
2021-12-03 02:02:40
粮油食品科技 2021年6期

Mari Eskola 博士/部门负责人


Dr. Mari Eskola

Regulatory Affairs Expert, Food & Nutrition and Feed, Food & Nutrition and Feed Team,Medfiles Ltd, Rajatorpantie 41 C, 01640 Vantaa, Finland

E-mail: mari.eskola@medfiles.eu

Mari Eskola:博士,食品营养与饲料方面的监管事务专家,芬兰Medfiles有限公司(万塔市)食品营养与饲料团队成员。

Mari Eskola于1997年毕业于芬兰赫尔辛基(Helsinki)大学,获食品科学理学硕士学位,2002年在该校获得食品科学真菌毒素研究方向的博士学位。在食品和饲料化学安全的研究方面拥有近25年的国际专业知识,包括来自欧盟、欧洲国家组织和工业界的研究。在意大利的欧洲食品安全管理局工作了10年,任EFSA污染物管理部门负责人,开发了食品和饲料中污染物的EFSA风险评估。

作为一名食品与分析化学家和研究者,Mari Eskola博士拥有丰富的来自欧洲各研究机构的专业知识经验。这些组织包括比利时欧盟委员会联合研究中心、爱尔兰泰加斯加、奥地利自然资源和生命科学大学(BOKU)。她也是欧洲化学机构ECHA的一名科学官员。最近,她从食品行业转向Medfiles咨询公司,为监管食品和饲料安全专业知识提供咨询服务。曾发表科研论文多篇,包括很多关于真菌毒素、海洋生物毒素、环境污染物等的EFSA科学综合评价意见和风险评估报告。

Dr. Mari Eskola,graduated from the University of Helsinki,Finland as a M.Sc in Food Science in 1997. In 2002 she obtained a PhD degree in Food Science on mycotoxins in the same university.She has nearly 25 years of international expertise in food and feed chemical safety and research from the European Union and European national organisations and industry. She worked 10 years in Italy at the European Food Safety Authority EFSA developing EFSA risk assessments on contaminants in foods and feeds where she also acted as a head of unit of the EFSA Unit on Contaminants.

Dr. Eskola has also expertise from various European research institutes as food and analytical chemist and researcher. These comprise organisations, such as European Commission Joint Research Centre in Belgium, Teagasc in Ireland, and University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences BOKU in Austria. She was also a scientific officer at the European Chemicals Agency ECHA. In the recent past she moved from food industry to a consultancy company Medfiles Ltd to provide regulatory food and feed safety expertise. She has several scientific publications comprising also many scientific EFSA opinions and risk assessments on mycotoxins, marine biotoxins, and environmental contaminants.

Franz Berthille 博士/副教授/主席


Dr. Franz Berthiller

Department of Agrobiotechnology (IFA-Tulln), University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Austria.

E-mail: franz.berthiller@boku.ac.at

Franz Berthille:博士,奥地利维也纳自然资源与生命科学大学、农业生物技术学院(IFA-tulln)副教授,是致力于创新牲畜肠道健康概念的基督教多普勒(Doppler)实验室生物标志物模块负责人。兼任《世界霉菌毒素》杂志主编、奥地利毒理学学会(ASTOX)主席等。

Dr. Franz Berthiller,is Associate Professor at the Department IFA-Tulln of BOKU and Head of the Biomarker Module of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Innovative Gut Health Concepts of Livestock. He studied chemistry at the University of Vienna and the Vienna University of Technology and is an expert on liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. He previously headed the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Mycotoxin Metabolism from 2011-2017 and researched on the metabolism of mycotoxins in plants,microbes and animals.

Franz Berthiller博士曾在维也纳大学和维也纳理工大学学习化学,是液相色谱结合质谱学方面的专家。2011-2017年,曾任基督教多普勒霉菌毒素代谢实验室负责人,研究植物、微生物和动物的真菌毒素代谢。科学成果包括160多篇国际同行评议的出版物,被引证频次约8000次,H指数50。获科学奖非常多,包括2006年Brigitte Gedek博士科学奖、2014年奥地利分析化学协会颁发的Fritz-Feigl奖、2018年下奥地利科学赞誉奖等。

He received numerous scientific awards, including the Dr.Brigitte Gedek Science Award 2006, the Fritz-Feigl-Award 2014 from the Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry or the Appreciation Award of Lower Austria for Science 2018. Franz is Editor-in-chief of the World Mycotoxin Journal as well as Chair of the Austrian Society of Toxicology (ASTOX). His scientific output includes over 160 international peer-reviewed publications, which were cited about 8000 times ever since (h-index 50).

Michel W.F. Nielen 博士/教授/首席科学家/特别主席


Prof. Michel W.F. Nielen

Wageningen Food Safety Research (WFSR), part of Wageningen University &Research, P.O. Box 230, 6700 AE Wageningen, THE NETHERLANDS

E-mail: michel.nielen@wur.nl

Michel W.F. Nielen:博士,荷兰瓦赫宁根大学与研究中心、食品安全研究中心教授。1986年,在荷兰阿姆斯特丹VU大学获博士学位。在荷兰应用科学研究院(TNO)、AkzoNobel的化学工业领域工作后,他在RIKILT瓦赫宁根大学与研究中心任兽医项目经理。

2007年,Michel W.F. Nielen教授成为瓦赫宁根大学的杰出教授,专注于研究和开发与生物活性相关的多种方法来检测食品链中化学污染物。自2012年以来,一直是瓦赫宁根食品安全研究中心(WFSR)的首席科学家、瓦赫宁根大学分析化学方面的兼职特别主席、食品分析最新进展(RAFA)方面领先系列研讨会的联合主席。曾任荷兰质谱协会主席、荷兰分析科学和技术公立与私立合作协会科学主任(TI-COAST)。

自2017年1月以来,他担任欧盟Marie Curie创新培训网络食品智能手机的协调主管,该网络旨在开发用于食品质量和安全现场测试的智能手机分析器。撰写(含合著)了200多篇同行评议的论文和书籍章节(被引频次9500次,H指数55),涵盖了广泛的分析技术,包括质谱、色谱、毛细血管电泳和生物传感器。

Prof. Michel W.F. Nielen,obtained his PhD at the VU university(Amsterdam, NL) in 1986. After a career at TNO and in chemical industry at AkzoNobel, he became program manager veterinary drugs at RIKILT Wageningen University & Research. In 2007 he also became extraordinary professor at Wageningen University, focusing on research and development of bioactivity-related multimethods for the detection of chemical contaminants in the food chain. Since 2012, he is principal scientist at Wageningen Food Safety Research (WFSR) and holds a part-time Special Chair on Analytical Chemistry at Wageningen University.

He is former president of the Dutch Society for Mass Spectrometry and former scientific director of TI-COAST, the Dutch public-private partnership on analytical science and technology. Since January 2017 he is the coordinator of the EU Marie Curie Innovative Training Network FoodSmartphone which aims for the development of smartphone analyzers for on-site testing of food quality and safety.

Nielen (co-)authored more than 200 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters (>9500 citations, H-index 55) covering a wide range of analytical technologies, including mass spectrometry,chromatography, capillary electrophoresis and biosensors, and is cochair of the leading symposium series on Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA).

Isabella Oswald 博士/主任


Dr. Isabella Oswald

Head, Research Center in Food Toxicology - Toxalim, INRAE, Toulouse, France

E-mail: isabelle.oswald@inrae.fr

Isabella Oswald:博士,法国食品毒理学研究中心主任(图卢兹)。她在法国雷恩接受了农业工程师培训,并获博士学位。在美国贝塞斯达的国家Heath研究所获博士后奖学金后,被任命为INRAE-Toulouse食品毒理学研究中心的研究员,目前任该研究中心负责人。

Isabella Oswald博士领导的研究团队主要开展真菌毒素的生物合成和毒性研究。该团队主要目标有两个:一是表征真菌物种产生真菌毒素和其他次生代谢产物的特性;二是用不同的模型如细胞模型、动物模型(猪和啮齿动物)和器官外植体,测定真菌毒素及其代谢物的毒性作用。目前主要研究新兴真菌毒素和食品污染物混合物的影响。

Isabella Oswald博士是欧洲食品安全机构(EFSA)、法国食品、环境和职业健康机构(ANSES)的专家,也是联合国粮农组织、世界卫生组织联合专业委员会(JEFCA)的食品添加剂专家。

Isabella Oswald博士发表国际论文250多篇。H指数为 66(Web of Science)、75(Google scholar), 是 Web of Science中被引用率排名前1%的研究者之一。2018年获INRAE颁发的终身成就奖,2021年获法国政府颁发的Legion荣誉奖。

Dr. Isabelle Oswald,trained as an agricultural engineer in Rennes, France where she received her PhD. After a post-doctoral fellowship at the National Institutes of Heath in Bethesda, USA, she was appointed researcher at TOXALIM Research Center in Food Toxicology in INRAE-Toulouse. She is currently the director of this research Center.

She leads a team interested in the Biosynthesis and toxicity of mycotoxins. This team has two main objectives (1) to characterize the production of mycotoxins and other secondary metabolites by fungal species (2) to determine the toxic effects of mycotoxins and their metabolites using different models such as cellular models,animal models (pig and rodents) and organ explants. Her current work focuses on the effect of emerging mycotoxins and mixtures of food contaminants.

She is an expert for EFSA (the European Food Safety agency),ANSES (the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety and JEFCA (the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives).

She has more than 250 international publications. She has an H-index of 66 (Web of Science) and 75 (Google scholar) and is among the top 1% highly cited researcher in the Web of Science. In 2018 she received a Lifetime Achievement Award from INRAE and earlier this year the Legion of Honor from the French Government.

Oonagh MC Nerney 首席执行官


Oonagh MC Nerney CEO

Spain IRIS Company

Oonagh MC Nerney:IRIS技术解决方案的联合创始人和首席执行官,这是一家2007年成立的西班牙公司,专注于先进工程技术工业4.0和数字化的光子学和基于人工智能的过程监控解决方案。

Oonagh MC Nerney,is the Cofounder and CEO of IRIS Technology Solutions, an advanced engineering company (Spain)established in 2007 and that specialised in photonics and Artificial Intelligence-based process monitoring solutions for Industry 4.0 and Digitalization.


Oonagh MC Nerney 1992年毕业于Stirling大学(苏格兰),获国际市场营销学位。从1993年直到创立IRIS之前,有过拥有外国直接投资职位的Malta公司、巴塞罗那的与创新生物系统有关的行业/大学/技术研究所、技术转让/创新/业务发展领域的商业发展机构等丰富工作经历。


IRIS employs 70+ multidisciplinary engineers and scientists,and thanks to a successful track record in the European Commission’s Research and Development framework programme has developed a platform of Process Analytical Technology (PAT) spectroscopy-based real-time monitoring solutions, which are targeted at clients from the food, chemical and pharmaceutical industries, in addition to emerging bio-based industries from the Circular Economy.

Oonagh graduated from the University of Stirling (Scotland)with a Degree in International Marketing & Business in 1992. From 1993 until setting up IRIS she worked in the innovation eco-system in Barcelona with industry, universities and technology institutes, as well as Business Development Agencies in the areas of technology transfer,innovation, business development, in addition to holding a foreign direct investment position with Malta Enterprise.

A digital enthusiast, she is passionate about the power and opportunities of digital technology for driving smart industry, as well as for driving the data-driven workplace.

Luis M Botana 博士/终身教授/主任


Prof. Luis M Botana

Department of Pharmacology, Veterinary Scholl, Campus Lugo, University Santiago de Compostela, Spain

E-mail: Luis.botana@usc.es

Luis M Botana:博士, 西班牙圣地亚哥联合大学Lugo校区兽医学院药理学系全职教授、临床兽医医院药房服务部主任。在美国约翰·霍普金斯哮喘和过敏中心(巴尔的摩市)从事两年博士后研究工作后,他开始了以海洋毒素为主线的研究,通常指的是海洋化合物的药理学和毒理学。他把这些研究进一步扩展到蓝藻毒素和真菌毒素,涵盖从药理学到毒理学和分析领域。

在Luis M Botana教授的职业生涯中,组织协调、合作参与欧洲项目多个,发表国际论文400多篇,指导博士论文50篇。在天然化合物药理领域,与全球许多研究团队均有合作。曾任欧洲海洋生物毒素参比实验室主任5年,南加州大学药理学系主任8年。

Prof. Luis M Botana,is currently Full Professor of pharmacology at the Veterinary School in Lugo, and director of the Pharmacy Service of the Clinical Veterinary Hospital. After his two year post-doc stay as a Fogarty Fellow in Baltimore (Johns Hopkins Asthma and Allergy Center), he started a research line on marine toxins, and in general,the pharmacology and toxicology of marine compounds. This work was further extended to cyanotoxins and mycotoxins, covering from pharmacology to toxicology and analysis.

He was the director of the European Reference Laboratory for Marine Biotoxins for 5 years, and director of the Department of Pharmacology at the USC for 8 years.

He has coordinated and was partner in several European projects,and through his career he has published more than 400 international papers,and has directed to date 50 PhD thesis. He has collaboration with many groups worldwide in the field of pharmacology of natural compounds.


Editor's Note:The above six experts are Co-authors of the paper “Global Challenges and Solutions in the Early Warning, Monitoring and Toxicity Assessment of Biotoxins in the Food and Feed Chain” in this special column.

Chris Elliott 博士/教授/会士


Prof. Chris Elliott

PhD, FRSC, FRSB, MRIA, OBE Institute for Global Food Security, Queen’s University,Belfast, U.K

E-mail: Chris.Elliott@qub.ac.uk

Chris Elliott:博士,英国贝尔法斯特女王大学全球粮食安全研究所教授。英国皇家化学学会会士、英国皇家生物学会会士、MRIA和大英帝国官佐勋章获得者。

Chris Elliott是一名食品安全领域的教授,英国贝尔法斯特女王大学全球食品安全研究所的创始人。发表国际同行评议论文480多篇,其中很多研究论文与农业、食品和环境污染物的检测与控制有关。主要研究方向为开发创新技术,为复杂的食品供应系统受到毒素潜在威胁而提供早期预警。


Chris Elliott教授是地球基金会的创始人和科学主席之一、英国皇家化学学会和皇家生物学学会的当选会员。2020年被选为爱尔兰皇家学院的成员,2021年当选为英国特许环境卫生学会的副会长。他工作所获得的奖项和荣誉非常多。譬如,赢得Winston Churchill奖学金;2017年被授予英国皇家化学学会Theophilus Redwood奖、英帝国官佐勋衔;最近,因在食品真实性方面的工作成就而获安捷伦思想领袖奖等。

Chris Elliott教授在欧洲、美国、中东和亚洲也建立了一个高水平的合作者网络,譬如兼任中国农业大学(北京)和中国科学院的客座教授等。


Prof. Chris Elliott,is currently Professor of Food Safety and founder of the Institute for Global Food Security at Queen’s University Belfast. He has published more than 480 peer review articles, many of them relating to the detection and control of agriculture, food and environmental related contaminants. His main research interests are in the development of innovative techniques to provide early warning of toxin threats across complex food supply systems.

Protecting the integrity of the food supply chain from fraud is also a key research topic and Chris led the independent review of Britain’s food system following the 2013 horsemeat scandal. He currently co-ordinates a flagship Horizon2020 project involving 16 European and 17 Chinese partners on food safety and also co-ordinates a European Institute of Innovation and Technology flagship research project.

Chris is one of the founders and Scientific Chair of Foundation Earth. He is a recipient of a Winston Churchill Fellowship and is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Royal Society of Biology.

Chris has developed a high level network of collaborators across Europe, the United States, the Middle East and Asia. He is a visiting Professor at the China Agriculture University in Beijing and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Chris has received numerous prizes and awards for his work. In 2017 he was awarded the Royal Society of Chemistry Theophilus Redwood Prize and was also awarded an OBE. He was elected a member of the Royal Irish Academy in 2020 and became Vice President of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health in 2021. Recently Chris was awarded the Agilent Thought Leaders Award for his work on food authenticity.

He is the Co-author of two papers “Global Challenges and Solutions in the Early Warning, Monitoring and Toxicity Assessment of Biotoxins in the Food and Feed Chain” and “The Challenge of Standard Stability in LC-MS Based Multi-Analyte Approaches for Veterinary Drugs” in this special column.

Kalliopi Mylona 博士/助理研究员


Dr. Kalliopi Mylona

University of Hertfordshire, U.K

Kalliopi Mylona:博士,拥有化学、食品科学和技术方面的科学背景。2012年,在英国克兰菲尔德大学获得博士学位,并在一个欧盟项目(MYCORED)工作。她的研究重点是产毒真菌和真菌毒素污染的生态学及其与食物/饲料链质量损失的关系,以及使用天然化合物和气态臭氧的控制策略。曾就职于食品行业(皮革头食品研究协会),任食品立法实施顾问,以确保全食品产业链的食品安全。

她获博士学位后,在欧盟委员会联合研究中心(DGJRC)工作,开展过关于食品安全、营养监管和政策框架的未来适应力一次富有远见的活动,旨在为决策者(DG SANTE)提供科学建议。目前在英国赫特福德郡大学任助理研究员,研究食品安全和真实性法规以及可持续性政策对食品价值链的影响。在食品安全科学领域有丰富的经验和与食品产业链相关的监管知识。曾发表多篇研究论文,主要涉及量化主要谷物中由产毒真菌造成的质量损失和真菌毒素的潜在控制策略。


Dr. Kalliopi Mylona,has a scientific background in chemistry and food science and technology and completed her PhD at Cranfield University in 2012 while working on an EU project (MYCORED). Her work was focused on ecology of mycotoxigenic fungi and mycotoxin contamination and relationships with quality loss in food/feed chains and control strategies using natural compounds and gaseous ozone. She previously worked in the food industry (Leatherhead Food Research Association) and as a consultant on the implementation of food legislation for ensuring food safety along the food chain. After her PhD she worked for the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (DG JRC) on a foresight exercise on the future resilience of the food safety and nutrition regulatory and policy framework, aimed at providing scientific advice to the policy makers (DG SANTE). She was most recently employed as a research assistant at the University of Hertfordshire, U.K. examining the impacts of food safety and authenticity regulations and sustainability policies on the food value chains. She has a wealth of experience in the scientific food safety arena and regulatory knowledge in relation to food chains. She has published a number of research papers focused on quantifying quality loss in staple cereals due to mycotoxigenic fungi and potential control strategies for mycotoxins.

She is the First Author of the paper “Effect of Interacting Abiotic Storage Conditions on Respiration, Dry Matter Losses and Aflatoxin B1Contamination of Stored Turkey’s Shelled Hazelnuts” in this special column.

Naresh Magan 高级理学博士(DSc)/教授 /团队负责人


Prof. Naresh Magan (DSc)

Head, Applied Mycology Group, Environment and AgriFood Theme, Cranfield University, College Road, Cranfield, Beds. MK43 0AL, U.K

E-mail: n.magan@cranfield.ac.uk

Naresh Magan:高级理学博士(DSc),教授,英国克兰菲尔德大学环境和农业食品学院应用真菌学研究团队负责人。

Prof. Naresh Magan (DSc),completed his BSc (Hons) Botany and MSc (Plant Pathology) at Exeter University, U.K. and his PhD at Rothamsted Research (external student Reading University, U.K.)

Naresh Magan在英国埃克塞特大学获得植物学理学学士学位和植物病理学理学硕士学位。1982年,在Rothamsted研究中心(英国雷丁大学走读生)获得博士学位。因在“食物链中腐败和产真菌毒素霉菌的生态生理学”领域的突出科研成就,2013年被英国克兰菲尔德大学授予高级理学博士学位荣誉(DSc)。任该校应用真菌学学术带头人,在食品安全和腐败/产真菌毒素霉菌方面的研究达35年之久。主要研究包括:气候变化对真菌病原体的影响,尤其是产前产后的产毒真菌,利用物理和生物方法对主食/饲料链中霉菌毒素的生态学和控制策略,耐用品和易腐品中植物病虫害和霉菌毒真菌的生物防治,为产前产后食物链的实时管理开发DSS系统。Naresh Magan教授发表研究领域的同行评议期刊论文320余篇,H指数分别为61(Scoups)和 82(Google scholar)。


in 1982. He was awarded a DSc by Cranfield University in 2013 for his research on “Ecophysiology of spoilage and mycotoxigenic fungi in food chains”. He holds the Chair in Applied Mycology at Cranfield University. He has carried out research on food security/safety and spoilage/mycotoxigenic fungi for 35 years. Current research includes: impact of climate change on fungal pathogens, especially toxigenic fungi pre- and post-harvest; ecology and control strategies for mycotoxins in staple food/feed chains using both physical and biological approaches; biocontrol of plant pathogens/pests and mycotoxigenic fungi in both durables and perishables; development of DSS systems for real time management of food chains pre- and postharvest. He has published widely in these research areas with 325+peer-reviewed Journal papers. He has an H-index of 61 (Scopus) and 82 (Google scholar).

He is the Corresponding Author of two papers “Effect of Interacting Abiotic Storage Conditions on Respiration, Dry Matter Losses and Aflatoxin B1Contamination of Stored Turkey’s Shelled Hazelnuts” and “Potential for Control of A. Flavus and Aflatoxin B1in Vitro and in Stored Egyptian Shelled Peanuts using Gaseous Ozone Treatment” in this special column.

Angel Medina 博士/准教授/执行主任


Dr. Angel Medina

Reader in Food Mycology, Acting Director of Environment and Agrifood, Cranfield University, Cranfield, Beds. MK43 0AL, U.K

Angel Medina:博士,英国克兰菲尔德大学(贝德福郡)环境和农业食品学院执行主任,食品真菌学准教授。


Dr. Angel Medina,his PhD degree in Microbiology in 2007 at the University of Valencia (Spain). He was awarded the best PhD Thesis prize in 2008 by University of Valencia, based on the novelty and quality of his research work on mycotoxins. Subsequently, he worked for almost 2 years in the food industry. He then obtained a post-doctoral grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation to work in the Applied Mycology Group at Cranfield University (UK). He joined Cranfield in January 2009.

Angel has focused his research interests on the impact that environmental stress has on the functioning of fungi (mainly mycotoxigenic species), the mechanisms used for ecophysiological tolerance, and the molecular basis of secondary metabolite production,especially mycotoxins and other relevant metabolites for industrial applications. He has been developing research on ecophysiology,molecular ecology and modelling of mycotoxigenic fungi growth and toxin production for 18+ years.

Angel Medina 的研究方向主要聚焦环境胁迫对霉菌(主要是产毒真菌物种)功能的影响、生态生理耐受性机制,次级代谢产物产生的分子基础,尤其是真菌毒素和其他相关代谢产物的工业应用。18年来,一直从事真菌毒真菌生长和毒素生产的生态生理学、分子生态学和模型方面的研究,参与了多个改善和提高小谷物和落花生的储存和质量的项目。发表同行评议期刊论文105篇、撰写相关书籍章节14个,H指数分别为28(Scoups)和34(Google Scholar)。作为一名早期职业学者对真菌学的贡献,2020年9月被授予英国真菌学协会伯克利奖。


He has been involved in several projects to improve the storage and increase quality of small grain cereals and groundnuts. Angel has published 105 peer reviewed Journal papers, 14 book chapters and has an H-factor of 28 (Scopus) and 34 (Google Scholar). In September 2020, he was awarded the British Mycological Society Berkeley Award for his contribution to mycology as an early career academic.

He is the Co-author of the paper “Effect of Interacting Abiotic Storage Conditions on Respiration, Dry Matter Losses and Aflatoxin B1Contamination of Stored Turkey’s Shelled Hazelnuts” in this special column.

Yousef Sultan 博士/副教授/团队负责人


Associate Prof. Yousef Sultan

National Research Centre (NRC), Cairo, Egypt

E-mail: sultanay18@hotmail.com

Yousef Sultan:副教授,埃及国家研究中心(NRC,开罗)食品出口、分析单位和咨询部门的质量控制领域负责人。他在埃及亚历山大大学获食品科学学士学位,在埃及开罗大学获食品科学硕士学位,在英国克兰菲尔德大学获应用真菌学博士学位。作为博士后研究员,继续在世界各地,如英国、西班牙、中国(2019-2020年)的大学开展食品毒理学研究。

Sultan博士目前的研究包括:改进食品中真菌毒素定量的色谱技术,利用自然资源(藻类、植物和链霉菌)中的生物活性化合物对致病菌和产毒真菌进行生物控制;利用农业废弃物对异型生物质化合物进行生物修复;其他领域包括对食品污染物(如重金属、离子液体和藻类毒素)的毒性评估。发表同行评议的期刊论文30余篇;H指数分别为10(Scopus)和11(Google scholar)。


Associate Prof. Yousef Sultan,head of quality control field for exporting foods, Analysis unit and Consulting, National Research Centre (NRC), Cairo, Egypt. He completed his BSc with Hons in Food Science at Alexandria University, Egypt and MSc(Food Science) at Cairo University, Egypt and his Ph.D in Applied Mycology at Cranfield University, UK. He continued the research in Food Toxicology at different universities around the world as a post-doctoral fellow (UK, Spain and most recently in China, 2019-2020). Research at present includes: Improving the chromatographic techniques in quantification of mycotoxins in food, biocontrol of pathogenic bacteria and mycotoxigenic fungi using bioactive compounds from natural resources (algae, plants, and Streptomyces),bioremediation of xenobiotic compounds using agricultural wastes.Other areas include toxicity evaluations of food contaminants (e.g.,heavy metals, ionic liquids and algal toxins). He has published 30+peer-reviewed Journal papers. He has an H-index of 10 (Scopus) and 11 (Google scholar).

He is the First Author of the paper “Potential for Control of A. Flavus and A flatoxin B1in Vitro and in Stored Egyptian Shelled Peanuts using Gaseous Ozone Treatment” in this special column.

Paula Alvito 博士/高级研究员


Dr. Paula Alvito

National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge, Lisbon, Portugal

E-mail: Paula.Alvito@insa.min-saude.pt

Paula Alvito:生物学博士,葡萄牙国家卫生研究院(里斯本)食品营养部Ricardo Jorge博士团队的生物学高级研究员、葡萄牙阿维罗大学环境和海洋研究中心的综合成员、EUROTOX注册毒理学家、《世界霉菌毒素》(World Mycotoxin Journal)杂志编委会成员和多本期刊的审稿人。其主要研究方向为食品安全和食品毒理学,即真菌毒素发生、毒性、风险评估、生物利用度和人类生物监测。

她参与了有关食品安全的国际协会、学术网络(如INFOGEST网络)和合作国际项目,如“欧盟地平线2020” HBM4EU化学组(真菌毒素)项目、欧盟食品安全局RiskBenefit4EU项目、真菌毒素在总饮食中的暴露评估7FP研究项目等。也组织协调了一些国家项目,如earlyMYCO 2018-2021的早期生活中(真菌毒素)暴露接触研究、MYCOMIX 2012-2015的多组分毒素混合物检测项目等。教学理学硕士课程,并指导博士和理学硕士论文。还组织协调了一些关于食品污染物挑战问题的国家级和国际科学会议,并通过一些国际项目组织过许多研讨会和夏季课程,如2015、2017、2019、2021年的ICFC会议等。


Dr. Paula Alvito,PhD Biology, Senior Researcher at Food and Nutrition Department, at National Institute of Health Dr. Ricardo Jorge,Lisbon, Portugal. EUROTOX Registered Toxicologist ERT. Integrated member of Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies, University of Aveiro, Portugal focus her research interests on food safety and food toxicology, namely, mycotoxins occurrence, toxicity, risk assessment,bioavailability and human biomonitoring.

Journals reviewer and member ofWorld Mycotoxin Journaleditorial board. Participates in international associations and networks on food safety (e.g. INFOGEST network), collaborates in international projects (Chemical group leader mycotoxins at HBM4EU, Horizon 2020; RiskBenefit4EU, EFSA; Total Diet Study Exposure, 7FP) and coordinates national ones (early-life exposure, earlyMYCO 2018-21; mixtures, MYCOMIX 2012-15), teaches in MSc programs and supervises PhD and MSc Thesis. Also coordinates the organization of new national and international scientific meetings (ICFC15, 2017,2019, 2021) concerning food contaminants challenges, symposiums and summer courses within international projects.

She is the First Author of the paper “Mitigation of Mycotoxins during Food Processing: Sharing Experience among Europe and South East Asia” in this special column.

Michele Suman 博士/经理/兼职教授


Adjunct professor Michele Suman

Food Safety & Authenticity Research Manager in Barilla Spa company (via Mantova 166 - 43122 Parma, Italy) since 2003

E-mail: michele.suman@barilla.com

Michele Suman:博士,2003年起任意大利百味来(Barilla)Spa公司食品安全和真实性研究经理。天主教大学圣心分校Milan/Piacenza分校农业食品真实性的兼职教授。由于在这两个机构工作,使其有公益和私营研究中心/机构之间的国际背景,在食品化学、食品安全质量及真实性、食品接触材料、传感和质谱法的应用等领域合作多个研究项目。

Adjunct professor Michele Suman,his Analytical Chemistry Degree at University of Ferrara in 1997. National Prize for Young Researchers promoted by the Italian Chemistry Federation(Federchimica)in 1998. Master in Science, Technology and Management from University of Ferrara in 1998, working at the same time at the “Natta Research Centre” of Shell-Montell Polyolefins. PhD in Science and Technology of Innovative Materials from University of Parma in 2005.


Michele Suman博士任意大利国家规范组织(UNI)食品真实性工作组主席;生物毒素加工污染物-欧洲标准化委员会(中心)食品真实性工作组成员;ILSI工艺相关化合物和天然毒素专门工作组主席;意大利国家集群农业食品科学委员会质量-食品安全骨干组织协调员;2014-2019年任意大利化学学会委员会质谱分会成员;2019年起任意大利化学学会科学委员会-食品化学跨部门委员会成员。

Michele Suman博士的科学成果有:5本书章节、著作2本、国内国际会议报告160篇、国际ISI期刊论文110篇。Google ScholarH指数27、i10指数55,Scoups H指数23,Research Gate指数37。


Chair of the Italian National Normative Organization (UNI) Food Authenticity Working Group, member of working groups for Biotoxins-Processing Contaminants-Food Authenticity in European Committee for Standardization (CEN), Chair of the ILSI Process Related Compounds and Natural Toxins Task Force; Coordinator of Quality-Food Safety Pillar- Italian National Cluster Agrifood Scientific Board, member of the Board of Mass Spectrometry Division - Italian Chemistry Society from 2014 to 2019, member of the Scientific Board of Italian Chemistry Society - Food Chemistry Inter-divisional Group since 2019.

Google Scholar H-index 27 and i10-index 55, Scopus H-index 23,Research Gate index 37. His scientific production is documented by 5 book chapters, 2 books edited, 160 contributions at national and international conferences and 110 papers in international ISI journals.

He is the Corresponding Author of the paper “Mitigation of Mycotoxins during Food Processing: Sharing Experience among Europe and South East Asia” in this special column.

Isaac M. Ogara 博士/副教授/系主任


Dr. Isaac M. Ogara

Nasarawa State University Keffi, Lafia Campus

E-mail: isaacjanet2002@yahoo.com

Isaac M. Ogara:博士,副教授,尼日利亚纳萨拉瓦州立大学凯菲分校(拉菲亚校区)农学系主任。1964年出生于尼日利亚中部的纳萨拉瓦州;1984-1988年在尼日利亚乔斯(Jos)大学攻读植物学专业,获理学学士学位;1993年在该校获应用微生物学和植物病理学硕士学位。2017年在尼日利亚Ahmadu Bello大学获作物保护(植物病理学)博士学位。

Dr. Isaac M. Ogara,is an associate professor at Nasarawa State University Keffi, Lafia Campus, Nigeria and Head of the Department of Agronomy of the University. He was born in 1964 in Nasarawa State, Central Nigeria. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree, B. Sc. (Hons.) Botany at the University of Jos, Nigeria, 1984 - 8 and an M.Sc. in Applied Microbiology and Plant Pathology from the Same University, in 1993. He later Obtained PhD in Crop Protection (Plant Patholgy) at Ahmadu Bello University, in 2017.

Isaac M.Ogara博士于1990年在拉菲亚高原州立农业学院开始职业生涯,1997-1998年任该校基础科学系主任,1998-2004年任该学院科学和普通研究学院院长。2004年加入尼日利亚纳萨拉瓦州立大学。在尼日利亚和国际期刊上发表了植物病理学、真菌毒理学和相关领域的科研论文多篇。任多个学术学会成员,包括尼日利亚植物保护学会、尼日利亚农业学会和美国系统病理学学会等;也是尼日利亚真菌毒理学协会的全国秘书长。


He Started his career at the then, Plateau State College of Agriculture,Lafia, in 1990, where he later served as Head of Department of Basic Sciences from 1997-98, and later as the Dean of the School of Science and General Studies of that College From 1998-2004. He joined Nasarawa State University in 2004.

He has published several articles in Plant pathology, Mycotoxicology and related areas in local and International Journals. He is a member of learned societies including Nigeria Society for Plant Protection, Agricultural Society of Nigeria and American Phytopathological Society. He is currently the National Secretary of the Mycotoxicology Society of Nigeria.

He is the First Author of the paper “Mycotoxin Contamination of Bush Mango, Cashew Nuts, Okra, Sesame and Sorghum Marketed in Nasarawa State, Nigeria” in this special column.

Chibundu N. Ezekiel 博士/教授


Prof. Chibundu N. Ezekiel (Ph.D)

Department of Microbiology, Babcock University, Ilishan Remo, 121103,Ogun State, Nigeria.

E-mail: chaugez@gmail.com; Ezekielc@babcock.edu.ng

Chibundu N. Ezekiel:博士,尼日利亚巴布科克大学微生物学系(奥贡州)教授。在尼日利亚巴布科克大学获微生物学学士学位、微生物学硕士学位,在尼日利亚伊巴丹大学获真菌学/真菌毒理学博士学位(2013年)。任巴布科克大学食品微生物学和真菌毒理学教授主席(2021年1月起)、非洲联盟CAADP食品安全委员会专家;曾任埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴的非洲联盟委员会非洲黄曲霉毒素合作项目(PACA)项目技术顾问。

Chibundu N. Ezekiel教授在食品安全和真菌毒素领域有超过15年的经验,深入研究食品腐败和产真菌毒素的真菌。目前的研究兴趣包括:产毒真菌的生态学和生物分类学;食品和饲料中的霉菌毒素监测;人体霉菌毒素的生物监测,特别强调婴儿和儿童的暴露性接触;主要作物中产毒真菌的生物防治;以及通过传统发酵系统进行食品开发研究,以促进食品的安全。发表该领域高质量论文100多篇,H指数为30(Google scholar)。


Prof. Chibundu N. Ezekiel (Ph.D),completed his BSc (Hons)Microbiology at Babcock University (Nigeria), MSc Microbiology and PhD Mycology/Mycotoxicology at University of Ibadan (Nigeria)in 2013. He holds the Professorial Chair in Food Microbiology and Mycotoxicology at Babcock University since January 2021. He was former Technical Advisor for the Partnership for A flatoxin Programme in Africa (PACA) program of the African Union Commission at Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He is an African Union CAADP Expert on Food Safety.

He has over 15 years of experience in the areas of food safety and mycotoxins, working assiduously on food spoilage and mycotoxigenic fungi. His present research interests include: ecology and taxonomy of mycotoxigenic fungi; mycotoxin surveillance in food and feed; human mycotoxin biomonitoring with special emphasis on infant and young children’s exposure; biocontrol of mycotoxigenic fungi in staple crops; and food development studies through traditional fermentation systems to promote safe food. He has over 100 high quality publications in these areas. His research has accumulated a H-index of 30 (Google scholar).

He is the Corresponding Author of the paper “Mycotoxin Contamination of Bush Mango, Cashew Nuts, Okra, Sesame and Sorghum Marketed in Nasarawa State, Nigeria” in this special column.

Michael Sulyok博士


Dr. Michael Sulyok

Department IFA-Tulln at BOKU

Michael Sulyok:2004年获得博士学位,主要研究液相色谱固定相的有机修饰整体溶胶-凝胶衍生材料。在博士后研究ICP-MS联用后,于2005年加入奥地利维也纳自然资源与生命科学大学农业生物技术系(IFA-Tulln,BOKU)。此后,他致力于开发、验证和应用靶向液相质谱串联联用方法检测数百种真菌代谢物和其他污染物。撰写(含合著)发表285篇,2018、2019年为入选高被引研究人员之一。


Dr. Michael Sulyok,received his PhD in 2004 on organically modified monolithic sol-gel derived materials for stationary phases in liquid chromatography. After a post-doc stay on hyphenation of ICP-MS he joined the Department IFA-Tulln at BOKU in 2005. Since then, he is working on the development, validation and application of targeted LC-MS/MS methods for hundreds of fungal metabolites and other contaminants. He has (co-) authored 285 publications and was amongst the Clarivate Highly Cited Researchers in 2018 and 2019.

He is the Co-author of two papers “Mycotoxin Contamination of Bush Mango, Cashew Nuts, Okra, Sesame and Sorghum Marketed in Nasarawa State, Nigeria” and “The Challenge of Standard Stability in LC-MS Based Multi-Analyte Approaches for Veterinary Drugs” in this special column.

Lidija Kenjeric 硕士


M.Sc. Lidija Kenjeric

Center for Bioanalytics and Agrometabolomics, IFA-Tulln

E-mail: kenjeric.lidija@students.boku.ac.at

Lidija Kenjeric:2021年毕业于维也纳自然资源与生命科学大学生物分析与农业代谢组学中心,硕士论文内容是关于液相色谱串联质谱联用多级方法的开发和验证,以饲料和食品中药理活性药物为研究重点。随后在该中心攻读博士学位,继续之前的研究工作。她专注于多毒素方法的前沿领域,尤其关注全球化和气候变化下来研究先进的多毒素分析方法开发、验证和应用。


M.Sc. Lidija Kenjeric,graduated in 2021 with a thesis on the development and validation of an LC-MS/MS multiclass method with special emphasis on the pharmacologically active agents in feed and foodstuff. Subsequently, she continued her research work as a Ph.D.student at the Center for Bioanalytics and Agrometabolomics, IFATulln. Since then she has been working in the field of the advanced multi-toxin method, on development, validation, and application of advanced multi-toxin analytical methods with a special focus on globalization and climate change.

She is the First Author of the paper “The Challenge of Standard Stability in LC-MS Based Multi-Analyte Approaches for Veterinary Drugs” in this special column.

David Steiner 博士/团队负责人


Dr. David Steiner

Romer Labs Diagnostic GmbH

David Steiner:博士,分析化学家,2020年9月任奥地利Romer实验室诊断有限公司(图尔恩)液相色谱连串质谱联用(LC-MS/MS)分析真菌毒素团队负责人。2017年、2020年在奥地利维也纳自然资源与生命科学大学先后获得营养科学硕士学位和食品化学与生物技术博士学位。博士期间,研发了一种独特的LC-MS/MS多级方法,可同时检测复杂饲料基质中1200多种农业污染物。2021年,他的论著《评价LC-MS/MS方法的基质效应和提取效率,作为正确验证复杂饲料中多类污染物的重要组成部分》,获得了美国化学学会授予的年度最佳研究论文奖。研究兴趣包括毒理学和分析化学,尤其是真菌毒素分析,旨在提高食品和饲料的安全性。

David Steiner博士以前的工作经历包括:2015年10月-2017年4月,任奥地利食品安全能力中心(LVA GmbH)的真菌毒素分析专家;2017年5月-2018年1月,任奥地利维也纳自然资源和生命科学大学鉴定IFA测试系统PT方案(根据ISO 17043)的项目负责人;2018年2月-2020年8月任奥地利饲料和食品质量、安全和创新能力中心(图尔恩)绿色领域首席研究员。

Dr. David Steiner,is an analytical chemist and Team Lead for LCMS/MS based mycotoxin analysis at Romer Labs Diagnostic GmbH in Tulln, Austria from September 2020. He holds an M.Sc.in nutritional science 2017, and a Ph.D., 2020, in food chemistry and biotechnology which he received from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). During his Ph.D. he developed a unique LC-MS/MS based multiclass approach for the simultaneous determination of >1200 agricultural contaminants in complex feed. For his publication “Evaluation of Matrix Effects and Extraction Efficiencies of LC-MS/MS Methods as the Essential Part for Proper Validation of Multiclass Contaminants in Complex Feed”,he was recently awarded with the best research article of the year award (2021) by the American Chemical Society. His research interests include toxicology and analytical chemistry with special focus on mycotoxin analysis aimed at improving food and feed safety.

His former work experiences include: Analytical Specialist for the analysis of mycotoxins at the Austrian Competence Center for Food Safety (LVA GmbH), Klosterneuburg, AUSTRIA October 2015 - April 2017; Project Leader for the accreditation of the IFA-test systems PT-scheme according to ISO 17043 at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Tulln, AUSTRIA May 2017 - January 2018;Lead Researcher within the Green Area of FFoQSI GmbH, Tulln,AUSTRIA February 2018 - August 2020.

Brian Quinn 博士


Dr. Brian Quinn

Institute for Global Food Security, Queen’s University Belfast

E-mail: brian.quinn@qub.ac.uk

Brian Quinn:博士,就职于英国在贝尔法斯特女王大学全球食品安全研究所,具有30余年的农药、药品、兽药和环境污染物实验室和实地研究工作经验。在整个职业生涯中,Brian博士使用了许多仪器平台来分析样本,包括GC/MS/MS、LC/Orbitrap、LC/MS/MS 和LC/QToF。职业生涯前10年,他专注于农业化学研究,之后转向内分泌干扰物、植物和昆虫的化学生态、相关药品的医疗设备生产等领域。目前就职于英国在贝尔法斯特女王大学,从事食品安全领域的研究工作。发表了许多不同科学领域参考出版论文,并参与了与行业、大学和政府各类小型和大型项目的多次合作。

Dr. Brian Quinn,has over 30 years of experience working with agrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, veterinary drugs, and environmental contaminants in laboratory and field studies. Throughout his career ,Brian has used many instrument platforms to analyse samples including GC/MS/MS, LC/Orbitrap, LC/MS/MS, and LC/QToF. The first 10 years of his career concentrated on agrochemical research, before he moved on to endocrine disruptors, chemical ecology of plants and insects, medical device manufacturing with related pharmaceutical production, and finally food security at Queen’s University Belfast.Brian is an author on numerous refereed publications from different scientific fields, and has participated in multiple collaborations with industry, universities, and governments on both small- and large-scale projects.

Brett Greer 博士


Dr. Brett Greer

Institute for Global Food Security, Queen’s University Belfast, U.K

E-mail: brett.greer@qub.ac.uk

Brett Greer:博士,就职于英国贝尔法斯特女王大学全球食品安全研究所。作为一名研究技术人员,Brett Greer博士在贝尔法斯特女王大学有15年多的工作经历。2017年前在该校全球食品安全研究所师从Chris Elliott教授完成在职博士学习,主要研究在淡水水域和食物链中的天然毒素。2019年在该校获得他的第一个博士后研究职位,继续跟随Elliott教授完成了国际资助的大西洋地区项目。Brett博士有10余年的液相色谱质谱联用(LC-MS)分析经验,尤其是对天然毒素和其他环境相关污染物的各种液相色谱质谱串联联用(LCMS/MS)方法开发、实施和验证方面,经验丰富。

Brett Greer博士发表了多篇同行评议文章,其中许多与使用LC-MS分析各种基质如食物、水和生物中的天然毒素有关。多年来,Brett Greer一直参与与其他大学和研究机构的合作。

Dr. Brett Greer,has over 15 years’ experience as a research technician in QUB, before completing a part-time PhD in 2017 on natural toxins (freshwater) in freshwater bodies and the food chain using LC-MS under Professor Chris Elliott in IGFS, QUB. Brett has over 10 years’ experience in LC-MS, with a strong emphasis on the analysis of natural toxin analysis using LC-MS/MS. Brett gained his first post-doctoral research position in 2019 in QUB working with Professor Elliott on an Interreg funded Atlantic Area project, and has experience in the development, implementation and validation of various LC-MS/MS methods on natural toxins and other environmental related contaminants.

Brett has published several peer review articles, many of which relate to the analysis of natural toxins in various matrices such as food, water and biological using LC-MS. Over the years, Brett has been involved in collaborations with other universities and research institutes.


Editor's Note:The above three experts are Co-authors of the paper “The Challenge of Standard Stability in LC-MS Based Multi-Analyte Approaches for Veterinary Drugs” in this special column.

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科学(2020年2期)2020-08-24 07:56:56