
2021-12-08 13:12
江苏科技报·E教中国 2021年19期

Product by UNESCO IITE (The UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education)聯合国教科文组织教育信息技术研究所

该报告为UNESCO IITE新推出的“教育的数字化转型”(Digital Transformation of Education)系列出版物的第一期。据悉,“教育的数字化转型”系列将包括政策简报、分析报告和反思论文,以探讨由于技术的使用及其对教育和人类生活其他领域的影响,教育领域正在发生和正在出现的根本性变化。

4. Challenges

4.1 Equity, Equality and Access

The term ‘digital divide has been in use since the late 1990s. Although the manual recording of data by educators and institutions can help to address this divide, as electronic data capture becomes the norm, learners who have limited access to the information required to assist them in their studies, and the ability to generate and share electronic data, may be disadvantaged when it comes to the building of personalized learning pathways which adequately identify and address their needs.

4.2 The Ethical Dimension

At present it is private companies who are leading the way in bringing the power of AI to education, giving rise to concerns about the privacy, protection and use of student data. An ethical foundation for AI is required during the development of AI-enabled services and solutions: not just at the deployment stage. How can we ensure that gender, racial, socio-economic and ability biases are not introduced at the programming level? How can we ensure that social and cultural stereotypes are not promulgated? How can we ensure that all learners, regardless of where they live, have the same access to the benefits which will accrue?

4.3 Technology Dependence

An increased reliance upon AI will not be entirely to our benefit. We can expect to see an increased number of jobs replaced by automation, in both the developed and developing world. There is also a danger that our ability to delegate tasks and cognitive functions to machines can increase our dependence upon technology whilst eroding our own ability to perform these, in what might be termed a ‘use it or lose it scenario. Do students who rely on a computer keyboard lose the ability to write legibly? Do those who perform calculations using a spreadsheet or calculator become less skilled at mental arithmetic? Has a reliance upon GPS affected our ability to navigate? As these technologies become smarter and more capable, it will also become more important than ever to know where it is we want to go.

4.4 Continuous Professional Development

To derive the benefits of AI in education, it will be necessary to equip educators and administrators with the skills to assess and interpret the results. Effective AI solutions generate easy-to-interpret visualizations and dashboards which allow users to interrogate the data and absorb insights in real time. Custom views and reports, tailored for different roles and functions, can easily be produced. The core focus of CPD in this context involves training educators to leverage the insights generated so as to incorporate them into their teaching practice, and to assist them in creating personalised learning pathways for their students.

5. Whats Next?

5.1 New Ways of Doing

5.1.1 Metacognitive Scaffolding

AI can play a role in metacognitive scaffolding by allowing the students themselves to benefit from the insights generated during the course of their learning pathways. Increasingly, students will become the primary users of AI solutions and services, rather than simply the subjects of the data analyzed by educators, administrators and system owners. A learner who is provided with greater insight into how they learn, and how they think, has greater agency and control over their education, and is equipped with vital knowledge of self to act as a bedrock for lifelong learning.

5.1.2 Personalized Assessment and Credentialing

AI will also play an important part in addressing the next great challenge being offered to education technologists: how to support personalized assessment. We know that current forms of assessment in our schools and colleges are seldom aligned to the skills that will be demanded of students when they enter the world of work. Some of the higher-order thinking skills that will be required in a 21st century environment — recall, comparison, analysis and inference — but soft skills, ‘people skills, moral character, teamwork, collaboration and the ability to work effectively as part of a team are difficult to evaluate using these traditional forms.

Many institutions and an increasing number of school systems are investigating the use of micro-credentials that measure complex and general learning capabilities, including such 21st century skills as critical thinking, creativity, communication skills and entrepreneurship. If these new credentials are to remain relevant after their introduction it will also be essential to conduct a continuous analysis of their efficacy and effectiveness, and to present these findings and insights using real-time dashboards tailored to each stakeholders area of interest or expertise.


4. 挑战

4.1 平等、公平与机会


4.2 伦理方面


4.3 技术依赖


4.4 持续的专业发展



5. 未来展望

5.1 做事方式变革

5.1.1 元认知障碍


5.1.2 个性化评估和认证


