占主导作用,而施氮水平对NO3--N、DON淋失影响更为重要。因此,低施氮量、高替代比动物型有机肥可有效减少碱性旱地土壤氮素淋失。研究结果可为有机肥配施化肥的农田应用提供依据。


0 引 言


农田化肥的过量施用是导致氮淋失的一个重要原因[8]。目前,有机肥与化肥配施已成为农业施肥常态[9-11],可显著增加土壤有机质含量,有效提高农产品产量和品质[12],影响土壤氮素淋失。研究表明:在小麦-玉米轮作系统中,280 kg/hm2(以N计,下同)的施氮总量、30%的猪厩肥替代化肥能够有效抑制土壤总氮(Total Nitrogen,TN)淋失[13];180 kg/hm2的施氮总量、50%的堆肥替代化肥使得土壤硝态氮(Nitrate Nitrogen,NO3--N)淋失显著降低[14];但也有研究发现,150 kg/hm2的施氮总量、50%的绿肥替代化肥促进了稻田土壤溶解性有机氮(Dissolved Organic Nitrogen,DON)淋失[15]。尽管前人通过整合分析发现:有机肥(粪便肥、常规商品有机肥)替代比(Substitution Ratio,SR)≤70%时能够有效抑制蔬菜系统TN淋失[16]。Xia等[17]研究也表明:与单施化肥相比,粪便有机肥配施化肥使得TN淋失显著降低了28.9%。但这些试验研究局限于单个作物系统,未考虑施氮水平(Nitrogen Application Level,N)、基追施行为、有机肥种类等施肥行为特征对氮淋失的总体影响。此外,DON作为土壤氮循环中的重要氮库,是土壤中最活跃的化学氮成分[18]。许多研究发现,DON损失占总氮淋失的3%~56%[19-21],然而,有机肥配施化肥对于DON淋失风险影响并不清楚,使得农业面源污染防控具有不确定性。


1 材料与方法

1.1 数据采集

通过业界广泛使用的“中国知网”与“web of science”两个主要数据库检索了截止至2022年1月发表的经同行评议相关论文。在搜索文献时,以下关键词被使用:化肥(Chemical Fertilizer)、有机肥(Organic Fertilizer)、氮淋失(N Leaching)。纳入整合分析中的研究必须满足以下标准:1)分析的数据应为淋溶液氮含量,而不是土壤氮含量。2)研究应具有单施化肥处理(不施用有机肥),因为这是本文的对照处理,同时也应包括有机肥配施化肥或单施有机肥的处理。3)研究中各个施氮处理间应遵循等总氮量原则,且应明确各处理的重复数。4)没有种植作物,缺少有机肥种类、土壤性质(包括pH、有机质)等因素的研究应被舍弃。5)至少有一个目标变量(TN、NO3--N、DON)被量化。6)为避免数据重复,在不同文献中同一研究地点与时间中所观测到的数据只纳入一次。

在提取数据过程中,采用GetData 2.2软件识别图片中的数值;由于部分研究没有报道变量的标准差(Standard Deviation,SD),将给定值的6%~11%作为SD,对应于数据库中各自给定的SD均值[22],这符合统计学中标准差的一般范围。基于以上标准,总共筛选出35篇经同行评议文章以及331对相关数据对用于整合分析,其中22篇来自web of science,13篇来自CNKI。

1.2 数据分类

在有机肥配施化肥过程中,评估施肥行为(施氮水平、替代比、基追施行为、有机肥种类)、初始土壤pH、土地利用方式等对土壤氮淋失的影响时,为了满足最大程度的组内均质化[23],做出以下分类。施氮水平分类[16]:低施氮水平(N<200 kg/hm2)、中施氮水平(200 kg/hm2≤N<400 kg/hm2)、高施氮水平(N≥400 kg/hm2);有机肥替代比分类[16]:低替代比(SR≤30%)、中替代比(30%7.5);土地利用方式分类:旱地和水田。淋失系数是施氮和不施氮的处理氮淋失差除以施氮总量,以百分比表示。

表1 数据统计描述

1.3 数据分析

有机肥配施化肥对变量()的影响通过自然对数进行量化,以表示响应比(ln RR),其计算公式如下[24]:




采用Metawin 2.1软件进行随机效应meta分析,加权平均效应值和偏差矫正的95%置信区间是通过bootstrapping过程产生的,其中经过5 000次迭代[16]。如果95%置信区间没有与0相交,则认为有机肥配施化肥对目标变量()促进或抑制效果显著。通过分类随机效应分析比较了施肥行为、土壤pH、土地利用方式对土壤氮淋失影响的效应大小(以值表示)。经卡方检验<0.05,则认为各组间变量的效应值均数有显著差异。同时运用SPSS 23软件对有机肥配施化肥下氮素淋失(TN、NO3--N、DON)的效应值进行相关性分析;采用Matlab软件依据随机森林模型对施肥行为、土壤pH、土地利用方式等对氮素淋失的影响进行重要性分析。

2 结果与分析

2.1 施肥行为对氮淋失的影响


有机肥配施化肥均明显减少了TN、NO3--N淋失(图 1b),同时有机肥替代比对TN淋失影响显著(<0.05),高替代比使得TN淋失显著降低了39.64%,而替代比对NO3--N淋失没有显著差异(=0.37)。这与Wei等[28]研究基本一致,当有机肥替代比大于60%时,TN淋失减少了27%。高替代比能够显著增加土壤团聚体[29]和总有机碳含量,从而刺激微生物活性,增强土壤氮素固定,有效提高氮素利用率[30]。尽管有机肥替代比对于DON淋失没有显著影响,但高替代比使得DON淋失增加了15.78%。这可能是因为高替代比补充了土壤有机碳源[31-32],促进溶解性有机碳和DON的生成。此外,土壤有机质含量迅速增加,从而阻塞了土壤的吸附位点,促进了溶解性有机质的淋失[33]。




2.2 土壤pH和土地利用方式对氮淋失的影响



2.3 氮淋失系数的变化


注:没有收集到pH为6.5~7.5 DON数据。DL为旱地,PF为水田。

表2 不同有机肥替代比下氮淋失系数


Note: SR is organic fertilizer replacement ratio.

2.4 不确定性及重要性分析

化肥的大量投入使得农田氮素通过淋失、气体排放等途径损失,进而造成环境污染。本研究发现,高替代比的动物型有机肥施入碱性旱地土壤促进了DON的淋失(图 3),但有效抑制了土壤总氮淋失。然而,高替代比动物型有机肥对于温室气体排放的贡献并不清楚。尽管相关文献已经报道高有机肥替代化肥会抑制土壤N2O排放,但动物型有机肥抑制效果并不显著,且种类限于粪便和堆肥[17,46]。而高替代比沼液(高水分,低C/N)对于土壤N2O排放的影响未知。此外,前人研究表明高有机肥替代比显著抑制氮素利用率和蔬菜产量[16]。因此,高有机肥替代比对于作物-环境系统的影响需要后续试验进一步权衡。





3 结 论


1)高基施比例与低施氮量(N<200 kg/hm2)能够显著抑制氮素淋失,尤其是NO3--N淋失,即少次适量施氮可以有效降低氮淋失风险,但不一定有益于作物产量。

2)高有机肥替代比(大于70%)能够有效降低水田与旱地氮素淋失总量,显著抑制碱性旱地土壤NO3--N淋失,但促进了溶解性有机氮(Dissolved Organic Nitrogen,DON)淋失,其中,动物型有机肥的施用对DON淋失促进效果更为显著。


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Meta-analysis of the effects of combined application of organic and chemical fertilizers on soil nitrogen leaching

Teng Ying1,2, Kong Fanjing1,2, Chen Yucheng1,2, Chen Siyang1,2, Xiong Hailing3, Zhu Kangwen4, Yang Zhimin1,2※

(1.,,400716,; 2.,,400716,; 3.,,400715; 4.-,401147,)

Nitrogen is one of the most essential elements for crop growth. Nitrogen fertilizer has been widely applied to increase crop yields. At the same time, a large number of negative impacts have posed a great threat to the ecological environment in recent years. Among them, nitrogen leaching can be attributed to the excessive application of chemical fertilizers in farmland. Fortunately, the combined application of organic and chemical fertilizers can be expected to effectively reduce soil nitrogen leaching in normal fertilization during agricultural production at present. Therefore, this study aims to explore the combination application mode of organic and chemical fertilizers with a low risk of nitrogen leaching in farmland. The search terms were selected as chemical fertilizer, organic fertilizer, and nitrogen leaching using the two databases of China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and Web of Science. The peer-reviewed and published papers were then obtained up to January 2022. Finally, a total of 35 papers (22 papers from Web of Science, 13 papers from CNKI) and 331 effective data pairs were collected after screening for the combination application of organic and chemical fertilizers in farmland. The target variables were taken as the total nitrogen (TN), nitrate nitrogen (NO3--N), and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), while the chemical fertilizer was the control. After that, Metawin 2.1 software was used to determine the overall effects of the total amount of fertilization, fertilization structure (organic fertilizer substitution ratio), fertilization time (basic topdressing), and the types of organic fertilizers on the nitrogen leaching, where the chemical fertilizer was as the control. The results showed that there was a significant influence of the above fertilization behavior on nitrogen leaching. Once the total amount of nitrogen was less than 200 kg/hm2, the leaching of TN and NO3--N in farmland decreased by 36.77% and 65.05%, respectively. When the substitution ratio of organic fertilizers was higher than 70%, the TN leaching was reduced by 39.64%, whereas the risk of dissolved DON leaching increased by 15.78%. Especially, there was a 26.31% increase in DON leaching in the application of animal-based organic fertilizers combined with chemical fertilizers. Correspondingly, the application of nitrogen fertilizer significantly reduced the leaching of TN and NO3--N by 43.58% and 70.51%(<0.05), respectively. A certain impact was also found in the soil pH and land use patterns on nitrogen leaching. For example, the combined application of organic and chemical fertilizers on the alkaline dryland soil effectively inhibited the leaching of TN and NO3--N, whereas, there was an increase in the leaching of DON by 26.63%-42.95%. Nitrogen leaching in dryland was dominated by the NO3--N leaching. By contrast, the emission factor (EF) was higher than that in the paddy field. The increasing replacement ratio of organic fertilizers can be expected to greatly reduce the soil nitrogen leaching in dryland, but to enhance the DON leaching. In addition, the Matlab software was used to analyze the importance of factors using the random forest model. Specifically, the replacement ratio of organic fertilizer demonstrated a dominant effect on TN leaching. There was also the more important effect of the nitrogen application level on the NO3--N and DON leaching. Therefore, the low level of nitrogen application and the high substitution ratio of animal-based organic fertilizers can be used to effectively reduce the soil nitrogen leaching loss in the alkaline dryland, compared with the chemical fertilizers only. The finding can provide the practical basis for the combined application of organic and chemical fertilizers in farmland.

fertilizers; nitrogen; leaching; organic fertilizer; DON





滕颖,孔凡靖,陈玉成,等. 有机无机肥配施模式对氮素淋失的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(22):81-88.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.22.009 http://www.tcsae.org

Teng Ying, Kong Fanjing, Chen Yucheng, et al. Meta-analysis of the effects of combined application of organic and chemical fertilizers on soil nitrogen leaching[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(22): 81-88. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.22.009 http://www.tcsae.org





