|专栏主持:Rudolf Krska |

2021-12-03 02:02:40
粮油食品科技 2021年6期

Rudolf Krska 教授 /所长


Prof. Rudolf Krska

Professor for (Bio-) Analytics and Organic Trace Analysis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU), Austria

Rudolf Krska:奥地利维也纳自然资源与生命科学大学(BOKU)生物分析与有机微量分析教授。2017年起任奥地利饲料与食品质量安全创新能力中心(FFoQSI)的战略研究负责人,该中心有45家公司合作伙伴。此外,自2018年以来,他被联合任命为英国贝尔法斯特女王大学全球食品安全研究所的生物毒理学教授(世界领先研究计划下的联合任命)。2016-2020年任国际真菌毒素学会主席,并作为前任主席继续留任其执行委员会直至2021年1月。

Rudolf Krska教授是BOKU农业生物技术学院(IFA-Tulln)生物分析与农业代谢组学研究所(IBAM)的创始负责人。作为真菌毒素领域世界领先的专家之一,他是过去十年中“真菌毒素”领域论文被引用最多的三名作者之一(Web of Science数据)。Rudolf Krska教授及其团队一直遵循一种高度跨学科的方略来研究真菌和植物的真菌毒素以及其他有毒次级代谢物,这些代谢物包括以下4个研究领域:





Rudolf Krska教授获得科学奖项11项,包括Fritz-Pregl奖章,B.R.A.I.N.奖以及Houska奖,发表(含合著)SCI科研论文或著作400多篇,Scopus数据库评价其H指数67,被引频次超过1.5万次。2015-2019年,基于其研究成果被学术界的高频引用,已排名为1%,Web of Science和Clarivate Analytics数据库评价其是全球最具影响力的当代研究人员之一。根据expertscape.com数据库分析,全球5万多名科学专家中,他被列为食品安全领域最具影响力且排名第五的科学家。在过去十年里,他参与组织了几乎所有关于真菌毒素的国际会议,如世界真菌毒素论坛(WMF)、国际理论(化学)与应用化学联合会及世界真菌毒素论坛联合会议等。

Prof. Rudolf Krska,is Professor for (Bio-) Analytics and Organic Trace Analysis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). Since 2017, he is also head of strategic research at the Austrian Competence Centre for Feed and Food Quality,Safety and Innovation (FFoQSI) with 45 company partners. Moreover,since 2018, he is jointly appointed Professor of Biotoxicology within the Institute for Global Food Security at Queen´s University Belfast,UK (Joint Appointment under the World Leading Researcher Scheme).He served as the president of International Mycotoxin Society from 2016 till 2020. As past-president, he continues to serve as member of its executive board since January 2021.

He is founding Head of the Institute of Bio-analytics and Agro-Metabolomics (IBAM) at the BOKU-Department of Agrobiotechnology(IFA-Tulln). He has become one of the world´s leading experts and one of the top 3 most cited authors in the area of “mycotoxins” (Web of Science) of the last decade. Prof. Rudolf Krska and his team have been following a highly interdisciplinary approach to study mycotoxins and other (toxic) secondary metabolites of fungi and plants which comprise the following 4 research areas:

-Mycotoxin occurrence and proper exposure assessment of humans and animals using novel mass spectrometric and IR-spectroscopic methods

-Study of plant-fungi-interactions using stable isotopic labelling assisted work flows

-Mycotoxin metabolism and microbial detoxification

-Integrated management approaches to mitigate the mycotoxin issue in food and feed chains

Professor Krska has received 11 scientific awards including the Fritz-Pregl-Medal, the B.R.A.I.N. and the Houska-Award. Krska is (co) author of more than 400 scientific publications (h-index: 67;citations >15,000; Scopus data). From 2015 to 2019, the Web of Science/Clarivate Analytics identified Krska as one of the world’s most influential contemporary researchers due to his ranking among a top 1% most cited authors. In the database expertscape.com, he is also listed as number 5 most influential scientist in the area of food safety among more than 50,000 experts worldwide. He has been involved in the organisation of almost all international conferences on mycotoxins in the last decade such as the World Mycotoxin Forum (WMF) and WMF meets IUPAC.

作为奥地利分析化学学会主席,他成功地与同仁共同创立了两家优秀附属公司。作为联合国粮农组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)食品添加剂联合专家委员会(JECFA)成员,Rudolf教授对三烯霉菌毒素对人类的影响做过评估。他也是欧洲食品安全管理局(EFSA)污染物科学小组镰刀霉工作组成员。2009-2010年,作为加拿大卫生部食品研究司司长,曾负责加拿大卫生部国家食品安全化学实验室网络建设。2015年4月,中国农业科学院任命Rudolf Krska为杰出教授。2021年1月,被国家粮食和物资储备局科学研究院聘为《粮油食品科技》第四届编委会顾问。



He is President of the Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry and has successfully co-founded two successful spin-off companies. As member of JECFA (Joint Expert Committee for Food Additives) of the FAO/WHO he has evaluated the impact of trichothecene mycotoxins on humans. Krska was also member of the Working Group Fusarium of the Scientific Panel on Contaminants of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). As Health Canada´s Chief of Food Research Division he was also responsible for Health Canada´s National Food Safety Chemical Laboratory Network in 2009/2010. In April 2015 Krska was appointed Distinguished Professor of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS). In January 2021, he was also appointed a consultant expert of the 4th editorial committee ofthe Journal of Science and Technology of Cereals,Oils and Foods, by Academy of National Food and Strategic Reserves of Administration,Beijing, China.

Prof. Krska has secured significant research funding from organisations such as the European Union, the Austrian Science Fund(FWF) and the Christian Doppler Society. He has established intensive interdisciplinary cooperation with universities and companies and has coordinated four European Commission funded projects including the recent European Commission funded project MyToolBox (Safe Food and Feed through an Integrated ToolBox for Mycotoxin Management)with 23 partners (including 40% industry participation and 3 partners from China).

He is the First and Corresponding Author of the paper “Global Challenges and Solutions in the Early Warning, Monitoring and Toxicity Assessment of Biotoxins in the Food and Feed Chain”,the Corresponding Author of the paper “The Challenge of Standard Stability in LC-MS Based Multi-Analyte Approaches for Veterinary Drugs” , the Co-author of the article “Mycotoxin Contamination of Bush Mango, Cashew Nuts, Okra, Sesame and Sorghum Marketed in Nasarawa State, Nigeria” in this special column.

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