(1. 奥地利维也纳自然资源与生命科学大学,农业生物技术学院,生物分析与农业代谢研究所,奥地利·维也纳·图尔恩;2. 英国贝尔法斯特女王大学,生物科学学院,全球食品安全研究所,英国北爱尔兰,贝尔法斯特)
There is a massive and urgent need to ensure the safety and security of the grains and foods supply of the world´s growing population. However, agriculture and food industries continue to be vulnerable to problems of contamination with microbial and chemical contaminants including veterinary drugs and natural toxins produced by plants, algae and particularly by fungi. Global warming[1]and extreme weather events make the occurrence of these toxic metabolites,including a wide range of toxic secondary metabolites of fungi - so called mycotoxins - even more unpredictable. Up to 80% of food items of plant origin worldwide are estimated to be contaminated with mycotoxins[2]. Hence, affordable and practical tools for farmers and food processors along the food and feed chain are still required to efficiently reduce the risk of mycotoxin contamination of crops, feeds and foods.
2016-2020年,我很荣幸作为项目负责人组织了一个为期四年的欧盟项目——“我的工具箱(MyToolBox)”[3],旨在开发一些新方法工具和增强现有方法工具的有效性能。这个项目有一些很重要的中国合作伙伴,如国家粮食和物资储备局科学研究院、中国农业科学研究院、Romer Labs中国公司等。该联合研究确定了欧盟和中国未来在真菌毒素研究和管理方面的方向及其在中欧关系中的作用[3]。显然,世界各地仍然需要改良的综合战略来解决真菌毒素问题,以获得更安全的食品和饲料,并尽量减少损失和出口贸易时的驳回。这些措施包括生物控制、预测、取样和分析、筒仓管理、脱毒,以及开发一些其他被污染物料的安全使用方案。基于我与我的中国合作伙伴在食品安全及监管保障和真菌毒素管理方面富有成效的合作,2021年2月,我很高兴接受谭洪卓博士邀请,为颇具影响力的《粮油食品科技》期刊(中国北京)共同主持组织、共同编辑这一期特约专栏。
Developing new tools and enhancing existing ones was the mission of MyToolBox[3]- a four-year EU-project which I had the pleasure to coordinate from 2016 till 2020. The project included important Chinese partners, such as the Academy of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration (ASAG), the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) and ROMER LABS China. The joint research performed identified future directions in mycotoxin research and management in the EU and in China and its role in China-EU relations[3]. Clearly, improved and integrated strategies to address the mycotoxin issue are still needed around the world to attain safer food and feed, and to minimize losses and export rejections.Measures include biocontrol, forecasting, sampling and analysis, silo management, detoxification, and the development of safe use options for contaminated materials. Based on the fruitful cooperations I have been having with my Chinese partners in the area of food safety, food security and mycotoxin management, I was very delighted when Dr.Tan Hongzhuo asked me, in February 2021, to co-organize and co-edit a special issue for the well-known Journal ofScience and Technology of Cereals, Oils, Foods, Beijing, China.
In this special issue we present 9 papers (3 from China, 5 from Europe and 1 from Nigeria, the 48 authors coming from 14 countries including China, Austria, etc.) dealing with the occurrence, control,analysis and reduction of chemical contaminants in grains and foods with a special emphasis on mycotoxins and veterinary drugs. The contributing top scientists who have contributed to this special issue are greatly acknowledged. Their efforts are even more appreciated in this challenging time due to the pandemic the world has been facing. It makes me proud and happy to also contribute a paper to this collection:my co-authors and I critically discuss the challenges and solutions in the early warning, monitoring and toxicity assessment of biotoxins in the food and feed chain which hopefully inspires readers to consider working in the highly interdisciplinary field of biotoxins in food and to further develop innovative and efficient solutions to mitigate this issue(See the article in P1-P15).
我们优秀的中国同仁,来自中国北京的国家食品安全风险评估中心杨大进研究员、杨欣研究员和Romer Labs中国公司的周旌总经理,为我们提供洞察中国“十三五”计划期间真菌毒素监测的发展,且成功采用了分析方法测定多种霉菌毒素(阅读详见P106-P110)。
Our distinguished Chinese colleagues professor Dajin YANG,professor Xin YANG and general manager Jing ZHOU from the National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment and ROMER LABS China Ltd. in Beijing, China, provide us with insights into the development of mycotoxin surveillance in China during the 13th five year plan in which they successfully employed an analytical method for the determination of multiple mycotoxins (See the article in P106-P110).
来自国家粮食和物资储备局科学研究院(中国北京)的王松雪研究员、李森助理研究员及其同事们,也是“我的工具箱(MyToolBox)”[3]项目的关键合作伙伴,对中欧共同努力开发的减少真菌毒素综合管理系统进行了全面概述,为我们提供这种系统在中国应用的前景 (文章详见P111-P118)。
Professor Songxue WANG, research assistant Sen LI and their colleagues from the Academy of National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration in Beijing, China, who were crucial partners within the project MyToolBox[3]give us a great overview of this joint EU-China effort to develop an integrated management system for mycotoxin reduction and provide us with a prospect on the application of such a system in China (See the article in P111-P118).
Romer Lab无锡实验室的张大伟高工、江南大学杨海麟教授等研究了玉米中隐蔽性新型真菌毒素的发生,发现了隐蔽性镰刀菌真菌毒素和新型真菌毒素白僵菌素和串珠镰刀菌素的高检出率(详见P119-P130)。
Senior engineer Dawei ZHANG from Romer Labs Analytical Service (Wuxi) Co.,Ltd., China, professor Hailin YANG from Jiangnan University and co-authors studied the occurrence of masked and emerging mycotoxins in maize and revealed a high prevalence of masked Fusarium mycotoxins and of the emerging mycotoxins beauvericin and moniliform (See the article in P119-P130).
Naresh Magan教授/高级理学博士(DSc),“我的工具箱(MyToolBox)”[3]项目中另一位业界知名的合作伙伴,及其团队成员Kalliopi Mylona助理研究员和Angel Medina博士,均来自英国克兰菲尔德大学。他们描述了对自然储存的土耳其带壳榛子非常令人感兴趣的研究结果,旨在不同温度和水分可用性下量化呼吸速率、干物质损失和黄曲霉毒素B1污染情况(阅读详见P16-P28)。英国克兰菲尔德大学的Yousef Sultan副教授和Naresh Magan教授/高级理学博士(DSc)还共同研究了使用气体臭氧体外处理控制储存埃及带壳花生中黄曲霉和黄曲霉毒素B1的潜力(文章详见P29-P45)。
Professor Naresh Magan (DSc), another well-known MyToolBox[3]project partner and his team (research assistant Kalliopi Mylona and Dr. Angel Medina) from Cranfield University, U.K.,describe the outcome of their highly interesting study on naturally stored shelled Turkey’s hazelnuts with the aim to quantify respiration rates, dry matter losses and aflatoxin B1contamination at different temperatures and water availabilities (See the article in P16-P28). At the same university, associate professor Yousef Sultan and professor Naresh Magan (DSc) studied the potential of gaseous ozone treatment for the control of A. flavus and a flatoxin B1in vitro in stored Egyptian shelled peanuts (See the article in P29-P45).
本期特刊也考虑了来自学术界和工业界研究成果的结合。这就是为什么我们要特别感谢Paula Alvito高级研究员等人,以及来自意大利百味来(Barilla)中心研究实验室的资深研究作者Michele Suman兼职教授,他们也同意为本期专栏做出积极贡献,并撰文与我们慷慨分享他们在欧洲和东南亚食品加工过程中缓解霉菌毒素方面的经验(阅读全文详见P46-P70)。
The purpose of this special issue was also to combine research findings from both the academia and industry. This is why we are particularly thankful to senior researcher Paula Alvito et al. and senior author adjunct professor Michele Suman from the Barilla Central Research Laboratories (Italy) who have kindly agreed to also contribute to this topical collection and to share generously with us their experience in the mitigation of mycotoxins during food processing in Europe and South East Asia (See the article in P46-P70).
在真菌毒素暴露接触方面,撒哈拉以南非洲是世界上受影响最严重的地理区域之一。这就是为什么我们很高兴邀请了另一篇相关论文的合作,讨论了在尼日利亚市售的灌木芒果、腰果、秋葵、芝麻和高粱的真菌毒素污染情况。该文由尼日利亚纳萨拉瓦州立大学Isaac M. Ogara副教授和尼日利亚巴布科克大学Chibundu N.Ezekiel教授等人合著(详见P71-P92)。
In relation to mycotoxin exposure, Sub-Sahara Africa is one of the most affected geographical areas world-wide. This is why we are glad to include another relevant paper which discusses the mycotoxin contamination of bush mango, cashew nuts, okra, sesame and sorghum marketed in Nigeria. This article is co-authored by associate professor Isaac M. Ogara and professor Chibundu N. Ezekiel et al. from Nasarawa State University Keffi and Babcock University in Nigeria,respectively (See the article in P71-P92).
最后,本期特刊收官的是一篇关于兽药的论文,这是一种极其异质的化合物。这就是为什么在开发一种基于液相色谱串联质谱(LC-MS/MS)多分析物方法来测定这些残基时,必须特别注意标准品(校准曲线)的稳定性。最后这篇论文由奥地利饲料与食品质量安全创新能力中心(FFoQSI)的Lidija Kenjeric硕士等人合著,其中英国贝尔法斯特女王大学全球食品安全研究所的创始人Chris Elliott教授是该文的高级研究作者(阅读详见P93-P105)。
Finally, this special issue is rounded off by a paper on veterinary drugs which are an extremely heterogeneous class of compounds.This is why special attention must be paid to the stability of standards(calibrants) when developing an LC-MS/MS (liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry) based multi-analyte method for the determination of these residues. The latter paper is (co-)authored by M.Sc. Lidija Kenjeric et al. from the FFoQSI Austrian Competence Centre for Feed and Food Quality, Safety and Innovation and the founder of the Institute for Global Food Security at Queen´s University Belfast, professor Chris Elliott who is senior author of this article (See the article in P93-P105).
We would like to express again our great gratitude to the contributors from various countries, thanks to them this special issue provides updated and high quality original contributions on recent efforts to improve the safety and security of grains and foods and provides a worldwide picture of future trends. We hope that the collection of these articles also stimulates further research and cooperations between Europe, China and other countries.
Last but not least we are very thankful to Dr. Hongzhuo TAN,Mr. Jing ZHOU, Ms. Jane JIN, Dr. Songxue WANG, Prof. Songling WU, Dr. Fei REN , Dr. jin YE, Ms. Yu WU, Ms. Di CAI, and the entire editorial team of Journal for the fantastic cooperation, their support and the tremendous effort to translate all English contributions into Chinese.
——Rudolf Krska 于奥地利·维也纳·图尔恩
——Rudolf Krska, Tulln, Vienna, Austria
September 19, 2021
(Translated into Chinese by Hongzhuo TAN)