导 言
257 组学时代的化学生态学:传统交叉学科的现代使命
李静静,刘 杨,王桂荣,闫凤鸣
1565 昆虫发育与免疫:现代昆虫学一个重要方向
王 毛,邹 振,徐卫华
1 多巴脱羧酶对异色瓢虫生殖力的调控机制
陈 旭,田仁斌,徐庆宣,李 姝,王 甦,臧连生,肖 达
周 操,杨熙彬,龚明富,杨 洪,龙贵云,贾泽艳,曾庆会,金道超
21 白背飞虱SfABCD1对杀虫剂胁迫的响应表达
曾庆会,周 操,杨熙彬,杨 洪,金道超,龙贵云
31 中华大仰蝽转录组学研究及SSR新标记开发
李 敏,张丹丽,李荣荣,雷 廷,宋鲜梅,卜文俊
44 麦长管蚜9个miRNA在不同发育阶段的表达
张方梅,闫 艺,程登发,朱 勋,张云慧,李祥瑞
53 三种微小RNA在意大利蜜蜂工蜂蛹期发育过程中的表达谱及潜在功能
祝智威,付中民,隆 琦,杜 宇,张文德,胡 颖,赵 萧,史小玉,徐细建,陈大福,郭 睿
119 DNA甲基化通过调控细胞自噬影响家蚕翅的发育
龚程程,吕 浩,郑思春,徐关峰
130 家蚕幼虫血细胞密度变化成因及血细胞密度与耐高温性的关系
李 田,刘昊宇,王隔敏,李亚腾,余华献,严东生,郭 雨,张太云,陈 萍
144 豆大蓟马消化道形态及超微结构
王 谅,刘宇艳,李 恒,陈艺欣,林 硕,余 芸,田厚军,林 涛,张 洁,陈 勇,魏 辉
157 意大利蝗海藻糖酶基因克隆及卵低温驯化下的表达模式
刘 倩,罗 迪,Roman JASHENKO,季 荣
167 中华蜜蜂精巢和卵巢差异表达基因分析
成付平,袁 芳,席芳贵,秦凯鑫,胡小芬,王子龙
261 豌豆蚜触角转录组化学感受蛋白的鉴定、表达和结合特性分析
刘靖涛,王 倩,赵 瑞,王欢欢,高 洁,董 辉,张永军,丛 斌,谷少华
271 草地贪夜蛾三个SfruPBPs对本种及同域种劳氏粘虫性信息素及腺体组分的亲和力
郑树壕,司玉晓,闫 祺,郭慧芳,董双林
409 暗黑鳃金龟碱性磷酸酶HpALP的基因克隆、表达及其与Bt Cry8Ea3的结合特性
乔英翠,赵 丹,王 哲,陆秀君,郭 巍,李瑞军
417 甜菜夜蛾肽聚糖识别蛋白基因SePGRP-SA的克隆及功能鉴定
李亚子,赵 丹,郭晓昌,吴 涵,刘兆瑞,郭 巍
427 茶尺蠖无机焦磷酸酶EoPPase672的表达与功能研究
尹 恒,傅子卓,杨晓霞,袁东雪,毛新芳,刘忠渊
437 重金属复合污染对眼优角蚱代谢组的影响
容万韬,宋 哲,辛 磊,邓维安,覃玉月,李晓东
451 高桥仁蚧线粒体全基因组测序与分析
邓 鋆,王 刚,卢聪聪,张江涛,黄晓磊
460 过表达和敲减ame-miR-13b对意大利蜜蜂幼虫肠道内基因表达的影响
祝智威,王 杰,隆 琦,许雅静,冯睿蓉,刘佳美,赵浩东,朱乐冉,侯海青,陈大福,郭 睿
469 西方蜜蜂工蜂蛹响应低温胁迫的差异表达基因分析
刘一名,徐新建,周姝婧,姚 丹,李 寒,朱晨煜,李 想,赫昱畅,周冰峰,朱翔杰
541 家蚕生存素基因在BmN4细胞有丝分裂中的功能分析
张 冰,王 艺,李 娜,李丹丹,阚云超
548 LncRNA63及其共表达基因Hr3在家蚕中的表达和功能分析
王 博,李苗苗,王景娅,胡晓玥,阚云超,乔惠丽
558 褐飞虱Nl15基因的克隆及功能分析
王福鑫,王渭霞,魏 琪,何佳春,赖凤香,傅 强,万品俊
568 暗黑鳃金龟UDP-N-乙酰氨基葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(UAP)基因的克隆、原核表达及功能分析
刘兆瑞,吴 涵,郭晓昌,李亚子,赵 丹,郭 巍
577 CO2麻醉对中华蜜蜂处女蜂王卵巢发育的影响
周建阳,宋华莉,邓 萍,陶坤伶,唐相友,燕乐乐,张小燕,石 鹏,许金山
587 刺螫库蠓成虫内部器官系统组织学观察
甯 媛,李 洪,李佳豪,曾雯雯,邓均杰,李怡玲,卢 雪,蒋晓红,侯晓晖
657 圆唇散白蚁工蚁生殖可塑性相关的性腺发育和基因表达
叶晨旭,宋转转,张文秀,吴涛宇,刘 鹤,邢连喜,苏晓红
668 家蚕非滞育红卵突变体Re-nd突变基因的定位克隆
张海燕,吴金鑫,张云贵,赵 萍,林 英
675 番茄潜叶蛾卵黄原蛋白受体基因TaVgR在生殖发育调控中的作用
闫 欣,杨 洪,宋佳慧,李仁贵,张毅波,杨文佳
684 意大利蜜蜂工蜂中肠piRNA的鉴定与分析
范小雪,隆 琦,孙明会,郭意龙,赵浩东,宋岳梅,康育欣,顾小雨,陈大福,郭 睿
695 庭疾灶螽中肠及马氏管结构
791 桃小食心虫发育过程中蜕皮激素滴度动态及甲氧虫酰肼干扰滞育的作用
李永丽,闫作炳,尹新明,雷振山,周 洲
799 miR-252-5p通过靶向调控保幼激素酸甲基转移酶基因JHAMT的表达而影响果蝇变态发育
张泽麟,嵇 杰,徐文雨,刘 卓,范晓春,邓昌鑫,何倩毓
807 RNAi介导的GdHsp60和GdHsp70基因沉默对沙葱萤叶甲幼虫抗寒性的影响
张宏玲,任 浩,李凯旋,田 宇,张 恒,李艳艳,李 玲,庞保平,谭 瑶
818 梨木虱化学感受蛋白CchiCSP8与梨树挥发物的结合特性分析
姚玮宸,徐继伟,徐 鹿,朱秀云,张亚楠
831 枣食芽象甲化学感受蛋白PyasCSP4的基因克隆、表达及配体结合特征
洪 波,常 青,翟颖妍,任博文,谢毓芬,张 锋
927 绿芫菁成虫触角中气味结合蛋白和化学感受蛋白基因的鉴定和表达分析
刘盼静,魏洪义,郭 坤,马广源,张 涛
937 西方蜜蜂采集蜂上颚腺中高表达基因的筛选与表达分析
李秋方,高 艳,梁立强,李正汉卿,朱雅楠,张娟,杨尚宁,傅云熙,苏松坤,聂红毅
949 西方蜜蜂工蜂蛹中期响应低温胁迫的差异表达基因分析
李 寒,徐新建,周姝婧,周冰峰,朱晨煜,许宏智,姚 丹,刘一名,王 青,李 想,王茗琦,朱翔杰
958 褐飞虱过氧化物酶基因NlPOD1的克隆、鉴定及功能分析
967 褐飞虱自噬相关基因NlATG13的表达与功能分析
977 多异瓢虫气味结合蛋白HvarOBP2的基因克隆及配体结合特性分析
唐浩宇,刘靖涛,谢佼昕,羿超群,刘晓旭,张永军,孙 洋
986 不同饲料饲养的近暗散白蚁工蚁肠道中差异蛋白分析
1075 西伯利亚蝗卵发育过程的比较转录组分析及滞育关联基因筛选
赵 娜,吕雪峰,扈鸿霞,宋 余,蒋思涵,季 荣,叶小芳
1090 外源保幼激素对异色瓢虫卵巢发育及生殖相关基因转录水平的影响
韩 慧,冯朝阳,张 硕,何运转
1098 草地贪夜蛾烟碱型乙酰胆碱受体α6和α7亚基基因克隆及其对乙基多杀菌素胁迫的响应
1247 过表达和敲减ace-miR-3720对中华蜜蜂工蜂幼虫肠道的靶基因表达和重量的影响
蔡宗兵,王思懿,王紫馨,赵 萧,张凯遥,郭意龙,姚雨彤,钱加珺,胡 颖,付中民,陈大福,郭 睿
1256 ame-miR-79负调控意大利蜜蜂工蜂幼虫肠道中靶基因CYP450和FG的表达
张凯遥,刘佳美,张文德,胡 颖,康育欣,王紫馨,王思懿,钱加珺,赵 萧,张佳欣,陈大福,郭 睿,付中民
1266 黑胸散白蚁工蚁与工蚁型补充生殖蚁体内抗氧化酶和解毒酶的活性及基因表达变化
董亚楠,牛 童,吴 佳,王 超,张 贺
1277 灰茶尺蠖成虫复眼的超微结构及其明暗适应中的变化
许曼飞,李孟园,姜 岩,孟召娜,谭 畅,王国昌,边 磊
1401 意大利蜜蜂工蜂幼虫肠道中ame-miR-bantam对靶基因USP和P300的表达调控
胡 颖,张文德,王思懿,张凯遥,任中民,吉 挺,蔺哲广,赵红霞,陈大福,郭 睿
1411 梨小食心虫幼虫中肠中高表达消化酶和解毒酶基因的筛选
1426 桃小食心虫成虫期高表达气味结合蛋白基因的克隆与表达谱分析
李凯旋,李艳艳,王树娟,斯 琴,张丽莹,庞保平
1437 果蝇凋亡蛋白Strica的原核表达、多克隆抗体的制备及在放线菌酮诱导下的激活状态检测
孟 昆,胡旭昊,石柳柳
1571 飞蝗雌成虫脂肪体G蛋白偶联受体鉴定 及其在卵发育中的功能
1582 家蚕胚胎中胚胎发育因子基因BmEDFG4结构的验证及其结合蛋白的筛选
黄 琼,彭玉玲,冯启理,牛康康
1592 家蚕Wnt信号通路下游关键基因Pangolin转录剪接体X3的克隆和分析
1598 基于双元转基因CRISPR/Cas9系统的家蚕pax3基因功能分析
蒲尚昆,王 磊,谭安江,魏国清
1606 斜纹夜蛾蜕皮激素合成通路相关CYP450基因的鉴定及表达分析
谷 峻,叶 艳,李时宇,袁雅菲,黄立华
1615 黑腹果蝇头部中RNA结合蛋白RBP9的互作蛋白筛选
时佳园,马 达,顾佳蕙,秦 笙,汪生鹏,张国政,李木旺,孙 霞
63 基于PacBio测序数据的蜜蜂球囊菌转录因子、融合基因及RNA编辑事件的鉴定
许雅静,吴 鹰,余岢骏,孙明会,刘佳美,郭意龙,徐细建,鲍佳益,康育欣,陈大福,郭 睿,付中民
176 更换饲料对家蚕幼虫肠道细菌组成的影响及关键物种与产茧性能的相关性
张雨丽,曾 珠,刘艳伟,陆俣伽,韦 伟,鲁 成,崔为正,闭立辉,王平阳,张桂征
187 基于PacBio测序数据的蜜蜂球囊菌SNP与InDel位点发掘及分析
蔡宗兵,张文德,隆 琦,余岢骏,孙明会,吴 鹰,许雅静,刘佳美,郭意龙,徐细建,陈大福,郭 睿
595 黄氏枝膜叶蜂生物学特性及金龟子绿僵菌对其幼虫的致病力
708 东方蜜蜂微孢子虫孢子中微小RNA的鉴定与分析
张文德,赵浩东,孙明会,余岢骏,郭意龙,朱乐冉,胡 颖,赵 萧,叶亚萍,陈大福,郭 睿
843 抑制葡萄糖氧化酶基因降低黏虫幼虫对苏云金芽孢杆菌侵染的抗性(英文)
杨 航,杨洪佳,张雅男,王晓曦,樊 东
999 沃尔巴克氏菌调控小茶尺蠖和灰茶尺蠖杂交卵孵化
王志博,刘永健,白家赫,张欣欣,肖 强
1106 药用昆虫喙尾琵琶甲肠道抗菌活性放线菌的筛选及鉴定
1287 下调烟粉虱MED隐种BtabCSP6表达对番茄黄化曲叶病毒传播的影响
魏 艳,刘 勇,叶 倩,卢丁伊慧,张战泓,张 卓,张德咏,章松柏,史晓斌
1444 美洲大蠊成虫肠道抗细菌共生放线菌的筛选及鉴定
1452 烟粉虱MEAM1和MED成虫在辣椒上传播番茄褪绿病毒的特性
张吉松,张 卓,张德咏,张战泓,刘 勇,史晓斌,张友军
1623 小卷蛾斯氏线虫侵染对草地贪夜蛾幼虫天然免疫反应的影响
1636 MicroRNA通路中的关键因子Dicer-1和Argonaute-1对豌豆蚜免疫防御的影响
1645 肠道细菌通过竞争生态位和保护肠道内壁降低小菜蛾对Bt的敏感性
陶新娉,贾元虹,孙 燕,韩顺财,夏晓峰
197 大蒜素调控黑腹果蝇产卵偏嗜性和适合度
周思艺,夏 静,闫 琴,芦 韬,陈利荣,刘 威
480 利用植物提取物绿色合成纳米银粒子及其对台湾乳白蚁的毒性
谢晓俊,羊桂英,于保庭,胡 寅,莫建初
490 星豹蛛四个羧酸酯酶基因克隆及溴氰菊酯胁迫下的表达模式
王雅丽,赵 瑞,王 美,赵萌萌,张晓晨,李 锐
718 高CO2浓度下西花蓟马和花蓟马对虫螨腈和唑虫酰胺的响应比较
樊宗芳,陈亚平,樊 锐,和淑琪,桂富荣
852 施药后不同时间玉米田中常用农药残留对玉米螟赤眼蜂的影响
王 瑜,代晓彦,王瑞娟,刘 艳,陈 浩,郑 礼,董小林,翟一凡
866 网粒体超疏水性在茶小绿叶蝉防杀虫剂渗透中的屏障效应
林美珍,屈 政,胡尚咪,热孜亚·苏芒,杨 广
1010 新疆和云南番茄潜叶蛾种群对六种杀虫剂的敏感性及其与解毒酶活性的关系
李晓维,马 琳,吕要斌
1115 四种农药对小菜蛾体温的影响
田素芬,李志华,李元涛,林 硕,陈艺欣,田厚军,胡晓汉,王曦莹,黄劲飞,魏 辉,顾晓军
1127 草地贪夜蛾取食Cry1Ab和Cry1Fa蛋白后中肠转录组及ABC基因表达分析
1136 桃蛀螟CYP6AE76基因参与对Cry1Ab蛋白的解毒作用
1144 褐飞虱对五种杀虫剂抗性的快速检测技术
吴 帅,顾 希,肖彩云,李 明,李荣玉,廖 逊
1295 六种新烟碱类杀虫剂和三氟苯嘧啶对黄胸蓟马及南方小花蝽的选择毒性
林 涛,林 硕,陈艺欣,杨风花,杨 广,魏 辉
1459 禾谷缢管蚜钠通道辅助亚基对钠通道基因表达水平及杀虫剂敏感性的影响
张存环,刘 朗,彭 雄,郄杏桃,陈茂华
1658 核受体因子FTZ-F1在斜纹夜蛾响应虫螨腈及辛硫磷胁迫中的作用机制
宋 妍,刘志翔,谭安江,盛 晟
1668 苦瓜素Ⅰ对斜纹夜蛾几丁质酶基因(SlCht)和几丁质合成酶基因(SlCHS-A)表达及其生长发育的影响
73 区域变动尺度上不同生境类型及环境因子对西双版纳蝴蝶多样性的影响
张 翔,高舒桐,卢志兴,陈又清
84 不同浓度氯化钙浸种处理对水稻防御酶活性和抗褐飞虱的影响
吴小保,邓倩倩,宋 佳,王 骏,叶 茂
94 褐带蚜小蜂产卵器刺入对寄主桃蚜存活、生长发育和繁殖力的影响
208 农田景观格局对南疆枣园传粉昆虫群落多样性的影响
李 浩,潘云飞,杨 龙,宋博文,李 倩,王 兰,陆宴辉
218 补充非寄主源食物显著提高万氏潜蝇姬小蜂孤雌产雌品系对美洲斑潜蝇的控害潜力
贺 静,叶福宇,杜素洁,程鑫斐,潘立婷,郭建洋,王福莲,刘万学
228 管氏肿腿蜂母蜂产卵前合作的适合度代价
庄桂苓,郭晓萌,孟 玲,李保平
280 棉大卷叶螟求偶行为节律和性信息素鉴定
朱俣伟,司玉晓,邓 颖,李 瑜,邓建宇,董双林,闫 祺
289 稻纵卷叶螟对性信息素和花香的嗅觉行为反应及在其种群监测中的应用
304 黄地老虎幼虫取食诱导的棉花植株挥发物驱避雌蛾产卵
李梦宇,张 涛,夏施珂,肖海军,陆宴辉
312 寄主转换对美国白蛾幼虫生长发育和消化酶活性的影响
耿薏舒,赵旭东,韩阳阳,乔 恒,郝德君
322 白星花金龟对寄主植物挥发物的电生理反应
王光宇,张萌萌,陈 立
333 沙葱萤叶甲成虫触角感器超微结构及对沙葱挥发物的触角电位反应
李 玲,李 娜,庞保平
343 艾草和窃衣挥发物的提取鉴定及其对烟粉虱MED隐种成虫选择性的影响
徐会男,穆 扬,张战泓,张 卓,张德咏,谭新球,史晓斌,刘 勇
604 金斑蝶觅食求偶过程中的视觉嗅觉利用
刘 杰,李明涛,陈顺安,姚 俊,石 雷,陈晓鸣
612 金纹细蛾飞行能力测定
侯国辉,崔笑雄,朱 悦,熊仁次,姚永生
621 温度对芙新姬小蜂孤雌产雌品系成虫控制斑潜蝇的潜力的影响
630 基于MaxEnt模型的大豆蚜全球潜在地理分布分析
730 角倍蚜越冬若蚜的生物学特性
许 鑫,魏洪媛,丰国蕊,邵淑霞,杨子祥
737 寄主植物物理性状及营养物质对地红蝽寄主选择性的影响
赵 瑞,牛 越,王雅丽,王 美,赵萌萌,张晓晨,焦丽亚琳,韩渊怀,李 锐
749 大豆荚发育程度对点蜂缘蝽成虫寿命及生殖力的影响
田鑫月,胡英露,李文博,高 宇,史树森
757 日本刀角瓢虫对不同番茄品种的产卵选择性及其影响因素
梅文娟,林 硕,张前荣,丁雪玲,郑 宇,卢学松,姚凤銮,何玉仙,翁启勇
772 柑橘大实蝇成虫的梳理行为
何章章,桂连友,杨 璇,田 甜,张智亮,周仁迪,华登科,刘文茹,姜振宇,汤建涛
877 大螟成虫性信息素生物合成和释放及求偶和交配行为的昼夜节律
郭前爽,卓富彦,朱景全,陈庆华,朱 凤,黄德超,杜永均
886 贝氏小奥林螨连续饲养的草栖钝绥螨生命表参数和捕食能力
侯 飞,倪召红,邹梦婷,朱 睿,乙天慈,郭建军,金道超
895 我国余甘子新害虫锡兰玻壳蚧的形态及生物学特性
蒋 华,黄佳聪,杨晏平,李归林
905 桉树枝瘿姬小蜂胚胎发育及胚后发育
1018 番茄褪绿病毒对MED烟粉虱成虫在不同寄主植物上的寄主选择性和取食行为的影响
范晓凡,刘 勇,谭新球,张战泓,张 卓,史晓斌,张德咏
1026 苹褐带卷蛾成虫对主要寄主植物挥发物的触角电位反应和行为反应
李广伟,陈玉鑫,闫 瑞,雷怡雪,陈秀琳,李伯辽
1038 家蝇介导的水稻基因逃逸风险评估(英文)
蒲德强,刘家富,任少鹏,高明清,杨 帆,时 敏,叶恭银,魏书军,陈学新
1045 基于机器视觉和深度学习的稻纵卷叶螟性诱智能监测系统
张哲宇,孙果镓,杨保军,刘淑华,吕 军,姚 青,唐 健
1153 容器形状和出口位置对台湾乳白蚁逃遁行为的影响(英文)
张健龙,靳正雅,温秀军,陈 轩,蔡嘉诚,王 偲
1166 环丙氨嗪对鸡粪中亮斑扁角水虻生长的影响及添加活性炭对环丙氨嗪的解毒作用
张海旭,裴亚欣,张继冉,索江华,邓 新,陈红歌,林 晖,杨 森
1177 多寄主型寄生蜂蝇蛹俑小蜂对新寄主的选择与适应性
李 磊,韩冬银,张方平,陈俊谕,王建赟,叶政培,符悦冠
1185 独栖蜂黄缘蜾蠃的产卵行为及其与寄生胁迫的关系
1306 角倍蚜瘿内干雌蜜露的排泄和糖分组成
邵淑霞,杨子祥,何 钊,陈 航,陆 沁,许 鑫,魏洪媛,陈晓鸣
1314 稻纵卷叶螟幼虫驯化产生的热适应能力的继代效应
1324 黄玛草蛉幼虫对草地贪夜蛾卵和低龄幼虫的捕食能力
1334 基于MaxEnt模型的白缘象甲潜在地理分布区识别
梁 莉,冼晓青,赵浩翔,郭建洋,刘万学
1469 取食施硅水稻对褐飞虱成虫体内保护酶和解毒酶活性的影响
1477 星天牛对青皮垂柳挥发物的电生理及行为反应
1488 光周期和温湿度对烟蚜茧蜂寄生能力和繁殖的影响
吴珂珂,顾 钢,赖荣泉,周 挺,韩 梦
1498 气候变化下考氏白盾蚧的潜在分布区预测
魏久锋,蔡 波,卢运运,张虎芳,赵 清
1512 条赤须盲蝽形态特征与生物学特性
张 琦,赵 曼,罗 泉,苗琳琳,袁星星,李 晗,李为争,张利娟,郭线茹
1678 多次交配对小菜蛾 精包形成与生殖力的影响
邹明民,刘莉莉,董诗杰,黄梦琪,曹敏慧,尤民生,彭 露
102 基于太平洋甲胁虱裂化线粒体基因组推测甲胁虱属祖先线粒体核型
孙佳宁,任天广,陈 婷,董文鸽
235 线粒体基因和核基因揭示自然屏障和第四纪更新世气候振荡影响双斑乙蠊谱系地理格局(英文)
陈 蓉,牛力康,端木浩楠,王宗庆,车艳丽
500 中国南方茶棍蓟马地理种群遗传分化分析
罗林丽,孟泽洪,李 帅,赵兴丽,周罗娜,贺圣凌,魏茹蕙,张 欣,周玉锋
638 全基因组重测序揭示青藏高原东缘及东南缘东方蜜蜂遗传多样性与适应性进化
唐相友,宋华莉,石 鹏,张小燕,唐紫寒,王文峰,扎 罗,陈新兰,周泽扬,许金山
648 云南红河和保山两地区小蜜蜂巢房结构比较研究
邓尚靠,杨顺华,孟庆鑫,支丹丹,龚雪阳,董 坤
782 基于微卫星分子标记的浙江省不同滞育型迷卡斗蟋的遗传分化分析
王佰秋,沈初泽,武 雪,谢慧聪,宗靖淞,余哲媛,白 芸,李 恺,何祝清
912 中国东方蜜蜂的形态分化(英文)
朱翔杰,周姝婧,徐新建,于瀛龙,胡军军,张中印,祁文忠,王 彪,袁春颖,席芳贵,周冰峰
1056 柚木野螟成虫复眼外部形态和超微结构观察
苑鹏宇,胡可炎,钱沉鱼,王胜坤,温秀军,王 偲,马 涛
1196 柑橘凤蝶蛹发声器的显微结构及防御作用(英文)
杨 帅,刘 栿,赵雨菲,孙 奇,郝祥瑜,袁向群
1204 中国北方常见芫菁分子物种界定(鞘翅目:芫菁科)
程海云,段家充,张 超,潘 昭
1343 红角辉蝽和紫翅果蝽线粒体完整基因组测序及蝽亚科系统发育分析(半翅目:蝽科)(英文)
李荣荣,李 敏,孙珊珊,闫 江,张虎芳,白 明
1354 入侵害虫甘薯凹胫跳甲的鉴定及线粒体基因组分析
马婷婷,林 菲,赵 楠,阮用颖,谢淑燕,邹宏达,陈景益,房伯平,黄立飞
1367 中国蛛缘蝽科物种DNA条形码研究(英文)
1524 尖唇散白蚁胚胎发育激光共聚焦扫描显微镜观察
孙仪林,王靖怡,陆 迪,张 琪
1538 拉合尔钝缘蜱不同龄期若蜱超微形态
韦丽婷,刘丹丹,范士龙,王金明,芦 星,李思媛,刘明明,陈宋琴,刘一凡,郭庆勇,巴音查汗,张 伟
综 述
246 基因编辑技术在昆虫中的研究与应用
邱雨浩,贾 豫,倪建泉,王 冰,王桂荣
351 信息化学物质在害虫监测中的应用
张 真,王鸿斌,陈国发,孔祥波,张苏芳,刘 福
364 昆虫气味受体的研究方法与进展
白鹏华,王 冰,张仙红,王桂荣
386 昆虫对CO2感受机制的研究进展
陈秋燕,刘 杨,王桂荣
399 茶树诱导抗虫性的研究进展
张 瑾,邢玉娴,韩 涛,于广威,孙晓玲
512 吸血昆虫生殖调控的分子机制
王雪丽,李 珊,吕向阳,邹 振
522 劳氏粘虫的发生危害和防治研究进展
段 云,陈 琦,郭 培,苗 进,夏鹏亮,巩中军,蒋月丽,李 彤,武予清
1068 昆虫平衡棒的发育及功能
董 玮,武文君,张徐波
1222 植物次生代谢物质对蓟马的行为调控作用及其在蓟马防控中的应用
1374 蜜蜂脂肪体的形态和功能研究进展
1389 自我重复取样技术与多项式定理在年龄-龄期两性生命表研究中的应用
李建宇,陈燕婷,傅建炜,史梦竹,齐 心,尤民生
1547 害虫Bt抗性机制研究新方向:昆虫体液免疫系统
1687 昆虫hemocytin蛋白研究进展
1695 果蝇胰岛素样肽8(Dilp8)的功能及作用机制
南 楠,闫志鹏,张亚如,秦国华,桑 楠
1701 蜱源抗凝血因子研究进展
倪 军,沈 姝,邓 菲
简 报
112 短时低温对马铃薯甲虫种群增长的影响
廖江花,刘 娟,刘 霞,胡恒志,牛 平,韩露露,孙函函,李 超
533 甘肃白银地区潜叶蝇及其寄生蜂的组成和发生调查
贺 静,杜素洁,程鑫斐,王绮静,郭建洋,王作慰,王福莲,刘万学
257 Chemical ecology in the era of omics:New missions of a traditional interdiscipline
LI Jing-Jing,LIU Yang,WANG Gui-Rong,YAN Feng-Ming
1565 Insect development and immunity:An important branch of modern entomology
WANG Mao,ZOU Zhen,XU Wei-Hua
1 Regulatory mechanism of DOPA decarboxylase (DDC) on fecundity inHarmoniaaxyridis(Coleoptera:Coccinellidae)
CHEN Xu,TIAN Ren-Bin,XU Qing-Xuan,LI Shu,WANG Su,ZANG Lian-Sheng,XIAO Da
10 Functional analysis ofSfHMGRin reproduction regulation of the white-backed planthopper,Sogatellafurcifera(Hemiptera:Delphacidae)
ZHOU Cao,YANG Xi-Bin,GONG Ming-Fu,YANG Hong,LONG Gui-Yun,JIA Ze-Yan,ZENG Qing-Hui,JIN Dao-Chao
21 Expression ofSfABCD1 in the white-backed planthopper,Sogatellafurcifera(Hemiptera:Delphacidae) in response to insecticide stress
ZENG Qing-Hui,ZHOU Cao,YANG Xi-Bin,YANG Hong,JIN Dao-Chao,LONG Gui-Yun
31 Analysis of the transcriptome and development of novel SSR markers inNotonectachinensis(Hemiptera:Notonectidae)
LI Min,ZHANG Dan-Li,LI Rong-Rong,LEI Ting,SONG Xian-Mei,BU Wen-Jun
44 Expression profiles of nine miRNAs in different developmental stages of the grain aphid,Sitobionavenae(Hemiptera:Aphididae)
ZHANG Fang-Mei,YAN Yi,CHENG Deng-Fa,ZHU Xun,ZHANG Yun-Hui,LI Xiang-Rui
53 Expression profiles and potential function of three miRNAs during the pupal development process ofApismelliferaligusticaworker
ZHU Zhi-Wei,FU Zhong-Min,LONG Qi,DU Yu,ZHANG Wen-De,HU Ying,ZHAO Xiao,SHI Xiao-Yu,XU Xi-Jian,CHEN Da-Fu,GUO Rui
119 DNA methylation affects wing development ofBombyxmorithrough regulating autophagy
GONG Cheng-Cheng,LÜ Hao,ZHENG Si-Chun,XU Guan-Feng
130 Reasons for changes of hemocyte densities and the relationship between hemocyte density and high temperature resistance ofBombyxmorilarvae
LI Tian,LIU Hao-Yu,WANG Ge-Min,LI Ya-Teng,YU Hua-Xian,YAN Dong-Sheng,GUO Yu,ZHANG Tai-Yun,CHEN Ping
144 Morphology and ultrastructure of the alimentary canal ofMegalurothripsusitatus(Thysanoptera:Thripidae)
WANG Liang,LIU Yu-Yan,LI Heng,CHEN Yi-Xin,LIN Shuo,YU Yun,TIAN Hou-Jun,LIN Tao,ZHANG Jie,CHEN Yong,WEI Hui
157 Cloning of trehalase genes inCalliptamusitalicus(Orthoptera:Acrididae) and their expression patterns in eggs under cold acclimation
167 Analysis of differentially expressed genes in testes and ovaries ofApisceranacerana(Hymenoptera:Apidae)
CHENG Fu-Ping,YUAN Fang,XI Fang-Gui,QIN Kai-Xin,HU Xiao-Fen,WANG Zi-Long
261 Identification,expression and binding specificity of chemosensory proteins in the antennal transcriptome of the pea aphid,Acyrthosiphonpisum(Hemiptera:Aphididae)
LIU Jing-Tao,WANG Qian,ZHAO Rui,WANG Huan-Huan,GAO Jie,DONG Hui,ZHANG Yong-Jun,CONG Bin,GU Shao-Hua
271 Binding affinities of three SfruPBPs to sex pheromone and gland components fromSpodopeterafrugiperdaand sympatricLeucanialoreyi(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)
ZHENG Shu-Hao,SI Yu-Xiao,YAN Qi,GUO Hui-Fang,DONG Shuang-Lin
409 Gene cloning and expression of alkaline phosphatase HpALP ofHolotrichiaparallela(Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae) and its binding affinity with Bt Cry8Ea3
QIAO Ying-Cui,ZHAO Dan,WANG Zhe,LU Xiu-Jun,GUO Wei,LI Rui-Jun
417 Cloning and functional characterization of the peptidoglycan recognition protein geneSePGRP-SAinSpodopteraexigua(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)
LI Ya-Zi,ZHAO Dan,GUO Xiao-Chang,WU Han,LIU Zhao-Rui,GUO Wei
427 Expression and functional analysis of inorganic pyrophosphatase EoPPase672 fromEctropisobliqua(Lepidoptera:Geometridae)
YIN Heng,FU Zi-Zhuo,YANG Xiao-Xia,YUAN Dong-Xue,MAO Xin-Fang,LIU Zhong-Yuan
437 Effects of combined pollution of heavy metals on the metabolomics ofEucriotettixoculatus(Orthoptera:Tetrigidae)
RONG Wan-Tao,SONG Zhe,XIN Lei,DENG Wei-An,QIN Yu-Yue,LI Xiao-Dong
451 Sequencing and analysis of the complete mitochondrial genome ofAclerdatakahashii(Hemiptera:Aclerdidae)
DENG Jun,WANG Gang,LU Cong-Cong,ZHANG Jiang-Tao,HUANG Xiao-Lei
460 Impact of overexpression and knockdown of ame-miR-13b on the expression of genes in larval gut ofApismelliferaligustica
ZHU Zhi-Wei,WANG Jie,LONG Qi,XU Ya-Jing,FENG Rui-Rong,LIU Jia-Mei,ZHAO Hao-Dong,ZHU Le-Ran,HOU Hai-Qing,CHEN Da-Fu,GUO Rui
469 Analysis of differentially expressed genes in response to low temperature stress inApismelliferaworker pupae
LIU Yi-Ming,XU Xin-Jian,ZHOU Shu-Jing,YAO Dan,LI Han,ZHU Chen-Yu,LI Xiang,HE Yu-Chang,ZHOU Bing-Feng,ZHU Xiang-Jie
541 Functional analysis of survivin gene in the mitosis of BmN4 cells ofBombyxmori
ZHANG Bing,WANG Yi,LI Na,LI Dan-Dan,KAN Yun-Chao
548 Expression and functional analysis of lncRNA63 and its co-expression geneHr3 inBombyxmori
WANG Bo,LI Miao-Miao,WANG Jing-Ya,HU Xiao-Yue,KAN Yun-Chao,QIAO Hui-Li
558 Molecular cloning and functional analysis ofNl15 in the brown planthopper,Nilaparvatalugens(Hemiptera:Delphacidae)
WANG Fu-Xin,WANG Wei-Xia,WEI Qi,HE Jia-Chun,LAI Feng-Xiang,FU Qiang,WAN Pin-Jun
568 Cloning,prokaryotic expression and functional analysis of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine pyrophosphorylase (UAP) gene inHolotrichiaparallela(Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae)
LIU Zhao-Rui,WU Han,GUO Xiao-Chang,LI Ya-Zi,ZHAO Dan,GUO Wei
577 Effects of CO2narcosis on the ovarian development of virgin queens ofApisceranacerana(Hymenoptera:Apidae)
ZHOU Jian-Yang,SONG Hua-Li,DENG Ping,TAO Kun-Ling,TANG Xiang-You,YAN Le-Le,ZHANG Xiao-Yan,SHI Peng,XU Jin-Shan
587 Histological observation of the internal organs and systems of adultCulicoidespunctatus(Diptera:Ceratopogonidae)
NING Yuan,LI Hong,LI Jia-Hao,ZENG Wen-Wen,DENG Jun-Jie,LI Yi-Ling,LU Xue,JIANG Xiao-Hong,HOU Xiao-Hui
657 Gonadal development and gene expression related to the reproductive plasticity of workers of the termiteReticulitermeslabralis(Isoptera:Rhinotermitidae)
YE Chen-Xu,SONG Zhuan-Zhuan,ZHANG Wen-Xiu,WU Tao-Yu,LIU He,XING Lian-Xi,SU Xiao-Hong
668 Positional cloning of the mutant gene of the non-diapause red egg mutantRe-ndin the silkworm,Bombyxmori
ZHANG Hai-Yan,WU Jin-Xin,ZHANG Yun-Gui,ZHAO Ping,LIN Ying
675 Function of vitellogenin receptor geneTaVgRin the regulation of reproductive development inTutaabsoluta(Lepidoptera:Gelechiidae)
YAN Xin,YANG Hong,SONG Jia-Hui,LI Ren-Gui,ZHANG Yi-Bo,YANG Wen-Jia
684 Identification and analysis of piRNAs in the midgut ofApismelliferaligusticaworkers
FAN Xiao-Xue,LONG Qi,SUN Ming-Hui,GUO Yi-Long,ZHAO Hao-Dong,SONG Yue-Mei,KANG Yu-Xin,GU Xiao-Yu,CHEN Da-Fu,GUO Rui
695 Structures of the midgut and Malpighian tubules in the cave cricket,Tachycinesasynamorus(Orthoptera:Rhaphidophoridae)
ZHANG Li-Dan,GONG Xu-Ping,PENG Xin-Fei,SHI Fu-Ming,CHANG Yan-Lin
791 Dynamics of ecdysone titer and the interference of methoxyfenozide on diapause during the development ofCarposinasasakii(Lepidoptera:Carposinidae)
LI Yong-Li,YAN Zuo-Bing,YIN Xin-Ming,LEI Zhen-Shan,ZHOU Zhou
799 miR-252-5p affects metamorphosis by targetedly regulating the expression of juvenile hormone acid methyl transferase geneJHAMTinDrosophila
ZHANG Ze-Lin,JI Jie,XU Wen-Yu,LIU Zhuo,FAN Xiao-Chun,DENG Chang-Xin,HE Qian-Yu
807 Effects of RNAi-mediated gene silencing ofGdHsp60 andGdHsp70 on the cold hardiness ofGalerucadaurica(Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae) larvae
ZHANG Hong-Ling,REN Hao,LI Kai-Xuan,TIAN Yu,ZHANG Heng,LI Yan-Yan,LI Ling,PANG Bao-Ping,TAN Yao
818 Binding properties of the chemosensory protein CchiCSP8 inCacopsyllachinensis(Hemiptera:Psyllidae) to pear tree volatiles
YAO Wei-Chen,XU Ji-Wei,XU Lu,ZHU Xiu-Yun,ZHANG Ya-Nan
831 cDNA cloning,expression and ligand binding properties of the chemosensory protein PyasCSP4 inScythropusyasumatsui(Coleoptera:Curculionidae)
927 Identification and expression profiling of genes of odorant-binding proteins and chemosensory proteins in adult antennae ofLyttacaraganae(Coleoptera:Meloidae)
LIU Pan-Jing,WEI Hong-Yi,GUO Kun,MA Guang-Yuan,ZHANG Tao
937 Screening and expression profiling of highly expressed genes in the mandibular glands ofApismelliferaforagers
LI Qiu-Fang,GAO Yan,LIANG Li-Qiang,LI Zheng-Han-Qing,ZHU Ya-Nan,ZHANG Juan,YANG Shang-Ning,FU Yun-Xi,SU Song-Kun,NIE Hong-Yi
949 Analysis of differentially expressed genes in the middle pupal stage ofApismelliferaworkers in response to low temperature stress
LI Han,XU Xin-Jian,ZHOU Shu-Jing,ZHOU Bing-Feng,ZHU Chen-Yu,XU Hong-Zhi,YAO Dan,LIU Yi-Ming,WANG Qing,LI Xiang,WANG Ming-Qi,ZHU Xiang-Jie
958 Cloning,identification and functional analysis of the peroxidase geneNlPOD1 in the brown planthopper,Nilaparvatalugens(Hemiptera:Delphacidae)
LI Mu-Yu,WANG Yan-Dan,WANG Zheng-Liang,YU Xiao-Ping
967 Expression and functional analysis of the autophagy-related geneNlATG13 in the brown planthopper,Nilaparvatalugens(Hemiptera:Delphacidae)
WU Jian-Gen,JIAO Qi-Qi,YU Fei-Fei,ZHENG Yuan-Yuan,CHEN Tong-Tong,HAO Pei-Ying,YU Xiao-Ping
977 Gene cloning and ligand binding characterization of the odorant-binding protein HvarOBP2 inHippodamiavariegata(Coleoptera:Coccinellidae)
TANG Hao-Yu,LIU Jing-Tao,XIE Jiao-Xin,YI Chao-Qun,LIU Xiao-Xu,ZHANG Yong-Jun,SUN Yang
986 Analysis of differential proteins inReticulitermesperilucifugus(Isoptera:Rhinotermitidae) workers fed with different diets
SU Li-Juan,ZHAO Peng-Fei,DU Yun-Liang,GUAN Yu-Liang,GUO Rui-Yao,YIN Zheng-Xing,SONG An-Dong
1075 Comparative transcriptome analysis and screening of diapause-associated genes during the egg development ofGomphocerussibiricus(Orthoptera:Acrididae)
ZHAO Na,LÜ Xue-Feng,HU Hong-Xia,SONG Yu,JIANG Si-Han,JI Rong,YE Xiao-Fang
1090 Effects of exogenous juvenile hormone on the ovarian development and transcription levels of the reprodution-related genes inHarmoniaaxyridis(Coleoptera:Coccinellidae)
HAN Hui,FENG Zhao-Yang,ZHANG Shuo,HE Yun-Zhuan
1098 Cloning of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor α6 and α7 subunit genes inSpodopterafrugiperda(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) and their response to spinetoram stress
GAO Zu-Peng,JING Da-Peng,HUANG Xiao-DAN,WANG Zhen-Ying
1247 Overexpression and knockdown of ace-miR-3720 impact the target gene expression and weight of the larval gut ofApisceranaceranaworkers
CAI Zong-Bing,WANG Si-Yi,WANG Zi-Xin,ZHAO Xiao,ZHANG Kai-Yao,GUO Yi-Long,YAO Yu-Tong,QIAN Jia-Jun,HU Ying,FU Zhong-Min,CHEN Da-Fu,GUO Rui
1256 ame-miR-79 negatively regulates the expression of target genesCYP450 andFGin the larval guts ofApismelliferaligusticaworkers
ZHANG Kai-Yao,LIU Jia-Mei,ZHANG Wen-De,HU Ying,KANG Yu-Xin,WANG Zi-Xin,WANG Si-Yi,QIAN Jia-Jun,ZHAO Xiao,ZHANG Jia-Xin,CHEN Da-Fu,GUO Rui,FU Zhong-Min
1266 Changes in the activities and gene expression of antioxidant enzymes and detoxification enzymes in workers and ergatoid reproductives ofReticulitermeschinensis(Isoptera:Rhinotermitidae)
1277 Ultrastructure of the compound eye of adultEctropisgrisescens(Lepidoptera:Geometridae) and its changes upon light/dark adaptation
XU Man-Fei,LI Meng-Yuan,JIANG Yan,MENG Zhao-Na,TAN Chang,WANG Guo-Chang,BIAN Lei
1401 Regulation of the expression of target genesUSPandP300 by ame-miR-bantam in the larval gut ofApismelliferaligusticaworkers
HU Ying,ZHANG Wen-De,WANG Si-Yi,ZHANG Kai-Yao,REN Zhong-Min,JI Ting,LIN Zhe-Guang,ZHAO Hong-Xia,CHEN Da-Fu,GUO Rui
1411 Screening of the digestive and detoxification enzyme genes highly expressed in the larval midgut ofGrapholitamolesta(Lepidoptera:Tortricidae)
LÜ Dong-Biao,ZHANG Zhan-Li,LENG Chun-Meng,YUAN Xiang-Qun,LI Yi-Ping
1426 Cloning and expression profiling of odorant binding protein genes highly expressed inCarposinasasakii(Lepidoptera:Carposinidae) adults
LI Kai-Xuan,LI Yan-Yan,WANG Shu-Juan,SI Qin,ZHANG Li-Ying,PANG Bao-Ping
1437 Prokaryotic expression,preparation of polyclonal antibody and detection of actinomycin-induced activation state of apoptotic protein Strica ofDrosophila
MENG Kun,HU Xu-Hao,SHI Liu-Liu
1571 Identification of G protein-coupled receptors in the fat body of the female adults ofLocustamigratoria(Orthoptera:Acrididae) and their functions in egg development
YUN Jia-Qi,YANG Jie-Bing,XU Hui-Jing,ZHENG Hong-Yuan,ZHOU Shu-Tang
1582 Verification of the G4 structure of the embryonic development factor (EDF) geneBmEDFfromBombyxmoriembryos and screening of its binding protein
HUANG Qiong,PENG Yu-Ling,FENG Qi-Li,NIU Kang-Kang
1592 Cloning and analysis ofPangolinX3,a key gene transcript variant downstream of the Wnt signaling pathway in the silkworm,Bombyxmori
WANG Ye-Jing,FU Qiu-Jie,YIN Zi-Qing,HE Hua-Wei
1598 Functional analysis ofpax3 gene inBombyxmoriby the binary transgenic CRISPR/Cas9 system
PU Shang-Kun,WANG Lei,TAN An-Jiang,WEI Guo-Qing
1606 Identification and expression profiling of CYP450 genes involved in the ecdysone synthesis pathway inSpodopteralitura(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)
GU Jun,YE Yan,LI Shi-Yu,YUAN Ya-Fei,HUANG Li-Hua
1615 Screening of the interacting proteins of RNA-binding protein RBP9 in the head ofDrosophilamelanogaster
SHI Jia-Yuan,MA Da,GU Jia-Hui,QIN Sheng,WANG Sheng-Peng,ZHANG Guo-Zheng,LI Mu-Wang,SUN Xia
63 Identification of transcription factors,fusion genes and RNA editing events inAscosphaeraapisbased on PacBio sequencing data
XU Ya-Jing,WU Ying,YU Ke-Jun,SUN Ming-Hui,LIU Jia-Mei,GUO Yi-Long,XU Xi-Jian,BAO Jia-Yi,KANG Yu-Xin,CHEN Da-Fu,GUO Rui,FU Zhong-Min
176 Effects of feed change on intestinal bacterial composition inBombyxmorilarvae and the correlation between the key species and cocoon production performance
ZHANG Yu-Li,ZENG Zhu,LIU Yan-Wei,LU Yu-Jia,WEI Wei,LU Cheng,CUI Wei-Zheng,BI Li-Hui,WANG Ping-Yang,ZHANG Gui-Zheng
187 Exploration and analysis of SNP and InDel sites inAscosphaeraapisbased on PacBio sequencing data
CAI Zong-Bing,ZHANG Wen-De,LONG Qi,YU Ke-Jun,SUN Ming-Hui,WU Ying,XU Ya-Jing,LIU Jia-Mei,GUO Yi-Long,XU Xi-Jian,CHEN Da-Fu,GUO Rui
595 Biological characteristics ofCladiuchahuangbki(Hymenoptera:Tenthredinidae) and pathogenicity ofMetarhiziumanisopliaeagainst its larvae
ZENG Li-Qiong,LUO Ming-Yong,LIN Xi-Bi,CHEN Zhi-Ping,LUO Jian-Song,CHEN Hong-Mei,CAI Shou-Ping,WEI Mei-Cai,HE Xue-You
708 Identification and analysis of microRNAs inNosemaceranaespores
ZHANG Wen-De,ZHAO Hao-Dong,SUN Ming-Hui,YU Ke-Jun,GUO Yi-Long,ZHU Le-Ran,HU Ying,ZHAO Xiao,YE Ya-Ping,CHEN Da-Fu,GUO Rui
843 Inhibition of glucose oxidase gene decreases the resistance ofMythimnaseparata(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) larvae toBacillusthuringiensisinfection (InEnglish)
YANG Hang,YANG Hong-Jia,ZHANG Ya-Nan,WANG Xiao-Xi,FAN Dong
999Wolbachiaregulates the egg hatching of hybrids ofEctropisobliquaandE.grisescens(Lepidoptera:Geometridae)
WANG Zhi-Bo,LIU Yong-Jian,BAI Jia-He,ZHANG Xin-Xin,XIAO Qiang
1106 Screening and identification of actinomycetes with antimicrobial activity from the gut of the medicinal insectBlapsrynchopetera(Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae)
WANG Ming-Ming,YIN Peng-Kai,LI Ming-Hui,YANG Zi-Zhong,YANG Da-Song,YANG Yin-He
1287 Influence of down-regulating the expression ofBtabCSP6 inBemisiatabaciMED (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae) on the transmission ofTomatoyellowleafcurlvirus
WEI Yan,LIU Yong,YE Qian,LU Ding-Yi-Hui,ZHANG Zhan-Hong,ZHANG Zhuo,ZHANG De-Yong,ZHANG Song-Bai,SHI Xiao-Bin
1444 Screening and identification of symbiotic actinomycetes with antibacterial activity from the gut of adultPeriplanetaamericana(Blattodea:Blattidae)
YIN Peng-Kai,WANG Ming-Ming,YANG Zi-Zhong,YANG Da-Song,YANG Yin-He
1452 Transmission characteristics ofTomatochlorosisvirusonCapsicumannuumby adultBemisiatabaciMEAM1 and MED (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae)
ZHANG Ji-Song,ZHANG Zhuo,ZHANG De-Yong,ZHANG Zhan-Hong,LIU Yong,SHI Xiao-Bin,ZHANG You-Jun
1623 Effects of infection of the entomopathogenic nematodeSteinernemacarpocapsaeAll on the innate immune response inSpodopterafrugiperda(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) larvae
LI Er-Tao,LU Qi-Han,ZHANG Dan-Feng,KONG Wei-Jie,AN Chun-Ju
1636 Effects of key factors Dicer-1 and Argonaute-1 in microRNA pathway on the immunity defense in the pea aphid,Acyrthosiphonpisum(Hemiptera:Aphididae)
XU Zhen-Zhen,JIANG Xin-Yi,SHI Su-Ke,LÜ Zhi-Qiang
1645 Gut bacteria reduce the Bt susceptibility in the diamondback moth,Plutellaxylostella(Lepidoptera:Plutellidae),by competing for niche and protecting the inner wall of gut
TAO Xin-Ping,JIA Yuan-Hong,SUN Yan,HAN Shun-Cai,XIA Xiao-Feng
197 Allicin moduleates oviposition preference and fitness inDrosophilamelanogaster
ZHOU Si-Yi,XIA Jing,YAN Qin,LU Tao,CHEN Li-Rong,LIU Wei
480 Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using plant extracts and their toxicity toCoptotermesformosanus(Blattodea:Rhinotermitidae)
XIE Xiao-Jun,YANG Gui-Ying,YU Bao-Ting,HU Yin,MO Jian-Chu
490 Cloning of four carboxylesterase genes inPardosaastrigera(Araneae:Lycosidae) and their expression profiles under deltamethrin stress
WANG Ya-Li,ZHAO Rui,WANG Mei,ZHAO Meng-Meng,ZHANG Xiao-Chen,LI Rui
718 Comparison of responses ofFrankliniellaoccidentalisandF.intonsa(Thysanoptera:Thripidae) to chlorfenapyr and tolfenpyrad under elevated CO2
FAN Zong-Fang,CHEN Ya-Ping,FAN Rui,HE Shu-Qi,GUI Fu-Rong
852 Effects of residues of pesticides commonly used in corn fields onTrichogrammaostriniae(Hymenoptera:Trichogrammatidae) at different time after application
WANG Yu,DAI Xiao-Yan,WANG Rui-Juan,LIU Yan,CHEN Hao,ZHENG Li,DONG Xiao-Lin,ZHAI Yi-Fan
866 Barrier effect of brochosomes with superhydrophobicity on the resistance of the tea green leafhopper,Empoascaonukii(Hemiptera:Cicadellidea),to the permeability of insecticide droplets
LIN Mei-Zhen,QU Zheng,HU Shang-Mi,SUMANG Reziya,YANG Guang
1010 Susceptibility of Xinjiang and Yunnan populations ofTutaabsoluta(Lepidoptera:Gelechiidae) to six insecticides and its relationship with detoxification enzyme activities
LI Xiao-Wei,MA Lin,LÜ Yao-Bin
1115 Effects of four pesticides on the body temperature of the diamondback moth,Plutellaxylostella(Lepidoptera:Plutellidae)
TIAN Su-Fen,LI Zhi-Hua,LI Yuan-Tao,LIN Shuo,CHEN Yi-Xin,TIAN Hou-Jun,HU Xiao-Han,WANG Xi-Ying,HUANG Jing-Fei,WEI Hui,GU Xiao-Jun
1127 Analysis of the midgut transcriptome and ABC gene expression inSpodopterafrugiperda(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) after feeding Cry1Ab and Cry1Fa proteins
HUANG Xiao-Dan,JING Da-Peng,ZHANG Tian-Tao,WANG Zhen-Ying
1136 Involvement ofCYP6AE76 gene in detoxifying the Cry1Ab protein inConogethespunctiferalis(Lepidoptera:Crambidae)
JING Da-Peng,HUANG Xiao-Dan,ZHANG Tian-Tao,WANG Zhen-Ying
1144 Rapid detection technology for the resistance to five insecticides in the brown planthopper,Nilaparvatalugens(Hemiptera:Delphacidae)
WU Shuai,GU Xi,XIAO Cai-Yun,LI Ming,LI Rong-Yu,LIAO Xun
1295 Selective toxicity of six neonicotinoid insecticides and triflumezopyrim toThripshawaiiensis(Thysanoptera:Thripidae) andOriusstrigicollis(Heteroptera:Anthocoridae)
LIN Tao,LIN Shuo,CHEN Yi-Xin,YANG Feng-Hua,YANG Guang,WEI Hui
1459 Effects of sodium channel auxiliary subunits on the expression levels of sodium channel genes and insecticide susceptibility inRhopalosiphumpadi(Hemiptera:Aphididae)
ZHANG Cun-Huan,LIU Lang,PENG Xiong,QIE Xing-Tao,CHEN Mao-Hua
1658 Mechanism of action of nuclear receptor factor FTZ-F1 in response to the stress of chlorfenapyr and phoxim inSpodopteralitura(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)
SONG Yan,LIU Zhi-Xiang,TAN An-Jiang,SHENG Sheng
1668 Effects of momordicin I on the expression of chitinase gene (SlCht) and chitinase synthase gene (SlCHS-A) inSpodopteralitura(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) and its growth and development
ZHANG Zhan-Tao,LIN Xiao-Ju,GU Xiao-Ting,YE Kai-Xiang,ZHANG Wei-Zhao,JIN Feng-Liang,XU Xiao-Xia
73 Effects of different habitat types and environmental factors on butterfly diversity in Xishuangbanna,southwestern China on varying regional scale
ZHANG Xiang,GAO Shu-Tong,LU Zhi-Xing,CHEN You-Qing
84 Effects of seed soaking with different concentrations of calcium chloride on rice defense enzyme activities and resistance toNilaparvatalugens(Hemiptera:Delphacidae)
WU Xiao-Bao,DENG Qian-Qian,SONG Jia,WANG Jun,YE Mao
94 Effects of the ovipositor stabbing ofAphelinusmaculatus(Hymenoptera:Aphelinidae) on the survival,development and fecundity of its hostMyzuspersicae(Hemiptera:Aphididae)
LIU Qing-Xian,WANG Xiao-Li,LI Ke-Zhuo,ZHANG Guo-Liang,DUAN Li-Qing
208 Effects of landscape pattern on the community diversity of insect pollinators in jujube orchards in southern Xinjiang,northwestern China
LI Hao,PAN Yun-Fei,YANG Long,SONG Bo-Wen,LI Qian,WANG Lan,LU Yan-Hui
218 Supplementary non-host food sources significantly enhance the biocontrol potential of the thelytokous strain ofDiglyphuswani(Hymenoptera:Eulophidae) againstLiriomyzasativae(Diptera:Agromyzidae)
HE Jing,YE Fu-Yu,DU Su-Jie,CHENG Xin-Fei,PAN Li-Ting,GUO Jian-Yang,WANG Fu-Lian,LIU Wan-Xue
228 Fitness costs to foundresses for their cooperation before oviposition inSclerodermusguani(Hymenoptera:Bethylidae)
ZHUANG Gui-Ling,GUO Xiao-Meng,MENG Ling,LI Bao-Ping
280 Circadian rhythm of calling behavior and sex pheromone identification ofSyleptaderogata(Lepidoptera:Pyralidae)
ZHU Yu-Wei,SI Yu-Xiao,DENG Ying,LI Yu,DENG Jian-Yu,DONG Shuang-Lin,YAN Qi
289 Responses of the rice leaffolder,Cnaphalocrocismedinalis(Lepidoptera:Crambidae) to sex pheromone and floral odor in olfactory behavior,and their application in its population monitoring
GUO Qian-Shuang,ZHUO Fu-Yan,ZHU Jing-Quan,LIN Yu-Feng,ZHANG Zheng-Bing,HUANG De-Chao,ZHANG Su-Li,DU Yong-Jun
304 Cotton plant volatiles induced by larval feeding ofAgrotissegetum(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae) deter oviposition of conspecific females
LI Meng-Yu,ZHANG Tao,XIA Shi-Ke,XIAO Hai-Jun,LU Yan-Hui
312 Effects of host switch on the development and digestive enzyme activities ofHyphantriacunea(Lepidoptera:Erebidae) larvae
GENG Yi-Shu,ZHAO Xu-Dong,HAN Yang-Yang,QIAO Heng,HAO De-Jun
322 Electrophysiological responses ofProtaetiabrevitarsis(Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae) to host plant volatiles
WANG Guang-Yu,ZHANG Meng-Meng,CHEN Li
333 Ultrastructure of antennal sensilla and electroantennographic responses toAlliummongoliumvolatiles in adultGalerucadaurica(Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae)
LI Ling,LI Na,PANG Bao-Ping
343 Extraction and identification of volatiles fromArtemisiaargyiandTorilisscabraand their effects on preference ofBemisiatabaciMED (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae) adults
XU Hui-Nan,MU Yang,ZHANG Zhan-Hong,ZHANG Zhuo,ZHANG De-Yong,TAN Xin-Qiu,SHI Xiao-Bin,LIU Yong
604 Visual and olfactory responses ofDanauschrysippus(Lepidoptera:Nymphalidae) during foraging and courtship
LIU Jie,LI Ming-Tao,CHEN Shun-An,YAO Jun,SHI Lei,CHEN Xiao-Ming
612 Determination of the flight capacity ofLithocolletisringoniella(Lepidoptera:Gracillariidae)
HOU Guo-Hui,CUI Xiao-Xiong,ZHU Yue,XIONG Ren-Ci,YAO Yong-Sheng
621 Effects of temperature on the biocontrol potential of thelytokous adults ofNeochrysocharisformosa(Hymenoptera:Eulophidae) against agromyzid leafminers
WANG Qi-Jing,YANG Yue-Mei,DU Su-Jie,LIANG Yong-Xuan,GUO Jian-Yang,WANG Fu-Lian,LIU Wan-Xue
630 Potential geographical distribution of the soybean aphid,Aphisglycines(Hemiptera:Aphididae),in the world based on MaxEnt model
MA Shi-Yan,YU Hong-Chun,ZHAO Kui-Jun,XIE Tong-Yin
730 Biological characteristics of overwintering nymphs of the horned-gall aphid,Schlechtendaliachinensis(Hemiptera:Aphididae)
XU Xin,WEI Hong-Yuan,FENG Guo-Rui,SHAO Shu-Xia,YANG Zi-Xiang
737 Effects of physical characteristics and nutrients of host plants on the host selectivity ofPyrrhocoristibialis(Hemiptera:Pyrrhocoridae)
ZHAO Rui,NIU Yue,WANG Ya-Li,WANG Mei,ZHAO Meng-Meng,ZHANG Xiao-Chen,JIAO Li-Ya-Lin,HAN Yuan-Huai,LI Rui
749 Effects of developmental stage of soybean pods on the adult longevity and fecundity ofRiptortuspedestris(Hemiptera:Alydidae)
TIAN Xin-Yue,HU Ying-Lu,LI Wen-Bo,GAO Yu,SHI Shu-Sen
757 Oviposition preference ofSerangiumjaponicum(Coleoptera:Coccinelidae) to different tomato varieties and its influencing factors
MEI Wen-Juan,LIN Shuo,ZHANG Qian-Rong,DING Xue-Ling,ZHENG Yu,LU Xue-Song,YAO Feng-Luan,HE Yu-Xian,WENG Qi-Yong
772 Grooming behaviors of adults of the Chinese citrus fly,Bactroceraminax(Diptera:Tephritidae)
HE Zhang-Zhang,GUI Lian-You,YANG Xuan,TIAN Tian,ZHANG Zhi-Liang,ZHOU Ren-Di,HUA Deng-Ke,LIU Wen-Ru,JIANG Zhen-Yu,TANG Jian-Tao
877 Circadian rhythms of the sex pheromone biosynthesis and release and the calling and mating behaviors of adultSesamiainferens(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)
GUO Qian-Shuang,ZHUO Fu-Yan,ZHU Jing-Quan,CHEN Qing-Hua,ZHU Feng,HUANG De-Chao,DU Yong-Jun
886 Life table parameters and predation ability ofAmblyseiusherbicolus(Acarina:Phytoseiidae) reared continuously onOulenziellabakeri(Acarina:Winterschmidtiidae)
HOU Fei,NI Zhao-Hong,ZOU Meng-Ting,ZHU Rui,YI Tian-Ci,GUO Jian-Jun,JIN Dao-Chao
895 Morphological and biological characteristics ofDrepanococcuschiton(Hemiptera:Coccidae),a new pest ofPhyllanthusemblicain China
JIANG Hua,HUANG Jia-Cong,YANG Yan-Ping,LI Gui-Lin
905 Embryonic and postembryonic development ofLeptocybeinvasa(Hymenoptera:Eulophidae)
GUAN Yue-Shan,ZHU Fang-Li,YANG Yi-Han,CAO Hui-Yi,YAN Yu-Ning,WANG Xing-Min
1018 Effects ofTomatochlorosisviruson the host preference and feeding behaviors ofBemisiatabaciMED (Hemiptera:Aleyrodidae) adults on different host plants
FAN Xiao-Fan,LIU Yong,TAN Xin-Qiu,ZHANG Zhan-Hong,ZHANG Zhuo,SHI Xiao-Bin,ZHANG De-Yong
1026 EAG and behavioral responses of adults ofAdoxophyesorana(Lepidoptera:Tortricidae) to volatiles of its major host plants
LI Guang-Wei,CHEN Yu-Xin,YAN Rui,LEI Yi-Xue,CHEN Xiu-Lin,LI Bo-Liao
1038 Risk assessment of gene flow in rice mediated by the houseflyMuscadomestica(InEnglish)
PU De-Qiang,LIU Jia-Fu,REN Shao-Peng,GAO Ming-Qing,YANG Fan,SHI Min,YE Gong-Yin,WEI Shu-Jun,CHEN Xue-Xin
1045 Pheromone-baited intelligent monitoring system ofCnaphalocrocismedinalis(Lepidoptera:Pyralidae) based on machine vision and deep learning
ZHANG Zhe-Yu,SUN Guo-Jia,YANG Bao-Jun,LIU Shu-Hua,LU Jun,YAO Qing,TANG Jian
1153 Effects of arena shape and exit location on the escaping behavior of the Formosan subterranean termite,Coptotermesformosanus(Blattodea:Rhinotermitidae) (InEnglish)
ZHANG Jian-Long,JIN Zheng-Ya,WEN Xiu-Jun,CHEN Xuan,CAI Jia-Cheng,WANG Cai
1166 Effects of cyromazine on the growth ofHermetiaillucens(Diptera:Stratiomyidae) in chicken manure and the detoxification of cyromazine by added activated carbon
ZHANG Hai-Xu,PEI Ya-Xin,ZHANG Ji-Ran,SUO Jiang-Hua,DENG Xin,CHEN Hong-Ge,LIN Hui,YANG Sen
1177 Preference and adaptability of the generalist parasitoidSpalangiaendius(Hymenoptera:Pteromalidae) to novel hosts
LI Lei,HAN Dong-Yin,ZHANG Fang-Ping,CHEN Jun-Yu,WANG Jian-Yun,YE Zheng-Pei,FU Yue-Guan
1185 Oviposition behavior of the solitary waspAnterhynchiumflavomarginatum(Hymenoptera:Eumeninae) in relation to parasitism pressure
LIN Mu-Qing,LIU Yi-Fan,WU Chen-Fan,SHU Zu-Fei,ZHU Chao-Dong,XIAO Zhi-Shu
1306 Excretion and sugar composition of honeydew produced bySchlechtendaliachinensis(Hemiptera:Aphididae) fundatrigeniae living in horned gallnuts
SHAO Shu-Xia,YANG Zi-Xiang,HE Zhao,CHEN Hang,LU Qin,XU Xin,WEI Hong-Yuan,CHEN Xiao-Ming
1314 Transgenerational effect of heat adaptation induced by heat acclimation in larvae of the rice leaf folder,Cnaphalocrocismedinalis(Lepidoptera:Crambidae)
LI Ming-Zhu,LIU Xiang-Dong
1324 Predatory capability ofMalladabasalis(Neuroptera:Chrysopidae) larvae on the eggs and early instar larvae ofSpodopterafrugiperda(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)
SHI Lin-Lin,LI Zi-Yuan,LIN Dan-Min,LU Yong-Yue,CHEN Ke-Wei
1334 Estimation of the potential geographical distribution ofNaupactusleucoloma(Coleoptera:Curculionidae) based on the MaxEnt model
LIANG Li,XIAN Xiao-Qing,ZHAO Hao-Xiang,GUO Jian-Yang,LIU Wan-Xue
1469 Effects of silicon amendment to rice plants on the activities of protective and detoxification enzymes inNilaparvatalugens(Hemiptera:Delphacidae) adults feeding on the treated rice plants
HAN Yong-Qiang,LI Dan-Dan,DENG Quan-Quan,HOU Mao-Lin
1477 Electrophysiological and behavioral responses ofAnoplophorachinensis(Coleoptera:Cerambycidae) to the volatiles fromSalixohsidare
WU Jia-Hao,WU Li-Ping,ZHENG Kai-Wen,GU Yu-Tong,FAN Jian-Ting
1488 Effects of photoperiod,temperature and humidity on the parasitic ability and reproduction ofAphidiusgifuensis(Hymenoptera:Braconidae)
WU Ke-Ke,GU Gang,LAI Rong-Quan,ZHOU Ting,HAN Meng
1498 Prediction of the potential distribution areas ofPseudaulacaspiscockerelli(Hemiptera:Diaspididae) under climate change
WEI Jiu-Feng,CAI Bo,LU Yun-Yun,ZHANG Hu-Fang,ZHAO Qing
1512 Morphological and biological characteristics ofTrigonotyluscoelestialium(Hemiptera:Miridae)
ZHANG Qi,ZHAO Man,LUO Quan,MIAO Lin-Lin,YUAN Xing-Xing,LI Han,LI Wei-Zheng,ZHANG Li-Juan,GUO Xian-Ru
1678 Effects of multiple mating on the spermatophore formation and fecundity ofPlutellaxylostella(Lepidoptera:Plutellidae)
ZOU Ming-Min,LIU Li-Li,DONG Shi-Jie,HUANG Meng-Qi,CAO Min-Hui,YOU Min-Sheng,PENG Lu
102 Ancestral mitochondrial karyotype ofHoplopleurainferred based on fragmented mitochondrial genome ofHoplopleurapacifica(Anoplura:Hoplopleuridae)
SUN Jia-Ning,REN Tian-Guang,CHEN Ting,DONG Wen-Ge
235 Natural barriers and climatic oscillation in the Quaternary Pleistocene influence the phylogeography ofSigmellabiguttata(Blattodea:Ectobiidae) revealed by mitochondrial and nuclear genes (InEnglish)
CHEN Rong,NIU Li-Kang,DUANMU Hao-Nan,WANG Zong-Qing,CHE Yan-Li
500 Genetic differentiation analysis of geographical populations ofDendrothripsminowai(Thysanoptera:Thripidae) in South China
LUO Lin-Li,MENG Ze-Hong,LI Shuai,ZHAO Xing-Li,ZHOU Luo-Na,HE Sheng-Ling,WEI Ru-Hui,ZHANG Xin,ZHOU Yu-Feng
638 Whole-genome resequencing reveals the genetic diversity and adaptive evolution ofApiscerana(Hymenoptera:Apidae) on the eastern and southeastern edges of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
TANG Xiang-You,SONG Hua-Li,SHI Peng,ZHANG Xiao-Yan,TANG Zi-Han,WANG Wen-Feng,ZHA Luo,CHEN Xin-Lan,ZHOU Ze-Yang,XU Jin-Shan
648 A comparative study of cell structures ofApisfloreain Honghe and Baoshan regions of Yunnan,southwestern China
DENG Shang-Kao,YANG Shun-Hua,MENG Qing-Xin,ZHI Dan-Dan,GONG Xue-Yang,DONG Kun
782 Analysis of the genetic differentiation ofVelarifictorusmicado(Orthoptera:Gryllidae) with different diapause types in Zhejiang Province of eastern China based on microsatellite markers
WANG Bai-Qiu,SHEN Chu-Ze,WU Xue,XIE Hui-Cong,ZONG Jing-Song,YU Zhe-Yuan,BAI Yun,LI Kai,HE Zhu-Qing
912 Morphological differentiation in the Asian honey bees (Apiscerana) in China (InEnglish)
ZHU Xiang-Jie,ZHOU Shu-Jing,XU Xin-Jian,YU Ying-Long,HU Jun-Jun,ZHANG Zhong-Yin,QI Wen-Zhong,WANG Biao,YUAN Chun-Ying,XI Fang-Gui,ZHOU Bing-Feng
1056 Observation on the external morphology and ultrastructure of compound eyes of adultEutectonamachaeralis(Lepidoptera:Crambidae)
YUAN Peng-Yu,HU Ke-Yan,QIAN Chen-Yu,WANG Sheng-Kun,WEN Xiu-Jun,WANG Cai,MA Tao
1196 Microstructure and defense function of the acoustic organ ofPapilioxuthus(Lepidoptera:Papilionidae) pupae (InEnglish)
YANG Shuai,LIU Fu,ZHAO Yu-Fei,SUN Qi,HAO Xiang-Yu,YUAN Xiang-Qun
1204 Molecular species definition of common blister beetles (Coleoptera:Meloidae) from northern China
CHENG Hai-Yun,DUAN Jia-Chong,ZHANG Chao,PAN Zhao
1343 Sequencing of the complete mitochondrial genomes ofCarbulacrassiventrisandCarpocorispurpureipennisand phylogenetic analysis of Pentatominae (Hemiptera:Pentatomidae)(InEnglish)
LI Rong-Rong,LI Min,SUN Shan-Shan,YAN Jiang,ZHANG Hu-Fang,BAI Ming
1354 Identification and mitochondrial genome analysis of the sweetpotato flea beetle,Chaetocnemaconfifinis(Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae),an invasive pest in the Chinese mainland
MA Ting-Ting,LIN Fei,ZHAO Nan,RUAN Yong-Ying,XIE Shu-Yan,ZOU Hong-Da,CHEN Jing-Yi,FANG Bo-Ping,HUANG Li-Fei
1367 DNA barcoding of broad-headed bugs (Hemiptera:Alydidae) from China (InEnglish)
YI Wen-Bo,WANG Shi-Jun,WANG Shu-Jing,ZHANG Hai-Guang,BU Wen-Jun
1524 Observation of the embryonic development ofReticulitermesaculabialis(Blattaria:Rhinotermidae) with a laser confocal scanning microscope
1538 Ultramorphology ofOrnithodoroslahorensis(Ixodida:Argasidae) nymphs of different instars
WEI Li-Ting,LIU Dan-Dan,FAN Shi-Long,WANG Jin-Ming,LU Xing,LI Si-Yuan,LIU Ming-Ming,CHEN Song-Qin,LIU Yi-Fan,GUO Qing-Yong,BAYIN Chahan,ZHANG Wei
246 Studies and applications of gene editing technology in insects
QIU Yu-Hao,JIA Yu,NI Jian-Quan,WANG Bing,WANG Gui-Rong
351 Application of semiochemicals in insect pest monitoring
ZHANG Zhen,WANG Hong-Bin,CHEN Guo-Fa,KONG Xiang-Bo,ZHANG Su-Fang,LIU Fu
364 Research methods and advances of odorant receptors in insects
BAI Peng-Hua,WANG Bing,ZHANG Xian-Hong,WANG Gui-Rong
386 Research progress of the mechanism of CO2perception in insects
CHEN Qiu-Yan,LIU Yang,WANG Gui-Rong
399 Research progress of induced defense against insect pests in tea plant (Camelliasinensis)
ZHANG Jin,XING Yu-Xian,HAN Tao,YU Guang-Wei,SUN Xiao-Ling
512 Molecular mechanisms of reproductive regulation in hematophagous insects
WANG Xue-Li,LI Shan,LYU Xiang-Yang,ZOU Zhen
522 Research progress on the occurrence,damage and control ofMythimnaloreyi(Lepidoptera:Noctuidae)
DUAN Yun,CHEN Qi,GUO Pei,MIAO Jin,XIA Peng-Liang,GONG Zhong-Jun,JIANG Yue-Li,LI Tong,WU Yu-Qing
1068 Development and function of halteres in insects
1222 Behavioral manipulation of the plant secondary metabolites to thrips and their application in thrips management
LI Xiao-Wei,CHENG Jiang-Hui,HAN Hai-Bin,LÜ Yao-Bin
1374 Research progress in the morphology and function of honeybee fat body
WANG Rong-Hua,MENG Li-Feng,WEI Qiao-Hong,LI Jian-Ke
1389 Application of the bootstrap technique and the multinomial theorem in the research of age-stage,two-sex life table
LI Jian-Yu,CHEN Yan-Ting,FU Jian-Wei,SHI Meng-Zhu,CHI Hsin,YOU Min-Sheng
1547 Insect humoral immune system,a new direction in the research of Bt resistance mechanisms in insect pests
LIAO Wen-Yu,LÜ Zhuo-Hong,ZHANG You-Jun,YANG Zhong-Xia
1687 Research progress of insect hemocytin
WANG Jing-Jing,HU Hong-Wang,HU Qiong-Bo
1695 Function and mechanism of action ofDrosophilainsulin-like peptide 8 (Dilp8)
NAN Nan,YAN Zhi-Peng,ZHANG Ya-Ru,QIN Guo-Hua,SANG Nan
1701 Research advances in anticoagulant factors from ticks
112 Effects of short-term low temperature on the population growth of the Colorado potato beetle,Leptinotarsadecemlineata(Coleoptera:Chrysomelidae)
LIAO Jiang-Hua,LIU Juan,LIU Xia,HU Heng-Zhi,NIU Ping,HAN Lu-Lu,SUN Han-Han,LI Chao
533 A survey of the composition and occurrence of agromyzid leafminers and their parasitoids in Baiyin,Gansu,northwestern China
HE Jing,DU Su-Jie,CHENG Xin-Fei,WANG Qi-Jing,GUO Jian-Yang,WANG Zuo-Wei,WANG Fu-Lian,LIU Wan-Xue